Sport is useful for people сочинение эссе

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Sport becomes more and more popular every day. In past it could be a pastime or hobby, today sport is a lifestyle. I know many people who can not imagine their life without sport. They do morning exercises, go to work by bicycle, spend vacation in the mountains and having meetings in the gyms sometime. I also like sport and do it almost every day.

Sport unites people and it’s really so. Going to the gym I made many new friends. Some of them are younger, some are older, but sport made us healthier and we always have something to talk about. I also think that people become more talkative and positive when they do sport. It is nice when you can share your thoughts and opinions about your success in different kind of sport. Yoga, box, swimming and football are completely different kind of sport, but all these people have so much in common. When I started to play football, some guys advised me which shoes to buy and how to organize my time. I was happy to give few advices about jogging. I can also say that the best friends I have found when I was doing sport.

There are people who just do sport and don’t really want to communicate. Usually these are busy people. They work a lot and go to gym twice per week. I think they just need more time and enjoy sport. Also you have to find the kind of sport you really like. Then you will consider it like your hobby and lifestyle.

In general sport helps us a lot. We can become stronger, make new friends, solve our health problems and even to find new solutions. I have started to do sport not so long time ago, but I feel it has become a part of my life. I advise everyone to have at least 1 hour per day and find sport you really like. It will help you to become a successful and interesting person.

Спорт объединяет людей

Спорт становится все более популярным в наши дни. В прошлом это было просто времяпровождение или хобби, но сегодня спорт становится буквально образом жизни. Я знаю многих людей, которые сегодня не могут представить свою жизнь без спорта. Они делают зарядку по утрам, ездят на работу на велосипеде, проводят отпуск в горах, а корпоративы в тренажёрных залах порой. Я тоже люблю спорт и занимаюсь им почти каждый день.

Спорт объединяет людей и это действительно так. Когда я ходил в спортивный зал, я завёл много новых друзей. Некоторые из них моложе меня, некоторые старше. Но спорт сделал нас здоровее и у нас всегда есть общие темы для разговоров. А ещё я думаю, что люди становятся более общительными и позитивными, когда занимаются спортом. Это так здорово, когда вы можете делиться собственными мыслями и мнениями о своём успехе в спорте. Йога, бокс, плавание и футбол - совершенно разные виды спорта, но и в них есть много общего. Когда я начал играть в футбол, некоторые ребята дали мне дельные советы о том, какую обувь купить и как организовать свой день. А я был рад дать пару советов тем, кто решил заняться бегом. Лучших друзей я нашёл тогда, когда спорт появился в моей жизни.

А есть люди, которые просто занимаются спортом, но не идут на общение. Обычно это очень занятые люди. Они много работают и ходят в зал дважды в неделю. Мне кажется, им стоит уделить больше времени спорту и найти то, что нравится. Очень важно найти именно тот спорт, который вам действительно по душе. Тогда это будет не просто хобби, а стиль жизнь.

Вообще спорт нам помогает во многом. Мы становимся сильнее, заводим друзей, решаем важные проблемы нашего здоровья. Я начал заниматься спортом не так давно, но он уже стал частью моей жизни. Я советую каждому уделять хотя бы 1 час в день занятию спорта. И займитесь тем, что действительно нравится. Это поможет стать вам успешным и интересным человеком.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Lots of people enjoy different sports. However, there are people who think that sport is not really useful..

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Nowadays, many people are keen on doing sports. Others are sure that it is unnecessary to spend your free time running on a treadmill or swimming in the pole.

In my opinion, every person should care about health, and sport is the best way to do it. First of all, physical exercises help you to be in shape. In today’s world, sometimes your body helps to create an important positive impression about you.

