Смешное сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Предлагаю вам подборку детских английских шуток, основная тема которых — школа, уроки и взаимоотношения с учителями. Эти английские шутки простые и добрые и предназначены для детей.

When Jane came back home after her first day at school, her mother asked:

“Well, darling, what did they teach you?”

“Not much,” answered the little girl, “I’ve got to go there again tomorrow.”

“I can’t understand how it’s possible for one person to make such a lot of mistakes in a short essay.”

“It isn’t one person, sir, Father helped me.”

The teacher: “Didn’t Johnny Grey help you do these sums, Billy?”

Billy: “No, miss, he didn’t.”

The teacher: “Billy, are you sure he didn’t help you?”

Billy: “No, miss, he didn’t help me, he did them all by himself.”

The teacher: “Jimmy, can you tell me what a fishing-net is made of?”

Jimmy: “A lot of little holes tied together with string.”

The teacher: “Ann, what animal eats least?”

Ann: “The moth. It eats nothing but holes.”

“Billy, you should wipe your mouth after a meal. I can see what you had for breakfast today.”

“What was it, Mr. Brown?”

“Oh, no, sir! That was yesterday!”

A teacher was telling his pupils about the four seasons. “And now, who can tell me the best time for picking fruit?”

“When the dog is tied up.”

The Inspector was asking questions in a class of small country girls and boys.

“Well, and now, who can tell me what cow hide is good for.”

A boy: “For making footballs.”

The Inspector: “Very good.”

Another boy: “For making shoes.”

The Inspector: “That’s right.” Then he asked a small girl who was thinking hard. “Well, my dear, what do you think cow hide is good for?”

The girl: “For holding the cow together, sir.”

“Dad, why do they call our language mother-tongue?”

“Well, don’t you hear who uses it most?”

“Jim, spell the word cigarette.”

“Well, sir, Father doesn’t let me smoke, and I’m sure he wouldn’t like me even to spell the word cigarette.”

In a history textbook it was written, “In 1847—48 potatoes were the only food of the Irish peasants.”

A boy in class read it as follows: “In 1847, forty-eight potatoes were the only food of the Irish peasants.”

A teacher was explaining fractions to his class of girls and boys. After having written several examples on the blackboard, he asked a boy whether he would prefer one-fifth or one-eighth of a lemon.

“I’d prefer one-eighth, sir.”

Then the teacher began to explain again that though the fraction one-eighth looked larger than the fraction one-fifth, it was really the smaller of the two.

“I know that, sir. I don’t like lemons!”

The School Board in a country district heard that discipline was bad in one of the schools. The Inspector, a tall, strong man, said he would teach them a lesson.

He drove to the school and heard a lot of noise in one of the classrooms. He went in and threw out the biggest boy. The class began to laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Sir, you’ve thrown out the only one of us who never gives any trouble to the teachers.”

The Professor: “And so we find that X is equal to zero.” The Student: “Oh, dear, so much work for nothing!”

The Professor: “Can you tell me something about the great inventors of the 19th century?”

The Student: “Oh, yes, of course, they are all dead, sir.”

Тhe Student: “Well, sir, I don’t think I deserve a zero.”

The Professor: “Neither do I, but you see, it’s the lowest mark I’m allowed to give to a student.”

The Professor: “You missed my lecture yesterday, didn’t you?”

The Student: “Not at all, sir, not at all!”

The Professor: “Is the question too difficult for you?”

The Student: “Oh, no, sir, not at all! It’s the answer that is.”

The Professor: “Oxygen is necessary to life. Nothing could live without oxygen. It was discovered a century ago.” The Student: “I’d like to know how they had managed before it was discovered.”

The Student: “What’s the date of today, sir?”

The Professor: “Never mind the date. The answers to the questions are far more important.

The Student: “Well, sir, I wanted to have at least one thing right on my paper.”

The Professor: “Smith, what does HNO mean?”

Smith: “Just a minute, sir, I know. I know, I’ve got it right on the tip of my tongue!” The Professor: “Well, you’d better spit it out at once. It’s poison.”

