Сочинение про дагестан на английском

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

Форма проведения: защита проектов с применением ИКТ.

Оборудование: Карта Дагестана; таблицы с цифровой информацией о географических особенностях, количестве и составе населения; иллюстрации с видами городов и сел; достопримечательных мест Дагестана; тематические проекты уч-ся; кроссворды; тесты; диски для презентации на компьютере.

Introduction the theme of the Lesson.

There are a lot of wonderful place in our country and the most beautiful of them is our native land-Dagestan. Today we are going to review some interesting facts about the place where we live.

At this lesson you will tell us about the Republic of Dagestan, a part of Russia. Dagestan is our small Motherland. Here is our hearth and hearth and the hearth is the heart of the home. We'll speak what is so beautiful in it, what we can see here and what we can show many guests.

(Просмотр рекламы Дагестана на форуме в Сочи с использованием интерактивной доски.)

Ученик читает стихотворение Р. Гамзатова "Мой Дагестан".

Мне ль тебе, Дагестан мой былинный,
Не молиться.
Тебя ль не любить,
Мне ль в станице твоей журавлиной
Отколовшейся птицею быть!
Дагестан, все, что люди мне дали,
Я по чести с тобой разделю,
Я свои ордена и медали
На вершины твои приколю.
Посвящу тебе звонкие гимны
И слова, превращенные в стих,
Только бурку лесов подари мне
И папаху вершин снеговых!

На доске картины с видами Дагестана, опорные слова и выражения.

Motherland the Chirkey hydro-electric

beautiful nature, station

lakes; Shunudag mountain

green fields, frozen naterfall

3. Аудирование текста:

Rasul Gamzatov: I have said more than once that in Dagestan I'm an Avar, in Moskow I'm Dagestanish and abroad I'm a citizen of Russia. I can compare my Dagestan with a small window that opens up the great ocean of the world. The very first peaceful light came in only when my country had joined to Russia.

Teacher: - What does Rasul Gamzatov say about his nationality?

What does he compare Dagestan with?

What is your nationality?

How many nationalities do your classmates represents?

Teacher: Though there are many nationalities in your class we are friends with each other. We learn together, we play together, we have parties together.

4. Presentation of Project of the topic "My highland Dagestan"

Учащиеся представляют рекламно-информационные буклеты, подготовленные дома по различным направлениям.

Географическое положение Дагестана.

Традиции и праздники Дагестана

Мое родное село Карабудахкент.

Во время презентации проектов дети исполняют песню собственного сочинения: "I Love my Dagestan"

Group work on the text Dagestan.

a) There are questions about Dagestan

Read the questions about and answered them.

Where is Dagestan situated?

How many nationalities in Dagestan?

How many towns are there in Dagestan?

What is the largest mountain of Dagestan?

What is the population of Dagestan?

What is the former name of Makhachkala?

What is the youngest town in Dagestan?

What is the most ancient town in Dagestan?

What is the poets of Dagestan was called "The Homer of the 20 th century?

What are the main rivers of Dagestan?

What is the word Dagestan means?

Look at the photos of the people

What is he/she famous for?

5. Учитель истории.

Дорогие ребята! Мы только что, согласно совместного проекта, совершили экскурсию по отдельным достопримечательным местам своего горного края, отметили его геополитическое положение в составе Российской Федерации, неповторимое многообразие языков.

Уникальными являются и дагестанские традиции, которые создавались нашими предками в течении тысячелетий. Они пропагандировали дружбу и добро. Благодаря именно этим традициям наш многонациональный Дагестан умел сохранять мир и согласие между своими разноязычными народами весь период своей нелегкой истории.

Из множества наших традиций я бы выделила в первую очередь традиции куначества и гостеприимства.

По дагестанским адатам (обычаям) в прежние времени, в любое время дня и ночи, в любую дверь аула мог постучаться уставший путник. Его принимали без лишних расспросов, угощали, устраивали на ночлег, оберегали его покой. Так закладывались основы "куначества" (побратимства). Слово "кунак" в Дагестане означает "близкий человек". Это то же самое, что родня, только не единокровная. У кунаков существовали обязательства - поддерживать друг друга в радости и в беде.

