Сочинение на тему violent sports should be banned

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Sports are an important part of our world. Take a look at any newspaper, listen to any radio, or watch TV for any length of time and there will surely be some sports information that is being passed along. The fact that sports figures get paid salaries that teachers can only dream about let?s us know where our priorities lie in this society. Sports consume a lot of our time and energy, and because of this, they have great influence in our culture.

Because sports news and sports figures are constantly in the news, sports reflect our values. We are living in a society that is filled with violence. Many adults choose to solve their problems in violent ways. When the stress of life becomes too much, or events at work or home are not going their way, they turn to violence to help them feel better. We hear the stories all the time on the news: the unhappy postal worker who lashes out at co-workers with a gun; the rejected husband or suitor who beat up or kill their girl friends or wives; or even the angry employee who has been let go and takes his frustrations out on innocent passers-by.

It is conceivable that many people get their ideas of physical revenge from watching or listening to sporting events. There are many sports, such as football and wrestling, that feature body contact as an integral part of their program. Fans further encourage violence by cheering players who resort to violence when plays do not go players? ways. The crowd?s behavior in turn encourages athletes to fight and show off because the cheers and boos of a crowd create excitement and drama. Attendance soars at games with players who are prone to violent outbursts. Referees often ?look the other way? when such players are involved because they know that such violent antics are good for the sports business. As a result, athletes will try and get away with grossly outrageous and dangerous plays since they know they might be able to get away with such behavior. Playing fair does is nice but it does not sell tickets. Note the popularity of a Dennis Rodman during his heyday as a player for the Chicago Bulls. At one point he physically hurt a cameraman. Dennis was given a slap on the hand, a fine and some suspended days, but he was not permanently expelled from the game. Hockey is another sport that is well known for the violence of its players. Fans revel in the violence of the sport. Players are specifically hired to act as ?goons? or ?enforcers?. Players who commit a violent act have to sit in a penalty box, but the cheers and enthusiasm of fans upon witnessing the violent plans ensure that such plays are destined to be repeated.

Having gone through both elementary and middle school, we have all run into peers who spent a lot of time and energy trying to act like the most popular athlete in any given time period. Kids often try to imitate controversial athletes to bring attention to themselves. Such behavior can bring popularity to a young person. A sad outcome of violence in adult sports is that youth sports end up mirroring adult sports. Young people are encouraged to be aggressive, and often those who are the stars of the team are those who know how to ?stretch the rules?. Often, young people who do play by the rules are relegated to the bench. As a result, youth athletic teams, even at the elementary school level, are getting away from the concept of a team working together. Professional athletes are role models for young people. Young people who imitate the behavior of superstars also help to bring in crowds for their schools. Because of this, children tend to emulate these athletes. It would be hard for children to escape from the influence of violence when such behavior is glorified in the media.

How often have we seen parents behaving badly at our past Little League games? Parents encourage violent behavior by their own examples. Frequently, parents who don?t agree with a call will argue with a referee to the point of physical violence. It is not unusual to have parents ejected from games for their behavior. Children also observe their parents behaving badly at sporting events, cheering on or cussing at controversial athletes. Young people join in with the crowd behavior at sporting events with the blessings of their parents. Parents who would normally discipline their children for violent behavior at home accept the same behavior as being normal for a spectator at an athletic event.

Economics provides a driving incentive for sports violence to continue. Violence brings in a crowd, along with a great deal of money. Superstars who lose their tempers gain media attention. In turn, more newspaper articles are written about the controversial athletes and more tickets are sold. Violence also makes for good television ratings. More viewers will tune in to watch sports that have violent conflicts. Fewer viewers watch non-violent sports such as skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, or golf. Many sports would not thrive without television coverage, so media attention is very important.

For years, Indiana University basketball has received attention because of the behavior of its head coach, Bobby Knight. From throwing chairs to cussing out players, Bob Knight has given the media enough fuel to write books about this colorful coach. Would Indiana University have received as much attention over the past twenty years if their coach had been a less controversial person? I don?t think so. Bobby Knight helped to keep IU basketball in the spotlight over the years. People loved him and other people hated him, but the result was that his basketball program received a lot of publicity. It will be interesting to see how the media focuses on IU basketball now that Bobby Knight has been forced out of IU.

