Сочинение про достоевского на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

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Fyodor Dostoevsky

Influence on the world culture

Purposes and responsibilities :

To study the influence of Dostoevsky’s oeuvre and personality on the different fields of the world culture.

Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian writer of 19th-century and one of the best novelistsof world significance. His masterpieces are take the prime place in the world’s literature
treasury. A lot of them are included in 100 best novels of all time.

Nowadays Dostoevsky is still popular among Russian people and abroad. His works are considered to be world treasure in the West. For another thing, Dostoevsky strongly affected on the world’s culture in general and left behind him an enormous heritage.

“… Dostoevsky has never had such colossal importance in the West as it has recently the last time. ”- AnatolyLunacharsky

Many of great people in science and culture were inspired by Dostoevsky. No doubt, he was a literature idol for them and, perhaps, became a support for their spiritual formation.

"Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientist, more than Gauss." - Albert Einstein

". the only psychologist from whom I have anything to learn." - Nietzsche (1887)

"He who gets nearer the sun is leader, the aristocrat of aristocrats, or he who, like Dostoevsky, gets nearest the moon of our non-being." - D. H. Lawrence

Stefan Żeromski and Melchior de Vogüé were delighted with his novel “Crime and punishment”

Franz Mehring compared him with Rousseau, Diderot and Voltaire.

Charles Snow,Thomas Mann, Henri Barbusse, Stefan Zweig and many other famous writers, scientists and philosophers of the 20th-century also reported about Dostoevsky works.

Dostoevsky was published not only on the Motherland. Dozens of translators were working at his writings, to make his creation the whole people ’s heritage.

Dostoevsky ’s works were and are still very popular in the theater and cinema all over the world. In Russia there are a lot of theatre performance s and film version s of such his novels as “ The Idiot ” , “ Uncle’s Dream”, “Humiliated and Insulted ” “ The Brothers Karamazov ets . We also can see more stage plays and screenings in the world theatre and cinema industry.

Movie The Brothers Karamazov by Karl Frolich (Germany-1921)

Movie “The Raskolnikovs” by Robert Wiene(Germany-1992)

Play “Crime and punishment” by ComedieFrancaise (Paris -1963) and the same work in the Arts theater in London(1954)

Movie “Crime and punishment” by Shinal (France-1935)

“ The Idiot ” by Georges Lampen (France-1946), by Kurosawa (Japan-1951)

Movie “Player” by Claude Autant-Lara (France-1958)

There also several films in 2000 ’s :

“ Crime and punishment” by Julian Dzharolda (UK, 2003)

Movie “Players” by Sebastian Bineka (Germany, 2007)

Here are some famous actors in Dostoevsky ’s characters ’ roles:

There are a lot of films about Dostoevsky in Russia that are popular in many other countries, for example:

“ Dead house” by Vasily Fedorov (USSR, 1932). In the role of Dostoevsky-Nikolai Khmelev

Even abroad there are also some biographical films about this writer:

The writer and his city: Dostoyevsky and St. Petersburg- by Heinrich Boell(Germany, 1969)

Demons of St. Petersburg - a feature film of Giuliano Montaldo (Italy, 2008)

M oreover, image of Dostoevsky is in different art masterpieces :

Nowadays this outstanding Russian writer of the 19th-century is even more popular than in his time. I know that young people now are interested in his works and personality both in Russia and abroad.

Dostoevsky affected the world mentality, which made him the greatest world writer of all time. His works brought an unthinkable contribution in the world culture and it continues to influence on it.

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The Russian writer Dostoevski (1821-1881) is regarded as one of the world's great novelists. In Russia he was surpassed only by Leo Tolstoi. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevski was born on Nov. 11, 1821, in a Moscow hospital where his father was a physician. At 13 Fedor was sent to a Moscow boarding school, then to a military engineering school in St. Petersburg. Shortly after graduating he resigned his commission in order to devote his time to writing. Dostoevski had published two novels and several sketches and short stories when he was arrested along with a group of about 20 others with whom he had been studying French socialist theories. After the 1848 revolutions in Western Europe, Russia's Czar Nicholas I decided to round up all of that country's revolutionaries, and in April 1849 Dostoevski's group was imprisoned. Dostoevski and several others were sentenced to be shot, but at the last minute their sentence was changed to four years of hard labor in a prison in Omsk, Siberia. There, Dostoevski said, they were "packed in like herrings in a barrel" with murderers and other criminals. He read and reread the New Testament, the only book he had, and built a mystical creed, identifying Christ with the common people of Russia. He had great sympathy for the criminals. As a child Dostoevski suffered from mild epilepsy, and it grew worse in prison. After four years in prison, he was sent as a private to a military station in Siberia. There in 1857 he met and married a widow named Marie Isaeva. In 1860 Dostoevski was back in St. Petersburg. The next year he began to publish a literary journal that was soon suppressed, though he had by now lost interest in socialism. In 1862 he visited Western Europe and hated the industrialism he saw there. Dostoevski had been separated from his wife but visited her in Moscow before her death in 1864. In 1867 he married his young stenographer, Anna Snitkina. He died on Feb. 9, 1881, in St. Petersburg.