Wrong email address

A couple going on vacation but his wife was on a business trip so he went to the destination first and his wife would meet him the next day.

When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when typing her address, he mistyped a letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before.

When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.

At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

Dearest Wife,
Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.

P.S. Sure is hot down here.

Will’s experience at the airport

After his return from Rome, Will couldn’t find his luggage in the airport baggage area. He went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that his bags hadn’t shown up on the carousel.

She smiled and told him not to worry because they were trained professionals and he was in good hands.

Then she asked Will, “Has your plane arrived yet?”

Clever kids

A police officer found a perfect hiding place for watching for speeding motorists.

One day, the officer was amazed when everyone was under the speed limit, so he investigated and found the problem.

A 10 years old boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand painted sign which said “Radar Trap Ahead.”

A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy’s accomplice: another boy about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket at his feet full of change.


A Professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor:

“Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology?

The sailor said no to all his questions.

Professor: What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy.

After a while the boat started sinking. The Sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology?

The professor said no.

Sailor: “Well, sharkology & crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology & you will dieology because of your mouthology.


A navy captain is alerted by his First Mate that there is a pirate ship coming towards his position. He asks a sailor to get him his red shirt.

The captain was asked, “Why do you need a red shirt?”

The Captain replies, “So that when I bleed, you guys don’t notice and aren’s discouraged.” They fight off the pirates eventually.

The very next day, the Captain is alerted that 50 pirate ships are coming towards their boat. He yells, “Get me my brown pants!”


The class teacher asks students to name an animal that begins with an “E”. One boy says, “Elephant.”

Then the teacher asks for an animal that begins with a “T”. The same boy says, “Two elephants.”

The teacher sends the boy out of the class for bad behavior. After that she asks for an animal beginning with “M”.

The boy shouts from the other side of the wall: “Maybe an elephant!”

Смешные истории на английском языке для детей

Хотите прочитать своему ребенку 25 смешных историй на английском языке замечательной детской писательницы Джейн Тэйер? Истории добрые и смешные. Текст каждой истории снабжен комментарием, а также упражнениями. Текст относится к уровню для начинающих (beginners). Для начала предлагаю ознакомиться c отрывками из 10 первых историй, публикация которых продолжится немного позже. Желающие могут пока приобрести книгу. А первую историю про кота Тимофея можно прочитать прямо сейчас на нашем сайте.

Читайте онлайн смешную историю на английском языке про кота, который боялся мышей — Timothy is afraid of a mouse (a funny story for beginners)

Автор Джейн Тэйер

История 1. Кот, который боялся мышей. / Timothy is afraid of a mouse.
Название этой истории говорит само за себя. Да, кот должен ловить мышей, но Тимофей не понимал, почему он должен это делать.

Once there were some people who had a little mouse in their home.
One day they said, “We’ll get a cat. The cat will catch the mouse.”
So they got a cat. The cat’s name was Timothy.
Now the truth was that Timothy was afraid of mice. But the people didn’t know that. They said, “Now, Timothy, will you please catch the mouse?”
You see, cats must catch mice. So Timothy said, “I’ll catch the mouse. But I want to play a little. May I play a little?”

Читать онлайн на английском языке Timothy is afraid of a mouse (a funny story for beginners)

История 2. Люси и Мелинда. / Lucy and Melinda.

“Tomorrow,” said Mother, “you will go to your Grangmother’s.”
“Oh!” said Lucy.
“O.K.” said Melinda.
“Get up, Melinda,” said Lucy next day in the morning. They jumped out of their beds. “We are going to Grandmother’s today!”

История 3. Новогодний подарок для Сэнди. / Sandy’s New Year Present.
Эта добрая история про пса по имени Сэнди. О том, как он обрел заботливых хозяев и даже получил новогодний подарок.

