Сочинение моя родина казахстан на английском

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

The Kazakh proverb says: "Flowers are only flowers in their meadow," a man in his homeland is a man. " The word contains the age-old secret of the truth about Man and Homeland, carefully guarded from generation to generation. Only the feeling of the Motherland, the comprehension of its unity with it, its involvement in the life and fate of the Fatherland makes us real people.
"Birch cotton" in the north, the mighty pine forests of Borovoe, the golden fields of virgin land, the gray feather grass of the Great Steppe, the mountain masses of Alatau and Tien Shan are all my Kazakhstan. When I was writing an essay about my Motherland in the lower grades, it was these pictures that struck me: the vast expanses, beauty and diversity of the nature of my homeland. I'll never stop admiring them. How special is Nature's mother's favor to the land of Kazakhstan. The poetic heritage of our people contains a lot of fascinating pictures of the beauty of our native land, its vast expanses, snow-white mountain ranges, the azure waters of lakes . Great akyns sang the beauty and history of the Kazakh land. I was always interested and worried about one story, because without the past there is no future. The people's memory keeps and transmits from generation to generation glorious and tragic events in the life of the Kazakh people. My imagination painted images of glorious batyrs, valiantly defending their homeland. They saw me in the majestic figures of the glorious warriors Karasai and Agyntai - the Batyrs, standing on one of the central squares of the city. Now I'm seventeen, and in the words "My Motherland - Kazakhstan" I'm already putting another meaning. It is not just a beautiful country with an inimitable centuries-old history and culture. Kazakhstan is a young, free, independent state, successfully developing its economy and moving ahead of the road of reforms and reforms to the prosperity and stability of our country. I think the main wealth of any state is its people, their lives, concerns and aspirations, sorrows and joys.

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



Казахстан – крупная и быстро развивающаяся страна с древними традициями. Она находится в Европе и Азии одновременно и обладает невероятно красивой природой: степи, реки и горы могут впечатлить любого своей особенной атмосферой. В наши дни в Казахстане совершенствуются сельское хозяйство и промышленность, а также активно возрождается национальная культура, что привлекает тысячи туристов.

Kazakhstan is famous for steppes, fields of sunflowers, and especially for numerous mountain ranges: the Altai, the Dzungarian Alatau, the legendary Tian Shan, etc. Some of these mountains are sacral for many nations. The magnificent Khan Tengri, the highest point of the country, is popular among climbers.

Казахстан знаменит степями, полями подсолнухов, а прежде всего – многочисленными горными цепями: Алтаем, Джунгарским Алатау, легендарным Тянь-Шанем и т.д. Некоторые из этих гор священны для многих народов. Потрясающая Хан-Тенгри, высшая точка страны, популярна среди альпинистов.

The history of Kazakhstan began long ago: the first states of the Turkic tribes were founded in the 8 th century BC. Afterward, there were different states: the Golden Horde, the great empire of Tamerlan, the Kazakh Khanate, etc. The local Muslim cultures owed high-level literature, mathematics, and astronomy. From the 16 th century, Kazakhstan was a part of Russian Empire, and then one of the USSR republics. However, now it is a sovereign democratic state with its own elected President and the Parliament.

История Казахстана началась давно: первые государства тюркских племён были основаны в VIII веке до н.э. Впоследствии там возникали различные страны: Золотая Орда, великая империя Тамерлана, Казахское ханство и др. В местных мусульманских культурах были литература, математика, астрономия высокого уровня. С XVI века Казахстан был частью Российской империи, а затем – одной из республик СССР. Однако сейчас это суверенное демократическое государство с собственными избираемыми Президентом и Парламентом.

Several cities of Kazakhstan (its capital – Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Pavlodar, etc.) are big and extremely lively. The country is proud of its mining industry: it has rich resources of oil, zinc, copper, silver, and gold. Due to the picturesque mountains, there are many ski resorts.

Несколько городов Казахстана (его столица – Астана, Алма-Ата, Караганда, Павлодар и т.д.) являются большими и чрезвычайно оживлёнными. Страна гордится своей добывающей промышленностью: она имеет богатые запасы нефти, цинка, меди, серебра и золота. Благодаря живописным горам, там много лыжных курортов.

