Сочинение про баню на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

It offers conference rooms, beauty salon, Russian bath and sauna, travel agency "World Service", the box office air and rail tickets, bank, hour parking.

Есть масса развлекательных программ и комплексов (тренажерные залы, русская баня, няни для детишек, просмотр разных фильмов).

There are lots of entertainment complexes and (Gyms, Russian sauna, babysitting for children, watching different movies).

The guest house has a sauna, jacuzzi, a gym, the Russian sauna, billiard facilities, and a guarded parking lot.

В турнире Open TUR по игровым автоматам, Вы, к примеру, выбираете игровой счет TUR в игровых автоматах Русская Баня или игровом автомате Такси на Дубровку.

In Open TUR tournament in slots, you, for example, may choose the playing account TUR in the slot Russian Bath or in the slot Gypsy Cab.

Оздоровительный комплекс Русская баня включает в себя большую русскую парную 100 кубических метров, римскую парную, инфракрасную сауну, бассейны с различными температурными режимами, услуги профессиональных парильщиков и массажистов, комнаты отдыха и летние террасы.

Russian Bath Spa complex includes more Russian pair 100 cubic meters, Roman bath, infrared sauna, swimming pools with different temperature regimes, the services of professional masseurs and parylnykiv, rest rooms and summer terrace.

Также в программе - мастер-классы по приготовлению русских блюд (пельменей, блинов, ухи), дискуссионные клубы, квесты и русская баня.

The programme offers master classes in cooking Russian dishes such as pelmeni (ravioli), blini (pancakes) and ukha (fish soup), as well as discussion clubs, quests and Russian sauna.

Несколько дальше стоит бревенчатая "Избушка тещи", в которой оборудована русская баня с предбанником, наружная терраса с камином и прекрасным видом на озеро, удобные спальни, просторная кухня и гостиная с камином.

Nearby there is "Mother-In-Law's Hut" made from logs, and equipped with a Russian bath and big dressing room, outdoor terrace with a fireplace and stunning views of the lake, comfortable bedrooms, a spacious kitchen and living room with a fireplace.

Russian Bath is undoubtedly a smithery of health. Vapour cleans pores, removes skin occlusion and destroy malignant bacteria.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


People have always enjoyed bathing, not only as a way to keep clean but also.

People have always enjoyed bathing, not only as a way to keep clean but also to relax.

Russian people enjoy bathing and the banya ,or steam bath ,is a very old and.

Russian people enjoy bathing and the banya ,or steam bath ,is a very old and popular tradition on Russian culture. Even today ,almost every village and town in Russian has its own banya.

The steam room is called the parilka . It has rows of benches, a stove with.

The steam room is called the parilka . It has rows of benches, a stove with very hot stones in it, and large buckets of water.

Bathers take a ladle of hot water and pour it on the stones , filling the ro.

Bathers take a ladle of hot water and pour it on the stones , filling the room with hot, dry steam.

Russian people often hit themselves with bunches of dried branches and leave.

Russian people often hit themselves with bunches of dried branches and leaves from white birch to improve blood circulation.

 They also wear special hats to protect their head from intense heat.

They also wear special hats to protect their head from intense heat.

The banya helps remove toxins from the body, relieves stress, and may even p.

The banya helps remove toxins from the body, relieves stress, and may even prevent and heal a number of illnesses.

Thank you for attention.

Thank you for attention.


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Than people enjoying? why they enjoyed a swim? than to enjoy all the Russian people? what can help to Bath?


1)сколько комнат может быть в бане?
2) как по другому называется паровая баня?
3)для чего русскиие люди часто бьют себя связкой сухих веток?
4)что надевают на голову в бане?для чего?

) How many rooms can be in the bath?
2) how else it is called a steam bath?
3) for which the Russian people are often hit himself a bunch of dry twigs?
4) that is put on his head in the bath? For what?