О гостеприимства дагестанцев ходят легенды и это правильно. "Гость - дело святое" говорили наши предки и во время стряпни в любой семье всегда заготавливали лишние порции на случай неожиданных гостей. Это сохраняется и по сей день. У наших кумыков до сих пор бытует поговорка "Къонакъгъа ашынгны берме, къашынгны бер", что в дословном переводе означает "Встречай гостя не столько едой, сколько выражением лица". Речь идет о том, что нет большего греха для хозяев дома, чем выражать своим видом недовольство приходом гостей. Хозяин мог недоесть, но для гостя всегда находил кусок хлеба и что-нибудь повкусней.

Уважение к старшему - непреходящая ценность нашего края. Советы старшего, его наставления - это непреложный закон для молодых. При входе старшего необходимо встать. Старшим необходимо уступать место, не встревать в их разговор без приглашения, не оспаривая выполнять поручения. Во время обеда старший обязательно занимает почетное место во главе стола, ему же принадлежит право первому разломить хлеб и начать трапезу. После обеда именно старший читает молитву благодарения всевышнему за то, что имет кров и пищу, за здоровье домочадцев, спокойствие душ предков, за "берекет" (благополучие) семьи.

Старший представляет свой тухум (род) и на джамаатском сходе (народном собрании). Для поддержки этой традиции создан и работает Совет старейшин при Президенте Республики Дагестан. Мы можем гордиться тем, что этот Совет со дня создания возглавляет наш односельчанин, выходец из Карабудахкента Умалатов Алипаша Джалалович.

Одна из лучших традиций в нашем Дагестане - это оказание взаимопомощи. Она проявляется и в повседневной жизни и в период великих испытаний. Так при пожаре погорельцам немедленно все село оказывает материальную помощь, помогает отстроиться. При несчастном случае или смерти близкого человека все односельчане спешат выразить сочувствие, соболезнование, помогают кто как может.

По данному поводу наша знаменитая поэтесса Фазу Алиева, главный редактор республиканского журнала "Женщина Дагестана", член Общественной палата при Президенте РД написала стихотворение "Закон гор". Даже выборочно взятые отдельные строки передают суть наших традиций. Может для европейцев и других наши традиции и покажутся архаичными, но жизнь подтверждает их верность и полезность для любого человеческого сообщества, в любом уголке земного шара.

Ученица Мамаева Г. Читает стихи Ф. Алиевой "Закон гор"

В горах моих не написаны законы
Во все века никто их не писал.
Никто из них томов не составлял
Натуры горцев к этому не склонны:
И если совершит джигит поступок грязный,
То весь аул судья ему,
А если стать героем одному удастся,
У всего аула праздник.
Не за столом здесь друга выбирают,
А в час, когда заявится беда,
В почтительном молчании всегда
Здесь молодые старикам внимают:
Душа у горца-меч, когда враги придут.
Когда друзья придут, душа его - ковер,
Вот каковы законы гор.
Они не в книгах, а в самой природе.

Teacher: Finishing today's lesson I want to say thank you all of you. I want you to remember: Though Dagestan is a small republic it is a republic with equal rights in the Russian Federation and it has three treasures:

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya.

Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Green represents life, the abundance of land. Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).

Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

Презентация-проект по английскому языку Мой любимый Дагестан

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers.

Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Содержимое разработки

 Number Kristina Goncharova Russian National Contest with international participation


Kristina Goncharova

Russian National Contest with international participation

"Native Land, forever beloved"

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya. Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya. Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Green represents life, the abundance of land .Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country

Green represents life, the abundance of land .Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).

Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers. Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers. Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Tourist routes to historical settlements, cultural heritage of world-class, are of great value and cause great interest among tourists. In Dagestan, more than six thousand monuments of history, the most significant of these is the architectural complex of Naryn-Kala citadel (VI century), the oldest part and Fortress Buildings of Derbent on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Tourist routes to historical settlements, cultural heritage of world-class, are of great value and cause great interest among tourists. In Dagestan, more than six thousand monuments of history, the most significant of these is the architectural complex of Naryn-Kala citadel (VI century), the oldest part and Fortress Buildings of Derbent on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Specialists there is no consensus about the origin of the dune. But one thing they agree - this part of the desert at least a few hundred thousand years. Sand Mountain Sarykum - a unique monument of nature with extreme climatic zone. The temperature of the sand comes here sometimes up to 90 degrees. At least 7 species of animals living on the dunes is listed in the Red Book. Alone plants in the reserve more than a thousand.

