Сочинение про тульский кремль на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Внеклассное мероприятие расчитано на учащихся 5ого класса. Разработано для проведения классного часа вне аудитории на иностранном языке. Расширяет и углубляет знания о родном крае, активирует знание лексики и грамматики на английском языке.

Технологическая карта внеклассного мероприятия "Тульский кремль" 125.22 КБ

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Технологическая карта внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

по теме "Tula Kremlin"

учитель английского языка муниципального бюджетного

"Центр образования - гимназия № 11"

Чуканова Маргарита Викторовна

Количество учеников: 10

Время урока: 45 минут

  • развитие навыка устной монологической и диалогической речи по теме "Тульский кремль" по плану (с опорой);
  • расширение знаний по теме "Тульский кремль".
  • формирование уважительного отношения к культуре родного города;
  • построение межличностных отношений в коллективе.
  • развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления.

Метапредметные умения (УУД)

К концу урока учащие должны

  • названия башен Тульского Кремля;
  • основную информацию про Тульский Кремль.
  • использовать новые лексические единицы в заданной ситуации;
  • читать текст с полным пониманием;
  • использовать степени сравнения прилагательных, предлоги места у устной речи по заданной теме.
  • умение слушать и понимать речь учителя;
  • умение выражать свое мнение;
  • умение находить общее решение;
  • умение оформлять свою мысль в устной форме.
  • поиск и выделение необходимой информации;
  • умение структурировать знание;
  • умение построить монологическое и диалогическое речевое высказывание с использованием плана, опоры.
  • развитие познавательных интересов, формирование положительной мотивации к обучению;
  • развитие познавательных интересов;
  • формирование адекватной, позитивной, осознанной самооценки;
  • формирование готовности к сотрудничеству.

Организация учебного пространства

фронтальная, групповая, парная.

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Hello, children. I'm glad to see you. Who is absent today? How are you? Today we are going to have a very unusual lesson, you will try to guess a riddle of a map, you will imagine yourself an ancient troop (военный отряд), you'll even try to be a Japanese poet and, of course, you will know more about the heart of our native city - Kremlin.

Hello, teacher . Отвечают на вопросы. Слушают.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

Личностные: развитие познавательных интересов, формирование положительной мотивации к обучению.

2. Знакомство с темой

I'm sure that you know some facts about it. If you don't know, try to guess. So, how old is Tula Kremlin? (It's almost 500 years, 498 to be exact. In two years it has its anniversary.)What else do you know? Maybe the amount of towers, gates, the names of the towers, or something else.

По возможности отвечают на вопросы. предполагают ответы.

Личностные: развитие познавательных интересов.

Коммуникативные: умение выражать свое мнение, умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

3. Повторение предлогов места

(Приложение № 1) Учитель показывает ученикам карту Кремля, дает карточки с названиями башен и карточку с загадкой. Good, I can help you and remind all the names. And I have a map of Tula Kremlin, but the signs with the names were destroyed. And, moreover, I have a riddle for you to restore the names.

Разгадывают загадку, приклеивают названия башен на карту.

Коммуникативные: умение находить общее решение, умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

4. Чтение текста про Тульский кремль с полным пониманием и обсуждение его

(Приложение № 2) OK. Now we'll read the text, learn some more facts about Tula Kremlin. Учитель раздает ученикам текст.

Let's answer some questions.

Учитель раздает карточку с вопросами, один ученик читает вслух, другой отвечает.

Читают 2-3 человека вслух по очереди. При необходимости переводят вслух наиболее трудные фрагменты.

Читают вопросы и отвечают на них.

Познавательные: поиск и выделение необходимой информации.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

5. Повторение степеней сравнения прилагательных

(Приложение № 3) Учитель дает "командиру" карточку, на которой изображено по какому принципу ученики должны построиться (учитель выбирает участников группы, ориентируясь на информацию, написанную в карточке, если нужно сравнить рост выбираются ученики разного роста).

In 2 last questions we saw the words "older" and "younger". And from what words are they formed? Do you remember the rule?

Now let's practice. You are a troop of four. Student A is a group commander. He/she gets a card and tells you how should you fall in (построиться). (карточки 1-3)

Ok. Now imagine that you should write a message to your commander in chief (главнокомандующий), in what tower the treasure (сокровище) is hidden and who will get it. (карточки 4-6)

Ok. Good. And now imagine that you live in this Kremlin and you describe your beautiful and wonderful life here. (карточка 7)

Отвечают на вопрос, вспоминают правило, рассказывают при помощи учителя (на русском языке)

Выполняют задания, на каждую карточку новый набор учеников.

