My eating habits сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Eating habits. What makes them change through one's lifetime (social factors, job, aging, etc.).

It is not a secret that our meals influence our mood. Also it is very
important for our health. Every single person should eat proper kinds of
food – dairy products, meats, fruit and vegetables, fats and sugars,
cereals and grains. Dairy products provide us with calcium, meat provide
our bodies with protein, iron, zinc. Eating fruit and vegetables helps
to keep us healthy too because they give us fibre, vitamins and
minerals. We should eat fats and sugars in moderation, because too much
fats and sugars can cause different heart-diseases. Cereals and grains
are important for us because they provide us with the energy we need for
physical activity.
In this fast-moving world it is necessary to watch what we eat – it
should be healthy food, not junk one, which has become very popular.
Eating too much junk food can cause overweight and a heart-disease. For
example, it is much better to eat an apple or a banana than to eat a
double hamburger with ketchup and mayonnaise. You will feel full in both
cases, but a fruit or a vegetable is healthier.
Today there are a lot of different restaurants and cafes where you can
eat delicious and not really expensive food. The service is usually
excellent and friendly waiters help you to relax and enjoy your meal
fully. You can any types of food in restaurants – you can try homemade
cakes, beefsteaks, pasta and macaroni and others. For a main course you
can order fish, meat or chicken with some rice or potatoes, also you can
ask for pasta and salad. You can eat a bowl of ice-cream, a pieces of
apple pie, strawberries with cream or something like that for dessert.
For drink you can order a glass of water or juice, a cup of coffee or
tea or alcohol drink such as wine or beer.
Eating habits are different in different countries. For example,
Brazilians never eat with their hands – they always use a knife and a
fork, even when they eat hotdogs. Finns like to eat hot sausages and
drink beer in the streets; many Philipinos prefer to eat with their
hands. Also they think that it is polite to leave a little food on the
plate at the end of a meal.
Well, as for me I do respect their eating habits and like to eat
different countries’ food such as Italian Pasta, Japanese rice with
sushi or Indian spicy meat. But most of all I like just ice-cream. It
doesn’t matter what kind – with raspberry favor, with marmalade,
chocolate chips or pieces of fruit. I can eat it anytime and anywhere.
But anyways whatever you like you should remember words of wisdom which
say that we eat to live, but not live to eat.

My meals

Мое питание

Normally I eat three times a day and have some snack if I feel hungry. Unfortunately, during the working week, I do not have enough time to have a breakfast properly. I have to hurry up, in order not to be late for school. So a just drink tea with a couple of sandwiches. Taking into account that I spend the considerable part of my day at school, I have a lunch there. I either buy something in a school canteen or take a lunch box from home.

Обычно я ем три раза в день и чем-нибудь перекусываю, если чувствую голод. К сожалению, в течение рабочей недели, у меня не хватает времени, чтобы нормально позавтракать. Мне приходится поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать в школу. Поэтому я просто пью чай с парой бутербродов. Учитывая, что я провожу значительную часть моего дня в школе, я обедаю там. Я или покупаю что-то в школьной столовой, или беру обед из дома.

When I come back from school, I have a dinner. My mother is a wonderful cook. She really enjoys cooking and all her dinners are very delicious and various. First of all, I eat some soup. A tomato soup is my favorite. For the main dish, I usually have some meat or chicken with potatoes or vegetables. Sometimes I eat fish or some seafood. Honestly, I do not like at all, but my mother believes that it is of overwhelming importance to eat it from time to time, so as to be healthy. Personally, I like spaghetti with cheese most of all.

Когда я возвращаюсь из школы, я ужинаю. Моя мама — замечательный повар. Она очень любит готовить и все ее ужины очень вкусные и разнообразные. На первое я ем суп. Томатный суп — мой любимый. В качестве основного блюда у меня обычно мясо или курица с картошкой или овощами. Иногда я ем рыбу или морепродукты. Честно говоря, мне это не очень нравится, но мама считает, что очень важно хотя бы иногда это есть, чтобы быть здоровыми. Лично я больше всего люблю спагетти с сыром.

At the weekends we sometimes have a dinner at some café. I really love Italian cuisine, especially pizza and pasta that`s why I always ask my parents to go to the Italian restaurant not far from our home. Sometimes my mother bakes something on Sundays. I always try to help her. I find it really interesting and hope that one day I will cook as well as my mother does.

В выходные дни мы иногда ужинаем в кафе. Я очень люблю итальянскую кухню, особенно пиццу и пасту, поэтому я всегда прошу родителей пойти в итальянский ресторан недалеко от нашего дома. Иногда мама печет что-то по воскресеньям. Я всегда стараюсь помочь ей. Мне это очень интересно, и я надеюсь, что однажды я буду готовить также хорошо, как моя мама.