Specialists there is no consensus about the origin of the dune. But one thing they agree - this part of the desert at least a few hundred thousand years. Sand Mountain Sarykum - a unique monument of nature with extreme climatic zone. The temperature of the sand comes here sometimes up to 90 degrees. At least 7 species of animals living on the dunes is listed in the Red Book. Alone plants in the reserve more than a thousand.

Tobot waterfall, located on Khunzakh plateau is one of the unique natural monuments mountain Dagestan. Water sheer drops to the bottom of a deep canyon single stream, and only at the bottom of a little stream waterfall sprayed to form a water cloud.

Tobot waterfall, located on Khunzakh plateau is one of the unique natural monuments mountain Dagestan. Water sheer drops to the bottom of a deep canyon single stream, and only at the bottom of a little stream waterfall sprayed to form a water cloud.

Adda-Shuhgelmeer - the third highest peak of Dagestan, with a height of 4151 m. And covered with glaciers. It seems that pulls the top of the mountain to his six crests, so an aerial view of the entire array resembles a star.

Adda-Shuhgelmeer - the third highest peak of Dagestan, with a height of 4151 m. And covered with glaciers. It seems that pulls the top of the mountain to his six crests, so an aerial view of the entire array resembles a star.

From the ancient traditions of mountaineers, perhaps, the most striking first visited Dagestan human custom of hospitality. For long been the established customs of every mountaineer consider it an honor worthy to receive a guest at any time of the day or night. In Dagestan existed a custom: when sat lunch or dinner, the food was divided equally between separated family members and an extra portion in case you suddenly come late guest. Guest anything should not need - this is an unwritten custom Highlanders. Given that the traveler could get wet on the road or simply, in many mountain homes kept coats available to guests.

From the ancient traditions of mountaineers, perhaps, the most striking first visited Dagestan human custom of hospitality. For long been the established customs of every mountaineer consider it an honor worthy to receive a guest at any time of the

day or night. In Dagestan existed a custom: when sat lunch or dinner, the food was divided equally between separated family members and an extra portion in case you suddenly come late guest. Guest anything should not need - this is an unwritten custom Highlanders. Given that the traveler could get wet on the road or simply, in many mountain homes kept coats available to guests.




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Ответы 7


I think that Allah himself before his attendants tell some funny story or give the next lecture, too, at first lit up, slowly drags on and think.

The plane before take off, long roars, then he was being taken across the entire airfield on the runway, then it is even more noise, then scattered, and only by doing it all up in the air.

Helicopters do not have to run up, but he kept noise, rattles, shakes a fine, tense trembling before getting off the ground