Познавательные: умение структурировать знание.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

6. Устная диалогическая и монологическая речь по теме Tula Kremlin с опорой на лексику и план.

(Приложение № 4) Учитель выбирает первую пару для составления диалога. Ученику А дает карточку, где написано, какие вопросы он должен задать, ученик В отвечает на вопросы. (карточка 1). Пока отвечает первая пара, готовится вторая (карточка 2). Пока отвечает вторая пара, готовится ученик с монологом (карточка 3). Ученику дается карточка, на которой написан план высказывания на тему Тульского кремля.

Now I'll give you the card and your task is to ask questions. What you should ask is written in the card. Don't forget to greet each other and to say good-bye. You have 2 minutes to get ready.

Your task is to make a story about Tula Kremlin using this plan (5-7 sentences ).

Составляют диалог по плану

Составляет монолог по плану (5-7 предложений)

Личностные: развитие познавательных интересов.

Коммуникативные: умение оформлять свою мысль в устной форме, умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

Регулятивные: умение действовать по плану.

Познавательные: умение построить монологическое и диалогическое речевое высказывание с использованием плана, опоры.

7. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия синквейн.

(Приложение № 5) I'm happy to know that you have learnt much about Tula Kremlin. And let's sum up everything you've learnt, and finally you'll feel yourself a Japanese poet. You'll create a cinquain. It's a Japanese poem. Here you can see how to create it. (при необходимости учитель показывает пример)

Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day.

Пробуют составить синквейн

Личностные: формирование адекватной, позитивной, осознанной самооценки.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

And now we have some time left and we are to return to school. (далее учитель говорит грозным голосом, изображая злого похитителя) And I have taken prisoners. You are my prisoners. Stand one by one, put your hands on the shoulders of the pupil standing before you. Close your eyes and listen to my orders. Учитель ведет учеников по дорожкам, давая команды им, куда повернуть.

Turn to the right!

Turn to the left!

Ученики встают гуськом, кладут руки на плечи впереди стоящего, закрывают глаза, идут, следуя командам учителя.

Личностные: формирование готовности к сотрудничеству.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать и понимать речь учителя.

Приложение № 1


Na Pogrebu Tower

There are 5 square and four round towers. The round towers are Naugolnaya, Spasskaya, Nikitskaya and Ivanovskaya. And all of them are corner towers.

And there is the second Ivanovskaya Tower, but it is with gates and it is square. It is between the other Ivanovskaya Tower and Nikitskaya Tower.

There is only one square tower without gates. It's Na Pogrebu Tower. Ivanovskaya (without gates) and Vodyanikh Vorot Tower are to the right and to the left.

Naugolnaya Tower is between Patnitskaya Tower and Vodyanikh vorot Tower. There is Spasskaya Tower next to Pyatnitskaya tower. And Odoyevskaya Tower is between Spasskaya and Nikitskaya.

The age of Tula Kremlin is about 5 centuries.

Kremlin has 9 towers, four of them with gates: Spasskaya, Odoyevskaya (with gates), Nikitskaya, Ivanovskaya (with gates), Ivanovskaya, Na Pogrebu, Vodyanykh Vorot (with gates), Naugolnaya, Pyatnizkaya (with gates).

Kremlin is a "city in the city". Many centuries ago, all population of Tula lived in the Kremlin. The first street in Tula was situated in the Kremlin, it was called Bolshaya Kremlyovskaya Street. There are two cathedrals on the territory of Tula Kremlin. Uspenskiy Cathedral which was built in 1766. Bogoyavlenskiy Cathedral was built in 1855-1862. Now, Tula Arms museum is situated in Bogoyavlenskiy Cathedral.

After 1503, Tula became a strong fortress and guarded the Moscow state. Those years the Kremlin was a wooden fortress. Later the Kremlin was rebuilt. Up to the present days it is made of bricks. The walls are up to three metres thick and almost 11 meters high. Four towers out of nine have gates.