Second, there are many different kinds of sports: gymnastics, weightlifting, tennis, kayaking and so on. Therefore, everyone can choose what he wants to do on the basis of his physical abilities. If you spend your time doing what you love, you will obviously enjoy it.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. A lot of people think that doing sports may be harmful for your health. There are known to be stories about sportsmen who broke their legs, arms or ribs during competitions or trainings. Many of these people became disabled. So, sometimes it can be really riskily for your organism.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because there are more positive effects on people’s health. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Yes, it is possible to get injured while doing sports. Nevertheless, you can chose from thousands kinds the safest sport to practice. For example, if you have some problems with your neck, you can go swimming.

To sum up, I reckon that sport is useful and good for your health. You cannot keep fit without doing it.

I really try to do my best when i was writing this essey. Hope, that it will help you in your preparations to the main exams. See you later)

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people say that sport is a useful and practical thing, whereas others do not agree. They consider sports a big waste of time and money.

I think that sport is an extremely useful thing people's life. First of all , sport builds up their character. This quality can be used in different spheres of our life like business, personal achievements, and level of self-esteem. Second , sport is good for one's health if they do it properly . He or she can save a lot of money and time on doctors as well as get a lot of positive emotions.

At the same time there are people who say that sport is absolutely useless . One should not do sport in order to get all the results it brings. A person should just have a healthy life , that is it .

Well , life without bad habits is important for people's health, nevertheless , doing sports can make one’s life even better. Sports can strengthen their health, which in its turn can bring a lot of success into people's life.

In conclusion , I would like to say that we have a saying, “Good spirit dwells in a healthy body”. It is also a scientific fact that those who do sports regularly live longer and healthier lives, since physical exercises increase blood flow and cheer people up. Thus , this all gives me a reason to consider sports as a very useful activity.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight sports might seem useless but in actual fact those who do sports regularly live longer and healthier lives, since physical exercises increase blood flow and cheer people up. Thus , this all gives me a reason to consider sports as a very useful activity.

текст на английском про спорт

Как рассказать о любимом виде спорта на английском языке?

Если вам нужно рассказать именно о любимом виде спорта, то часть про роль спорта в жизни можно сократить до вступительного абзаца, а большую часть текста посвятить рассказу о вашем любимом виде спорта.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

  • Назовите этот вид спорта,
  • Расскажите, почему он вам нравится,
  • Что он собой представляет (например, волейбол, это, если в двух словах, — командная игра с мячом),
  • Можно добавить в чем суть соревнований, особенно если речь идет о спортивной игре (например, забить мяч).

Вы увидите, что в тексте ниже все эти пункты раскрыты.

Sport in Our Lives / Спорт в нашей жизни. Текст на английском языке + аудио

Это текст на английском языке про спорт в нашей жизни, а также про любимый вид спорта, плюс аудио. Вариант “текст + перевод” вы найдете ниже.


Everyone wants to be healthy. Good health affects the way people behave, work, and interact with each other. As the proverb goes, “Health is wealth.” Health is the key benefit provided by sports activities. People who exercise tend to be well-disciplined and stress-resistant. These qualities are essential for the effectiveness of personal and professional development.

Currently, there are many opportunities offered to those people who want to be fit. Fitness clubs and athletic centers are available for people of different ages. Also, there are public places for physical activities. Students are engaged in special school and university programs that guarantee their successful physical development. They can participate in different sports to find the most appealing athletic activity. Among them are running, swimming, fitness, cycling, football, and yoga, to name a few. Regular physical exercises help stimulate muscles and get better results in any sport.

As for me, my favorite sport is volleyball. This is a traditional team game that is very popular across the world. Playing volleyball teaches me how to become a leader, set goals, organize teamwork, and develop self-confidence and self-discipline.

My participation in sports competitions allows me to improve my physical fitness and mental abilities. Further success in my career depends on these aspects. The rules of this game are easy to understand. Two teams, consisting of six players each, play a match. This indoor game is played with a ball. The winner of the volleyball set is the team that gains 25 points. It’s important for every player to bat the ball over the net using their hands effectively. The key goal is to bat the ball in such a way that it touches the opponent team’s court.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. My Favorite Sport / Мой любимый вид спорта

Это тот же текст про спорт, но с переводом. Перевод сделан для каждого предложения в отдельной строке.

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