Сочинение на английском мамаев курган

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Volgograd is the capital of the Volgograd region [Волгэгрэд ис зэ кэпитал оф зэ Волгэград риджин] – Волгоград это административный центр Волгоградской области.

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The city is the longest one in Russia, it is length is about 90 kilometers [Зэ сити ис зэ лонгест уан ин Раша, ит ис ленф ис эбаут найнтин километэрс] – Этот город является одним из самых протяженных в России, его протяженность составляет около 90 километров.

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The city was built as a fortress in 1589 and called Tsaritsyn [Зэ сити вос билт эс э фотрис ин фивтин эйтин найн энд колд царицын] – Город был основан как крепость в 1589 году и назван Царицын. In 1925 the city received a new name, Stalingrad [Ин найнтин твенти файв зэ сити ресивд э нью нэйм, Стэлингрэд] – В 1925 году город получил новое название, Сталинград.

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Volgograd has the status of “Hero City” [Волгэгрэд хэс зэ статус оф хироу сити] – Волгоград имеет звание Города-героя. In 1942 the city became the scene of an epic battle of World War II [Ин найнтин фоти ту зэ сити бикейм зэ сцин оф эн эпик батл оф Ворлд Вор ту] – В 1942 году город стал ареной легендарной битвы Второй Мировой Войны.

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Square of the Fallens [Сквэа оф зэ фолэнз] – Площадь Павших борцов

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It is the central and largest square of Volgograd [Ит ис зэ сэнтрал энд ладжест сквэа оф Волгэгрэд] – Это центральная и самая большая площадь Волгограда.

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The Mamai Hill [Зэ Мамэй Хилл] – Мамаев Курган

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It is a symbol of the city, architectural-and-sculptural complex is about 26 hectares [Ит ис э симбол оф зэ сити акитэкчэ-энд скалптчурал комплекс ис эбаут твенти сикс хэктэз] – Это символ города, архитектурно-скульптурный комплекс занимающий около 26 гектар.

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The Motherland Calls [Зэ мазэлэнд колс] – Родина Мать зовёт

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The height of this sculpture is 85 m [Зэ хейт оф вис скалпчэ ис эйтин фивтин метэс] – Высота этой скульптуры составляет 85 метров. It is the tallest statue of a woman in the world [Ит ис зэ толест статью оф э вумен ин зэ ворлд] – Это самая высокая статуя женщины в мире.

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Volga–Don Canal [Волгэ-Дон кэнэл] – Волго-Донской канал

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The canal connects the Volga and the Don rivers [Зэ кэнэл конэктс зэ Волга энд зэ Дон риверс] – Этот канал соединяет реки Волгу и Дон. Volga-Don Canal opened in 1952, the length of the waterway is 101 km [Волга-Дон кэнэл оупенд ин найнтин фивтин ту, зэ ленф оф зэ вотэвэй ис уан хандрид энд уан] – Волго-Донской канал открыт в 1952 году, протяженность водных путей составляет 101 км.

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The Heroes` Alley [Зэ хирос Алли] – Аллея героев

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On one side of the Alley a memorial to 192 heroes of the Soviet Union born in Volgograd [Он уан сайд оф зэ Алли э мемориал моньюмент ту уан хандрид ту хирос оф зэ Совьет Юнион] – На одной стороне аллеи Мемориал 192 Героям Советского Союза, родившимся в Волгограде.

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On the other side there is a monument to 127 heroes of the Soviet Union who got the title during Stalingrad Battle [Он зэ авэ сайд вэа ис э моньюмент ту уан хандрид твенти севен хирос оф зэ Совьет Юнион ху гот зэ тайтл дьюрин Стэлингрэд Батл]- На другой стороне есть памятник 127 Героев Советского Союза, которые получили это звание в ходе Сталинградской битвы.

"The Motherland Calls" is one of the greatest monuments in Russia. It's located in Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. At the time of construction of this memorial, it was the tallest statue on the planet. Designed by structural engineer Nikolai Nikitin and sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich, this statue stands 85m tall and depicts a young woman dressed in a loose-fitting robe raising her sword in the right hand to the sky. Her left hand is extended in a calling gesture. It represents a call by the mother (the symbol of Russia) to her children to stand up and fight for the homeland. The appearance of this woman makes us feel the strength and power of the Russian people. This monument symbolizes the victory of the USSR during World War II, when the Red Army defeated the German troops. Tourists will have to pass two hundred steps, representing the 200 days of the Battle of Stalingrad, to go up to the pedestal of the monument.

