Сочинение на тему 8 чудо света на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале опубликованы чудеса света на английском языке. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex.

It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the Greek sun-god Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes, on the island of Rhodes, by Chares of Lindos.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, sometimes called the Pharos of Alexandria, was a lighthouse built during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

It was constructed in the 3rd century BC on the island of Pharos. For many centuries it was one of the tallest man-made structures in the world.

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Bodrum, Turkey), was a massive tomb built in the 4th century BC for Mausolus, the ruler of Caria.

Following a damaging earthquake, and with many elements cannibalised for the 15th century CE Bodrum Castle, the Mausoleum no longer survives.

The Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis was a Greek temple at Ephesus (present Turkey). The great temple was built by Croesus, king of Lydia, in the 6th century BC and was rebuilt after being burned by a madman named Herostratus in 356 BCE.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The statue was created by the Greek sculptor Phidias in the 5th century BC. It was placed in the huge Temple of Zeus at Olympia.

The statue, almost 12 m high and plated with gold and ivory, represented the god sitting on a throne ornamented with ebony, ivory, gold, and precious stones.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

According to legend, the Hanging Gardens were built by the Neo-Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II (who ruled between 605 and 562 BC), for his Median wife Queen Amytis, because she missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.

The construction of the Hanging Gardens has also been attributed to the legendary queen Semiramis, who supposedly ruled Babylon in the 9th century BC, and they have been called the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis as an alternate name.

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The Great Wall of China The Great Wall was begun more than two thousand years.

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The Great Wall of China The Great Wall was begun more than two thousand years.

The Great Wall of China The Great Wall was begun more than two thousand years ago. It was built to keep out invaders. It extends about six thousand seven hundred kilometers across northern China. The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building projects ever attempted. It is also the only object built by people that can be seen from space.

Coliseum Rome, Italy Another famous ancient structure is the Coliseum in Rome.

Coliseum Rome, Italy Another famous ancient structure is the Coliseum in Rome, Italy. It was built almost two thousand years ago. The ancient Roman sports center could hold fifty thousand people who gathered there to watch public events. Experts say it is one of the finest examples of Roman design and engineering.

Machu Picchu The city of Machu Picchu in Peru should be on most lists, too. E.

Machu Picchu The city of Machu Picchu in Peru should be on most lists, too. Experts say it includes some of the best stone work ever built. The ancient Inca people built Machu Picchu high in the Andes Mountains, northwest of the city of Cuzco. Machu Picchu is about thirteen square kilometers.

The Taj Mahal in India The Taj Mahal has tiny colorful stones inlaid in white.

The Taj Mahal in India The Taj Mahal has tiny colorful stones inlaid in white marble. The structure seems to change color during different time of the day and night. Experts say it is one of the most perfect buildings ever constructed. They say nothing could be added or taken away to improve the beautiful Taj Mahal.

Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Every visitor in Rio de Janeiro h.

Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Every visitor in Rio de Janeiro has his faith in Christ redeemed, each time he views it. Such is the presence of the world's largest statue of Art Deco, that of Christ, the Redeemer. Built with refined concrete, it came up atop the 700 meters high Mount Corvocado in Brazil in 1931.

Chichen Itza, Yucatán, Mexico The sacred Pre-Hispanic site of Chichen Itza (m.

Chichen Itza, Yucatán, Mexico The sacred Pre-Hispanic site of Chichen Itza (meaning near the edge of water) is an archeological marvel located in Mexico. One of the largest Maya cities, the site was built by the Maya civilization between 750 and 900 AD. It houses several layered architectural complexes spread over an area of 5 square kilometers.

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Великая китайская стена, Китай

Great Wall of China, China

Приветствие: ni hao!
Языки: китайский, английский

Китай, стена, символ, поля, небо

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Колизей, Италия

Colosseum, Italy

Приветствие: Ciao!
Языки: итальянский, английский

Рим, Италия, Колизей, амфитеатр

Статуя Христа-Искупителя, Бразилия

Statue of Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

Приветствие: Ola!
Языки: португальский, английский

статуя, Христос-Искупитель, Рио-де-Жанейро

Древний город Петра, Иордания

The Ancient City of Petra, Jordan

Приветствие: Salam!
Языки: арабский, английский

Петра, Иордания, древний город

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Мачу-Пикчу, Перу

Machu Picchu, Peru

Приветствие: Hola!
Языки: испанский, английский

Мачу-Пикчу, Инки, город, город, Перу, Анды

Чичен-Ица, Мексика

Chichen Itza, Mexico

Приветствие: Hola!
Языки: испанский, английский

Чичен-Ица, Майя, индейцы, пирамида

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Тадж-Махал, Индия

Taj Mahal, India

Приветствие: Namaskaar!
Языки: хинди, английский и еще 21 язык

Тадж-Махал, Индия, император, гробница, Восток

Среди кандидатов на местечко в списке 7 чудес света фигурировали также Статуя Свободы, Стоунхедж, Сиднейский Оперный театр и Московский Кремль. И хотя в список они так и не попали, это не делает их менее значимыми для жителей своих стран и всего мира. Преподаватели английского по скайп с удовольствием обсудят с вами красоты этих уголков земли и дадут ценные советы, как не попасть впросак, заказывая номер в гостинице на английском языке.

Список полезных слов и выражений

hanging garden – висячие сады
millennium – тысячелетие
miracle – чудо
alien – инопланетянин
shrouded in mystery – покрыто тайной
until now – до сих пор
myth – миф
gladiator – гладиатор
with one's own eyes – воочию
damage – урон
statue – статуя
down – песчаный холм
rock – скала


Is it simply a temple? How could it take its place among other unique structures such as the Pyramid, the Hanging Gardens, and the Colossus of Rhodes? For the people who actually visited it the answer was simple. It was not just a temple. It was the most beautiful structure on earth. It was built in honour of the Greek goddess of hunting, wild nature, and fertility. That was the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

It was situated in the ancient city of Ephesus about 50 km south of Izmir (Smyrna) in Turkey.
Although the foundation of the temple dates back to the seventh century BC, the structure was built around 550 BC. The great marble temple was decorated with bronze statues sculpted by the most skilled artists of their time.

The temple served as both a marketplace and a religious institution. Recent archeological excavations revealed gifts from pilgrims including statuettes of Artemis made of gold and ivory. earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. artifacts from as far as Persia and India.

On the night of 21 July 356 BC, a man named Herostratus burned the temple to ground in an attempt to immortalize his name, which he did indeed. Oddly enough, Alexander the Great was born the same night. The historian Plutarch later wrote that the goddess was "too busy taking care of the birth of Alexander to send help to her threatened temple". And when Alexander the Great conquered Asia Minor, he offered to rebuild the destroyed temple, but the Temple was not restored until after his death in 323 BC.

In AD 401 the Temple of Artemis was torn down by St John Chrysostom. Attempts were recently made to rebuilt the temple, but only a few columns have been re-erected.

The temple housed many works of art, including four ancient bronze statues of Amazons sculpted by the finest artists at the time. When St Paul visited the city, the temple was adorned with golden pillars and silver statuettes, and was decorated with paintings. There is no evidence that a statue of the goddess herself was placed at the centre of the sanctuary, but there is no reason not to believe so.

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