Сочинение if i were a millionaire

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Who or what I would be if I was a millionaire, I would be happy, I would be happy and good? What is happiness and how it is linked with the money? And who wants to be a millionaire (except the billionaires)?
Happiness is not about money, the rich are unhappy, too, is rich in the one who is surrounded by people who selflessly and completely love you, but without money happiness can not be complete.
If I were a millionaire, I would try to stay the way I am. I would spend them wisely to joy is not fat fleeting. Some of the money I have invested in the business, that would provide a steady income, and the other part I would have spent to "live", without forgetting their loved ones and friends.

2.I can`t swimming.

3.I could tell a joke.

4.I could`t not help you.

5.I was able to do it.

Jean Herman lived in an apartment in New York City. Jean's apartment was small, but she liked it. The apartment was cheap; Jean paid only $200 a month. One day a big company bought the old building. The company wanted to tear down the old building and build a skyscraper. "We're going to tear down this building," the people told Jean. "So, you have to move. Here is a check for $50,000. You can find a new apartment —a big, beautiful apartment." " Jean said. "I like this apartment. I'm not going to move," Jean didn't take the check. The next day the people came back with a check for $ 100,000. Jean didn't take .the check, "I'm not going to move," she said. Jean didn't take their checks. Finally the people came with a check for $750,000. "Please take the money and move," the people said. "I'm not going to move," Jean says. "Not for $750,000. Not for a million dollars. Not for ten million dollars. I like this apartment. It's my home." Jean didn't move, and the company didn't tear down the building. And so, on East 60th Street in New York there was an unusual skyscraper. Jean Herman lived alone in the old building. Her apartment was small, but Jean liked it. The apartment was cheap; Jean paid only $200 a month.

I have got a cat. His name is Martin. i love Martin. my favourite animal is a cat. They are our friends.

People of different ages have a dream. Someone wants to live abroad, the other people dream to be popular. We want to be healthy, happy, to have many friends and to be independent. But everyone dreams to have a million one day and to spend these money for different things.

If I had a million I would not waste my money. It is not a real dream to have these money, but they would help my dream to come true. First of all I would help my parents to pay credit and to finish renovation at home. They have been saving money all these years for me and my education. I think it’s time to help them. Also I would buy two voucher for my family to the country they would like to go. I think it’s a good investment of money.

Also I would continue my education at university. I am still not sure what exactly I want to do in future but I would definitely get a degree.

After university I would open my business. Maybe I would sell the phones or I would have my own beauty bar. It would help me to earn money and to be independent.

I don’t know how much money I would spend for all these things but I also want to donate something. It’s so sad that people still suffer because of different diseases. I would really like to invest some money in this research. Maybe these money will help one day to find new medicine.

If I still have something in my pocket I would travel. I would like to see Mexico, Brazil, Marocco, Thailand and Indonesia. These place are so different and interesting to me. I think I could buy some presents for my family and friends to make them happy.

Well it’s easy to say how I would spend these money. For me it’s important if they really can make somebody happy. Money is only instrument, but not a dream. I am very ambitious person and I am sure one day all my dreams will come true.

Если бы у меня был миллион

А также я бы продолжил своё обучение в университете. Я все ещё не знаю, чем именно хочу заниматься в будущем. Но я определенно хочу получить высшее образование.

А после университета я бы хотел открыть свой собственный бизнес. Возможно, я бы продавал телефоны или открыл собственный салон красоты. Этот бизнес помог бы мне зарабатывать деньги и стать независимым.

Я не знаю, сколько бы денег я потратил на все это, но я бы очень хотел сделать пожертвование. Так печально, что люди в наше время страдают от многих заболеваний. Я бы очень хотел инвестировать какую-то сумму денег в исследования. Возможно, эти деньги помогли бы найти новое лекарство.

Если у меня ещё что-то останется, я отправлюсь в путешествие. Я бы хотел увидеть Мексику, Бразилию, Марокко, Тайланд и Индонезию. Эти места такие разные и такие притягательные. Я думаю, что купил бы там подарки, чтобы порадовать мою семью и друзей.

Что же легко сказать, как бы я потратил эти деньги. Для меня очень важно сделать родных счастливыми. Деньги - это всего лишь инструмент, а не сама мечта. Я достаточно амбициозный человек и уверен, что однажды все мои мечты исполнятся.

It has been very rightly said that "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride". But it is wonderful to have wishes. Even though they may not come true, there is no harm in dreaming.

Although I am not a poor man, but I would like to have so much money that I could do something for those who are less fortunate than me. I do not see any harm in having every luxury for myself, if in turn I can do something worthwhile for the poor. It has been my dream to see each child well nourished. When I see children on the streets with no food I feel great pain. Although their parents try their best, they cannot provide their children with food, clothing and shelter. Then they turn to begging.

If I were a millionaire I would do my best to provide permanent shelter, food and clothing for the poor. I would open schools for them where the children could learn I would help them to be so independent that they can find fruitful employment for themselves.

I would also build hospitals so as to provide them with good medical facilities. India has progressed a lot and we do have good medical facilities but the poor people cannot afford these. If a poor child is sick, there is every possibility that he may die due to lack of medicines and doctors. I would like to build a hospital with modern facilities where people will get medical assistance free of cost.

I would donate money to social service organisations like destitute homes, orphanages, homes for the aged and reformatories.

