Сочинение про белого медведя на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Its fur is brown, that’s why it is called a Brown Bear.

Его мех коричневый, вот почему он называется бурый медведь.

Its ears are pricked and round.

Его уши торчат и имеют округлую форму.

It has small black eyes and an elongated muzzle .

У него маленькие черные глаза и удлиненная морда .

Its nose is black.

Its tongue is pink.

Его язык розовый.

It walks on its 4 legs.

Он ходит на (его) 4-х лапах.

It has 4 sharp claws on each paw .

У него есть (он имеет) 4 острых когтя на каждой лапе .

It looks slow but actually it’s very fast.

Он выглядит медленным , но на самом деле , он очень быстрый.

Bears are dangerous .

They eat other animals.

Они едят других животных.

Don’t mess with bears!

Не шутите с медведями!

Look at the picture. You can see a brown bear. In North America it is known as (1) grizzly. Its fur is thick (2) and brown colored that’s why it is called brown bear. There are other breeds of bears, one of the most famous ones is called Polar Bear.

This bear is big and strong. Its ears are pricked (3) and round. It has small black eyes and an elongated (4) muzzle with a black nose. Its mouth is half open and you can see a pinkish tongue (5) in it.

Brown bears live in forests. They are omnivorous (11) . Their diet is made up of 3/4 fruits and vegetables: berries, acorns (12) , nuts, roots, tubers (13) and grass stalks. The other 1/4 of a bear's diet is worms, lizards, frogs, rodents (14) (mice, marmots (15), ground squirrels (16), chipmunks (17)) and fish. Far East brown bears are known to hunt Himalayan bears and even tigers.


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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):

Bears are wild animals. They are big, strong and dangerous. They mostly live in the forest, except white bears. They live in the North Pole. Bears are really huge, that's why they need much food. They like fish, meat, sometimes berries. We know it from tales, of course. But sometimes bears can attack people, and it's true. Bears like to sleep in winter. But if they are really hungry and live not far from people, there are cases when they look for food in villages. Of course, we can meet bears in the zoos and circus. They can make different tricks and look very funny.

Медведи дикие животные. Они большие, сильные и опасные. В основном они живут в лесу, за исключением белых медведей. Они живут на Северном Полюсе. Медведи действительно огромные животные, поэтому им нужно много еды. Они любят рыбу, мясо, иногда ягоды. Мы знаем это из сказок, конечно. Но иногда медведи могут нападать на людей, и это правда. Медведи любят спать зимой. Но если они действительно голодные и живут недалеко от людей, то есть случаи, когда они искали еду в деревнях. Конечно, мы можем увидеть медведей в зоопарках и цирке. Они могут выполнять разные трюки и выглядеть очень забавными.

КРАТКИЙ рассказ о белом медведе на английском с переводом на русский СРОЧНО!

A bear is a wild animal.

It is very strong and dangerous.

It lives in the forest.

Its head is big.

Its neck is short but fat.

Its paws are big and very strong.

A bear has big clutches.

Its eyes are small.

Its ears are small too.

Bears sleep in winter.

I thinkbears are very clever.

Медведь - дикое животное.

Он очень сильный и опасный.

Он живет в лесу.

Его голова большая.

Его шея короткая, но толстая.

Его лапы большие и очень сильные.

У медведя большие когти.

Его глаза маленькие.

Его уши маленькие тоже.

Медведи спят зимой.

Я думаю, что медведи очень умные.

Белый медведь — это один из самых крупных хищников на Земле.

составляет от 300 до 800 кг, а длина может доходить до трех метров.

Светлая, а иногда и желтоватая шерсть хранит подкожный жир и хорошо

защищает от холода, поэтому животные не мерзнут ни на суше, ни под

Интересно то, что кожа медведя под шерстью черного цвета, как и

Их ступни имеют необычную продолговатую форму, что позволяет им не

проваливаться под снег и преодолевать расстояния в 30 километров.