Sandy was a brown dog. He had no home. He was always hungry.
One day Sandy came to the house where Sally, Jimmy, Betsy, their mother and daddy lived.
Sandy was glad to see all of them. He kissed Sally. He kissed Jimmy. He kissed Betsy.
Then Sally, Jimmy and Betsy asked mother, “Can he stay here?”
Mother said, “No!”
Mother said, “Well,…”
Mother said, “Will you be a good dog?”
Sandy said nothing.
Mother said, “ All right, you must be a good dog.”
Sandy was happy, he kissed everyone.

История 4. Собака на время. / The Part-Time Dog.

История 5. Дом для миссис Краус. / Mrs. Kraus finds a house.

One day Mrs. Kraus said, “My house is too old. It is too big for me. It has too many cupboards. The garden is too big. And the apple tree gives too much shade.”
Mrs. Kraus said, “I want to move.”
She put on her hat and went to see a man who sold houses for people. She said, “Please sell my house. Please show me a new house that I can buy.”
The man said, “O.K.”

История 6. Волшебная герань. / The Magic Geranium.

Mrs. Smith lived in an old house. The furniture was old. The walls needed paint. The curtains were torn.
One day a friend gave Mrs. Smith a beautiful rose geranium. The friend said, “This is a magic geranium. Put it on your table. It will make your house over.”

make over – преобразить

История 7. О кошке, которая хотела домой. / The Cat that Wanted to Go Home.

Conrad was a cat. One day his family went to visit some friends. So they took Conrad in the car and went to visit their friends.
When Conrad got to the friend’s house, he said, “This is not my house. I don’t like it. I am going home.” And he ran away.
In an hour Conrad saw a house and a lady in front of it. But it wasn’t his house. He said to the lady in his own language, “Could you tell me the way to my house?”

История 8. Добрый ловец собак. / The Kind Dog Catcher.

Mr. Goodkind liked dogs so much that he went to the Mayor of the town and said, “May I be dog catcher?
“Fine,” said the Mayor. We shall pay you two hundred dollars a month. Here is your desk. Here is a yard with a fence around it where you put the stray dogs. When an owner comes to get his dog, he must pay one dollar for a dog’s food. Put the money in the dog-catcher desk.
The telephone rang. “The dog catcher!” said Mr. Goodkind.
“A stray dog frightened my little boy,” said a lady. “Please come and catch him.”

История 9. Гараж для Габриеля. / A Garage for Gabriel.

Once there was a little car whose name was Gabriel. Poor Gabriel had no garage. He lived outdoors. He had a sign that said “For Sale-Cheap.”
Every day Gabriel watched the new cars. They rode by, but never even looked at Gabriel.
“Oh!” thought Gabriel, “I wish I were new!”
“But, most of all,” he said sadly, “I wish to have a garage!”

История 10. О кошке, которая думала, что она человек. / The Cat who Thought He was a Man.

Freddy was a cat who didn’t know he was a cat. He thought he was a man. He lived in a house like a man. He slept on a bed like a man. He ate out of dishes like a man. He sat on a chair like a man. He sat in front of the door of his house like a man. It never entered Freddie’s head that he wasn’t a man.
One night a cat came up to Freddie. The cat said, “Ha! You are the cat who doesn’t know he’s a cat.”
“I am not a cat,” said Freddie.
The cat said, “You are a cat. I can prove it.

Всего в этой книге 25 смешных историй известной американской детской писательницы Джейн Тэйер. Это истории про котенка, который боялся мышей, про пса Брауни, который после долгих скитаний наконец обрел хозяев и многие другие. Вы можете купить книгу в 2 вариантах: с диском или без него. Чтобы это сделать, нажмите на картинку!

Истории на английском

Чтение коротких рассказов на английском – один из самых эффективных методов изучения языка. Интересные истории на английском языке с переводом помогают расширить словарный запас и улучшить грамматику. Кроме того, это лучшая практика для тренировки изученных слов и закрепления правил.