Some sports violence takes place specifically for the sake of the TV audience. The sports figures involved play up to the crowd or cameras with overly aggressive behavior because they know that the resulting drama hooks fans into tuning in week after week. A good example would be the present popularity of professional wrestling. This sport has become so popular that it is winning the TV ratings race in its time slot on more than one evening per week. This sport actually has writers that script the outcome of the wrestling matches. Week after week viewers tune in to watch wrestlers perform their moves on fellow wrestlers that have ?done them wrong?. Storylines include wrestlers involved with family problems, problems of betrayal, and other personal problems with which everyday people can relate. Professional wrestling shows people solving these problems using violence. The reason for the popularity of professional wrestling is that its continuing stories are similar to soap operas with continued drama from week to week. Fans tune in to find out the continuation or conclusion of the problem from the week before. This sport is highly entertaining and highly violent. Children as well as adults watch each week with great attention to see what is going to happen next. The problem is, professional wrestling, with its great popularity, encourages people to use violence for their everyday problems.

The influence of professional wrestling and other sports may have far reaching effects on young people. Children are encouraged to participate in sports and life in a dangerous way. They often act out various sports scenarios that they see on TV. For most youngsters, this is not a problem. However, some young people have problems separating fantasy from reality. As a result, we are seeing an increase in school violence, playground violence, and aggressive behavior towards family members.

Do sports have any responsibility towards the fans that watch? I believe that TV executives are going to have to tackle this question and answer it with their hearts, not their wallets. If the people in charge of sports step back and take an honest look at the state of sports today, they would have to answer that there are some steps they can take to clean up the problem. But they have to commit to cutting out the violence and punishing the athletes who break the rules. I believe that this can be done if the people who control sports make this commitment. We must all take a look at where our priorities lie. If our major priority continues to be making money, then we can expect more and more violence in years to come. If, on the other hand, the most important priority is making sure that young people grow up with the principles of good sportsmanship, then no amount of money or power could steer us away from our goal. In the end, young people?s values are more important than greed. Our future is at stake here, because when we grow up, we might encounter a very corrupt society. Do we want our future to be one of violence and dishonesty, or do we want a future with some integrity? The future will be here sooner than we think. It is time to use what influence we have by choosing to watch programs that exclude violence from their content.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Spectacular sports have always been popular with spectators. Some people think that aggressive sports such as boxing or MMA should be forbidden, whereas others do not agree. They believe that all sports including violent ones have a right to exist.

In my opinion any sport that involves violence should be banned. First of all , these sports encourage violence in society. For example , people watching aggressive actions of sportsmen try to copy the same behavior in their everyday life. Secondly , a high percentage of participants of such competitions often get seriously injured.

Nevertheless , some people think that aggressive sports should be allowed. They state that these sports are strictly controlled with rules and regulations. Therefore , these sports are safe. They also take into account the commercial profit from these sports which can be very high.

I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. Though there are rules and regulations for these sports, they are often broken by the participants. What is more , no profit can be a good excuse for injuries and aggression.

In conclusion , I would like to say there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight violent sports attract people and should be done without restrictions, but in actual fact such sports endanger people’s health and may cause violence in society. Thus , I strongly believe that violet sports should be forbidden.

Violent sports

Жестокие виды спорта

Many people like sport. Actually, it makes people healthier and stronger. Such kinds of sport as dances and figure-skating are very beautiful. However not all kinds of sport are nice. Some of them are really violent ones.

Многим людям нравится спорт. На самом деле, он делает людей здоровыми и сильными. Такие виды спорта, как танцы и фигурное катание, очень красивые. Однако не все виды спорта так прекрасны. Некоторые из них по-настоящему жестокие.

Violent sports, first of all, refer to the contact sports while playing which it is possible to be injured. The violent physical acts committed while playing such sports include attempts to injure the other player and threats of physical harm.

Жестокие виды спорта, в первую очередь, относятся к контактным видам спорта, во время занятия которыми можно получить травму. Жестокие физические действия, совершаемые во время занятия такими видами спорта, включают попытки причинить вред другому игроку и угрозу физического вреда.

What are the violent sports? They are American football, wrestling, rugby football, ice hockey and boxing, for example. It may seem that as such sports are violent a few people would like it. But it is not the case. On the contrary, such sports are spectator sports. It is the main reason why they are so popular. Nowadays they attract many people.

Что такое жестокие виды спорта? Например, это американский футбол, борьба, регби, хоккей и бокс. Может показаться, что, поскольку такие виды спорта являются жестокими, они понравятся немногим. Но это не так. Напротив, такие виды спорта являются очень зрелищными. Это главная причина, по которой они так популярны. В настоящее время они привлекают многих людей.

However, violent sports are very dangerous. Such sportsmen risk their health and life. They suffer many injuries such as head injury, chest injury and so on. They break their legs, arms and noses. Of course, violent sports have some advantages. People doing such sport become stronger physically. Besides, they have strong will power.