Благодаря перегородкам между пальцами животные хорошо плавают и охотятся

В отличие от бурых медведей, их северные братья не

впадают в длительную зимнюю спячку, они спят недолго, не каждый год и, в

У мишек очень хорошо развито обоняние и зрение.

Они могут за километры увидеть и почуять свою жертву.

Средняя продолжительность жизни на воле — около 30 лет, в неволе — меньше

The polar bear is one of the largest predators on Earth.

ranges from 300 to 800 kg and the length can reach up to three meters.

Light, and sometimes yellowish fur stores fat and protects from the

cold, so the animals do not freeze nor on land or under water.

Interestingly, the skin of a bear under the fur of the black color as

Their feet have an unusual elongated shape that allows them

not to fall under the snow and to overcome the distance of 30

Thanks to the dividers between the fingers the animals are

good swimmers and hunt underwater.

Unlike brown bears, their

Northern brothers don't fall into a long hibernation, they sleep for

long, not every year, mostly females.

The Bruins very well developed sense of smell and sight.

They can for miles to see and smell its prey.

The average lifespan in the wild is about 30 years, in captivity — less.

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Мои родители думают, что я ленивый Потому что я не хочу помогать с домашними делами. Я много говорю и надоедаю, потому что когда я начинаю говорить то это смотртиться, как будто я говорю с человеком кто очень далеко от меня. Однажды я начал говорит..

1. heat, meltes. 2. has, use. 3. - 4. Go, watch. 5. freeze, becomes.

1. don't live 2. Do they go to school? 3. Teaches 4. Have 5. Is 6. Does my brother work in a shop.

I don't live in Moscow street Do they go to school every day? The teacher teaches pupils at school Pete and Kate have a dog Ann is a teacher Does your brother work in a shop.

She is reading a book. She isn't reading a book. Is she reading a book? He is going to school. He isn't going to school. Is he going to school? We are playing in a park. We aren't playing in a park. Are we playing in a park? She is speaking ..

There isn't any milk in the bottle в бутылке нет молока there are not two chairs and one armchair in the sitting room в гостиной нет 2 стульев и 1 кресла.

1. Finished 2. Do 3. Playing 4. See 5. Beating.

Прошлым летом мои родители и я путешествовали поНижнему Новгороду. Нижний Новгород старый город на Волге. Моя сестра Катя, наши родители и я ездили в Нижний Новгород на поезде. Путешествие на поезде комфортнее чем путешествие на самолёте или кораб..

1 Он играет в футбол 2 Они идут домой 3 Мы поет песню 4 Она знает информацию 5 Он живет в Москве 6 Ты водишь машину 7 Они помогают людям 8 Мы имеем сем уроков 9 Он спит в его офисе 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 Другие люди читают интересные книги и говорят о н..

Вчера я с друзьями играл в футбол. Три дня назад я смотрел лигу чемпионов. Сегодня утром я помог маме прибраться дома.

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Выполнила: Главатских Елена

The polar bear can rightfully be considered one of the biggest predators on the planet. The weight of one bear ranges from 300kg to 1 ton, males are usually larger than females. The bear's body can be up to three meters long. The average life expectancy of bears is 15-20 years.

The polar bear is the largest predator on earth. He has a strong body, massive paws, an elongated muzzle and sharp teeth, with which he easily hunts his prey. The animal has a snow-white coat, this is its most important difference from other bears. Over time, it may turn yellow. The cavity of the hairs is filled with air, such a mechanism helps to keep warm.

Adult males and females have a height of 2 to 2.5 meters, and weigh from 200 to 600 kilograms. Cubs are born very tiny, 30 centimeters in length and weighing 500 grams. Mom takes care of her children for only 2 years, then they leave the den and begin an independent, adult life.

Animals live for a long time, their average age is 20-30 years. A long-lived polar bear is 45 years old.

Polar bears live in polar regions, where it is almost always cold. Therefore, their main habitat is sea ice. They eat fish that they catch under the ice. They hunt sea seals, sea urchins, and eat dead animals that have been washed ashore.