Вот какую пользу дает чтение рассказов и историй на английском:

  • чтение историй на английском расширяет словарный запас, позволяет понять специфику употребления многих идиом, разговорных оборотов, художественных приемов;
  • во время работы с историями на английском развивается умение понимать главную идею написанного;
  • чтение историй на английском языке позволяет увидеть практическое применение грамматических структур;
  • при чтении историй на английском у читателя появляется возможность научиться понимать оценить стиль автора.

Читая истории на английском можно значительно повысить мотивацию к изучению: понимание текста на иностранном языке вдохновляет на дальнейшее обучение. Изучая английский, истории полезно читать для проверки своих знаний и умения понимать и интерпретировать иноязычную речь.

Методика работы с историями

Выбранную историю первый раз нужно прочитать бегло: попытаться понять общую идею прочитанного, не стремиться понять каждое слово;
во время чтения истории на английском во второй раз обратить внимание на интересные слова и структуры, употребление грамматики;
интересные фразы и слова из истории можно выписывать в отдельную тетрадь для того, чтобы в дальнейшем иметь возможность возвращаться к ним.

Если вы испытываете трудности с пониманием прочитанного или не понимаете большую часть, то скорее всего вам не хватает теоретических знаний. В таком случаем рекомендуем подтянуть ваш уровень пройдя бесплатный курс английского с нуля до разговорного уровня для занятых.

Для начинающих подходят истории на английском с простым сюжетом и несложными грамматическими конструкциями. Это могут быть истории-сказки, шуточные истории, простые сюжеты и рассказы о животных, детях, путешествиях. Мы подготовили для вас короткие, но интересные истории на английском языке с переводом. Но перевод находится под хайдом, чтобы вы не подглядывали во время чтения. Постарайтесь самостоятельно понять о чем история, и только потом открывать перевод.

A Good Lesson (Хороший урок)

The Shoebox (Коробка от обуви)

A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoebox in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover.

In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoebox and took it to his wife’s bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two knitted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000.

He asked her about the contents.

‘When we were to be married,’ she said, ‘ my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and knit a doll.’

The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.

‘Honey,’ he said, ‘that explains the dolls, but what about all of this money?

Where did it come from?’

‘Oh,’ she said, ‘that’s the money I made from selling the dolls.’

Мужчина и женщина были женаты более 60 лет. Они делились всем. Они говорили обо всем. Они не хранили никаких секретов друг от друга, за исключением того, что у старушки на шкафу была обувная коробка, о которой она предупредила своего мужа, никогда не открывать и не спрашивать про нее.

За все эти годы он никогда не думал о коробке, но однажды старушка сильно заболела, и доктор сказал, что она не выздоровеет.

Пытаясь разобрать их дела, старик снял обувную коробку и отнес ее к постели своей жены. Она согласилась, что пришло время, чтобы он знал, что в коробке. Открыв ее, он нашел две вязаные куклы и пачку денег на общую сумму 95 000 долларов.

Он спросил ее о содержимом.

«Когда мы должны были пожениться, — сказала она, — моя бабушка сказала мне, что секрет счастливого брака заключается в том, чтобы никогда не спорить. Она сказала мне, что если я когда-нибудь разозлюсь на тебя, я должна просто молчать и вязать куклу.

Старичок был так тронут; он должен был сдерживать слезы. В коробке были только две изысканные куклы. Она была зла на него только два раза за все эти годы жизни и любви. Он почти лопнул от счастья.

«Дорогая, — сказал он, — это объясняет куклы, но как насчет всех этих денег?

Hit the Floor! (Мордой в пол!)

Jenny and Robert Slater were on holiday in America. They were young and it was their first time away from home in England. They had a car and visited many famous and interesting places.

‘I want to see New York,’ Jenny said one morning. ‘Let’s go there.’

‘Mmm, I don’t know, love. Everybody says New York’s a dangerous place and there are a lot of very strange people there,’ her husband answered.

‘We’ll be careful,’ said Jenny. ‘Then we won’t have any problems.’

So they arrived in New York early in the evening and found a hotel. Later they went out and drove round the streets. They didn’t have any problems. ‘See,’ Jenny said. ‘Nothing to be afraid of.’