Вот если правильно


my opinion, the homeland is one of the greatest values in our life. And Dagestan is my Motherland. This is the place where I was born and my beloved corner. We do not choose which country to be born in, but our moral obligation is to love and protect it in order to pass everything on to our descendants. Let's dive into the history of Dagestan. Everyone knows that Dagestan is a multinational republic. This small area is home to more than sixty nationalities, of which about thirty are of the same origin. The main population is made up of Avars, Kumyks, Laks, Dargins, Russians, Chechens, Aguls, Nogais, Azerbaijanis and many others. But few people know that in addition to the main nationalities, there are many small nationalities here. What is surprising for Dagestan is that many different languages can be spoken in one area. Only in the Tsumadinsky district, the residents of Tsumadin speak six different languages. But all these languages are different such as Russian and French. I was always surprised how such different cultures have been intertwined for centuries, and surprisingly there is no anger: representatives of one nation cancompose a joke about another, while noting some peculiarities, but this does not prevent them from respecting each other and being one. Probably, this is the very friendship of peoples that the Soviet Union was striving for swiftly, but unsuccessfully, because unity and cohesion are essential in all years. Dagestan is also called the country of mountains. High mountains occupy a large area, they are so beautiful that words cannot describe it. The nature is very beautiful and unique, deserts, forests, arable lands, meadows, forests, steppes. Where else can you find such beauty? Dagestan is also rich in its traditions, customs and rituals. Careful, respectful and caring attitude towards the older generation is always in the first place. We are taught from childhood to preserve honor and nobility, because this is the main thing that is in the soul and will remain until old age. The people of the Caucasus are very religious. Dagestanis are famous for their longevity. Nowhere in the world do people live as long as in the Caucasus. I am glad of the knowledge that I have something to say about my Motherland. No matter how fate decrees, and wherever the road of life takes me, it will always be the most desirable place for me. This is my homeland, my Dagestan! We are taught from childhood to preserve honor and nobility, because this is the main thing that is in the soul and will remain until old age. The people of the Caucasus are very religious. Dagestanis are famous for their longevity. Nowhere in the world do people live as long as in the Caucasus. I am glad of the knowledge that I have something to say about my Motherland. No matter how fate decrees, and wherever the road of life takes me, it will always be the most desirable place for me. This is my homeland, my Dagestan! We are taught from childhood to preserve honor and nobility, because this is the main thing that is in the soul and will remain until old age. The people of the Caucasus are very religious. Dagestanis are famous for their longevity. Nowhere in the world do people live as long as in the Caucasus. I am glad of the knowledge that I have something to say about my Motherland. No matter how fate decrees, and wherever the road of life takes me, it will always be the most desirable place for me. This is my homeland, my Dagestan!

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Introduction the theme of the Lesson. There are a lot of wonderful places in our country and the most beautiful of them is our native land-Dagestan. Today we are going to review some interesting facts about the place where we live. At this lesson you will tell us about the Republic of Dagestan, a part of Russia. Dagestan is our small Motherland. Here is our hearth and hearth and the hearth is the heart of the home. We'll speak what is so beautiful in it, what we can see here and what we can show many guests.

The National Flag and The National Coat of Arms .

The National Flag and The National Coat of Arms .

Action President of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov

Action President of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov

The beauty of nature and of man sung of the largest poets and writers who come from the people. One of them is Rasul Gamzatov. His work is colorfully decorated brave image of Dagestan halo of great spirituality and cultural identity.

The beauty of nature and of man sung of the largest poets and writers who come from the people. One of them is Rasul Gamzatov. His work is colorfully decorated brave image of Dagestan halo of great spirituality and cultural identity.

 Stars. Stars of night, stars of night, At my verses peer, Like the eyes, Like the eyes. Of men no longer per. In the hour of night repose I can near them say: “ Be the conscience bright of those The wan years took away!” A Hillman, true to Dagestan, No easy pathуis mine. Who knows, perhaps, who knows, perhaps L’ll be a star sometime? Then at another’s verse l’ll peer, An earth – committed star. The conscience bright of those Contemporaries are.

Stars. Stars of night, stars of night, At my verses peer, Like the eyes, Like the eyes. Of men no longer per. In the hour of night repose I can near them say: “ Be the conscience bright of those The wan years took away!” A Hillman, true to Dagestan, No easy pathуis mine. Who knows, perhaps, who knows, perhaps L’ll be a star sometime? Then at another’s verse l’ll peer, An earth – committed star. The conscience bright of those Contemporaries are.

Cranes The cranes in evening’s dying glow Fly quickly past in company, As men on horseback used to do/ And, as they fly out of reach, I hear them calling someone’s name/ Is that why sounds in Avar speech Recall the weary sky they race, Who friends and kinsman used to be, And in they’re keeping it for me? One day l’ll join the flock of cranes, With them l shall go winging, by And you, who here on earth remain, Will hear my loud and strident cry/

The cranes in evening’s dying glow

Fly quickly past in company,

As men on horseback used to do/

And, as they fly out of reach,

I hear them calling someone’s name/

Is that why sounds in Avar speech

Recall the weary sky they race,

Who friends and kinsman used to be,

And in they’re keeping it for me?

One day l’ll join the flock of cranes,

With them l shall go winging, by

And you, who here on earth remain,

Will hear my loud and strident cry/

Teacher; Look at the screen ,read the text and then answer my questions. Rasul Gamzatov: I have said more than once that in Dagestan I

Teacher; Look at the screen ,read the text and then answer my questions.