Unfortunately when one becomes extremely rich, one he forget the plight of those who are less fortunate. My motto would be, "live and let live". In fact I would do all that I could for my parents too so that they may not have to break their backs working for us. I would make them so comfortable that even in their old age they would feel great to be alive. I would like to enjoy the fruits of money but I would always remain sensitive and sympathetic to the agony of those who are less fortunate.

If I were a teacher I would certainly choose a career of a teacher in the primary school. A teacher in the primary school is often called “the second mum”, because she introduces a school life for children, she “opens a new world” for them. When kids come to school for the first time, they are small and shy, they are afraid of a new school atmosphere. A teacher is the closest friend for them.
A task for a real teacher is to find out children’s abilities, their talents, to help pupils to show all their skills and creativity. A teacher should always mind that she or he mustn’t speak words of praise to one pupil and abuse or forget about other pupils. Carelessness and reproaches can injure kids’ souls. And it is very important because the most of dangerous thing when a child becomes unsociable. I think that a teacher must be strict to let her pupils have good discipline and good knowledge at class. A teacher should be proud of her pupils.
Consequently, I would like to be such a teacher. I would go out on excursions on foot with my pupils. I would like to be a real friend for them.
To be a teacher is very hard. It seems to me I know what kind of person he or she should be to become a good teacher in the primary school. But will I really choose this difficult profession? Now it is hard to decide.

"And it is very important because the most of dangerous thing when a child becomes unsociable." - что-то не совсем правильно грамматически?

Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (233871) Итернет полон загадок! Что нашёл, то дал. Просматривать просматриваю, вычитывать не вычитываю. ))) Как и вы считаю, что такие вещи нужно делать самостоятельно. В данном случае пусть до ума доводит будущий "хозяин". )))

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

The theme of the lesson: If I were a millionaire The theme of the lesson: If.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The theme of the lesson: If I were a millionaire The theme of the lesson: If.

The theme of the lesson: If I were a millionaire The theme of the lesson: If I were a millionaire

Phonetic drill Betty Butter bought some butter But she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, It will make my batter bitter.

 Checking up homework

Checking up homework

First Conditional

or Real Conditional

or Real Conditional

It describes what someone thinks will happen in a real situation. You believe.

It describes what someone thinks will happen in a real situation. You believe that the things you are talking about will happen.

if + V1 / will + V1

if + V1 / will + V1


If you want to be like this

If you want to be like this

you will begin to smoke

you will begin to smoke

If it stops snowing, we will go out!

If it stops snowing, we will go out!

If you drive carefully, you will haven’t an accident

If you drive carefully, you will haven’t an accident

If I have no homework, I will go to play football.

If I have no homework, I will go to play football.

If you graduate successfully from your school,

If you graduate successfully from your school,

….I will buy you a new computer.

….I will buy you a new computer.

If I go with you to the party tonight,

If I go with you to the party tonight,

…I will be very happy.

…I will be very happy.

If you win the race,

If you win the race,

…..you will get the car.

…..you will get the car.

If I have an opportunity, I will travel all around the world.

If I have an opportunity, I will travel all around the world.

If you tell me the number, I will write it down.

If you tell me the number, I will write it down.

If the telephone rings, I will answer it.

If the telephone rings, I will answer it.

Second Conditional

or Unreal Conditional

or Unreal Conditional

Main Clause + If- Clause (would/could/might) + (simple past tense) We use the.

Main Clause + If- Clause (would/could/might) + (simple past tense) We use the second conditional to express an unreal or unlikely situation in the present or in the future.

If + V2 / would + V1

If + V2 / would + V1


If I had something to eat..

If I had something to eat..

…I would finish it in two minutes.

…I would finish it in two minutes.

If I had three bananas, I would give you one of them.

If I had three bananas, I would give you one of them.

If I had ten thousand dollars,

If I had ten thousand dollars,

…I would buy a beautiful car.

…I would buy a beautiful car.

If I had a helicopter, I’d fly to school, and wouldn't be late. I would = I’d

If some aliens landed on the earth,

If some aliens landed on the earth,

…I’d make friends with them.

…I’d make friends with them.

What are you doing? If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.

What are you doing? If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.

New words Housewife [‘hauswaif ] Ordinary [‘ɔ:dinәri] Boring [‘bɔ:ri ŋ] Priva.

New words Housewife [‘hauswaif ] Ordinary [‘ɔ:dinәri] Boring [‘bɔ:ri ŋ] Private [‘praivit] Fashionable [‘fæ∫әnәbl]

Housewife- домохозяйка Ordinary- обычный Boring- скучный Private-частный Fash.

Housewife- домохозяйка Ordinary- обычный Boring- скучный Private-частный Fashionable-модный

Ex 5 Read about Bolat how he describes his life and dream. Bolat I live in a.

Ex 5 Read about Bolat how he describes his life and dream. Bolat I live in a small flat with my parents a sister. My father is a teacher. He doesn’t earn much. My mother is a housewife. She can’t find a job. I have a granny who looks after us. My sister and I go to ordinary school. We usually get there by bus. At school we wear uniform. At home we have a small cat “Blacky”. My life is boring. His dream If my father were a millionaire we would live in a house. My father would earn much money. My mother would have an interesting job. My sister and I wouldn’t go to an ordinary school. We would go to a private school, where we wouldn’t wear a uniform. We would wear fashionable clothes. My granny would travel all over the world. We would have “gold fish” at home. My life would be interesting.

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