Население Казахстана охотно пользуется казахским языком. Кроме того, люди интересуются казахской культурой: национальной одеждой, блюдами, жилищами (юртами), музыкой (домброй и традиционными песнями) и спортом (различными видами джигитовки).

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential system of government. The President of Kazakhstan is Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

Nur-Sultan is the capital of the country. Almaty is Kazakhstan's largest city. Kazakhstan has a population of over 19 million (2022). The country has the ninth largest territory in the world.

Kazakh is the official language of Kazakhstan. Russian has the status of the language of interethnic communication. The tenge is the country’s unit of currency.

Geography and climate

Steppes occupy 26% of Kazakhstan’s territory. About 44% of the country is covered by deserts.

Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world. Part of the Caspian Sea lies within the country’s territory. The Aral Sea is divided between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Kazakhstan has a continental climate, with warm summers and very cold winters. Nur-Sultan is one of the coldest capital cities in the world.


Kazakhstan has significant oil and gas resources. It has the 9th largest proven oil reserves . The country’s uranium and coal deposits are the 2nd and the 8th largest in the world respectively.

Kazakhstan is among the world’s top ten exporters of grain and is one of the leaders in flour exports.

Since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan’s GDP per capita has increased twentyfold – from US $700 to US $14,000.

According to the World Bank, Kazakhstan has transitioned from lower-middle-income to upper-middle-income status in less than two decades.

Еще тексты про Казахстан

Перевод на русский язык

Основные факты

Республика Казахстан – унитарное государство с президентской формой правления. Президент Республики Казахстан – Касым-Жомарт Токаев.

Столица – город Нур-Султан. Алматы – крупнейший город Казахстана. Население Казахстана составляет более 19 миллионов человек (2022). Страна занимает 9-е место в мире по площади.

Государственный язык – казахский, русский имеет статус языка межнационального общения. Денежная единица – тенге.

География и климат

Степи занимают 26% территории Казахстана. Около 44% территории занимают пустыни.

Казахстан – крупнейшая страна в мире, не имеющая прямого выхода в Мировой океан. Часть Каспийского моря находится на территории страны. Аральское море разделено между Казахстаном и Узбекистаном.

В Казахстане континентальный климат с теплым летом и очень холодной зимой. Нур-Султан – одна из самых холодных столиц мира.

Экономика Казахстана

Казахстан входит в первую десятку мировых экспортеров зерна и является одним из лидеров по экспорту муки.

С момента обретения независимости в 1991 году ВВП Казахстана на душу населения увеличился в 20 раз – с 700 до 14 000 долларов США.

По данным Всемирного банка, Казахстан перешел из категории стран с доходами ниже среднего уровня в категорию стран с доходами выше среднего уровня менее чем за два десятилетия.

Тексты для работы на уроке по теме "Казахстан" с заданиями по тексту.

Содержимое разработки

My country is Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the central part of the Euro- Asian continent. The area is 2753000 square kilometers. Its territory stretches from West to East for 3000 km and from North to South for 1600 km. In the West, Northwest and North Kazakhstan borders on the Russian Federation. In the South and Southwest are the Republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the Southeast and East, there is China.

Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions, 223 districts. There are 83 cities and 204 townships. The main cities are Astana, Aktobe, Atyrau, Taraz, Pavlodar, Karagandy and Kostanai.

The population of Kazakhstan is 15 million people. People of 120 nationalities live in the country. Kazakh is the state language but Russian is officially used on an equal basis with Kazakh.

In December 1991 a new independent country – The Republic of Kazakhstan – joined the World Community. The 16 th of December is now celebrated as an Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country with a presidential form of the Government. The first president of Kazakhstan is N.A.Nazarbayev. He became the first president in April 1990.

Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resourses oil, copper, zinc, gold and silver. Mining, machinery manufacture, the production of petro – chemicals and agriculture are important sectors of the economy. The people of the country grow grain, fruit, cotton, millet, corn.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has played a great role in the history and development of the Central Asia. In 1957, the first satellite was short into space from the Baikonur Space Centre, which lies in the steppeland of Kazakhstan.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of eleven international organizations including United Nation, UNESCO, UNICEF, IMF and others.

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