"Родина-мать зовет" является одним из самых замечательных памятников в России. Он расположен на Мамаевом кургане в Волгограде. Во время строительства этого мемориала, это была самая высокая статуя на планете. Разработанная инженером-конструктором Николаем Никитиным и скульптором Вучетичем, эта статуя возвышается на 85м в высоту и изображает молодую женщину, одетую в свободную одежду, поднимающую свой меч в правой руке к небу. Ее левая рука вытянута в вызывающем жесте. Она представляет собой призыв матери (символ России) своим детям вставать и бороться за Родину. Внешность этой женщины заставляет нас почувствовать силу и мощь русского народа. Этот памятник символизирует победу СССР во время Второй мировой войны, когда Красная Армия разгромила немецкие войска. Туристы должны будут пройти двести ступеней, символизирующих 200 дней Сталинградской битвы, чтобы подняться на пьедестал памятника.

The Mausoleum of Lenin, also known as ‘Lenin’s Tomb’ is situated in Red Square. It is the final resting place of Vladimir Lenin, the first Premier of Soviet Russia. His embalmed body has been on display there since he died in 1924, with the exception of a few years during the war when his body was evacuated to Siberia. The original mausoleum was made of wood and was designed by architect Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov. He was given just three days to complete its construction. The tomb was built to enable people to say their last goodbyes to Lenin. Five days after Lenin’s death, it was decided to place the tomb by the Kremlin Wall in Red Square. More than 100, 000 people visited the tomb within a month and a half. By October 1930 the tomb had been enlarged using a variety of materials, such as marble, granite and labradorite. It is an impressive structure, influenced by the great pyramids and the tombs of the Middle East.

As the mausoleum is only open three days a week (Tuesday - Thursday) for a few hours each morning, people normally have to wait in a long queue to see Lenin. Many place a single flower in front of him to pay their last respects. It is strictly forbidden to take photographs or talk while inside.

Так как мавзолей открыт только 3 дня в неделю (вторник – четверг на несколько часов каждое утро, людям обычно приходится ждать в длинной очереди, чтобы увидеть Ленина. Многие кладут по одному цветочку перед ним, чтобы показать свое прощание. Строго запрещено делать фотографии или разговаривать пока находитесь внутри.

More than one and a half million of people visit Mamaev Kurgan annually. And the place is especially crowded during the Victory Day celebrations. It is hard not to appreciate the moment and pay last respect to those who sacrificed their future for our troubles live in the present.

We only had one day to see Volgograd. That is why we went to see Mamaev Kurgan in the first place. This is where we begin our excursion. The rest of Volgograd attractions are described in the second part of the article: Attractions of Volgograd.

How to Get to Mamaev Kurgan

Mamaev Kurgan – Memorial Complex

The Heroes Square on Mamaev Kurgan

The Hall of Military Glory on Mamaev Kurgan

Further we saw a relief of Stalingrad battle, the advance of troops, subsequent gaining of the west and the victory meeting. Here is also the lower entrance to the Hall of Military Glory. This is the place where the hourly relief of honor guards begins.

The Hall of Military Glory in Volgograd

There is a little pass leading from the Hall of Military Glory towards the main sculpture. Monument to soldiers killed in battles stay along the pass.

The Motherland Calls!

We went downstairs on the left from the sculpture and approached Church of All Saints. It was completed in 2005. There is a bed of honor next to it with a sculpture of a woman soldier holding a wreath.

Mamaev Kurgan

There is another entrance to Mamaev Kurgan even further behind the back of the Motherland. We walked a bit more and turned right to come to a memorial park.

The black marble memorizes the names of 6,480 soldiers who were buried or reburied on Mamaev Kurgan. There are many beds of honor and individual graves with the total of 35,000 people on Mamaev Kurgan.