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Познакомить уч-ся 10 классов с великим писателем России - Ф.М. Достоевским.

Урок английского языка по теме: «Достоевский – великий писатель России

Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky – a great Russian writer

Пояснительная записка:

Цель: формирование представления учащихся о великом писателе России - Ф.М. Достоевском;

продолжать учиться выполнять лексические упражнения по тексту;

готовиться к пересказу данного текста;

уметь отвечать на вопросы по тексту;

Личностные: делать выводы о писателе;

Метапредметные: уметь решать кроссворд по тексту;

уметь соотносить существительные и прилагательные по тексту.

Вступительное слово учителя:

Dear students! There are many famous and talented writers in Russia. What writers can you name?

Soon you are going to study a novel “Crime and punishment”. Do you know who is the author of this book? Yes, it is Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky.

So, what are we going to talk about today? What is the aim of our lesson?

Pupil’s answers.

Работа по тексту домашнего задания.

Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky was born in Moscow in 1821. He was the son of retired military surgeon, who had a small estate, and was educated at home until the death of his mother in 1837. That same year, he and his brother, Mikhail, were sent to Military Engineering Academy in St. Petersburg by his somewhat stern and oppressive father. While Dostoevsky was still at military school his father died and there were rumours that he was assassinated by his serfs, but this was never proven. It means more likely that he died of a stroke.

Dostoevsky graduated from the Military Engineering Academy as an engineer, but knew that a career in the army wasn’t suitable for him. He wished to pursue his interest in literature. In 1844 thanks to a small income from his father’s estate, he was able to resign from the army and devote his energies to writing. His first novel, Poor Folk, was published in 1846 and soon followed by a second, The Double.

It was around this time that Dostoevsky started taking an active part in politics, and this would determine many things in his life over the coming years. He joined a group of utopian socialists called the Petrashevsky Circle that used to hold political meetings in the home of an accentric named Petrashevsky.

Unfortunately, the secret police had placed a spy in the group and on the evening of 23 rd April, 1849, Dostoevsky was arrested along with some other men and sentenced to death. He wasn’t executed, but spent the next four years in a hard labour camp in Siberia with criminals who had been convicted of murder. In 1857, Dostoevsky married Maria Isaeva and later resigned from the army.

Dostoevsky’s time in Siberia had a profound effect on him and he returned to St. Petersburg in 1859 a monarchist and a devout follower of the Russian Orthodox Church.

During the 1860s Dostoevsky would publish three works based in one way or another on his experience in Siberia, the most poignant being. The House of the Dead (1860), a fictional account of prison life. He tralelled to Europe and continued to write, but after the death of his wife and his brother he became obsessed with gambling and drinking. In 1864, he published one of his greatest works entitled Notes from the Underground which begins with the narrator’s words “I am a sick man…I am a spiteful man…”, and in which Dostoevsky satirises contemporary social and political views.

What do these words mean:

estate, stern, oppressive, career, small income, to take an active interest in, to join a group, the secret police, a spy, to be executed, criminals, murder, to resign from the army, a profound effect, a monarchist, gambling, narrator, views, masterpiece, crime, punishment.

Find the English equivalents of the Russian sentences:

1. В этом же году он и его брат Майкл были посланы в военную инженерную академию в Санкт – Петербурге их строгим отцом.

2. Достоевский закончил инженерную академию, но знал, что карьера в армии ему не подходит.

3. В 1844 году благодаря маленькому имению отца, он ушёл из армии и посвятил всю свою энергию литературе.

4. В это же самое время он стал интересоваться политикой.

5. 23 апреля 1849 года Достоевский был арестован.

6. Он не был казнён, но провёл 4 года в лагере с преступниками в Сибири, которые были осуждены за убийство.

7. В 1857 году он женился на Марии Исаевой.

8. В 1858 году он вернулся в Санкт- Петербург монархистом.

9. Он путешествовал по Европе и продолжал писать, но после смерти жены, он стал пить и пристрастился к азартным играм.