Rasul Gamzatov: I have said more than once that in Dagestan I'm an Avar, in

Moscow I'm Dagestanish and abroad I'm a citizen of Russia. I can compare my

Dagestan with a small window that opens up the great ocean of the world. The

very first peaceful light came in only when my country had joined to Russia.

I have said

Teacher : -1. What does Rasul Gamzatov say about his nationality? 2.What does he compare Dagestan with? 3.What is your nationality? 4.How many nationalities do your classmates represents? Teacher: Though there are many nationalities in your class we are friends with each other. We learn together, we play together, we have parties together.

Teacher : -1. What does Rasul Gamzatov say about his nationality?

2.What does he compare Dagestan with?

3.What is your nationality?

4.How many nationalities do your classmates represents?

Teacher: Though there are many nationalities in your class we are friends with each other. We learn together, we play together, we have parties together.

The republic of Dagestan is formed 20.01.1921. It borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan, the Chechen Republic, as well as Kalmykia and Stavropol Territory. Modern Dagestan referred to in the literature in different ways, it has a direct relation to neighboring nations, and to invasions of conquerors, each of them called this place in their own language

Dagestan is mostly mountainous republic. Most of the territory occupied by the Caucasus Mountains. To imagine the magnitude of the country, you should know that the northern areas of the Central Caucasus and Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia and Dagestan are square.

Dagestan is mostly mountainous republic. Most of the territory occupied by the Caucasus Mountains. To imagine the magnitude of the country, you should know that the northern areas of the Central Caucasus and Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia and Dagestan are square.

its landscape, climate, animal

life and vegetation Dagestan

is divided into four areas: 1. Low-land Dagestan 2. Foothills 3. Inner mountain areas 4 . Highlands

The highest peaks of the

mountains in Dagestan are

4.446metres high and

4.285metres high. They lie

in South-west of the republic.

How many nationalities are there in Dagestan? The people of Dagestan include a large variety of ethnicities. According to the 2010 Census , [7] Northeast Caucasians (including Avars , Dargins , Lezgins , Laks and Tabasarans ) make up almost 75% of the population of Dagestan. Turkic peoples, Kumyks , Azerbaijanis and Nogais make up 21%, and Russians 3,6%. Other ethnicities each account for less than 0.4% of the total population.

How many nationalities are there in Dagestan?

How many towns are there in Dagestan? There are 10 cities in Dagestan (Makhachkala, Buynaksk, Dagestan Ogny, Derbent, Kaspiysk, Kizilyurt, Izberbash, Kizlyar, Khasawurt, Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk), 19 townships and about 700 villages. Administratively, Dagestan is divided into 42 areas.n?

4.What is the largest mountain of Dagestan? The highest points are Mount Basardyuzi on the border with Azerbaijan.

4.What is the largest mountain of Dagestan? The highest points are Mount Basardyuzi on the border with Azerbaijan.

5.What is the population of Dagestan ? The population of the Republic is 2 million 990 thousand people, about 60% of them live in rural areas.

5.What is the population of Dagestan ? The population of the Republic is 2 million 990 thousand people, about 60% of them live in rural areas.

6.What is the former name of Makhachkala? The former name of Makhachkala was Port-Petrovsk.

6.What is the former name of Makhachkala? The former name of Makhachkala was Port-Petrovsk.

What can you say about Makhachkala? Makhachkala is the capital of Dagestan, as well as its political, administrative and cultural center. It is situated on the coast of the Caspian Sea, at the foot of Tarkitau mountain .

What can you say about Makhachkala? Makhachkala is the capital of Dagestan, as well as its political, administrative and cultural center. It is situated on the coast of the Caspian Sea, at the foot of Tarkitau mountain .

What can you say about our town “Khasavjurt”

What can you say about our town “Khasavjurt”

8.What is the most ancient town in Dagestan? The most ancient town in Dagestan is Derbent.

8.What is the most ancient town in Dagestan? The most ancient town in Dagestan is Derbent.

. What are the main rivers of Dagestan? The main rivers of Dagestan are the Terek,the Samur, and the Sulak

. What are the main rivers of Dagestan? The main rivers of Dagestan are the Terek,the Samur, and the Sulak

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