Solving problems сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

It is reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.

Why do people learn space? In my opinion the first cause is human's curiosity, the second is fear, fear of the planet's death. People recognize that they destroy their Planet, and they are afraid of dying with our Earth. Because of it humanity hopes to save itself on any planet in another galaxy. But in my opinion this way is unreal. We should solve global earth problems and save our Planet and life on it. Humanity must overcome crisis appearing between a man and nature. Billions of dollars will be spent with benefit.

What global problems are existed? The amount of them is great. Here is the main of them:

Poverty, food problems, energy problems, environmental problems, demographic problems and the researching of the World Ocean.

People know if these problems are not disappear, the Earth will die. But why many of them want to do nothing? They hope that these problems will disappear themselves. Though, such inactivity is better than active destroying of nature, pollution of bodies of water, deforestation, killing of animals, especially of seldom creatures.

It is impossible to understand behaviour of these people. They should think that their children and grandchildren will have to live on the dying Planet, if the life itself will be possible.

We can't hope that somebody will get rid us of global problems at once. Global problems of humanity can be solved only together, if all humanity makes efforts.

You shouldn't think that one person isn’t able to cope with world problems, because of it, it seems that to act is useless, thoughts about weakness in front of difficulties appear . The meaning is to unite efforts and to help to prosper your own town at any rate, to solve problems of your little place of living being.

And when each person on the Earth will be responsible to himself and his country, global problems will be solved, and we won’t find rescue in space and spend so much money on space researches.

Our world is so interesting and people here are so much different. But everyone has problems. Our problems can be connected with our job, education, friends, money and so on. I guess the older we become the worst problems we can have. Children and teenagers don’t understand what are the real problems and their problems look like the end of the world for them. When we become adults we understand what the life is about. But sometimes even teenagers have real problems.

Talking about me I can say that my problems are not so much important like homeless people and left children have. Like all other teenagers I can argue with my parents and friends, I would like to buy new cool clothes and many other things.

My parents often tell me that my problems are their problems. But many times when I asked my mom about new clothes for disco she says it’s useless. Because of this situation we start to argue and another problem comes out. My mom has her point of view and doesn’t even try to understand mine.

Another thing is that in future I would like to travel and my parents say that I have to study. I have been going to school for 10 years and still I have to continue to study. But I would like to do something that can make me happy. But my mom is sure travels will make me happy for a short period of time. And good job will help me to have money and to be independent.

Sometimes I have problems with my friends. We have different points of view with them. When I need help or support they are busy with their things. Friends have to help each other.

Maybe for somebody all these problems look silly. But I want just to have a person who can listen to me any time and tell me that everything will be alright.

But still every night I pray and thank God that I have parents, home and food.

Мои проблемы

Наш мир очень интересный и все люди такие разные. Но у всех сегодня есть проблемы. Наши проблемы могут быть связаны с работой, образованием, друзьями, деньгами и так далее. Я полагаю, чем старше мы становимся, тем хуже проблемы могут появиться.

Дети и подростки не понимают, какие проблемы на самом деле реальные. Но они все ещё считают, что их проблемы похожи на конец света. Когда мы становимся взрослыми, тогда уж мы понимаем, как устроена жизнь. Но порой даже у подростков появляются реальные проблемы.

Говоря обо мне, могу сказать, что мои проблемы не самые глобальные, не такие, как у бездомных людей или брошенных детей. Но, как и все остальные подростки я могу ссориться со своими родителями или друзьями, я бы хотела купить новую одежду и много всего другого.

Мои родители часто говорят мне, что мои проблемы - это их проблемы. Но много раз, когда я просила маму купить мне новую одежду на дискотеку, она говорила, что это бесполезная трата денег. Из-за этого мы начинаем ругаться и спорить, а так появляется очередная проблема. У мамы по этому вопросу есть своя точка зрения, а мою - она даже слышать не хочет.

Ещё одна проблема заключается в том, что в будущем я бы хотела путешествовать. А мои родители твердят, что я должна учиться ещё усерднее. Но мне бы очень хотелось заняться чем-то, что сделает меня счастливой. Мама уверена, что путешествия осчастливят меня на короткое время. А вот хорошая работа поможет мне заработать денег и быть независимой.

Порой у меня возникают проблемы с друзьями. У нас часто бывают разные точки зрения. Когда мне нужна помощь или поддержка, они постоянно заняты своими делами. А друзья должны помогать друг другу.

Может, кому-то эти проблемы покажутся глупостью. Но мне просто очень хотелось бы, чтобы рядом был человек, который сможет выслушать меня в любое время и сказать мне, что все будет в порядке.

Но все же каждую ночь я благодарю Бога, что у меня есть родители, дом и еда.

it immediately. One good way to help you solve the problem is to draw a picture.