1. How many towers has it got?

2. How many towers with gates has it got?

3. Can you name the (some) towers?

4. Where did all population of Tula live many centuries ago (according to the text)?

5. Where was the first street of Tula situated?

6. What was its name?

7. How many cathedrals are there on the territory of Tula Kremlin?

8. What are their names?

9. What was the first Kremlin made of?

10. What is the modern Kremlin made of?

11. What cathedral is older?

12. What Cathedral is younger?

Questions (for teacher)

1. How many towers has it got? (9)

2. How many towers with gates has it got? (4)

3. Can you name the (some) towers? ( Spasskaya, Odoyevskaya (with gates), Nikitskaya, Ivanovskaya (with gates), Ivanovskaya, Na Pogrebu, Vodyanykh Vorot (with gates), Naugolnaya, Pyatnizkaya (with gates))

4. Where did all population of Tula live many centuries ago (according to the text)? (in Tula Kremlin)

5. Where was the first street of Tula situated? (in Tula Kremlin)

6. What was its name? ( Bolshaya Kremlyovskaya Street)

7. How many cathedrals are there on the territory of Tula Kremlin? (2)

8. What are their names? (Uspenskiy Cathedral and Bogoyavlenskiy Cathedral)

Tula is situated in the central part of the Russian Federation, in about 200 km from Moscow. Tula is the administrative center of Tul’skaya oblast. – Тула находится в центральной части РФ, в около 200-ах км от Москвы. Тула – административный центр Тульской области.

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In 1146 Tula was mentioned in historical documents for the first time. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. – Упоминание о Туле появляется впервые в исторических документах в 1146 году. Точная дата основания города неизвестна.

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The population of the city is about 500 thousand citizens. Total area is almost 150 square kilometers. – Население города практически достигло 500 тыс. горожан. А общая площадь – почти 150 кв.кв.

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Tula consists of 5 administrative districts: Central, Proletarskiy, Zarechenskiy, Privokzalniy and Sovetskiy. – Тула состоит из 5 административный округов: Центральный, Пролетарский, Зареченский, Привокзальный и Советский.

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The central district is situated not only in the heart of Tula, but also occupies its Sothern-eastern part, almost all historical monuments are located here. Proletarsiy is the most populated region of the city. Zarechenskiy district is situated in the North-western part of Tula. Privokzalniy district is city suburb, Moscow railway station is situated here. Sovetskiy disctict is located in the central part of Tula.

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Центральный округ находится не только в сердце Тулы, но также занимает ее юго-восточную часть, почти все исторические памятники находятся здесь. Пролетарский – самый густонаселенный район города. Зареченский находится на северо-западе Тулы. Привокзальный округ является уже окраиной города. Московский вокзал находится здесь. Советский район расположен в центральной части Тулы.

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Tula is very famous for its sightseeing. This is one of the most ancient cities in central part of Russia. The heart of Tula is Kremlin. It is the only preserved masterpiece founded in the 16th century. Tula is also well known for its museums. The most popular of them are The Museum of Russian Samovar and the Museun of Tula’s Prianik (honey cake). There are also many ancient churches, among them Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral and Uspenskiy Cathedral, situated near the Kremlin. The most ancient church of Tula is Blagovesenskaya. Its exact date of foundation is unknown.

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Тула знаменита своими достопримечательностями. Это один из самых древних городов центральной России. Сердце Тулы – Кремль. Это единственный сохранившийся памятник 16ого века. Тула также известна музеями. Одни из самых популярных – Музей Самоваров и Музей Тульского Пряника. В городе много древних церквей, среди них – Преображенский собор и Успенский собор, расположенные рядом с Кремлем. Самая древняя церковь Тулы – Благовещенская. Точная дата ее основания неизвестна.

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There are four big parks and several smaller public gardens in Tula. In 1987 the first Zoo was founded in Tula. – В Туле 4 больших парка и несколько общественных садов поменьше. В 1987 году в Туле был открыт зоопарк.

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One can get to Tula by railway or by bus. The transportation system involves 5 railways directions. Tula is situated at the highway from Moscow to Simpheropol, Crimea, and the highway from Kaluga to Riazan. – В Тулу можно приехать на поезде или на автобусе. Транспортная система состоит из пяти железнодорожных направлений. Тула находится рядом с трассами Москва – Симферополь (Крым) и Калуга – Рязань.

Содержимое разработки

History of the Kremlin of Tula

History of the Kremlin of Tula

The Tula Kremlin is a sample of a well-fortified structure of the 16th century. Its walls stand on a powerful foundation of almost nine meters deep and are made of two materials: white limestone and red brick. The Kremlin has nine towers in which its firepower was concentrated. The underground passage to the river was constructed in one of the towers, which was especially important during the long lasting sieges.

