Сочинение про корею на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

South Korea is located in East Asia. South Korea is East of China and West of Japan. South Korea is roughly the size of Indiana, United States of America.

From the 7th century to the 20th century Korea acted as a single independent single country. In 1905 after the Russo-Japanese War Korea became a protectorate of Japan. In 1945 Japan surrendered Korea to the United States in WWII. After gaining control of their country Korea split into two countries. The Republic of Korea was set up in the lower half of the Korean Peninsula and a Communist-style government was set up in the northern half. A war broke out between the two neighboring countries. The attacks stopped in 1953 when an armistice was signed. This split the two Koreas into North Korea and South Korea. The split runs along a demilitarized zone along the 38th parallel.

As South Korea flourished in all aspects such as economy and socialization North Korea struggled.

The population of South Korea as of July 2007 is 49, 44,790. The median age is approximately 35 years old, making this country a fairly young country. Religion is divided among two major religions, Christianity and Buddhist.

Christianity edges Buddhist but a large portion of the population, almost 50%, have no religion. English is an important part of Korean education. Especially now with the appointment of the new leader, President Lee Myung-bak, learning English has become a priority.

South Korea is also known as the Republic of Korea (ROK) thus identifying itself as a republic government. The current president is Lee Myung-bak. The president is elected from a popular vote and is president for 5 years. The government is very similar to the European Government system. They have a president, prime minister, the legislative branch and judicial branch.

Since the separation of North and South Korea, South Korea has grown economically at an astronomical rate. The GDP per capita when they split was comparable to poor countries but now their GDP per capita is comparable to Greece and Spain. South Korea is constantly growing and is way ahead of the curve in terms of technology. Their unemployment rate is at an acceptable rate of 3.2%. They have recently moved from a manufacturing to a service economy.

1984, but the basic design has been used since the country?s founding is 1948.

The Buddhist yin-yang symbol represents the unity of opposites, and the white

background represents purity. The black markings symbolize three cycles, with

opposites in each cycle opposing one another(reading clockwise from the upper

left): summer, autumn, winter, spring, south, west, north, east, sky, moon,

earth, and sun. South Korea is mainly a rugged, mountainous terrain. The

principal range is the T?aebaek-sanmaek, which extends in a north-south

direction parallel to the eastern coast. The country?s highest peak, located

on the island of Cheju, is Halla-san. Plains constitute less than one-fifth the

total area and are mostly in the west along the coast the coastal plains in the

east and south are very narrow. South Korea has a highly indented coastline

characterized by high tidal ranges, the country?s tow longest rivers, the

Naktong and Han, rise in the T?aebaek-sanmaek, one flowing south to the Korea

Strait and the other northwest to the Yellow sea. Other major rivers include the

Kom, Yengsan, and Tongjin. South Korea has a continental climate, with cold, dry

winters and hot, rainy summers. In Seoul the average January temperature range

is 16 to 30 degrees F, and the average July temperature range is 70 to 84

degrees F. Winter temperatures are higher along the southern coast and

considerably lower in the mountainous interior. The average precipitation in

Seoul is 49in and in Pusan 54in. Rainfall is mostly in the summer months (June

to September). The southern coast is subject to late summer typhoons that bring

strong winds and heavy rains. Mixed deciduous and coniferous forests cover about

three-quarters of the land, but have been lessened of use as fuel. Predominate

species include pine, maple, elm, poplar, fir and aspen. Bamboo, laurel, and

evergreen oak are found in the southern coastal areas. Large mammals, such as

tigers, leopards, bears, and lynx, used to be common throughout the Korean

Peninsula, but these animals have virtually disappeared form South Korea due to

deforestation and poaching. The population of South Korea (1997 estimate) is

45,948,811. The country?s population density of 1199 people per sq. mi. is one

of the highest in the world. The majority of the population lives in the

southern and western coastal areas. South Korea like North Korea is one of the

most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world. Aside from a resident