Новые вопросы в Английский язык

Task 4 Put in 'will' or 'be going to': 1. Just a moment. I you with the bags. (to help) 2. In 2025 people more hybrid cars. (to buy) 3. Marvin a party … next week. (to throw) 4. We to Venice in June. (to fly) 5. Look at the clouds! It soon. (to rain) 6. A: We don't have any bread. B: I know. I some from the shop. (get) 7. A: I'm really cold. B: I the heating on. (turn) 8. A: Are you going to John's party tonight? B: Yes. Are you going too? I you a lift. (give) 9. A: Are you ready to order? B: I can't decide . Okay, I the steak, please.(have) 10. A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee? B: Sorry. I to the library. I've been planning to study all day. (go) сделайте плиз​

3. the right time they most likely to leave 4. activity the girl wants to do later 5. activity the father suggests them do at the end of the day​

4 *** Imagine you and your friends talked about the future of pop music, film or sports stars. Write an email. Use the text in exercise 3 to help you. … ​

Прочитай следующие предложения и скажи, как образуются отрицательные предложения с глагольными формами was и were. CM home cerdas (was a part A. 1) I … was not at school yesterday. It was Sunday. 2) My cousin was not in town yesterday morning. 3) Rex was not in the park at 9 o'clock in the evening. He was at home. 4) We were not in France last year. We were in Spain. 5) You were not in the bank then. 6) My parents were not in Italy three years ago. nh WERE​

ПОМОГИТЕ 100 БАЛЛОВ Task 1 (12 points). Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Заполните пропуски, используя подходящую фор … му глаголов в скобках. I really don’t feel like ______________ (to talk) right now. You can’t expect ____________ (to lose) 10 pounds in just one week. She’ll never forgive you for ____________ (to ignore) her problems. Look at your dress! It definitely needs ___________ (to clean). Barbara was pleased ___________ (to see) her old friend after so many years. You needn't ___________ (to worry) about the news; it’s all fake. They offered ___________ (to look) after my dog when I'm not home. Daniel and Olivia are planning ___________ (rent) a cottage for a couple of weeks. My grandma dislikes ___________ (to walk) so much, so she stays at home all day. We discussed ____________ (to postpone) the meeting until next month. My mother doesn’t let me ____________ (to eat) dessert before dinner. I pretended __________ (to be) asleep when my mom came into the room. Task 2 (12 points). Complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. People died of diseases more often in the past than they do now. would In the past …………………………………………….. than they do now. My father wouldn’t let me have parties at home when I was young. used My father …………………………………………….. to let me have parties at home when I was young. Did you know that there was a restaurant on this corner? to Did you know that …………………………………………….. a restaurant on this corner? Using electronic books and online dictionaries is no longer unusual. got We …………………………………………….. electronic books and online dictionaries. I’ve lived in Japan for two years and the rainy season is normal for me now. used I’ve lived in Japan for two years and ……………………………………….. the rainy season. He’s new in this school, but in a month he’ll get to know his new classmates better. be He’s new in this school, but in a month he ……………………………….. his new classmates. “I’m going to invite my colleagues next week,” Monica said. Monica said that ………………………………………………………………. “I can pick you up from work this evening,” said her husband to Tine. Tine’s husband told her ……………………………………………………….… “Do you love me or not, Jessica?” Oscar asked. Oscar asked Jessica whether …………………………………………………….. “I’m sorry I shouted at your child,” Leo said to Emily. Leo apologized to Emily ………………………………………………………. “My computer is broken. Can I come around and use yours?” asked Jeff. Jeff said that …………………….. and asked if ………………………………. “You must study hard and go to bed early,” said Pete’s mother. Pete’s mother told him ………………………………………………………….. “Have you had your hair dyed?” asked Fiona. Fiona wondered if ………………………………………………………………. “I’ve given up smoking and I’m going to join a gym,” Tim said. Tim said ………………………………………………………………. “I went to the new cinema on your recommendation two days ago and the movie was really awesome!” Arthur said. Arthur told me ………………………………………………………………. “Revise your work more thoroughly and don’t do your homework at the last moment,” the teacher said. The teacher advised me …………………………………………………………. Task 4 (10 points). Fill in the gaps with the following phrasal verbs. Make any necessary changes. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие фразовые глаголы. Внесите необходимые изменения. pull in stop over set off look around get back go away check out drop off take off pick up We would like to remind you that you must ___________ by 12 o’clock. The taxi driver rounded the corner looking for a place to Every Friday night Jerome ___________ her ___________ at the station. The flight to Seattle took 8 hours but we ___________ in New York City for a night. After checking in we decided to drive into town and ___________. Two years ago he ___________ on a voyage, but he never came back here. I asked him to ___________ my brother on his way home. After two weeks of vacation I really don’t want to ___________ to work. I was a little bit scared when the plane ___________. I called the neighbors, but they have ___________ for a few days. Примечание: Task 5 (22 балла). Match the idioms with their meaning and write 6 sentences with any of them. Подберите к идиомам подходящее значение и напишите 6 предложений с любыми из них. 1. the tip of the iceberg A. to get a large number of votes 2. to be all sea B. to stay briefly in several places without fully unpacking one’s luggage 3. to hit the road C. to meet without planning to 4. down-to-earth D. very early in the morning 5. to live out of a suitcase E. to be very successful 6. to win by a landslide F. to say or do something that causes a problem 7. somebody’s paths cross G. small part of a larger problem 8. to rock the boat H. practical and realistic 9. at the crack of dawn I. to begin a journey 10. to fly high J. to be confused __________