The results of the trip to Volgograd

A visit to Mamaev Kurgan allows learning things that are impossible to learn without coming there. It arises sorrowful pride for our grandfathers and grand-grandfathers who fought for our motherland. This feeling may not even appear from a mere watching of photos, but will certainly take you in once you come here to these graves and under these poplars and birches. Walk along those ruined walls and lay flowers to the eternal flame. One shudders unconsciously when reading the names and years of life. Very young boys, somebodies husbands and sons gave their lives. So let’s appreciate what they presented to us. And there is no doubt that everyone should visit this sacred place.

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The route to the memorial complex “Mamayev Kurgan”

Work is done by Dikareva Mariya-10 a,

Kulyabina Arina-11 a,

Dubovtsov Igor -11 a

Teachers : Lemiseva L.M.

To live in Volgograd and not to know its history is impossible. We are going with you to an interesting route to the memorial complex “Mamayev Kurgan”

The more we live, the further events of Great Patriotic War go to the past. Fewer and fewer living witnesses of war stay alive. Stalingrad battle has finished .But the voices of the dead and the living will disturb us for a long time. Wars do not pass without a trace.

No words can convey those feelings that you experience when you visit this place. There are thousands of photos and descriptions, but they cannot convey even a hundredth.

Every year Mamayev Kurgan is visited by thousands of people. Most people come to lay flowers at the eternal Flame and to honour the memory of ancestors. For those of you who want to understand and feel the course of history, to see with your own eyes a great battle place and feel the power of this place, then you should definitely climb Mamayev Kurgan!

Mamayev Kurgan entered a bright page in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad, which lasted from July 17th, 1942 to February 2nd, 1943. The battle, giant in scale and significant by its impact on the further course of the war, became a kind of prologue of the Great Victory.

It`s important to mention that on September 13, 1942 bloody battles turned for the Mamaev Kurgan and lasted almost 140 days and nights out of 200 days and nights here. The height 102.0 - so Mamayev Kurgan was called on the staff cards. It was vital lookout post and it was life or death to keep it protected. Soldiers swore an aoth to defend their Motherland.

When the battle ended, and I`m sure that you know that it was on February,2. The blood-soaked soil on the hill was ploughed and mixed with shrapnel: between 500 and 1,250 splinters of metal were found per square metre.

It`s no great surprise that the earth on the hill had remained black in the winter. In the following spring the hill would still remain black, as no grass grew on its scorched soil.

Nowadays Mamayev Kurgan is primarily famous for the monument-ensemble called Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle with the main monument called The Motherland Calls.

There is no doubt that this memorial was dedicated to the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle. The construction was designed by the group of sculptors and architects in charge of Eugene Vuchetich in 1967.

Nowadays it is the main attraction of Volgograd. Many Russian people and foreigners are willing to visit this place at least once in their lives in order to feel the significance of this Battle, see outstanding monuments and lower their heads toward the great soldiers and marshals.

There are 200 granite steps for the number of days of the Battle of Stalingrad – from the bottom of the mound to its summit.

The Avenue of Lombardy Poplars looks like soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder. Just like the real heroes fighting together for the Motherland.

Two Walls-ruins on both sides of it symbolize ruins of Stalingrad after bombing. They look like the certain episode of the Stalingrad Battle. Figures of soldiers, weapons and tanks are depicted there. The ruins of a huge building destroyed by long term shooting attacks, endless bombings, direct hits and bursts of fire.

Through the walls we can hear the gun's shot, military songs, fighter aircrafts' roar and the famous voice of the Soviet announcer Yuri Levitan telling the news from the battlefields every 30 minutes.

While visiting Walls-ruins and Hall of Military Fame you can hear musical compositions. Listening to this music, the gun's shot and aircrafts' roar you can imagine the horror, fear, cruelty of the war.

Square of Heroes is marked by the pool which represents the river Volga and water as a source of life in general. The pool is surrounded by six six-metre high statues of various soldiers that tell us about the heroic deeds of the Soviet people during Stalingrad Battle. Monumental Relief exhibiting main episodes of the great battle: the attack of Soviet troops at Stalingrad, blockading of the fascists and their destruction, the victorious movement of Russian forces to the west, the selfless labour of workers of the fronts.