foreign population of about 55,000 , mostly Chinese, the country has no racial

or linguistic minorities. Because of the mixed racial character of the

present-day Korean population, it is believed that the ancestors of the Koreans

included immigrants from the northern part of the Asian mainland. The national

language, Korean, is believed by some scholars to be a member of the Altaic

language family. It is similar to Japanese in grammar, but it contains many

borrowed Chinese words. Korean is written in a phonetic script known as

Han?gol from the colonial period and most educated Koreans can read English,

which is taught in all secondary schools. In 1995 nearly one-half of the people

in South Korea did not claim a religion. Buddhism claimed more adherents than

any other religion in South Korea. Confucianism, which is more a moral

philosophy than a religion, is a more prominent element in Korean life than its

somewhat small number of adherents would recommend. Christian missionaries were

first permitted in Korea in 1882 and by 1995 the Christian population

skyrocketed to 11.8 million, three quarters of them were Protestants. Other

important influences include Ch?endogyo, a religion founded in the mid-19th

century that fuses elements of Confucianism and Daoism. Primary education is

free for all children between the ages of 6 and 15. Secondary education consists

of three years of middle school and three years of high school. In the 1995-1996

school year nearly 3.9 million students were enrolled in kindergarten and

elementary schools and 4.7 million in middle and high schools, including nearly

1 million in vocational high schools. Private schools play an important role,

especially above the primary level. The country has 297 places of higher

learning, with a total annual enrollment of 2.2 million students. The principal

universities are Korea University, Seoul National University, Ewha Women?s

University, and Yonsei University all of which are in Seoul. An estimated 98

percent of the adult population of South Korea is literate- 99.3 percent of the

men and 96.7 percent of the women. The country?s strong and distinct cultural

heritage is respected by the Korean people, and efforts are made by the

government to encourage and preserve the traditional arts. Several museums are

located in Seoul, including the National Museum, with its extensive collection

of Korean cultural and folklore relics; branches of the national museums are

located in eight other major cities. Martial Arts is a strong part of Koreas

culture and the main martial art is Tae-Kwon-Do this mean foot fist way.

Tae-Kwon-Do originated many years ago in ancient Korea which was divided into

three kingdoms, the smallest of which was Silla. Silla, which was established in

57 BC, was constantly being invaded by the larger more powerful neighbor to the

north and west over a period of 1000 years. Around 540 AD King Chin-Hung called

together the youth and patriots to form a military organization known as the

Hawarang-Do. The Hawarang-Do was responsible for transforming and intensifying

Silla?s common method of foot fighting and added hand techniques which

included a blend of hard and soft as well as linear and circular techniques

calling this fighting art Tae-Kyon. The Hawarang-Do was a very unusual

organization, for not only did the study the art of fighting, but also the arts

of music and poetry as well, seeking always to unify body and spirit. Around 580

AD, under King Chin-Hung?s rule, a code of conduct was established bye the

Hawarand-Do that became the core of Silla?s national morality and strength.

This code is composed of allegiance to the nation, respect for ones? parents,

loyalty to friends, courage in battle and wisdom in the use of the fighting art

of Tae-Kyon. Around 668 AD, under the leadership of General Kim Yoo-Sin, the

Hawarang-Do succeeded in its goal to unify Korea and the fighting art of Tae-Kyon

flourished over 700 years. In 1392, the Yi dynasty was established and the art

of valor fell into public disfavor and would not have survived had the knowledge

not been passed from father to son and instructor to student. In 1910, the

Japanese began there occupation of Korea and the fighting art of Tae-Kyon was

suppressed even further with the knowledge being maintained only by the secret

study and practice of dedicated instructors. After the liberation from the

Japanese occupation if Korea in 1945, the art of Tae-Kyon was revived. In 1946,

the Korean masters met to unify and discuss the foreign influences on the once

purely Korean art of Tae-Kyon. After years of debate Japanese and Chinese hand

techniques were introduced to the art of Tae-Kyon when there found practical and

useful for self-defense. During the Korean Conflict in 1950 to 1953, the art of

Tae-Kyon, both with its ancient and modern fighting techniques, were thoroughly

tested under combat conditions. In 1951, the Korean masters of all martial arts

understandings met and decided to call their nations unified art Tang-So-Do, and

in 1955 changing it to Kong-Soo-Do; both of these groups failing to maintain

full support. In 1959 the Korean masters met again and decided to call their

nation unified art Tae-Soo-Do, and in 1964 the Korean masters agreed upon the

final name for their new form of Korean martial art, Tae-Kwon-Do, the fighting

По имеющимся сведениям на этом месте был город Виресон еще в 370 году до н.э. Столицей Кореи город Сеул, носивший тогда название Ханян, стал в 1394 году. — According to the information available at this place was the city of Vireson as early as 370 BC. The capital of Korea, Seoul, which was then called Khanyan, became in 1394.

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Год основания Сеула не известен. — The founding year of Seoul is not known.

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Путешественникам стоит посетить северную часть Сеула, где есть роскошный дворец Кенбоккун, который построили в 14 веке. — Travelers should visit the northern part of Seoul, where there is a magnificent palace Gyeongbokgun, which was built in the 14th century.

Перед главным зданием храма Дэунчжон растут софора японская и белая сосна, которым уже около 500 лет. Софора, высота которой достигает 26 метров, даёт огромную тень и делает храм ещё живописнее. — Before the main building of the temple Deongzhong grow Japanese and white pine Sophora, which is about 500 years old. Sophora, whose height reaches 26 meters, gives a huge shadow and makes the temple more picturesque.

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Самым интересным сооружением является Храм Бонынса на склоне живописной горы. — The most interesting building is the Temple of Bonons, on the slope of a picturesque mountain.

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Парк развлечений Эверленд в южнокорейском городе Йонъин входит в пятерку популярнейших тематических парков планеты. — The amusement park Everland in the South Korean city of Yongin is one of the five most popular theme parks on the planet.