They had dinner in a good restaurant and then went to a cinema. They arrived back at their hotel at midnight. Under the hotel was a garage so they drove into it and left the car. It was quite dark there and they couldn’t see very well.

‘Where’s the lift?’ Jenny asked.

‘Over there, I think, near the door,’ Robert answered. ‘Come on, let’s go. I don’t like this dark place.’

Suddenly they saw a very tall young man with a big black dog. They were nervous and walked past him as fast as they could to the lift. The door of the lift opened and Jenny and Robert got in. Before the doors closed the man and the dog jumped in – three people and one big black dog in the lift.

‘On the floor, Girl!’ the tall man said. Jenny and Robert were afraid now, so they quickly got down on the floor. When the lift stopped at the next floor, they stood up, gave the man all their money and got out fast.

‘That man was a robber! Perhaps he had a gun… It’s dangerous here!’ Robert said. ‘We’re going to leave New York now!’

‘Yes, you’re right.’ Jenny answered. ‘There are some dangerous people in New York.’

First thing next morning they took their room key to the desk and gave it to the woman.

‘There’s nothing to pay, Mr Slater,’ she said. ‘A tall young man with a nice dog came to the desk late last night and paid for your room. Oh, wait a minute – he left this for you, too.’ She gave Robert an envelope.

He opened it carefully and took out a letter. They read it together: ‘Here’s your money and I’m very sorry you were afraid in the lift last night. “Girl” is the name of my dog.’

Дженни и Роберт Слэйтер были в отпуске в Америке. Они были молоды, и это был их первый раз вдали от дома в Англии. У них была машина и они побывали во многих известных и интересных местах.

Они поужинали в хорошем ресторане, а затем пошли в кино. Они вернулись в свой отель в полночь. Под отелем был гараж, поэтому они поехали в него и оставили машину. Там было довольно темно, и плохо видно.

Внезапно они увидели очень высокого молодого человека с большой черной собакой. Они нервничали и шли мимо него так быстро, как могли до лифта. Дверь лифта открылась, и Дженни с Робертом вошли. До того, как двери закрылись, в нее забежал мужчина и собака — три человека и одна большая черная собака в лифте.

Первым делом на следующее утро они взяли ключ от своей комнаты и отдали его женщине.

Will’s experience at the airport (Случай с Уиллом в аэропорту)

After his return from Rome, Will couldn’t find his luggage in the airport baggage area. He went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that his bags hadn’t shown up on the carousel.

She smiled and told him not to worry because they were trained professionals and he was in good hands.

Then she asked Will, “Has your plane arrived yet?”

После возвращения из Рима Уилл не мог найти свой багаж в багажном отделении аэропорта. Он пошел в бюро находок и сказал женщине, работающей там, что его сумки так и не появились на карусели.

Она улыбнулась и сказала ему, чтобы он не беспокоился, потому что у них работают профессионалы, и он в надежных руках.

Fortune and the man (Фортуна и мужик)

One day a man was walking along the street. He carried an old bag in his hands. He was wondering why people who had so much money were never satisfied and always wanted more. “As to me,” he said, “if I had enough to eat, I should not ask for anything else.”Just at this moment Fortune came down the street. She heard the man and stopped.

“Listen,” she said, “I want to help you. Hold your bag, and I shall pour diamonds into it. But every diamond which falls on the ground will become dust. Do you understand?”

“Oh, yes, I understand,” said the man. He quickly opened his bag and stream of diamonds was poured into it. The bag began to grow heavy. “Is that enough?” asked Fortune. “Not yet.” The man’s hand’s began to tremble.

“You are the richest man in the world now.” Said Fortune.

“Just a few more, and a few more,” said the man. Another diamond was added and the bag slipped. All the diamonds fell on the ground and became dust.

