Сочинение на тему jobs and occupations

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Nowadays young people are facing one of the most challenging problems in their lives that they have to solve - choosing a profession. Everybody has their own preferences about their future occupation. Some people say that it should be well-paid, others say that it has to be enjoyable and interesting.

As for me, a good job should be rewarding. It is important to get satisfaction from what you do every day. Confucius once said: "Do what you love and then you won't have to work at all in your life". I completely agree with this statement. It is also good when there are special training for future employees and opportunities for promotion and professional growth.

Nevertheless, now matter how enjoyable your occupation should be, there is always a room for the problem of money. Nowadays living becomes more and more expensive, and if you don't have any back up job with good salary, life is going to be hard.

I consider that if your favourite activity doesn't give you enough money, then you should find another job that will give you big wage. Anyway it doesn't mean that you have to give up what you love to do. You can still improve your skills and then maybe find a good job associated with your hobby.

There is a huge number of professions in the world. It is really hard to choose one. As for me, I'd like to become an interpreter or a translator because I like to do creative work and I also love to learn foreign languages. Moreover, this profession is in demand on labor market. Plus you can do your work at home, for examples, translating texts and articles.

Anyway, to get a rewarding job everyone must work hard and develop their skills all the time. If you want to be a good specialist in your business, you should improve the quality of your work and be interested in self-development.

For example, a person who wants to become an interpreter or a translator should always learn new things about this occupation, to improve their qualification, to meet people who are also interested in this process.

To sum up, I would like to say that it is important to love your job, but to be a good specialist in this job you need to develop your skills all the time.

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Прежде чем читать тексты, вспомните слова: respectable, just, honest, creative, successful, responsible.


Words to the text:

  1. special – особый
  2. deal with – иметь дело с
  3. pre­cious – драгоценный
  4. noble – благородный
  5. educated – образованный
  6. are available – доступны
  7. enter an institute – поступить в институт
  8. strong will – сильная воля
  9. strength of will – сила воли
  10. come true – сбыться

Choosing a profession is very difficult. Your choice should depend on your character, intellect, abilities and talent.

Do you think someone can be a good teacher if he/she doesn’t love children?

Do you think someone can be a good vet if he/ she doesn’t like ani­mals?

Can a musician or singer make a success if they don’t have a good ear for music? Can an actor or dancer become famous if they have no special talent?

You can never be a respectable judge if you are not just and honest.

Only those who are brave, can become sailors.

Only people who have creative minds can be successful business­men.

The profession of a doctor requires special education and long training. A doctor must be very responsible because they deal with the most pre­cious thing that people have — their health.

There are a lot of interesting and noble professions, and many roads are opened before you. But remember most pro­fessions are available only to educated people. So if you want to be a professional you have to enter an institute or university. It is difficult and you have to study hard. It is not easy, because only those who have a strong will, can study hard. Try to build your character, develop the strength of will and your dreams will come true.

Questions to the text:

1) Have you already decided what you want to be?
2) What did you want to be in your childhood?
3) What is your father?
4) What is your mother?
5) Do you want to choose the profession of your parents?
6) Do you have the strength of will?

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Complete the sentences. A person who sells and buys things is a …… 2. A person who teaches people is a …… 3. A person who makes computer programmes is a ……

What are you going to be in What are you going to be in ten years? I am going to be a ………. What are you going to do? I am going to ………… What should a good ………… be? A good ………….. should be ……….

What are you going to be? What are you going to be? What are you going to be? I`ll be a teacher, That`s the life for me. What are you going to be? What are you going to be? I shall be a fireman, That`s the life for me.

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После ознакомления с содержанием Топика ( Сочинения ) по теме " Работа " Советуем каждому из вас обратить внимание на дополнительные материалы. Большинство из наших топиков содержат дополнительные вопросы по тексту и наиболее интересные слова текста с описанием их значения. Отвечая на не сложные вопросы по тексту вы сможете максимально осмыслить содержание Топика ( Сочинения ) и если вам необходимо написать собственное Сочинение по теме " Работа " у вас возникнет минимум сложностей.

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At Work: Jobs

My name is Martha Glass. I'm thirty-nine years old and I'm a doctor. I chose the medical profession because I wanted to help people and at the same time make good money. When I was younger I wanted to become a teacher or a nurse, but I soon realized there wasn't much money in either of those professions.
My parents almost didn't help me, because they didn't want me to have a career at all. They wanted me to do what so many other girls did. They wanted me to become a secretary, marry the boss, have kids and stay at home. Well, I got married, and I had kids, but I have my career as well.
Hi. I'm Billy. 1 left school when I was sixteen. I didn't have any qualification. I just wanted to earn some money. I got a job in a factory. I didn't mind being a blue-collar worker. All I wanted was enough money to take my girlfriend out on a Saturday night. But then they got robots in to do my job and I was out of work.
I was out of work for sixteen months. It's terrible being unemployed. The days seem so long. I finally got a job as an unskilled labourer, working for a builder. I'm twenty-five now. I suppose I should go to night classes and get some extra training so that I can earn more money as a skilled worker can.
My name is George Rushton. I'm a businessman. I'm fifty years old and I've been working for the same company for twenty-five years. I think I've had a very successful career. I started work with the company as a poorly paid clerk. I was one of those nine-to-five white-collar office workers who spend all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other.
I hated it. So I was transferred to sales and became one of the company's sales representatives. I travelled all over the country selling the company's products and became the most successful salesperson on the staff. In ten years I have been promoted to manager of the sales department. In another ten years I hope to retire with a good pension.

На работе: профессии

1. Do your parents have a job? What do they do?
2. What are some good jobs to have and why?
3. What are the worst jobs?
4. What job would you like to have?
5. Would you rather have an uninteresting well-paid job or an interesting but poorly paid job?
6. Are there many unemployed people in your country? Who? Young? Old?
7. How can they find a job?

to choose (chose, chosen) — выбирать
to make money — зарабатывать деньги
nurse — медсестра
to earn — зарабатывать
to be out of work — быть безработным
unemployed — безработный
skilled — квалифицированный
successful — удачный, успешный
poorly paid — плохо оплачиваемый
to transfer — перемещать
sales — продажа
to sell — продавать

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