Однако жестокие виды спорта очень опасны. Спортсмены рискуют своим здоровьем и жизнью. Они получают много травм, такие как травма головы, травма грудной клетки и так далее. Они ломают себе ноги, руки и носы. Конечно, жестокие виды спорта имеют ряд преимуществ. Люди, занимающиеся таким видом спорта, становятся сильнее. Кроме того, у них крепкая сила воли.

Violence exists in many kinds of sport. In my opinion, it should be forbidden or be regulated more seriously. Sport is a wonderful and exciting activity. It can be such thing without violence.

Насилие существует во многих видах спорта. На мой взгляд, это должно быть запрещено или контролироваться более серьезно. Спорт – это замечательная и увлекательная деятельность. Он может быть таким и без насилия.

There are lots of kinds of sports. Some of them are extremely cruel. Some people think that it’s necessary to ban cruel sport, because it’s too dangerous for sportsmen’s lives. But other people enjoy of looking at violence and cruelty. Let’s think about it.

In my opinion some of cruel kinds of sport can be allowed. Boxing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world because people break their legs, arms and noses. However, sportsman, who did boxing at some stage of his life, has good sport form and strong character. Boxers are self-confident and physically strong. Although, it is a very traumatic sport, people become physically and morally stronger after some time of training.

However, I think that these sports are inhuman and risky. Many prominent sportsmen have lost their lives to violent sports. Moreover, it is common to exploit carelessly animals in some sports, such as medieval tournaments or bullfighting. Spectators I think these performances should be banned.

Существует много видов спорта. Некоторые из них являются чрезвычайно жестокими. Некоторые люди думают, что необходимо запретить жестокие виды спорта, потому что это слишком опасно для жизни спортсменов. Но другие люди любят смотреть на насилие и жестокость. Давайте поразмышляем об этом.

На мой взгляд, некоторые из жестоких видов спорта могут быть разрешены. Бокс является одним из самых опасных видов спорта в мире, потому что люди ломают ноги, руки и носы. Тем не менее, спортсмен, который занимался боксом, имеет хорошую спортивную форму и сильный характер. Боксеры уверены в себе и физически сильны. Несмотря на то, что это очень травмоопасный вид спорта, люди становятся физически и морально сильнее.

Тем не менее, я считаю, что многие виды спорта являются бесчеловечными и рискованными. Многие известные спортсмены потеряли свою жизнь . Кроме того, в таких видах спорта часто используют животных.

В заключение я хочу сказать, что современный спорт очень часто практикует насилие. Это должно быть запрещено.

Many sports are extremely violent, yet this doesn't stop people watching them or playing them. Should violent sports be banned or are they just a way for people to enjoy themselves?

There are some arguments for banning violent sports. In the first place, some of these sports are simply an excuse for violence. There is enough violence in our world as it is without seeing sportsmen getting hurt on TV. In addition, people who take part in violent sports risk serious injury or even death. Many young boxers, for example, are seriously injured every year.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to banning violent sports. To start with, violent sports can be a healthy way for people to relax and let off steam. As a result, general aggression and violence in society will be reduced. Moreover, instead of banning violent sports, we can improve their safety standards, for instance, by using better protective clothing and equipment. Consequently, sports injuries will be reduced.

In conclusion, there are arguments both for and against the banning of violent sports. I strongly believe violent games should be banned, as I feel they are not going to help people to live together peacefully.

Многие виды спорта чрезвычайно жестоки, но это еще не остановило людей смотреть или играть в них. Должны ли быть запрещены жестокие виды спорта или это просто способ людей развлекать себя? Есть несколько аргументом за запрет жестокого спорта. В первую очередь, некоторые из этих видов спорта просто повод для жестокости. Существует достаточно жестокости в нашем мире и без наблюдения за спортсменами, страдающими по телевизору. В дополнение, люди, которые принимают участие в жестоком спорте, рискуют серьезно травмироваться или даже умереть. Многие молодые боксеры, например, серьезно травмируются каждый год.

С другой стороны, есть несколько недостатков в запрете жестокого спорта. Начать с того, что жестокий спорт может быть здоровым способом для людей расслабляться и выпустить пар. В результате, основная агрессия и жестокость в обществе будет уменьшена. Более того, вместо запрета жестокого спорта, мы можем улучшить их стандарты безопасности, например, используя улучшенную защитную одежду и оборудование. Следовательно, спортивные травмы будут уменьшены.

В заключении, есть аргументы и за, и против запрета жестокого спорта. Я точно уверен, что жестокие игры должны быть запрещены, так как я чувствую, что они не помогают людям жить вместе мирно.

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