When summer comes, the diet of polar bears becomes modest. They eat berries, eggs of birds and chicks themselves, and fish. In such a hungry period, the animal is able to lose about half of its weight. Polar bears are not afraid of people, so they can settle near their habitats. In the summer, they penetrate into human dwellings and feast on meat and fish.

In winter, bears go into hibernation, but this is most typical for pregnant females. Before falling asleep for a long time, the animal must provide itself with food and stock up on enough fat so that the body does not feel hungry during sleep. This period lasts from 50 to 80 days. During hibernation, the polar bear's heart beats less often, and breathing becomes less frequent. This is necessary so that the oxygen contained in the den is spent wisely, and also so that there are enough nutrients for the entire sleep time.

A polar bear lives in the Arctic, where it is always cold and snowing, so its fur is white. This coloring is a good disguise, and the warm fur does not let the bears freeze. They are also protected from frost by a thick layer of fat. Polar bears feed mainly on fish and marine animals, but sometimes they like to profit from the supplies of polar explorers, which they steal from them. In the summer, the bears' food becomes a little more diverse, berries, herbs and small rodents appear in their diet.

After hibernation, the polar bear comes out of the den thinner and very hungry, so he goes in search of food. As soon as he eats the first prey, he will eventually regain his weight, which he lost. And it will return its big, large appearance.

Polar bears are observant towards humans, but not aggressive at all. Only females with cubs can be dangerous, so it is better to avoid them.

Polar bears hunt in a special way. They watch their prey, wait, and then stun with a huge paw. They grab the prey and pull it out onto the ice. Another way is to turn over an ice floe, on which, as a rule, sea seals rest. Once in the water, they cannot resist the predator.

Polar bears are ready to breed at the age of 4-8 years. Moreover, females mature earlier than males. The pregnancy period lasts almost like in humans and is 8 months. A maximum of 4 cubs are born, unable to see for a month, which are fed with mother's milk.

Bears are mammals that belong to the family Ursidae. They can be as small as 1.5 m long and about 27 kg (the sun bear) to as big as 2.4 m long and more than 450 kg (the polar bear). They’re found throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

There are eight species: Asiatic black bears (also called moon bears), brown bears (which include grizzly bears), giant pandas, North American black bears, polar bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears (also called Andean bears), and sun bears.

Bears have short tails and excellent sense of smell. They’re typically solitary, except for mothers with cubs. On average, bears can live up to 25 years in the wild and 50 in captivity.

During winter, when food is scarce, most bears have an effective survival solution: hibernation, a physical state in which the heart rate, body temperature, metabolism, and respiration is lowered.

All bears are considered omnivores – and yes, they all love the taste of honey – but each species has a preferred diet. Polar mostly eat seals. American black bears love berries and insect larvae, and giant pandas mainly eat bamboo, though they’ll also eat small animals.

Перевод на русский язык

Медведи – это млекопитающие, принадлежащие к семейству Ursidae (медвежьи). Они бывают как небольшими – 1,5 м в длину и около 27 кг (малайский медведь), так и крупными – 2,4 м в длину и весом более 450 кг (белый медведь). Они встречаются в Северной Америке, Южной Америке, Европе и Азии.

У медведей короткие хвосты и отличное обоняние. Обычно они живут обособленно, за исключением матерей с детенышами. В среднем медведи живут до 25 лет в дикой природе и 50 лет в неволе.

Зимой, когда еды не хватает, у большинства медведей есть эффективный механизм для выживания: зимняя спячка – это физическое состояние, при котором снижается частота сердечных сокращений, температура тела, метаболизм и дыхание.

Все медведи считаются всеядными – и, да, все они любят мед – но у каждого вида есть предпочтительная диета. Белые медведи в основном питаются тюленями. Барибалы любят ягоды и личинки насекомых, а большие панды в основном питаются бамбуком, хотя они также едят мелких животных.

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