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Небоскреб Юксам-Билдинг — это визитная карта острова Ёыйдо в Сеуле. — The Uksam Building is a visiting card of Yeouido Island in Seoul.

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Остров Севит – это первый в стране искусственный остров, спроектированный в форме цветка, который расположен на реке Ханган в районе южной части моста Панпходэгё. — Sevit Island is the country’s first artificial island designed in the shape of a flower, which is located on the Khangan River in the southern part of the Panpkhodegö Bridge.


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Last summer I went to the Black sea with my parents. We stayed there for a fortnight. I went swimming every day. The weather was wonderful all the time, the water was warm and clean. We bathed and watched small fishes and jelly fish in the water. Sometimes we saw sea stars or sea shells there. Once we even saw a dolphin. We often sat on the beach and watched ships sailing in the distance or looked at numerous seagulls gliding over the sea. We ate ice-cream and fruit on the beach and lay in the sun. I had a nice tan by the end of our rest. I made a lot of friends and we played volleyball on the beach. Every morning we had nice breakfast and a small run along the coast.

My days were full of different events and on coming back home in the evening I was exhausted but slept with a smile on my face.

In a word, I had a wonderful time, and unforgettable experiences. Next year I will certainly go to the seaside again.

летом я ездил на Черное море с моими родителями. Мы были там две недели. Я ходил каждый день плавать. Погода была замечательная все время, вода была теплой и голубой. Мы купались и смотрели рыбок и медуз в воде. Иногда мы видели морских звезд или морских ракушек. Однажды мы даже видели дельфина. Мы часто сидели на пляже и смотрели, как корабли плывут в отдалении и смотрели на многочисленных чаек, скользящих над морем. Мы ели мороженое и фрукты на пляже и загорали. У меня был красивый загар к концу нашего отдыха. Я нашёл там много друзей и мы играли в волейбол на пляже. Каждое утро мы завтракали и совершали маленький пробег вдоль побережья. Мои дни были полны разных событий и возвращаясь вечером домой, я был усталым, но спал с улыбкой на лице. Одним словом, у меня было там прекрасное время и я получил незабываемые впечатления. В следующем году я обязательно поеду снова к морю.



сегодня я поехала к бабушке там было весело красиво и уютно я люблю свою бабушку



Я ездил в Москву с родителями на летних каникулах. Столица оставила у меня впечатление огромного, великого и богатого города. Я хотел бы посетить ее еще не один раз.

Гуляя по центру, я увидел Кремль, Красную площадь, захоронения разных великих людей у Кремлевской стены, в том числе маленький черный Мавзолей Ленина. Видел и знаменитые куранты на башне Кремля, бой которых звучит по телевизору на каждый Новый год. Но больше всего мне понравился собор Василия Блаженного. Своими яркими разноцветными куполами и башенками он напоминает на волшебный дворец.

В Москве очень много красивых клумб с цветами и фонтанов. Например, на Поклонной горе созданы большие цветочные часы, а фонтаны подсвечены ярко-красным светом. Их не отличишь от языков пламени.

Москва-река оказалась намного шире, чем я ожидал. Мы катались на речном трамвае и наблюдали за большими теплоходами. Вечером мы проходили по Кремлевской набережной, она была освещена ярко, как днем.

Вообще, вся столица вечером в неоновых огнях. Центральный универмаг напоминает домик куклы Барби — каждое окно подсвечивается. Это очень роскошно. В Москве также много магазинов и ресторанов, рассчитанных на миллионеров. Россияне в целом не могут себе такого позволить. Я считаю это неравенство несправедливым.

Люди в Москве все спешат и быстро ходят целыми толпами. Поэтому я очень боялся случайно потерять родителей.



Here I am in Australia is the smallest continent and dry, and who has seen the biggest coral reefs .Vot we landed in one of the cities .Malo who knows that 85 percent of Australians citizens, and 65 of them live in the five major cities of Sydney, Melbourne , Canberra, Adelaide and Darwin. And here is the highest mountain in Australia, Mount Kostssyushko its height 2230m despite the low altitude at its peak is snow. And here is one of the world curiosity Kangaroo, wombat and here. Not far away and I jumped tree kangaroo and platypus that's rare. In Australia, a lot of animals that only meet there and there are also many Australian plants only. And here's one more person, Australia is sparsely populated country lives there vsego20 million people. And as it is the only continent where the whole
a country. And here is a flock of sheep in Australia is a leading profession of sheep there almost 10 times more people 160mln .On each person to 10 sheep.
In Australia, more than sheep than in Africa, where they were brought.



Летом 2017 года я уехал(а) в (страна).Там было много интересного!Я был(а) на разных улицах,видел красивые дома,познакомился с родственниками,которых даже и не знал(а).Мне было приятно.Во время отпуска на границе,я успел повидать очень много! Мне очень понравилась улица (придумай улицу) в этом городе.Я там познакомился с моим лучшим другом (имя).



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