Сочинение all children should learn to play a musical instrument

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

По моему мнению, каждый ребенок должен уметь играть на музыкальном инструменте. Ведь обучение музыке тесно связано с нравственным воспитанием. Например, классическая музыка оказывает положительное влияние на развитие духовно-эмоциональной сферы. У ребёнка мало знаний и опыта, но он чист душой. Он обострённо чувствует добро и зло. Обучение музыке способно сохранить в детях эту свежесть и обострённость чувств. Музыку считают особым искусством. Это силой, которая очищает, облагораживает душу человека. Так же мы понимаем, что музыка приучает к труду. Для того чтобы научиться играть на любом музыкальном инструменте, надо ежедневно трудиться, снова и снова повторяя отдельные аккорды, фразы и многое другое. Все без исключения большие музыканты в детстве занимались игрой на инструменте по много часов в день. Чтобы добиться результата, необходимо не только много работать, но и работать сосредоточенно. Для этого необходимо умение концентрировать внимание. Музыкальные занятия развивают это важное качество, которое пригодятся не только музыканту, но и человеку любой другой профессии. Хотя бы поэтому можно утверждать, что если ваш ребёнок, окончив музыкальную школу, не стал музыкантом и занимается совсем другим делом, время, проведённое за инструментом, не прошло зря. Он научился одному из самых важных умений в жизни — сосредоточенно и много трудиться. В интернете я нашла информацию, что некоторые исследования показали, что у детей, обучающихся игре на музыкальных инструментах, улучшается координация движений, мелкая моторика рук. Всё это способствует улучшению связей между центрами мозга, управляющими движениями. Развивает пространственное мышление.

In my opinion, every child should be able to play a musical instrument. After all, music is closely associated with a moral upbringing. For example, classical music has a positive influence on the development of spiritual and emotional sphere. Children have little knowledge and experience, but he is pure soul. He sharp feels good and evil. Music training can save children this freshness and obostrënnost′ feelings. Music feel special. This is the force that purifies, refines the human soul. We also understand that music teaches to work. To learn how to play any musical instrument, it is necessary to work daily, over and over again by repeating individual chords, phrases and more. Without exception, all great musicians in his childhood were engaged in playing the instrument for many hours in the day. To achieve a result, you must not only work hard, but work with concentration. This requires the ability to concentrate. Music classes develop this important quality that will come in handy not only a musician, but also a man of any other profession. At least so one could argue that if your child graduating from music school, became a musician and not engaged in quite another matter, time spent per tool, not passed in vain. He learned one of the most important skills in life is concentrated and a lot of work. On the Internet I found some information that some studies have shown that children learning to play musical instruments, improving coordination, fine motor skills of the hands. All this helps to improve relations between the centers of the brain that control movement. Develops spatial thinking.

In my opinion, every child should be able to play a musical instrument. After all, learning music is closely related to moral education. For example, classical music has a positive effect on the development of spiritual and emotional sphere. The child has little knowledge and experience, but it is pure soul. He heightened sense of good and evil. Learning music is able to keep the children in the freshness and heightened senses. The music is considered a special skill. It is a force that purifies and ennobles the human soul. We also understand that teaches music to work. In order to learn to play any musical instrument, you have to work every day, over and over again some chords, phrases and more. Without exception, all great musicians as a child engaged in playing the instrument for many hours a day. To get results, you need to not only work hard, but also to work with concentration. This requires the ability to concentrate. Music classes develop this important quality, which will be useful not only a musician, but also a person of any other profession. At least it can be argued that if your child graduating from music school, not a musician and has been a very different matter, the time spent at the piano, has not passed in vain. He learned one of the most important skills in life - with concentration and work hard. On the Internet I found the information that some studies have shown that children who learn to play musical instruments, improving coordination, fine motor skills of hands. All this contributes to the improvement of relations between the centers of the brain that control movement. It develops spatial thinking.

in my view, every child must learn to play a musical instrument. for learning music is closely related to moral education. for example, the classical music has a positive effect on the development of the spiritual and emotional domains. the child had a little knowledge and experience, but he is pure of heart. he обострённо feels good and evil. learning music can save the children the freshness and обострённость feelings. music is a special skill. this is the force that makes is the soul of a man. as we know, that the music he has to work. in order to learn how to play any musical instrument, to the daily work, again and again by repeating the selected chords, phrases, and much more. without exception, all great musicians in childhood were playing the instrument for many hours in the day. to obtain the result, must not only work hard, but also to work deep. this requires the ability to focus. music classes are important quality, which use not only a musician, but also a man of any other profession. even so, we can say that if your baby, the music school, became a musician and in another case, the time spent for the instrument, don"t go to waste. he learned one of the most important skills in life is deep and a lot of work. on the internet i found the information that some studies have shown that children who play musical instruments, improved motor coordination, fine motor skill hands. it helps to improve the linkages between centres of the brain, the managers of the movements. developing spatial thinking.

