Моя любимая газета сочинение на английском языке

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

In the past people learnt about news from newspapers. Nowadays people usually learn what is happening in the country and in the world from TV or radio news programmes or from the Internet. Still we cannot imagine our life without newspapers. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening and for those who keep pets.

Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. Besides, there are many free local newspapers which are put into your postbox whether you ask for it or not. Probably they are not interesting, because they consist mainly of advertisements, but you can find a lot of useful telephone numbers and addresses there.

My parents subscribe to Argumenty i Facty. I also like this weekly. I don’t read all the articles, but in every issue I find something interesting. I think that most articles are very well written, they give a detailed and well-balanced analysis of current events and trends in economy. I like to read articles on social issues, interviews, reviews of new books, plays and TV shows. One of my favorite columns is The Quotation of the Day, where they quote our popular politicians and give their comments. Sometimes it’s very funny.

Quite often I buy Sovershenno Secretno (Top Secret) and practically in each issue there are some fascinating stories which you read like a detective story. Sometimes they uncover things I have not heard about, sometimes they show well-known events in a completely new light.

From time to time I read Moskovsky Komsomolets. It’s one of the most popular daily papers, but I don’t consider it serious. However, I never miss an article written by Minkin. I think he is a very good journalist. I also like Merinov’s cartoons. Sometimes they publish good reviews of new films, new CDs and so on.

In short, I think that TV, radio and the Internet have their advantages, but nothing can substitute newspapers.


Некоторые газеты публикуют серьезные статьи о политике, экономике и финансам, другие имеют целью развлечь своих читателей. Многие газеты выражают определенные политические убеждения, и люди выбирают их в зависимости от собственных политических убеждений. Короче говоря, вы всегда сможете найти издание, которое соответствует вашим интересам. Кроме того есть множество бесплатных местных газет, которые приходят на ваш почтовый ящик, вы просите об этом или нет. Вероятно, они не интересны, потому что состоят в основном из рекламы, но вы можете найти там много полезных номеров телефонов и адресов.

В общем, я считаю, что телевидение, радио и Интернет имеют свои преимущества, но ничто не может заменить газеты.

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Моя любимая газета – “Московский Комсомолец” (кратко – “МК”). Я уверена, что вы слышали об этой газете и имели возможность прочитать ее. Я полагаю, она предоставляет нам большое количество информации и быстро и ярко отражает текущие и важные события на своих страницах.
Для всех тем и широкого обзора событий эта газета предлагает множество колонок и рубрик с краткими и интересными заголовками.

My favourite newspaper is “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” (“MK”, in brief). I am sure you have heard about this newspaper and have had a chance to read it. I suppose, it gives us a great amount of information and quickly and vividly reflects current and important events on its pages.
For all items and saturation coverage of occasions this newspaper offers a lot of columns and headings with brief and interesting headlines.

It goes without saying that the most exciting reports and latest news are always published on the first page of “MK” so that the readers could familiarize with them at once. To my mind, it’s very convenient!

1.I must say I don't buy newspapers every day.
2.But if I buy a newspaper, it tends to be "Argumenty i Fakty".
3.It is a daily newspaper.
4.Normally it is well-written, readable and quite interesting.
5.It is the only newspaper I can trust.
6.This newspaper has a lot of interesting sections full of useful and actual information.
7.It has a good coverage of current events in our country.
8. The newspaper provides a good viewpoint of foreign affairs around the world.
9.Besides, this newspaper has a lot of informative articles on politics, health, fashion, cinema, etc.
10. To my mind, this newspaper is worth reading.

1.I must say I don't buy newspapers every day.
2.But if I buy a newspaper, it tends to be "Argumenty i Fakty".
3.It is a daily newspaper.
4.Normally it is well-written, readable and quite interesting.
5.It is the only newspaper I can trust.
6.This newspaper has a lot of interesting sections full of useful and actual information.
7.It has a good coverage of current events in our country.
8. The newspaper provides a good viewpoint of foreign affairs around the world.
9.Besides, this newspaper has a lot of informative articles on politics, health, fashion, cinema, etc.
10. To my mind, this newspaper is worth reading.

В этой газете я вижу спортивный календарь игр любимой команды.

Я часто читаю о своих кумирах и их успехах.

Когда я вырасту, то стану известным футболистом и обо мне напишут в моей любимой газете.

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Побег Мумия в доме миссис лапу сегодня. Тэд заболел. И мы играем в саду. Вдруг мы видим женщину. Она приходит к нам. Она приходит и смотрит на нас. Она смотрит на Черныша, потом она смотрит на мизинец. Вдруг она берет мизинец на руках. Она вы..

Екатеринбург, Санкт - Петербург, Автономная Республика Крым, Москва, Большой Екатерининский дворец.

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