In my country people eat three times in day. Many people on breakfast eat porridge or eggs, for lunch soap and salad and for dinner meat course. Also in Russia there are many traditional dishes such as borscht or pancakes. In Russia they usually drink fruit drink or compote for lunch. The whole family gathers for dinner and spend time together, eat delicious food.

Some people have a healthy diet. They are track calories and eat healthy food, for example vegetables, fruits, cereal flakes, cottage cheese. People who have diets keep track of the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. I also watch my health and figure, so I stick to a diet, because proper nutrition is the key to success.

I prefer eating at home, because homemade food tastes better for me and so I can spend time with my family.

On special occasions I eat food that I don't eat every day. For example for birthday I eat cake. Also for the New Year we prepare a large table with food there red fish, chicken, a lot of salads. When I go to a restaurant, I always order salmon, because this fish needs to be cooked correctly, which professional chefs do very well.

One of my hobbies is cooking. Every day I try to cook something delicious, especially what my family and I like. I usually cook some kind of everyday food and cakes. I like cooking cakes the most, because it is very interesting and also delicious. For my cakes, I find recipes on the Internet, in books, and sometimes my grandmother tells me them. When the cake is ready, I decorate it beautifully with pastry sprinkles, special edible flowers and cream. Everyone who tried my cakes liked them, because I cooked them with love.

In conclusion, I can say that in Russia everyone can choose the type of food that he likes. As well as Russian cuisine is very diverse and everyone will find something that he likes. I want to talk about eating habits in my country.

In my country people eat three times in day. Many people on breakfast eat porridge or eggs, for lunch soap and salad and for dinner meat course. Also in Russia there are many traditional dishes such as borscht or pancakes.

Some people have a healthy diet. They are track calories and eat healthy food, for example vegetables, fruits, cereal flakes, cottage cheese. People who have diets keep track of the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. I also watch my health and figure, so I stick to a diet, because proper nutrition is the key to success.

On special occasions I eat food that I don't eat every day. For example for birthday I eat cake. Also for the New Year we prepare a large table with food there red fish, chicken, a lot of salads. When I go to a restaurant, I always order salmon, because this fish needs to be cooked correctly, which professional chefs do very well.

One of my hobbies is cooking. Every day I try to cook something delicious, especially what my family and I like. I usually cook some kind of everyday food and cakes. I like cooking cakes the most, because it is very interesting and also delicious. For my cakes, I find recipes on the Internet, in books, and sometimes my grandmother tells me them. When the cake is ready, I decorate it beautifully with pastry sprinkles, special edible flowers and cream. Everyone who tried my cakes liked them, because I cooked them with love.

In conclusion, I can say that in Russia everyone can choose the type of food that he likes. As well as Russian cuisine is very diverse and everyone will find something that he likes.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


1. It is not a secret that our meals influence our mood.

2. Also it is very important for our health.

3. Every single person should eat proper kinds of food – dairy products, meats, fruit and vegetables, fats and sugars,
cereals and grains.

4. Dairy products provide us with calcium, meat provide our bodies with protein, iron, zinc.

5. Eating fruit and vegetables helps to keep us healthy too because they give us fibre, vitamins and minerals.

6. We should eat fats and sugars in moderation , because too much fats and sugars can cause different heart-diseases. 7. Cereals and grains are important for us because they provide us with the energy we need for physical activity.
8. In this fast-moving world it is necessary to watch what we eat – it should be healthy food, not junk one, which has become very popular.
9. Eating too much junk food can cause overweight and a heart-disease.

10. For example, it is much better to eat an apple or a banana than to eat a double hamburger with ketchup and mayonnaise.

11. You will feel full in both cases , but a fruit or a vegetable is healthier.
12. Today there are a lot of different restaurants and cafes where you can eat delicious and not really expensive food. 13. The service is usually excellent and friendly waiters help you to relax and enjoy your meal fully.

14. You can try any types of food in restaurants – you can try homemade cakes, beefsteaks, pasta and macaroni and others.

15. For a main course you can order fish, meat or chicken with some rice or potatoes, also you can ask for pasta and salad.

16. You can eat a bowl of ice-cream, a piece of an apple pie, strawberries with cream or something like that for dessert.
17. For drink you can order a glass of water or juice, a cup of coffee or tea or other drink such as m ilkshake , stewed fruit or kissel.
18. Eating habits are different in different countries.

19. For example, Brazilians never eat with their hands – they always use a knife and a fork, even when they eat hotdogs.

20. Finns like eating hot sausages and drink beer in the streets; many Philipinos prefer eating with their

21. Also they think that it is polite to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal.
22. Well, as for me I do respect their eating habits and like eating different countries’ food such as Italian Pasta, Japanese rice with sushi or Indian spicy meat.

23. But most of all I like just ice-cream.

24. It doesn’t matter what kind – with raspberry favor, with marmalade, chocolate chips or pieces of fruit.

25. I can eat it anytime and anywhere.
26. But anyways whatever you like you should remember words of wisdom which say that we eat to live, but not live to eat.

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