The ability to play musical instruments is considered to be especially important nowadays. Some people claim that every child should be learnt to play a musical instrument, while others hold an opposite view.

Although I should admit that it is an undoubted way of self-development, in my opinion, making all children learn to play a musical instrument is quite ambivalent decision to make as not every kid will need this skill in the future. To begin with, every child born is not a talented musician. For those who do not have a desire and capability to professionally play any musical instrument, it will be arduous to continue learning and, as a matter of fact, will not guarantee any positive results. Also, according to the statistics, every third child who does not have an affinity for music, but forced to learn it, makes minimal progress in other kinds of activities which he or she may be truly interested in.

On the other hand, there are individuals who believe that being able to play any musical instrument is essential for all of kids.

They say that this ability provides you with various opportunities when it comes to choosing your future career.

I strongly disagree with the above mentioned statement. Not every profession such as biologist or physicist requires the skill of playing musical instruments. As we all know, being talented in music is important for singers, songwriters, etc.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I should say that not all children are ought to play musical instruments. Every kid is completely different and may have other passions and interests apart from music.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача успешно решена, но автору следует обратить внимание на два аспекта. Во-первых, объём сочинения (270 слов) близок к верхней критической отметке (275 слов), т.е. при добавлении ещё нескольких слов возможна потеря баллов. Во-вторых, автор допускает использование слова kid , которое относится к разговорному стилю. Необходимо заменить данное слово на нейтральное child. Можно также использовать словосочетание young person.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован логически корректно и верно разделён на абзацы. Все требующиеся средства логической связи присутствуют.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

1) being talented in music is important for singers – being talented in music is only important for singers [Рекомендуется дополнить предложение словом only для более ясного выражения мысли о необходимости музыкальных навыков лишь в ограниченном числе профессий];

2) Taking into consideration all mentioned above – Taking into consideration all of the above [Исправленный вариант звучит более естественно и намного чаще встречается в аутентичных текстах].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) every child should be learnt to play – every child should learn/be taught to play [Неверно использована форма страдательного залога глагола learn. Следует сказать либо should learn, либо should be taught];

2) is quite ambivalent decision – is quite an ambivalent decision [Требуется артикль];

3) but forced to learn it – but is forced to learn it [Необходимо добавить is для корректного построения фразы в страдательном залоге];

4) for all of kids – for all kids;

5) all children are ought to play – all children ought to play [Глагол be перед глаголом ought to не нужен].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

the above mentioned statement – the above-mentioned statement [Слово пишется через дефис].

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• Имеет ли каждое тематическое предложение чёткие поддерживающие предложения, дающие подробное описание/примеры/обоснования?

In our days English is an international language. It is widespread almost in all developed countries. So, I think everyone should learn English, because it’s very important. But learning English if you’re a growing-up is difficult: you don’t have time for it because of your job, you can’t make yourself to study etc. That’s why children must learn English from a young age. There are, however, both pros and cons to this complicated issue.

From one side, there are many reasons why it’s better to learn English from young age. All skills are formed better in a young age: pronunciation, grammar skills and lexicon. Children are much better get new knowledge. Moreover, the teacher can make learning English not only useful, but interesting. Also, having another language when they leave school will be an incredible advantage in the job market. So, English is very useful in the life.

But from other side, children are children. It is necessary to take into account their age and to control the load. You can’t load the children too much - it would entail chronic fatigue and aversion to knowledge. Also, many people believe that children need first to focus on the important subjects such as mathematics, reading and writing.

In conclusion, I want to say that I agree with both sides. Education of children - is very thin and delicate thing, and we need to approach it with responsibility.

В наши дни английский является международным языком. Он широко распространен практически во всех развитых странах мира. Таким образом, я думаю, что все должны выучить английский язык, потому что это очень важно. Но изучение английского языка, если вы взрослый человек достаточно трудное дело: у вас может не хватать на это времени, потому что вы работаете, вы не можете заставить себя учиться и т.д. Вот почему дети должны изучать английский язык с раннего возраста. Есть, однако, и плюсы и минусы этого сложного вопроса.