Мой дом сочинение на английском языке (my house 3 топика с переводом)

Примеры сочинений с переводом

Тексты разделены по уровням лексики (от простого к сложному), объёму и построению предложений. Образцы могут быть использованы для учащихся разных классов.

My lovely place of living

I would like to give a talk about my native house. My family lives in an own house. It is big and nice. It has three floors. In the ground there are a large living room, a kitchen, a dining room and а bathroom. In the first floor there are four bedrooms for each member of our family and a bathroom. In the second floor there is a library, my father’s study and two guest’s rooms.

My room is light. It has two windows. There is a desk, a chair, a bed, two armchairs, a wardrobe in it. There are also four bookshelves and many different pictures on the walls of my bedroom, because I prefer reading and painting.

In front of the house we have a beautiful garden. There are a lot of trees and flowers. My mum likes to grow plants. There is a small swimming-pool in our yard, but we can use it only when the weather is hot. Also my dad has his own garage.

I love my home very much.

Моё любимое место для жизни

Мне бы хотелось рассказать о своем родном доме. Моя семья живёт в собственном доме. Он большой и симпатичный. И имеет три этажа. На первом этаже находится большая гостиная, кухня, столовая и ванная комната. На втором этаже расположены четыре спальни для каждого члена семьи и ванная. На третьем этаже есть библиотека, кабинет отца и две комнаты для гостей.

 рассказ про дом на английском

Моя комната светлая. В ней два окна. Там есть письменный стол, стул, кровать, два кресла и шкаф. Также на стенах спальни есть четыре книжных полки и много различных картин, потому что я предпочитаю чтение и рисование.

Перед домом у нас есть красивый сад. Там много деревьев и цветов. Моя мама любит выращивать растения. Во дворе находится небольшой плавательный бассейн, но мы можем использовать его, только когда погода жаркая. Еще у моего папы есть собственный гараж.

Я люблю свой дом очень сильно.

An unusual accomodation

Some years ago our school teacher gave us an interesting task. We had to write a project about unusual shapes of houses. At the lesson pupils presented their works. There were many bright pictures of different buildings.

My story was about a tree house. It seemed so simple to make, that I decided to realise my project. I asked my grandpa to help me. We chose an old tree in his backyard. My grandparents live in the country and have a wonderful garden. We were building it from wood for two weeks.

When stairs, a floor, walls and a roof were ready. I didn’t know how to furnished my new accomodation. My dad proposed me to make every piece of furniture from large logs. And I began to work. We did every part of the house by ourselves. It was very hard but really interesting experience.

Now the tree house looks usual outside but inside it’s amazing. It has only one big and light room. There are three windows, one of them is on the roof I can watch the night sky and stars lying on the bed, bookshelves, a wooden table and a chair.

There is a soft carpet on the floor. I needn’t too much. It’s a perfect place for spending summer holidays.

