Сочинение про психолога на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Nowadays when our country is experiencing difficulties in all spheres of life – political, economical and social – and when there is so much tension in society it needs well-qualified specialists – psychologists.

What are psychologists and what science is psychology?

Psychology, as is well-known, is the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behavior. Hence psychologists are those who study the human mind and explain why people behave in the way that they do. Moreover, psychologists today do not only explain people's behavior but they also help to look for the ways out of many trying situations a person may find himself in.

There are many branches in the science of psychology. Among them are social psychology, experimental and educational psychology, clinical and labor psychology and many others.

The Faculty of Psychology was opened in 1998. Extra-mural students study at the Faculty for five years. In the first year they take general higher education subjects such as Phylosophy, Computers, a foreign language etc.

The senior students are specializing in such areas as management psychology, social groups psychology, stress and rehabilitation psychology etc. For example, management psychology accounts for handling individuals and teams. Good managers are good psychologists – they can handle people, can align and inspire them to work together. In addition they posses managerial authority and can solve numerous psychological problems arising in or between teams. Moreover a real managerial psychologist is always aimed at self-perfection.

Social psychology deals with psychodiagnostics, psychobiography, psychodynamics and some other aspects of psychology. A social psychologist carries out testing of individuals or groups to study people's behavior with particular attention to a person's psychological development, motives and emotions of people's interaction.

A family psychologist is involved in investigations of family conflicts, teenager's problems, including such social illnesses as prostitution, alcohol and drugs addiction, family abuse etc. He can also make up a genealogical tree of inherited disorders and antisocial behavior etc.

A rehabilitation psychologist deals with people who suffered from sexual abuse or became victims of terrorists or experienced traumatic shocks or natural disasters.

That is why our graduates work in different areas including business, social services, nursing, education and health, state or private companies and enterprises, rehabilitation centers etc.

I'm rather sociable person. And I'm interested in psychology. That's why I'm considering the possibility of becoming a psychologist.

People may have various emotional problems, such as self-doubt, low self-esteem, anxiety or difficulties in relationships.

A psychologist discusses the situation with the person, helps to understand its causes and change behavior. Psychologists help people cope with stress and look at the situation from a different angle.

Psychologists may conduct scientific research. They study patterns in people's behavior and the influence of various factors on a person's emotional state.

I believe that such studies are very important. They help to create an environment in which people feel comfortable and are able to discover their full potential.

Я довольно общительный человек. И я увлекаюсь психологией. Поэтому я рассматриваю возможность стать психологом.

У людей бывают разные проблемы эмоционального характера, такие как неуверенность в себе, низкая самооценка, тревога или сложности во взаимоотношениях с другими людьми.

Психолог обсуждает с человеком возникшую ситуацию, помогает понять ее причины и изменить поведение. Психологи помогают людям справляться со стрессом и взглянуть на ситуацию под другим углом.

Психологи могут заниматься научными исследованиями. Они изучают закономерности в поведении людей и влияние различных факторов на эмоциональное состояние человека.

Я считаю, что такие исследования очень важны. Они помогают создать среду, в которой люди чувствуют себя комфортно и могут раскрыть свой потенциал.

This year I'm leaving school. I have already decided what career to choose. I would like to be a psychologist.

I want to help people to solve their problems. I want to help them to understand their inside world, to help them to be confident. I love working with people and children.

I think it's a difficult job, because one should love people, take care of them, support them.

This profession is rather new and hence very interesting. Psychologists work with people from different layers of society.

I realize that my dream can come true only if I work hard.

Моя будущая профессия (Психолог)

В этом году я заканчиваю школу. Я уже решила какую карьеру выбрать. Я бы хотела стать психологом.

Я хочу помогать людям решать их проблемы. Я хочу помочь людям понять их внутренний мир, помочь им стать увереннее. Я люблю работать с людьми и с детьми.

Я думаю, что эта профессия трудна, потому что нужно любить людей, заботиться о них, помогать им.

Эта профессия новая и потому очень интересная. Психологи работают с людьми из разных слоев общества.

Я осознаю, что моя мечта может осуществиться, только если я буду усердно работать.

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This year I’m leaving school and the question that worries me most is where to continue my studies. I have already decided which career I want to pursue in the future.

I want to become a professional psychologist.

I want to become a professional psychologist.

This has been my dream since childhood. I have always been a good listener and all of my friends would ask me for advice.

This has been my dream since childhood. I have always been a good listener and all of my friends would ask me for advice.

In my opinion, psychology is becoming more and more popular in modern society, because people understand the need to be heard and guided. Everyone needs to talk about their problems and try to find the best solution.

In my opinion, psychology is becoming more and more popular in modern society, because people understand the need to be heard and guided. Everyone needs to talk about their problems and try to find the best solution.

 Moreover, psychologists are people, who help us to understand our inner world better, our motives of conduct in certain situations. This way we can avoid misunderstanding and find the right approach.

Moreover, psychologists are people, who help us to understand our inner world better, our motives of conduct in certain situations. This way we can avoid misunderstanding and find the right approach.

I want to help people to solve their problems. I want to help them to understand their inside world, to help them to be confident.

I want to help people to solve their problems. I want to help them to understand their inside world, to help them to be confident.

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