11. Достоевский умер в Санкт – Петербурге в 18881 году 9-го февраля.

c) Match pictures and sentences: (соотнести картинки и предложения)






He was lucky in his love. He met his woman very late, the last feeling was very valuable and nice;

F. M. Dostoevsky was born in 1821, 11 nth of November in the family of a doctor;

He spent his summer months of 1862 and 1863 abroad;

d)- 4; In 1862 Dostoevsky was in hard labour; (каторга)

e)- 5; In 1881 on the 28 th of January The writer said to his wife: “I know I will die today…”

d) Match nouns and adjectives:

nouns: surgeon, father, career, income, socialists, police, camp, effect, work;

adjectives: military, stern, suitable, small, secret, utopian, hard, profound, interesting;

Checkup: military surgeon, stern father, suitable career, small income, utopian socialists, hard camp, profound effect, interesting works.

e) Say if the sentences true or false:

Dostoevsky was a great Russian painter; (W)

he was born in a very rich family;(W)

he was a member of a group of utopian socialists; (R)

he spent difficult years in Siberia ; (R)

His first wife was Maria Usupova; (W)

He travelled much; (R)

His masterpiece is”Captain’s daughter” (w)

“Crime and Punishment” is his famous novel (R)

f) Read the text and for questions 1-6, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1. Dostoevsky’s father used to be:

A - an army engineer;

B- a teacher’

C- a doctor’

2. Dostoevsky financed his writing with:

A- his army income;

B- inheritance money’

C- rent from his property’

D- his estate agent salary.

In the 1840s Dostoevsky’s political views could be best described as:

If we look into history we shall find that laws are conventions between men in a state of freedom. By justice we understand nothing more than the bond which is necessary to keep the interest of individuals united, without which men would return to their original state of barbarity. All punishments which exceed the necessity of preserving this bond are unjust in their nature.

The result of any punishment should be no other than prevention a criminal from doing further injury to society, and prevention others from committing the like offence. Therefore there ought to be chosen such punishments and such modes of inflicting them that make the strongest and most lasting impressions on the minds of others, with the least torment to the body of the criminal.

The torture of a criminal during the course of his trial is a cruelty consecrated by custom in most nations. It is used with an intent either to make him confess in his crime, or to explain some contradiction into which he had been led during his examination, or discover his accomplices, or for some kind of metaphysical and incomprehensible purgation of infamy, or, finally, in order to discover other crimes of which he is not accused of, but of which he may be guilty.

No man can be judged a criminal until he is found guilty; nor can society take from him the public protection until it has been proved that he has violated the conditions on which it was granted. In the eye of the law, every man is innocent until his crime has been proved. Crimes are more effectually prevented by the certainty than the severity of punishment.

The more cruel the punishments become, the more hardened and insensible people turn to be. All severity is superfluous, and therefore tyrannical.

The death penalty is pernicious to society, it is the example of barbarity. If the passions, or the necessity of war, have taught men to shed blood of their fellow creatures, the laws, which are intended to moderate the ferocity of mankind, should not increase it by examples of barbarity. It is even more horrible that this punishment is usually attended with formal pageantry. Isn’t it absurd, that the laws, which detest and punish homicide, should, in order to prevent murder, publicly commit murder themselves?

It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them. This should be the fundamental principle of any good legislation.

Преступление и наказание

Если заглянуть в историю, мы увидим, что законы по сути есть условности между людьми в состоянии свободы. Под справедливостью мы понимаем узы, которые необходимо сохраняют интересы людей объединенными, без которых люди вернутся в первоначальное состояние варварства. Все наказания, которые превышают необходимость сохранения этой связи, являются по своей природе несправедливыми.

Конечной целью наказания является не что иное, как предотвращение нанесения преступником нового вреда обществу, и препятствование подобных преступлений. Следовательно, должны быть выбраны такое наказания и такие способы нанесения их, которые произведут самые сильные и неизгладимые впечатления на умы других людей, с наименьшей мукой для преступника.

Пытки преступника в ходе судебного процесса над ним являются жестоким освященным обычаем в большинстве стран. Они используются с намерением либо заставить его сознаться в своем преступлении, или объяснить какое-то противоречие, в ходе его рассмотрения, или открыть его сообщников, или для какого-то метафизического и непонятного очищения от позора, или, наконец, для того, чтобы обнаружить и другие преступления, по которым его не обвиняли, но в которых он может быть виновным.

Ни один человек не может быть осужденным, пока он не был признан виновным, и не может общество забрать у него защиту, пока не было доказано, что он нарушил условия, на которых она была предоставлена. С точки зрения закона, каждый человек невиновен, пока преступление не было доказано. Преступления более действенно предотвратить, чем быть уверенным в строгости наказания.

В той же мере как наказания становились более жестокими, сознание людей ставало более закаленными и бесчувственным. Вся жесткость является лишней и, следовательно, тиранической.

Смертная казнь является пагубной для общества, она дает пример варварства. Если страсти, или необходимость войны, учит людей проливать кровь ближних, законы, которые призваны смягчить жестокость человечества, не должны увеличить его на примерах жестокости, тем более ужасно, что этот вид наказания, как правило, сопряжен с официальными зрелищами. Разве это не абсурдно, что законы, которые ненавидят и наказывают за убийство, должны, с тем чтобы предотвратить убийства, публично взять на себя убийство?

Лучше не допускать совершения преступлений, чем наказывать их. Это и есть фундаментальный принцип хорошего законодательства.

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