Необычное место обитания

Несколько лет назад наш учитель дала нам интересное задание. Мы должны были написать проект о домах с необычными формами. На уроке ученики представили свои работы. Было много ярких картинок различных зданий.

 my house topic

Моя история была о домике на дереве. Казалось таким простым сделать его, что я решил реализовать мой проект. Я попросил своего дедушку помочь мне. Мы выбрали старое дерево на заднем дворе. Мои бабушка и дедушка живут за городом и у них удивительный сад. Мы строили его из дерева в течение двух недель. Когда лестница, пол, стены и крыша были готовы, я не знал, как обставить моё новое место жительства. Мой папа предложил мне сделать каждую часть мебели из больших брёвен. И я приступил к работе. Мы сделали каждую часть дома сами. Это был очень трудный, но действительно интересный опыт.

Теперь дом на дереве выглядит обычным снаружи, но внутри он удивителен. Там только одна большая и светлая комната. В ней три окна, одно из них расположено на крыше и я могу наблюдать за ночным небом и звёздами, лёжа на кровати, книжные полки, деревянный стол и стул.

На полу лежит мягкий ковёр. Мне не нужно слишком много. Это идеальное место для проведения летних каникул.

Sweet home

There are a lot of different topics to discuss, but one of me favourite is about place where people can live. We live in a flat. It is not big, but I like it. There is a kitchen, two bedrooms (for me and my parents), a small living room and a bathroom. We have all necessary modern conveniences: hot and cold running water, gas, heating, internet connection, electricity, a refuse chute.

Мой дом сочинение

Our kitchen is bright, its walls are blue with pictures of vegetables and fruits. There is a table, four chairs, a fridge, a stove, some cupboards and a basin. My mum is a cook. I adore to help her with cooking meals. In the living room we have a cozy sofa, a coffee table in the middle of the room and a TV set. We usually spend our evenings together playing table games or watching films.

My bedroom is not large, but there is everуthing I need. I like to spend mу free time there. There is a comfortable bed with two soft pillows, a desk with a computer, an armchair and a small bookcase in it. I use a wood commode for my clothes. There is also a window with white curtains.

The building of flats has 7 storeys, that’s why there is a lift. Our apartment is on the 5th storey. The house is situated in the centre of the city. We can get anywhere quickly and without any problems, because there is a bus stop near the house. The district where we live is quiet and green.

May be our accommodation is not perfect, but this is my sweet home.

Милый дом

Существует много различных тем для обсуждения, но одна из моих любимых — это место, где могут жить люди. Мы живём в квартире. Она небольшая, но нравится мне. Есть кухня, две спальни (для меня и моих родителей), маленькая гостиная и ванная комната. У нас есть все современные удобства: горячая и холодная вода, газ, отопление, интернет-соединение, мусоропровод.

 мой дом на английском

Наша кухня очень яркая, её стены голубые с картинками овощей и фруктов. Там есть стол, четыре стула, холодильник, плита, несколько посудных шкафов и раковина. Моя мама — повар. Я обожаю помогать её с приготовлением пищи. В гостиной комнате у нас стоит удобный диван, письменный столик в центре комнаты и телевизор. Мы обычно проводим наши вечера вместе, играем в настольные игры или смотрим фильмы.

Моя спальня небольшая, но в неё есть всё, что мне нужно. Мне нравится проводить своё свободное время там. Комфортная кровать с двумя мягкими подушками, письменный стол с компьютером, кресло и маленький книжный шкаф находятся в ней. Я использую деревянный комод для своих вещей. Также в комнате есть окно с белыми шторами.

В многоквартирном здании 7 этажей, вот почему здесь есть лифт. Наши апартаменты на 5-м этаже. Дом расположен в центре города. Мы можем быстро добраться куда — угодно и без каких-либо проблем, потому что рядом с домом находится автобусная остановка. Район, в котором мы живём, спокойный и зелёный.

Может быть, наше место обитания не идеальное, но это мой милый дом.

Общие вопросы

 my house

  1. Where do you live? (Где ты живёшь?)
  2. What does your house look like? (Как выглядит твой дом?)
  3. How many rooms are there in it? (Сколько в нём комнат?)
  4. What do you have inside or outside? (Что есть внутри или снаружи?)
  5. Do you like your accomodation? (Тебе нравится твоё место обитания?)

Нельзя не учитывать распространённые ошибки и недочёты.

My house сочинение

Есть ряд пунктов, на которые стоит обратить внимание при проверке письменного ответа:

  • орфография и пунктуация;
  • правильность структуры предложений;
  • логическая связность текста;
  • грамотность при переводе на русский язык.

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