The Tula Kremlin is a sample of a well-fortified structure of the 16th century. Its walls stand on a powerful foundation of almost nine meters deep and are made of two materials: white limestone and red brick.

The Kremlin has nine towers in which its firepower was concentrated. The underground passage to the river was constructed in one of the towers, which was especially important during the long lasting sieges.

Within the Kremlin stands the Cathedral of the Assumption built in 1762-64. Its five domes are typical of Russian cathedrals of the 17-th century. Its frescoes, painted by masters from Yaroslavl are the last copies of frescoes in ancient Russian churches.

Within the Kremlin stands the Cathedral of the Assumption built in 1762-64. Its five domes are typical of Russian cathedrals of the 17-th century. Its frescoes, painted by masters from Yaroslavl are the last copies of frescoes in ancient Russian churches.

The Tula Kremlin of red bricks is the oldest building in Tula. The history of the city began with the appearance of the Kremlin. The fortress was originally wooden. It was built in the beginning of the XVI century by the orders of the Prince of Moscow Vasily III. The prince ordered to build a stone city inside the fortress.

The Tula Kremlin of red bricks is the oldest building in Tula. The history of the city began with the appearance of the Kremlin. The fortress was originally wooden. It was built in the beginning of the XVI century by the orders of the Prince of Moscow Vasily III. The prince ordered to build a stone city inside the fortress.

The Tula Kremlin differs from others in that its outline is almost rectangular . The square lay-out of the Tula Kremlin walls is explained by the fact that when they were built because it was more convenient to deliver direct fire to artillery from symmetrically disposed towers.

The Tula Kremlin differs from others in that its outline is almost rectangular . The square lay-out of the Tula Kremlin walls is explained by the fact that when they were built because it was more convenient to deliver direct fire to artillery from symmetrically disposed towers.

In 1552, it was besieged by the Crimean khan Devlet Giray. At that time, Tsar Ivan IV as with campaign against Kazan. Urban population fought before the arrival of reinforcements from the tsar

In 1552, it was besieged by the Crimean khan Devlet Giray. At that time, Tsar Ivan IV as with campaign against Kazan. Urban population fought before the arrival of reinforcements from the tsar's army from Kolomna.

In 1605, when the Time of Troubles began, Tula for the whole two weeks became the pseudo capital city of Russia, and the boyars came to the Tula Kremlin to swear to the false tsar False Dmitry I. In the same decade the Kremlin survived the siege when it was occupied by the leaders of the peasant war that had begun.

In 1605, when the Time of Troubles began, Tula for the whole two weeks became the pseudo capital city of Russia, and the boyars came to the Tula Kremlin to swear to the false tsar False Dmitry I. In the same decade the Kremlin survived the siege when it was occupied by the leaders of the peasant war that had begun.

In 1607, during the Peasants

In 1607, during the Peasants' War, the Tula Kremlin became the refuge for Ivan Bolotnikov. Together with people loyal to him, he kept the Kremlin by his control for four months. In 1608 in the Tula Kremlin by Tsar Vasily Shuisky were besieged the leaders of the peasant movement - Ivan Bolotnikov and Ileyko Muromets. Kremlin stand very long siege but was taken due creation a dam of the bags to the ground on Upa River.

After the reunification of left-bank Ukraine and Russia in the middle of the 17th century, Kremlin completely lost its importance. Repair work in the Kremlin were carried out at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, in 1930 the walls of the Kremlin removed all the buildings in the 1950s had a partial renovation, and in mid-1960 was conducted complex complete scientific restoration in order to restore the original appearance of the Kremlin.

After the reunification of left-bank Ukraine and Russia in the middle of the 17th century, Kremlin completely lost its importance.

Repair work in the Kremlin were carried out at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, in 1930 the walls of the Kremlin removed all the buildings in the 1950s had a partial renovation, and in mid-1960 was conducted complex complete scientific restoration in order to restore the original appearance of the Kremlin.


  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

the Kremlin in Tula

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

the Kremlin in Tula

the Kremlin in Tula

Bell tower Cathedral spire Assumption cathedral

Bell tower Cathedral spire Assumption cathedral

Tulskiy Kreml (the Kremlin in Tula is the witness of our ancestors endless co.

