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Обновлено: 04.07.2024

My Favourite Writer

Мой любимый писатель

I like reading books. I have read many books. I had to read some books at school, so they were the part of lessons and I found other books for myself because they were interesting for me. I should say that the series of books about Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling impressed me most of all.

Я люблю читать книги. Я прочитала много книг. Мне пришлось читать некоторые книги в школе, они были частью уроков, но я нашла и другие книги, потому что они были интересны для меня. Я должна сказать, что серия книг о Гарри Поттере, написанная Джоан Роулинг впечатлила меня больше всего.

Joan Rowling has achieved success because her books are interesting for people of all ages. Children read her books as a fairy tale, teenagers learn how to be a good friend and adults can spend hours analyzing the actions of the characters.

Джоан Роулинг добилась успеха, потому что ее книги интересны людям всех возрастов. Дети читают ее книги как сказку, подростки учатся быть хорошими друзьями, а взрослые могут часами анализировать действия персонажей.

Nowadays Joanne Rowling is known for her criminal novels “Call of the Cuckoo” (2013), “Silkworm” (2014), “On the Service of Evil” (2015). She wrote these books under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. It is important to say that Joanne Rowling is a famous screenwriter and a film producer. Rowling donates a great part of her income to charity.

Писа́тель — человек, который занимается созданием словесных произведений, предназначенных так или иначе для общественного потребления (а не только для непосредственного адресата) .
Писателем обычно называют человека, для которого указанное занятие является основным либо одним из основных. Кроме того, в качестве критериев принадлежности автора текста к категории писателей может использоваться получение им дохода от своих произведений (в новейшее время — в виде гонораров, грантов и иных форм оплаты труда, в более ранние эпохи — в виде вознаграждения со стороны представителей привилегированных классов, так или иначе заинтересованных в поддержке искусства: см. также меценатство) . Другой формой социализации писателя в этом качестве является его признание писательским сообществом, литературными критиками и другими инстанциями экспертной оценки. Такая экспертная оценка может принимать институционализированные формы — например, в виде создания объединений (союзов) профессиональных писателей.

Writer - a person who is engaged in the creation of verbal works intended in one way or another for public consumption (and not only for the direct recipient).
The writer is usually called the person for whom the specified class is the main or a major. In addition, as criteria for membership of the author of the text to the category of writers can be used to obtain their income from their works (in modern times - in the form of fees, grants and other forms of remuneration, in an earlier era - in the form of interest from representatives of the privileged classes, anyway interested in supporting the arts: see also patronage). Another form of socialization of the writer, as such, is its recognition of the literary community, literary critics and other instances of expert evaluation. Such peer-review can take institutionalized forms - for example, in the creation of associations (unions) of professional writers.

William Somerset Maugham (William Somerset Maugham). Always worth mentioning that the contribution he made in the development of literature (impact / influence) and thus has become so famous (to become so popular / famous / well-known). But Maugham, despite the fact that the doctor had worked, spy and playwright (doctor, spy, playwright), best known for short stories written by him (short story writer).

In his stories, and describing the behavior of the main characters a lot of biographical details (a lot of biographical details), and own works were written in vivid and at times overly cynical language (vivid and cynical prose). Most of his works have been filmed (screen adaptations), and successfully demonstrated on the screen.

After joining, a story previewing the selected English writer, you can go to information about the life and work of this individual. We begin with the birth dates and briefly describe the journey of life. William Somerset Maugham was born Dec. 25, 1874 in Paris (to be born on 25th of December 1874 in Paris) in a family lawyer British Embassy, Robert Ormond Maugham (Robert Ormond Maugham) and writer Edith Mary (Edith Mary). In Somerset there were three older brothers. When he was 8, his mother died, and two years later his father passed away from cancer. Becoming an orphan at age 10 (orphan), William returned to England and came under the tutelage of his uncle - Henry MacDonald Maugham (Henry MacDonald Maugham).

Up to sixteen Maugham attended King's School Canterbury (Canterbury), then went to Germany to study literature and philosophy (to study literature and philosophy) at the University of Heidelberg. Medicine, he worked at the hospital of St. Thomas in London (St. Thomas Hospital).

During the First World War, Somerset Maugham was in America as a volunteer ambulance (ambulance unit volunteer). There he met the daughter of pharmaceutical magnate named Henry Welcome (a pharmaceutical magnate), which became his wife later gave birth to a daughter - Elizabeth Mary Maugham (1915-1981). In 1928, the English writer has chosen a permanent residence in the French Riviera (to move permanently to French Riviera), where he lived until his death on December 16, 1965 (to die on 16th of December 1965).

Certainly, it is only a brief biographical information on William Somerset Maugham. The last part of your story about the English writer should include a small summary of information about your chosen famous work of this master. Complete the story can quote. For example, the author of "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Berzhdess (Anthony Burgess) both spoke about Maugham:

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