Now we are standing in the Hall of Military Fame, which is inside of the retaining wall. As you can see, the structure is built in a shape of a cylinder with a rectangular entrance. The construction was planned to be a museum-panorama «The Battle of Stalingrad" but the decision was changed.

When you enter the Hall you can almost immediately notice a mosaic copy of the medal for the defence of Stalingrad. If you turn your right, you will enter an oval room. The Hall of Military Fame on Mamayev Kurgan is a tribute to those who didn’t survive to see the Victory, to those who was killed on the battlefield. In the centre of the room or, as it’s also called, the pantheon of Fame, you can see a marble hand with a lit torch. It’s a hand of help of those who died for the sake of the bright future of the Motherland.

The statue of a hand is fixed on the pedestal which is strewn with flowers and wreaths. There are 34 scarlet slabs with black ribbons scattered around the Hall of Fame and about 7500 names and surnames of those who died in the battles of Stalingrad are written on these slabs.

If we are lucky enough, we may watch the change of the Guard of Honour which was formed in January in 1968.

We are on the Square of Sorrow where the legendary commander of the 62nd army, Basil Chuikov, was buried. His grave is formalized with black granite slabs on which you can read: «Twice a Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal of the Soviet Union. Chuikov Basil Ivanovich.

A bending mother is crying about the lost son and at the same time about everyone who gave their lives for the Victory. The solder’s face is covered with a banner which is a symbol of the last military honours. Near the basement of the monument you can see a small swimming pool called the Lake of Tears.

We are going up to the top of the hill to the sculpture The Motherland Calls, which is the compositional centre of the whole ensemble. Look at your left and you will notice some beds of honour and individual graves where more than35 000 defenders of Stalingrad found their peace.

The monumental memorial is crowned by a colossal allegorical statue named "The Motherland Calls!”. She rushed forward fiercely with her full might and power, a punishing sward above her head is ready to collapse the enemy.

The height of the sculpture is 85 meters together with the sword and 52 meters without it.

Mamayev Kurgan Memorial Complex ”To the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is the source of pride and patriotism for generations of Russian people visiting this place in order to cherish the memory of the victims who struggled for freedom and independence of their country.

Нужно сочинение по английскому языку на тему доспремечательность волгограда к примеры мамаев курган.

Mamaev Kurgan is the Central height of Russia, a Holy place for all the people of the vast country.

It was a radical turn in the course of the great Patriotic war.

Created here is the monument monumental and majestic ensemble "to Heroes of Stalingrad battle" – to preserve for the ages a story of courage and the courage of the defenders of Stalingrad during fierce fighting outside the city.

In this article You will learn about what events took place there during the hostilities, what kind of strategic role played Kurgan.

Volgograd is one of the largest historical cities located in the South - East of the European part of Russia.

The city was first mentioned in 1589.

This date is considered to be the city foundation year.

Nowadays Volgograd is home to 1 million 18 thousand people.

It occupies the 13th place among all Russian cities based on population.

Its territory is home to people of different nations.

Most people are Russians who account for 90 percent of the population, the second largest group is formed by the Kazakhs, followed by the Ukrainians and the Armenians.

The city's climate is characterized by strong temperature changes, hot and long summers and mild winters.

Volgograd is a large city with developed industry.

The most popular are such industries as metallurgy, engineering, metalworking, chemical plants and power generation.

There are many cultural interesting places in the city, such as theaters, museums, cinemas, exhibitions and so on.

Thanks to its outstanding history Volgograd can boast of some unique monuments, which are popular with both local citizens and tourists.

The main attraction of the city is Mamaev Kurgan.

This largest memorial complex was created in the memory of the Great Patriotic war.

Around the complex there are different monuments dedicated to specific moments of the Staliningrad battle.

This memorial is crowned by the huge 85 meter high "Motherland calls".

The state museum - panorama of Stalingrad battle is very popular among tourists.

Here you can see more than 130 thousand exhibits, telling about the heroic past of the city.

In addition, the museum includes the largest Russian panorama dedicated to Stalingrad battle.

This huge, 120x6 meter, painting is a magnificent work of art.

In general, this hero town contains a large amount of monuments, exhibition halls and another interesting historical places where everyone can find place after his own heart.

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