Tulskiy Kreml (the Kremlin in Tula is the witness of our ancestors endless courage, a monument of Russian defending architecture. Inside Kremlin two Shrines are located . Holy Dormitory Temple was built in 1762-1764 for the money of local merchants, the walls of this temple are painted in a unique way, to follow ancient Yaroslavl school painting tradition. Another Shrine is the Cathedral built during 1855-1862. Next to the Cathedral they erected a 70 meters high Bell Tower with the clock and golden spire. After the fire in 1936 the tower was taken apart. Reconstructing of the Bell Tower today we could allow to renovate the Kremlin Ensemble as a whole. The main goal of the regional politics is the conception of development of the Kremlin territory as the more attractive tourist site and a center of patriotic and spiritual upbringing of the both people of Tula and the guests of the city. We are working on creating of museums, mini-malls, exhibitions, tourist information inside the Kremlin, on the Kremlin grounds and in the Kremlin towers. Tourist information center is expected to be equipped with interactive sensor panels and special booths, sound guides, etc. The Temple of Dmitry Donskoy is opened in the bell tower of the Assumption Cathedra. Entertainments fitting every taste can also be found in the Kremlin Merchant House. Here you can get acquainted with crafts and gastronomic brands of the Tula Region, participate in exciting workshops, and purchase unique souvenirs.

Тульский кремль — свидетель мужества и доблести наших предков, памятник оборо.

Тульский кремль — свидетель мужества и доблести наших предков, памятник оборонного русского зодчества. На тер­ритории кремля расположены два храма. Свято-Успенский собор с уникальной на­стенной росписью русской монументаль­ной живописи древней ярославской шко­лы построен в 1762-1764 годах на средства тульского купечества. Второй храм, Бого­явленский кафедральный собор, построен в 1855-1862 годах. Рядом с храмом была возведена ко­локольня высотой 70 метров с курантами и золоченым шпилем. Она была разобрана после пожара в 1936 году. Восстановление колокольни в настоящее время позволит возродить целостный облик архитектурного ансамбля Тульского кремля. Основной целью региональной поли­тики является концепция развития терри­тории кремля как наиболее привлекатель­ного и зрелищного объекта для туристов, центра патриотического и духовно-нрав­ственного воспитания жителей и гостей города Тулы. На территории кремля соз­даются музеи, комплекс Торговых рядов, выставочные залы Музея самоваров, куль­турно-информационный центр, выставки и экспозиции в пяти башнях кремля. Ин­формационная зона будет оснащена интер­активными сенсорными панелями и киоска­ми, звуковым сопровождением и пр. В колокольне Успенского собора открыт храм Дмитрия Донского. Развлечения на любой вкус можно найти и в Торговых рядах кремля. Здесь можно познакомиться с промыслами и гастрономическими брендами Тульского края, поучаствовать в увлекательных мастер-классах и приобрести уникальные сувениры на память.


Samovars production in Russia is certainly associated with Tula. The name of.

Samovars production in Russia is certainly associated with Tula. The name of the first inventor of this useful device for boiling water is unknown. However, it is well known that owing to the Lisitsyns brothers (Nazar and Ivan) who opened the first samovars factory in Tula in 1778, we got this pure Russian tradition of boiling water and making tea. By the end of the 19th century more than 50 (!) samovars factories were organized in Tula. The most prosperous ones belonged to such owners as the Batashevs, Teyle, the Shemarins. First, samovars were made of copper, and some items produced for the rich noble men were gold or silver covered. Hundreds of thousands of beautifully designed samovars were annually sent from Tula to all parts of Russia. They found the way to the most prestigious fairs and exhibitions. Samovar became the symbol of family comfort and well-being. Each and every family kept a samovar as an important part of the household. The manufacturers invented samovars of various shapes and types and sizes, from the tiny ones called “egoist” till the huge ones for the use in the taverns and big kitchens. The museum of samovars in Tula has a great collection of many types of samovars, with the ancient ones and the ones made as gifts for the heads of the state and the world political leaders, among the others

Самовар в России издавна ассоцииру­ется с Тулой. Имя изобретателя этого очень.


They say that the so-called pryanik is the most desirable and popular gift fr.

They say that the so-called pryanik is the most desirable and popular gift from Tula. It Ls a delicious treat for the people with sweet tooth of all ages and nations. The tasty souvenir is a must for all travelers bringing gifts outside Tula. Presenting friends with such a gift is a jest of kindness and openness. For the first time in history the word “pryanik” (a spicy cake— from a word “pryannost” which means “spice”) was mentioned in culinary books in 1685. It was in Tula where they invented the unique method of baking pryaniks in the special wooden forms with the words, pictures and symbolic patterns. There is a secret reci­pe behind the history: The recipes were strictly kept in households and were not allowed to become known to non-family members. The main ingredient of any pryanik is honey. The whole point is that the honey has been used for making a pryanik for 3 reasons: to make it sweet by taste, to add special aroma to this treat and the last, but not least, to preserve its fresh­ness and expand expiry date. By the end of the 19th century pryaniks became internationally recognized. As exhibits they were presented at the Food Fail's in Italy, Holland, Bulgaria and France.