One example of this strategy is suppose you received a problem asking you how

many diagonals a heptagon has. The plan is very obvious. Draw a heptagon and

then draw its diagonals.

Another strategy is trial and error. Trial and error is a problem

solving strategy that everybody uses at one time or another. In trial and error,

you try an answer. If the answer is an error, you try something else. You keep

trying until you get the correct answer.This is a good strategy to use if the

problem only has a few possible answers.

Another good problem solving strategy is to make a table. Some times it

helps a lot to make one. A table is just an arrangement of rows with columns.

Making a table is just one way of organizing information that you know. Below is

an example of a table:

Number if minutes talked

Cost of phone call

Another problem solving strategies is to use a special case. A special case

is an instance of a pattern used for some definite purpose. Special cases help

to test weather a property or generalization is true. The only thing wrong with

this strategy is that even if several special cases of a pattern are true, the

pattern may not always be true.

A strategy called try simpler numbers can be used to devise a plan, to

solve problems, and to check work. For this reason, it is a powerful strategy.

There certainly are many different problem solving strategies a problem

solver can use to solve the problem.

1. Mandy is saving to buy a present for her parents’ anniversary. She has $10.00

and she adds $5.00 a week.

a. How much will she save in 12 weeks.

b. How much will she save in w weeks.

2. Nine teams are to play each other in a tournament. How many games are needed.

Answer: 36 To solve this problem I made a table

12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89

13 24 35 46 57 68 79

14 25 36 47 58 69

3. Bill is older than Becky. Becky’s younger than Bob. Bob is older than Barbara.

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Nowadays, the issue of spending billions dollars on space exploration is aroused intense debates. Some people believe that humanity must spend as more money as possible on space exploration projects every year, whereas others claim that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.

Personally, I think that governments have to spend more money on solving problems on Earth. Firstly, Earth is full of mysteries and secrets, which people have not solved yet.

They should find these clues before people begin exploring space. Secondly, governments should invest money in solving more pressing problems on Earth such as improving healthcare, protecting the environment or increasing people’s living standards.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. Some people are convinced that exploring space is the way to find the second house for humanity in case there will be a disaster on Earth. In their view, space exploration projects require not only government’s investment, but also private money.

There might be some truth in what they say. However, I cannot agree with this. I believe that it is possible to spend money not only on space exploration, but also on solving problems on Earth. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

To sum up, I am firmly convinced that solving problems on Earth needs more money than exploring space now irrespective of the opposing opinion. Ignoring important human problems such as poverty, poor healthcare, deadly diseases in favor of space exploration can be detrimental to humanity.

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. Стр. 1

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.
Сочинения на английском
Стр. 1

глобальные проблемы текст на английском языке

Глобальные проблемы человечества (Global Problems) — одна из тем по английскому языку, которые обсуждают на уроках, пишут по ним сочинения. Здесь вы найдете текст на английском языке на тему глобальных проблем. Текст дается с переводом и аудио. Сначала идет вариант с аудио, ниже — вариант с переводом. Также в конце статьи вы найдете список полезных слов из текста.

Global Problems – Глобальные проблемы (мировые проблемы). Текст на английском языке + аудио

Это вариант текста о проблемах человечества на английском языке с аудио. Вариант с переводом чуть ниже.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

Global Problems of Humanity

Humanity has a lot of problems. Most of them are local and do not affect the global community but there are a few global issues. A global issue is an issue that affects every country in the world. People can clearly define them, however they are still not solved. One of the greatest challenges of our time is solving global problems.

The United Nations is the organization that defines these problems and takes measures to solve them. The United Nations is an example of cooperation of the world-leading countries. They want to make our world a better place.

So, what global issues do they solve? First, it is global warming. Our industrial activity causes a rise in the average temperature. It means that an average summer or winter day nowadays is warmer than it was a hundred years ago. Global warming is dangerous because it can cause ice melting. If glaciers melt, the sea level will rise, and most coastal cities and islands will be drowned.

Second, it is human impact on the environment. In some cities air pollution reached the point where it is dangerous for human health. Our plants, factories, cars produce a lot of CO2 and various pollutants.

Third, overpopulation. The population of our planet is 7.8 billion now, which is almost 8 times as much as it was two hundred years ago. It will keep growing, and the planet might just not be able to sustain that many inhabitants in the future. Overpopulation causes multiple problems including poverty. Did you know that 42 percent of people from Sub-Saharan Africa still live below the poverty line? The international poverty line is 1.9 dollars per day. People cannot fulfill their basic needs such as food, water and clothing.

These are the most discussed global problems nowadays. Their list might increase but all the problems are being worked on. Some countries decided to switch to alternative energy sources in the nearest future. Most countries at least recognize the problems.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Global Issues — Глобальные проблемы

Это тот же текст, но с параллельным переводом. Здесь дается перевод каждого отдельного предложения. Ниже вы найдете список полезных слов из текста.

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