С одной стороны, есть много причин, почему лучше изучать английский язык с раннего возраста. Все навыки формируются в молодом возрасте намного лучше: произношение, грамматика и словарный запас. Дети гораздо лучше усваивают новые знания. Кроме того, учитель может сделать изучение английского не только полезным, но и интересным. Кроме того, владея другим языком после окончания, вы имеете преимущество на рынке труда. Так, английский является очень полезным в жизни.

Но с другой стороны, дети есть дети. Необходимо принимать во внимание их возраст и контролировать нагрузку. Не надо нагружать детей слишком сильно - это повлечет за собой хроническую усталость и отвращение к знаниям. Кроме того, многие люди считают, что дети должны сначала сосредоточиться на важных предметах, таких как математика, чтение и письмо.

В заключение, я хочу сказать, что я согласен с обеими сторонами. Обучение детей - это очень тонкое и деликатное дело, и мы должны подойти к нему с ответственностью.

In our world there are many newspapers. There are newspapers of certain themes, but most of them are informational. Now they are rarely black-and-white, as they used to be. Modern newspapers are bright, attention grabbing and colorful. But there are advantages and disadvantages of newspapers.

Newspapers are useful and cheap. They are available almost for everyone. You may read a newspaper in the places that are comfortable for you. Reading you can understand news deeper. Also, old people prefer to use paper media not television or internet, because modern gadgets are hard for their minds.

In other side people cut down many trees for doing paper. Also in our days there are lots of useless, silly newspapers. We may get information from others sources: television, internet and radio. Television can show real movies of happened developments. In internet you can find news from all over the world.

I think there are lots of advantages and disadvantages of newspapers. But on this question of necessity of newspapers there is no a single answer.

В нашем мире существует много газет. Есть газеты на определенные темы, но большинство из них являются информационными. Сейчас редко можно встретить черно-белые газеты, какие были раньше. Современные газеты яркие, привлекают внимание. Но есть свои преимущества и недостатки газет.

Газеты полезны и дешевы. Они доступны практически для всех. Вы можете читать газету в местах, удобных для вас. Чтением глубже анализировать информацию. Кроме того, пожилые люди предпочитают использовать бумажные носители, а не телевизионные или Интернет, потому что современные гаджеты трудны для их понимания.

Я думаю, что есть много преимуществ и недостатков газет. Но по этому вопросу о их необходимости нет однозначного ответа.

Is it a good idea for teenagers to learn English from a young age? In my opinion, teenagers, who learn a foreign language, gain some important skills, which can be used in adult life, for example they will train their memory, enhance their vocabulary.

This opinion has several advantages. Firstly, when a child learn English from a young age, he or she will fluently speak, read and understand texts, which helps him with learning language at secondary school and at the university. Secondly, a child, who have to learn English earlier then his or her classmates, can probably try speaking to a foreigner, because it is always interesting to know traditions, stories about another country.

On the other hand, some people consider, that children who have to learn English, cannot remember spelling, grammatik, because they too young to do this. They want to play games with their friends, but not to study.

To conclude, the way I see it, teenagers should learn a foreign language. He or she learns speaking, writing, so that he or she can go traveling and improve their skills by speaking to the locals. Why not to learn some important life skill at the early age?

Хороша ли идея изучения английского языка с самого раннего возраста для подростков? На мой взгляд, подростки, которые изучают иностранный язык, получают некоторые важные навыки, которые могут быть использованы во взрослой жизни, например, они будут тренировать свою память, повысят свой словарный запас.

Это мнение имеет ряд преимуществ. Во-первых, когда ребенок изучает английский язык с самого раннего возраста, он или она будет свободно говорить, читать и понимать тексты, которые помогут ему с изучением языка в средней школе и в университете. Во-вторых, ребенок, который должен изучить английский язык раньше, чем его или ее одноклассники, вероятно, может попытаться поговорить с иностранцем, потому что это всегда интересно знать традиции, историю другой страны.

С другой стороны, некоторые люди считают, что дети, которые должны изучать английский язык, не могу запомнить правописание, грамматику, потому что они слишком юные, чтобы запомнить это. Они хотят играть в игры со своими друзьями, но не учиться.

Is it a good idea to use newspapers as your only source of news? In my opinion, it is hard to read only newspapers, for teenagers for example, because they have to study and had no time to sit down and read. To start with, this point of view has both advantages and disadvantages.