Two times in a row, in 1899 and 1990 the sweet masterpieces of the bakers Gre.

Two times in a row, in 1899 and 1990 the sweet masterpieces of the bakers Grechihins from Tula got Gold Medals and the Grand Prix Awards at the International Fair in Paiis. Until today they still bake honey flavored pryaniks in Tula using the ancient secret recipes. Like some post cards they are made for special oc­casions and anniversaries, as gifts and just a sign of friendship. An interesting collection can be seen at the museum of pryaniks. The smallest pryanik ever which is presented there is as small as a coin. The International Gingerbread Museum is also located in the city of Tula. It is a unique and original project implemented by a group of design­ers and confectioners from Tula, aimed at promot­ing the gingerbread making traditions. Different workshops dedicated to the gingerbread history and manufacturing technology are organized in the museum. A participant will be able to make and decorate a gingerbread by himself.

Печатный пряник — самый популярный гостинец из Тулы. Со сладким красивым суве.

И сейчас пряники в Туле выпекают по старинным русским рецептам. По оформле­ни.


The Arms Museum is a pride of Tula citizens. Here you can see almost all arms.

The Arms Museum is a pride of Tula citizens. Here you can see almost all arms used from the high antiquity to our days, from a bow to the most contemporary samples of small arms. Today the part of the museum treasure remains in the Epiphany Cathedral in the Kremlin, and the other part is kept in the noticeable museum building in the shape of an ancient Russian military helmet located on the right bank of the Upa, opposite the arms plant. It houses a new exposition with holographic cases, electronic labels, and interactive zones for children. The projection screens make you find yourself in an arms plant workshop of the 19th century or a fire trench of World War 1. While playing, the children can learn about the arms origin, hold mock-ups of different small arms in their hands, and get acquainted with technical features of the firearms structure using specially designed programs in the computer class. The newly created museum exposition is a powerful tool for patriotic upbringing and formation of historical memory and pride in Great Russia and Tula as a city of armorers.

Музей оружия — гордость туляков. Здесь представлено практически все то, чем в.

Музей оружия — гордость туляков. Здесь представлено практически все то, чем вооружался человек с глубокой древности до наших дней — от лука до самых совре­менных образцов стрелкового оружия. Сей­час часть музейных сокровищ осталась в Бо­гоявленском соборе в кремле, а на правом берегу Упы, напротив оружейного завода, выросло приметное здание музея в виде ста­ринного русского воинского шлема. В нем размешена новая экспозиция с голографи­ческими витринами, электронными этикет­ками, детскими интерактивными зонами. Здесь в сочетании с проекционными экра­нами обеспечивается эффект присутствия в мастерской оружейного завода XIX века или в окопе Первой мировой войны. Дети в игровой форме узнают об истории созда­ния оружия, могут подержать в руках маке­ты различных видов стрелкового оружия, познакомиться с техническими особен­ностями строения огнестрельного оружия на специально разработанных программах в компьютерном классе. Вновь созданная экспозиция музея является мощным сред­ством патриотического воспитания, форми­рования исторической памяти и гордости за оружейную Тулу и великую Россию.


The town of Tula happened to be the first city in Russia which started mass p.

The town of Tula happened to be the first city in Russia which started mass production of harmonicas. In 1830 they brought one harmonica to Tula from Nizhniy Novgorod Fair. People in Tula loved and appreciated music. It was decided to use the sample as a prototype for the mass production of this musical instrument. Nikolay Beloborodov from Tula constructed and designed the first harmonica of a new type. Beloborodov’s project was realized by the master Chulkov who made the first harmonica of the chromatic type. N. Beloborodov also organized the first harmonicas orchestra in the world. The museum exposition located in one of the oldest buildings in the center of Tula makes its visitors acquainted with the life and creative work of Nikolay Beloborodov, a talented inventor of chromatic harmonica. The museum organizes musical evenings and concerts of young musicians. Young visitors will be impressed by the sound of an old gramophone in the harmonica museum.

Именно в Туле началось отечественное производство гармоник, которые пришлись.

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