Сочинение family or career

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

My family is everything for me. I love my parents and my brother. I can ask them for advice and I can share with them my plans. My mom supports me when I have problems and my dad can help me to take the right decision. Also my younger brother is very smart and I can rely on him in a difficult moment. He is also one of my best friend and we are really close with him. He knows me very well.

Actually I have few best friends. I have known them since childhood and we were always close. I would say they know me very well and they know my personality. Sometime we have a quarrel for some stupid things. Of course after couple of days we talked and we are best friends again.

Sometime I think if family or friends are closer to me. I have misunderstandings with both of them. I know that my family loves me and wishes me only the best. But I would like that my parents could hear also my desires about my holidays or my future profession. They think it’s better for me to be a doctor. But I would like to become a musician.

My friends understand my problem and they support me a lot. But sometime I feel they are jealous or not serious enough. So I understand that friends can betray and my family will be with me forever. But I also know that for some people family members can be like strangers. In this situation friend can be the ones who help you with any problem.

Personally I choose my family because I am the lucky one. But in reality it’s a difficult choice and I would like my friends and my family are close to me all the time. And I think they are important for everyone. Some people in our life can be our support in a bad moment, they can give a wise advice and they will protect you if other people will try to offend you.

Что важнее семья или друзья?

Моя семья - это все для меня. Я очень люблю своих родителей и брата. Я всегда могу попросить совет у них, а ещё могу поделиться своими планами на будущее. Моя мама поддерживает меня, когда у меня проблемы, а папа обычно помогает принять правильное решение. А мой младший брат очень умный и я могу положиться на него в трудную минуту. Мой брат - он же мой лучший друг, который знает меня и мои привычки.

Также у меня есть несколько лучших друзей. Я знаю их с самого детства и мы всегда были близки. Я бы сказала, что они знают меня достаточно хорошо, а также знают мой характер. Порой мы ссоримся из-за каких-нибудь глупостей. И конечно, через пару дней начинаем разговаривать и снова становимся лучшими друзьями.

Иногда я думаю, кто же ближе мне- семья или друзья? Хотя, у меня бывают недопонимания с обеими сторонами. Я знаю, что моя семья любит меня и желает мне лишь добра. Но я бы хотела, чтоб родители слышали порой мои пожелания о каникулах или о будущей профессии. Они считают, что мне лучше стать врачом. А я бы хотела стать музыкантом.

Друзья прекрасно понимают эту проблему и поддерживают меня. Но иногда мне кажется, что они мне завидуют или относятся не совсем серьезно ко мне. Так что я понимаю, что друзья могут предать, а семья останется с тобой навсегда. Но также я знаю, что для многих людей члены семьи - это незнакомцы. В таких случаях друзья - это люди, которые помогают решать любые проблемы.

Лично я всегда выбираю семью, мне с ней очень повезло. Хотя, это очень трудный выбор, ведь и семья, и друзья мне очень близки. Думаю, что этот круг общения близок каждому человеку. Кто-то является нашей поддержкой в трудную минуту, кто-то даст мудрый совет, а кто-то просто защитит, когда против тебя обернётся весь мир.

Nowadays more and more people are eager to get a good education in order to make a successful career. Some people think that getting a high position at work should be the aim of every person while other people believe that having a happy family and enjoying your life is more important. I will consider both points of view.

In my opinion, career should come first and I will explain why. Firstly, if you are a top manager of a company, you probably earn a lot of money. That means that you can afford better standards of life. Moreover, your children will not be short of money in the future. Secondly, a successful career can provide a high social status. You will be in touch with famous and rich people, foreign businessmen.

Nevertheless, other people do not share this point of view.

They claim that, being concentrated on work, you will likely to see less of your family and kids. You will not take care of your family enough and bring up your children properly. Moreover, they believe that such a person will feel lonely because he will be surrounded with partners and colleagues only who cannot always be trusted.

I do not think they are right. It seems to me that a disciplined and wise person can combine a personal life with work. He will find time both for the family and himself and for work. That is why he will not feel lonely.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, having considered both points of view on this issue, I can surely claim that positive sides of the dilema outweigh the negative ones.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 1 балл

1) Превышен допустимый объём. Проверяется только часть эссе до предложения That is why he will not feel lonely включительно. Вывод не попадает в проверяемую часть.

2) Мнение автора необходимо сформулировать точнее и указать, что карьера сопоставляется именно с семьёй.

3) Думается, что в третьем абзаце акцент необходимо сделать на преимуществах семьи перед карьерой, а не на том, как работа мешает заниматься семейными делами и быть счастливым.

4) Соответственно, в перестроении нуждается и четвёртый абзац, где следует опровергать преимущества семьи, а не говорить о возможности успешного совмещения семьи и карьеры.