Fortune disappeared, leaving the man in the street.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Сер Артур Конан Дойль)
Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. Everyone has read stories about Sherlock Holmes at one time or another. Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective. Actually, he was the most famous detective of all times.The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Once Sir Arthur arrived in Paris. He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz, the hotel where he was going to spend the night.The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he received the fare he said:
“Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”
“How do you know who I am?” asked Sir Arthur. He was very much surprised.“Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the South of France. I also noticed that your hair was cut by a barber in the South of France. Your clothes and especialy your hat told me that you were English. I put all the information together and quessed that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”

“That is wonderful,” said Sir Arthur.
“You could recognize me though you knew very few facts.”

“Besides,” added the cabman. Your name is on both of your travelling bags. That also helped.”

So, the cabman played a good joke on Conan Doyle.

A present from the son (Подарок от сына)
Long ago there lived an old woman in England. She had a son who was a sailor. He went to different countries and always brought presents for his old mother.Once he went to China and brought some tea from that country.
At that time tea was very expensive and only rich people could buy and drink it. So the old woman was very happy to have such a nice present. But she didn’t know what to do with it as she had never bought tea before. She thought it was a vegetable. She told her friends about her son’s present and invited them to taste it with her. At last the day of the tea-party came. The woman called her guests to the dining-room and put a big dish of tea leaves on the table. The guests began to eat the leaves with salt just as they ate vegetables. Nobody liked it but didn’t tell the woman about it and continued to eat the leaves.Some tome later the sailor came into the room. When he saw that all the guests were eating leaves, he smiled.“What are you doing? Why are eating these leaves? Where is the tea?”
“Here it is, my son,” the old woman said.
“And where is the water in which you have boiled the leaves?” asked the man laughing.
“I threw it away, of course,” answered the woman.

Давным-давно в Англии жила одна пожилая женщина. У нее был сын, который был матросом. Он ездил в разные страны и всегда привозил подарки своей старой матери.Однажды он отправился в Китай и привез из этой страны чай. В то время чай был очень дорогим, и только богатые люди могли купить и пить такой чай. Поэтому старушка была очень счастлива иметь такой приятный подарок. Но она не знала, что с делать с таким чаем, поскольку она никогда не покупала его раньше. Она подумала, что это овощ.

Wrong car (Не та машина)

A Magic Ring (Волшебное кольцо)

The astonished farmer took the ring given to him by the peasant woman, and went home. In evening he came to a big city. There he went to a merchant and showed him the magic ring. When the merchant heard the astonishing story, he thought of a plan. He invited the farmer to stay in his house for the night. At night he came up to the sleeping peasant, carefully took the ring off the man’s finger, and put on another ring, which looked exactly like the one he had taken off.

So they worked as hard as they could and got enough money to buy the land they wished to have.

Then the farmer’s wife thought of asking for a cow and a horse. They discussed the matter more than once.
“My good wife”, — said the farmer, — “we shall get a horse and a cow without the ring.”
They went on working hard for a whole year and again bought the things they wished to have.

Thirty, then forty years had gone by. The farmer and his wife had grown old. Their hair became as white as snow. They were happy and had everything they wanted. Their ring was still there. Although it was not a magic ring, it had made them happy. For you see, my dear friends, a poor thing in good hands is better than a fine thing in bad hands.

Удивленный фермер взял кольцо, данное ему крестьянкой, и пошел домой. Вечером он приехал в большой город. Там он пошел к торговцу и показал ему волшебное кольцо. Когда торговец услышал удивительную историю, он задумал план. Он пригласил фермера остаться в его доме на ночь. Ночью он подошел к спящему крестьянину, осторожно снял кольцо с пальца мужчины и надел другое кольцо, которое было похоже на то, которое он снял.

Поэтому они работали изо всех сил и получили достаточно денег, чтобы купить землю, которую они хотели иметь.

Тридцать, потом сорок лет прошло. Фермер и его жена состарились. Их волосы стали белыми, как снег. Они были счастливы и имели все, что хотели. Их кольцо все еще было там. Хотя это было не волшебное кольцо, оно сделало их счастливыми. Видите ли, мои дорогие друзья, плохая вещь в хороших руках лучше, чем хорошая в плохих руках.

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