To begin with, newspapers are very useful for people, who live in villages. Most people do not have radio, so newspapers for them are the only source of news.

However, there are some disadvantages. In the first place is that newspaper production needs a lot of paper, so it needs to cut down too many trees. The second point is that we will not know what happened in world until we open and read news in newspaper. It is very hard to know useful news, for example drivers will have to be stuck in traffic, because they do not hear the news about car accident.

To conclude, the way I see it, we should develop not only newspaper news, but radio and internet news too. So, people will know what happened in the world and they do not have to find newspaper stall and buy a ton of paper.

Хороша ли идея использования газеты в качестве единственного источника новостей? На мой взгляд, это трудно читать только газеты, например для подростков, потому что они должны учиться, и у них нет времени, чтобы сесть и прочитать. Начнем с того, эта точка зрения имеет как преимущества, так и недостатки.

Начнем с того, газеты очень полезны для людей, которые живут в деревнях. Большинство людей не имеют радио, поэтому газеты для них являются единственным источником новостей.

These days, it seems that wherever you turn, you see or hear something in what has become the world's lingua franca, English. Because of this, it has been suggested that all children should lean English from a young age. There are, however, both pros and cons to this complicated issue.

There are many reasons why learning English at a young age is a good idea. To begin with, children learn quicker and better than adults. Their minds are still developing and are receptive to new concepts. In addition, having another language when they leave school will be an incredible advantage in the job market.

On the other hand, there are those that say that learning another language as a child is useless. Firstly, many children will not need another language in their daily lives. Also, that children should be concentrating on their native reading and writing skills, not those of a foreign country.

To conclude, there are two very different sides to this controversial issue. It is very much a matter for the individual parents involved. But we should not forget the Czech proverb, 'Learn a new language and Set a new soul.'

В наши дни, кажется, что везде, куда бы вы не сунулись, вы видите или слышите что-то на международном языке - английском. Из-за этого, было высказано предположение, что все дети должны выучить английский язык с раннего возраста. Есть, однако, и плюсы и минусы этого сложного вопроса.

Есть много причин, почему изучение английского языка в молодом возрасте является хорошей идеей. Начнем с того, дети изучают быстрее и лучше, чем взрослые. Их умы все ещё развиваются и восприимчивы к новым концепциям. Кроме того, владение другим языком после завершения школы будет невероятным преимуществом на рынке труда.

С другой стороны, есть те, которые говорят, что изучение другого языка для ребенка бесполезно. Во-первых, многим детям не нужен еще один язык в своей повседневной жизни. Кроме того, детям нужно сосредоточиться на своих родных навыках чтения и письма, а не того иностранного государства.

В заключение, есть две очень разные стороны этой спорной проблемы. Это очень независимо от вовлеченности отдельных родителей. Но мы не должны забывать чешскую пословицу: «Выучи новый язык и получи новую душу.

When was the last time you read a newspaper from front to back page? Not surprisingly, most people set what little they know about the world from sound bites on the television. It is possible, however, to use a newspaper as a sole source of information. As with most things though, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Many people consider a newspaper to be a convenient source of information. Firstly, it can go into depth on any subject. For example, it can look at the background of an issue from several perspectives. In addition, a newspaper can accompany you through the day. You can read it on the train, in the waiting room or even under the desk in the office.

In contrast, there are other ways to get informed. To begin with, television gets you the news far quicker than a day-old newspaper. Moreover, television's ability to present images means die news comes to life in a way it could not in dead-tree format.

To sum up, there are differing opinions on the validity of newspapers with strong arguments both for and against. It is really a matter of how much you want to know and how much time you have to learn it.

Когда в последний раз вы читали газету с начала и до конца страницы? Не удивительно, что большинство людей осознают, как мало они знают о мире от телевидения. Можно, однако, использовать газету в качестве единственного источника информации. Как и большинство вещей, здесь есть свои преимущества и недостатки.

Многие люди считают газету в качестве удобного источника информации. Во-первых, газета может уйти в глубину по любому вопросу. Например, газета может проследить истоки проблемы с нескольких точек зрения. Кроме того, газета может сопровождать вас в течение дня. Вы можете прочитать ее в поезде, в зале ожидания или даже под столом в офисе.

Подводя итог, есть различные мнения о годности газет с сильными аргументами за и против. Это действительно зависит от того, сколько вы хотите знать, и сколько времени у вас есть, чтобы это изучить.