5) Слово kids нарушает нейтральный стиль сочинения.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

1) Во избежание логической неувязки следует заменить во втором предложении первого абзаца словосочетание some people на местоимение they.

2) В третьем же абзаце лучше сказать some people / a lot of people, а не other people, поскольку иначе получается, что автор противопоставляет себя всем людям одновременно и является единственным, кто придерживается заявленной точки зрения.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

Лексических ошибок не выявлено.

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) you will likely to see less – you will likely see less [Частица to в данной конструкции не используется];

2) he will be surrounded – he or she will be surrounded / they will be surrounded [Необходимо использовать нейтральные в гендерном отношении местоимения];

3) can combine a personal life with work – can combine personal life with work [Артикль не нужен];

4) He will find time both for the family and himself and for work. That is why he will not feel lonely – He or she / They will find time both for the family and himself or herself / themselves and for work. That is why he or she / they will not feel lonely [См. пункт 2].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) the aim of every perso n w hile other people – the aim of every person, while other people [Нужна запятая];

2) and colleagues onl y w ho cannot always – and colleagues only, who cannot always [Неограничительное придаточное требует постановки запятых].

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Презентация на тему: " Essay Family or career? Nowadays all people come face to face to decide problem to have a family or to have a career." — Транскрипт:

1 Essay Family or career? Nowadays all people come face to face to decide problem to have a family or to have a career.

2 To my mind both family and career are very important for every person. As for me I think that family must be the first thing in peoples life.

3 Every person is free to choose his career or family.

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Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Some people are focused on building a successful career while others choose to start a family..

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The question of balancing between a career and a family has been currently important and unsettling during many years and, nowadays, it still arouses the wide concern. Some people consider that it is better to focus on the professional success, while others claim that strong family ties play a major role in our lives.

As far as I am concerned, young people should mostly concentrate on pursuing a rewarding career. First of all, working experience develops a considerable level of independence and maturity to take responsibilities for your decisions, which could be used in family building in the future.

Besides, stable career position allows earning a sufficient amount of money to support a family and provide children with the best care and education. By the way, one of the basic human requirements is a need for self-realization and achievement, and only our career could ensure that deep sense of self-satisfaction.

However, some people think that family comes first as it forms inner emotional stability needed to build up a successful career. Furthermore, our financial success and personal achievements are useless when there is no one to share them with.

At the same time, I am sure that it is crucial to establish a fundamental base of personal experience and financial independence to start a healthy and happy family. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

As a conclusion, it is important to emphasize that we are free to choose the way of living to succeed in life and only we are liable for the possible outcome.

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CAREER OR FAMILY?Project by students of group 126 Diana Gulyaeva, Viktoria Ki.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

CAREER OR FAMILY?Project by students of group 126 Diana Gulyaeva, Viktoria Ki.

Project by students of group 126
Diana Gulyaeva, Viktoria Kim,
Olga Vinokurova, Valentina Demcheglo
MISIS 2012

Career. Pros Career. Cons Family. Pros Family. Cons Statistic Opinion o.

Career. Pros
Career. Cons
Family. Pros

Family. Cons
Opinion of the Star
For example
In conclusion

What is family?
What is career?
Career or Family?
Career. Pros
Career. Cons
Family. Pros
Family. Cons
For example
In conclusion

What is family? Family –is a small group, whose members are connected.

What is family?
Family –is a small group, whose members are connected community of life, moral and legal responsibility.

What is career? Career – is promotion on a service ladder and individual.

What is career?
Career – is promotion on a service ladder and individual change attitudes and behavior

Career or Family. A lot of people are faced with a choice: career or family.

Career or Family.
A lot of people are faced with a choice: career or family. We will try in this presentation to deal with this issue. In the following slides, we consider the pros and cons of choosing between them.

Career. Pros Money Scholarship Position in society Competitiveness.

Position in society
Work is a pleasure, such as writing poetry poet and music composer.

Career. Cons Stress Have not free time Do not pay attention to the relat.

Career. Cons
Have not free time
Do not pay attention to the relatives
Have a lot of problems

Family. Pros Spiritual development Have a lot of time The opportunity see y.

Family. Pros
Spiritual development
Have a lot of time
The opportunity see your relatives
You can see your family whenever you wish
You have a time for your children.

 Family. Cons Problems in home care Have not time

Problems in home care
Have not time


For example Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She works and earns. Also.

Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She works and earns.
Also Angelina is good mom. She said: I'm not one of those moms who read notation children. I'm very fond of them.
She have 6 children

In conclusion The ideal is to find the Golden mean: to the extent possible in.

In conclusion
The ideal is to find the Golden mean: to the extent possible in the morning with pleasure to get up for work, and after work with no less pleasure to go home. But life is a difficult thing, and it does not always work the way we want. But then we have something to aspire to!

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