Сочинение про петрозаводск на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

The city of Petrozavodsk

Выполнила: Главатских Елена

The type of climate is continental with features of the sea. The average temperature in January is – 9C, in April - +2C, in July - +17C, in October - +4C. The lowest recorded temperature is –42C, the highest is +34C. In June, white nights begin in Petrozavodsk.

The national composition is dominated by Russians. There are also a large number of Karelians, Finns and Veps living in the city. The following religions exist in Petrozavodsk: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheranism, Pentecostalism, Adventism, Judaism and Islam.

Petrozavodsk universities: State University and State Conservatory. There are also several branches of universities in other cities. There are many secondary schools operating here, among which there is a national Finno-Ugric one.

The three main Petrozavodsk museums are the Kizhi Nature Reserve, the Museum of Fine Arts and the National Museum of the Republic. Kizhi Pogost is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The National Library of the Republic of Karelia is considered the main library of Petrozavodsk. The National Archive of the Republic is one of the largest collections of documents in the country.

There are several professional theaters in the city. For example, musical, dramatic and puppet theater. And there is also a state philharmonic hall in Petrozavodsk.

Petrozavodsk has the title of a historical city. Favorite tourist attractions in Petrozavodsk: Onega Embankment, Lenin Square and Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Petrozavodsk has sister-city relations with many cities around the world. For example, Neubrandenburg in Germany, La Rochelle in France and Duluth in the USA. Petrozavodsk is also a member of the World Federation of Twin Cities.

Petrozavodsk is one of the five most popular tourist destinations in Russia. And many of its residents work in a travel agency. But often tourists come to Petrozavodsk in order to travel around the Republic of Karelia.

In order to fully describe all the beauties, sights and mysteries, one report is not enough. Today there will be a description of interesting and favorite places of Petrozavodsk residents.

Onega City Park

Another frequently visited place of residents is the Onega City Park. The city park is located on the shore of Lake Onega from here the very name of the park came. In the warm season, it's one thing to walk, sit on a bench and admire the planted flower beds, trees. There are also monuments, an eternal flame and playgrounds for all age groups.

Also nearby is the embankment of Lake Onega, on which there is a monument to the sailors of the Onega military Flotilla. In the warmer months, residents stroll along the embankment and enjoy live music. The puppet theater of the Republic of Karelia and the drama Theater are also located not far away.

Заложен он был указом Петра I, который посчитал это место подходящим для производства военного снаряжения.

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It was founded by decree of Peter I, who considered this place suitable for the production of military equipment.

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Помимо оружейного завода деятельный царь распорядился основать здесь верфь.

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In addition to the weapons factory, the active king ordered the establishment of a shipyard here.

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Великолепные северные красоты Карелии, чистая зеркальная гладь Онежского озера, необычные скульптуры на набережной, самодельные деревянные суда – все это можно увидеть в Петрозаводске.

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Magnificent northern beauties of Karelia, clean mirror surface of Lake Onega, unusual sculptures on the embankment, self-made wooden vessels – all this can be seen in Petrozavodsk.

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Этот город без преувеличения можно назвать уникальным.

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This city without exaggeration can be called unique.

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Где еще можно посмотреть театральное представление на карельском языке или прокатиться на судне на подводных крыльях?

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Where else can you watch a theater performance in Karelian language or ride a hydrofoil boat?

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Сейчас Петрозаводск активно развивается, как туристический центр.

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Now, Petrozavodsk is actively developing as a tourist center.

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За счет близости границы Финляндии, интересных мест Карелии, число туристов ежегодно увеличивается.

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Due to the proximity of the border of Finland, interesting places of Karelia, the number of tourists increases every year.

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– The Maritime Museum “Polar Odyssey”

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– Национальный музей Республики Карелия

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– National Museum of the Republic of Karelia

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– Национальный театр Карелии

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– National Theater of Karelia

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In addition to city attractions, you will find incomparable “Kizhi”, stormy Kivach waterfall and countless rivers and lakes, as if by a network of entangled neighborhoods.

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Сюда приезжают со всех уголков России и зарубежья за великолепными видами, красивыми закатами и суровой северной романтикой.

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Here come from all over Russia and abroad for magnificent views, beautiful sunsets and harsh northern romance.

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему WELCOME TO MY HOME TOWN, PETROZAVODSK !. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 10 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


Well, our excursion is over! I hope you enjoyed Petrozavodsk and learned some interesting facts about my home town. Thank you for coming to Petrozavodsk! I will wait for your next trip to my home town! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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Сочинение на английском языке про мой город Петрозаводск.

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Зачеркнутые : 1. Saturday 3. Tuesdays 4. Thusday 5. Feburary 6. Janoary.

Джессика хороший ученик? Давайте проверять.

Джессика хорошая ученица? Давай проверим.

Hello! I want to tell you about my working day. Usually I get up at 7 o'clock because I need a lot to do before school. It's not so hard to get up early if I go to bed before 12 am. I usually make my bed because I like my room to be neat and cozy..

Переводчик мне сказал, что нужны отрицательные предложения. 1 I don't clean my room every day. 2My father doesn't water the flowers every morning. 3My mother didn't buy a new bike for me yesterday.

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