11) Choose one of the rubrics (A or B) and write your essay. Then, exchange essays with a partner and use the checklist.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Essay “Each Child Should Be Able To Play Some Musical Instrument” Khmyrova I.A.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Essay “Each Child Should Be Able To Play Some Musical Instrument” Khmyrova I.A.

Essay “Each Child Should Be Able To Play Some Musical Instrument” Khmyrova I.A.

Let’s discuss the topic: 1. Do you think it’s necessary for children to learn.

Let’s discuss the topic: 1. Do you think it’s necessary for children to learn to play a musical instrument? 2. Can it help to enhance memory and to better concentrate? 3. Is it a good way to develop your listening skills and not only at an early age? When does the development of a person start? 4. Would you make your kid to learn to play some instrument? 5. Are there any disadvantages of teaching a child to play instruments?

Arguments: PROS: Increases the capacity of your memory, enhances your coordin.

Arguments: PROS: Increases the capacity of your memory, enhances your coordination and abilities like developing your ear for music (not only musical ones!); Teaches you perseverance(настойчивость; усидчивость); Fosters your self-expression, confidence and relieves stress; Exposes you to cultural history; Improves your reading and comprehension skills; Improves emotional well-being. CONS: 1) Not everyone is musically inclined (or has musical inclinations); Forcing an instrument upon someone is an unnecessary burden that could provide no benefits to certain people. That might not be your calling. Your calling might be that of a construction worker, a firefighter, a weather forecaster whatever. 2) Learning to play takes a lot of time and energy; 3) Children can become depressive because of hard work.

“Each Child Should Be Able To Play Some Musical Instrument” What is your opi.

“Each Child Should Be Able To Play Some Musical Instrument” What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan: − make an introduction (state the problem) − express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion − express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion − explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion − make a conclusion restating your position

Задание 1 № 7500

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1. Save your children from this nightmare!

2. Playing a musical instrument is educational.

3. Listening to classical music is healthy.

4. Classical music is similar to literature.

5. It’s just too much effort for the parent!

6. Classical music is an excellent background.

7. Watching musicians is like watching sport.


Speaker A. I find it very difficult to do something in complete silence. I need some pleasant noise when I read, study or do household chores. In my opinion, classical music is best for intellectual activity. And it has to be instrumental. No singing. Just something quiet and meditative. Like Debussy or Bach. Classical music is a perfect way to create a nice working atmosphere.

Speaker B. What a mistake parents make when they teach their children to play a musical instrument! I was one of such poor, unfortunate kids. Do you think it made me like classical music? Ha! I hate it! All those hours of torture when you have to practice, practice — and for what? To go on stage and play it once a year and make a spectacle of yourself if you happen to make a mistake that ruins the whole performance?

Speaker C. I don’t know how some people can do things like reading while classical music is playing. For me it’s impossible. I immediately stop understanding what I’m reading and start actively listening to the music. A good piece of music is like a good story. Especially something like Beethoven’s sonatas or Rachmaninov’s concertos. There’s so much happening in them, that eventually I find myself crying and laughing and feeling all sorts of emotions.

Speaker D. Nowadays, teaching children how to play a musical instrument is not as popular as it used to be. I think it’s a shame that people don’t see much point in it. Of course, you have to have a lot of talent to become a real musician and actually make a living out of it. But it is known that children who study classical music seriously, do a lot better at school in all subjects. Learning to play a musical instrument teaches you how to be patient, hard-working and diligent. And it develops your brain.

Speaker E. You won’t catch me watching a baseball match or soccer. I don’t find it exciting. What I do find exciting, though, is following music competitions. If they happen to be when I have a vacation, I spend days listening to the performers and writing down my impressions. And then I watch them win or lose. It’s also exciting to follow the careers of the winners. Many of them become famous. And it’s pleasant to think that I’ve seen them at the very rise of their careers.

Speaker F. I would like my children to learn how to play a musical instrument but nowadays it is so expensive! A good instrument as small as a flute costs about a thousand dollars if not more, let alone a piano or a violin. And then — the music lessons! Another thing is, it is such a commitment! You have to always make sure that your child practices long enough to prepare for exams. And then — after all these sacrifices and efforts — they choose some other profession! So what’s the point?

A — 6: Classical music is a perfect way to create a nice working atmosphere.

B — 1: What a mistake parents make when they teach their children to play a musical instrument. All those hours of torture when you have to practice.

C — 4: A good piece of music is like a good story.

D — 2: Children, who study classical music seriously, do a lot better at school at all subjects.

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