Memory сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Childhood is really a wonderful time. As for me, it is always a pleasure to retrospect, being transferred to that marvellous time of life like childhood. In my opinion, everyone has its own vivid recollection that he or she could call up and tell to one’s people.

One of those afteglows which I can remember is about my first day at school. It was magnificent sunny day on the 1st of September 1993. My mom woke me up not as usually, at 7 o’clock a.m., with the words: “Mary, it is going to be your first day at school!” I clearly remember that moment, however I can’t describe the sences that were ovefilling me. Something was tickling in my stomach. This was truly new to me.

My mom and brother took me to school. It’s a pity that my father had a business trip that week. After the first bell had rung, we were invited to our classes. I kissed my parents good bye; they promised to pick me up in an hour then. I made my first steps towards that huge (as it seemed to me) school building. A shiver was running down my spine that minute.

When we were seated, a techer kindly asked us to take the exercise books out from our rucksacks. This was my mom who had prepared all the things for me, but my attempts to found my exercise book in my bag were, unfortunately, unsuccessful. I don’t know what happened to me that time that I hadn’t noticed that bright red folder and several blank writing-books in it, instead I always have my first teacher in mind who put my first “2” for my inattention on the first day at school on the 1st of September.

From my point of view, it is a child who lives in every person’s soul. Merely the toys we played in our childhood changed to other, big ones and more serious. Eventually, everyone has its own live treasured possessions. My ones are my childhood memories.

y Childhood Memories Сергей Голубев Childhood is really a wonderful time. As for me, it is always a pleasure to retrospect, being transferred to that marvellous time of life like childhood. In my opinion, everyone has its own vivid recollect

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Memory is the main problem that the Soviet publicist and playwright Leonid Panteleev sets before us.

This eternal question, undoubtedly, is topical. Over him, many times the minds of man, as representatives of creative and scientific professions, and people engaged in manual labor thought about it.

The author reveals his attitude to the problem of memory in the text, describing the tankman, a huge man, carefully storing a tiny handkerchief given to him by a little girl from an orphanage in besieged Leningrad. This officer went through the difficult roads of the war, lost friends, loved ones, but preserved the memorable handkerchief of the girl-leningrad, presented to her by a dying mother. And he did not just save, but fulfilled the order of the girls: waved to the city of Peter, standing at the foot of the Reichstag.

I, of course, share the position of L.Panteleev: memory plays a special moral role in our life.

It would seem that significant can conceal in itself a small piece of cloth? And he keeps memories of the tragic fate of the inhabitant of the siege town, the difficult childhood of her daughter Lidochka, of the joyful victorious days in the defeated Berlin.

Unfortunately, not all of my contemporaries are so sensitive to the memorable years of the Holy War. There were barbarians in Tallinn, Lvov, Kutaisi, who raised their hand to the monuments to soldiers-liberators .

But not everything is so bad with the memory of millions of former citizens of the USSR. How many people came to the defense of these pedestals! They, protesting the demolition of monuments, had no personal gain, did not follow someone else's orders, but went on the call of the soul, conscience, wishing to leave for their descendants something more than material values, proving that decades after the collapse of a mighty country, they did not "Ivans who do not remember their kinship" .

Unfortunately, not all of my contemporaries are so sensitive to the memorable years of the Holy War. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

There were barbarians in Tallinn, Lvov, Kutaisi, who raised their hand to the monuments to soldiers-liberators .

When I was a child I really wanted to grow up and to be adult. I wanted to solve my problems by myself and to choose what I need to do. Today I am adult enough to make my choice but I would really like to become a child again.

I like to open my photo album and look all the photos I have. There are the best moments and people of my life. These memories are very important because I had many interesting stories I would like to tell to my children in future.

My childhood was pretty good. 10 years ago everything was different and children played games outside every daySn. I had many friends and we always had a lot of fun together. We went for a picnic, to the beach and walked a lot in the parks. We always shared our secrets and I could talk the whole night with my mom about my hopes and dreams.

I liked the feeling when I was coming back home and my mom was waiting for me with a hot a delicious dinner. We had dinner all together and later on we watched TV.

I usually spent my weekends with my grandparents. They lived in the village. There were also few of my friends. In general since childhood I have been a sociable person. The best time in the village were summer holidays. We went camping and swam in the lake and river.

When I was a child I had many different hobbies. But my favorite one was cooking. I got up early in the morning and helped my granny to cook breakfast for the whole family. It was great time.

I have only good memories about my childhood. I think today children are jealous. They are at home with their online friends and gadgets. But they are lonely. If I could go back I would not change anything, because my childhood was perfect. The only thing I would like to do is to become a child and to stay longer with people that have left us.

Моё детство

Когда я была ребёнком, я очень хотела поскорее вырасти и быть взрослой. Я хотела решать свои проблемы самостоятельно и выбирать сама то, что мне надо делать. Сегодня я достаточно взрослая, чтобы делать выбор, но почему-то теперь мне хочется стать ребёнком снова.

Мне нравится просматривать свой фотоальбом. Там запечатлены самые важные моменты и самые дорогие люди в моей жизни. Эти воспоминания для меня очень важны, ведь я храню столько замечательных историй, которыми потом хочу поделиться со своими детьми.

Мое детство было достаточно интересным. 10 лет назад все было совершенно другим и дети чаще играли во дворах. У меня было много друзей и нам всегда было весело вместе. Мы устраивали пикники, ходили на пляж, гуляли в парках. Мы постоянно секретничали, а ещё я могла ночи напролёт делиться своими мечтами и надеждами с мамой.

Мне нравилось то чувство, когда я возвращалась вечером домой, а мама ждала на кухне с горячим и вкусным ужином. Мы кушали все вместе, а потом смотрели телевизор.

Обычно я проводила выходные с дедушкой и бабушкой. Они жили в деревне. Там тоже было несколько моих приятелей. Вообще с самого детства я довольно общительный человек. Лучшее время в деревне - это летние каникулы. Мы ходили в лес с ночевкой и плавали в озере или речке.

Когда я была ребёнком, у меня было много различных хобби. Но больше всего мне нравилось готовить. Я поднималась рано утром и помогал бабушке готовить завтрак на всю семью. Это было замечательное время.

У меня сохранились только самые приятные воспоминания о детстве.

Мне кажется сегодняшние дети нам завидуют. Ведь они заперты дома в одиночестве со своими онлайн друзьями и всеми этими гаджетами. Но им скучно. Если бы я могла вернуться в прошлое, я бы ничего не меняла, ведь мое детство было замечательным. Единственная вещь, которую бы я сделала, так это провела бы больше времени с людьми, которые сегодня нас покинули.

Никто не пишет литературу для гордости, она рождается от характера, она также выполняет потребности нации.





- He automatically called her with himself.
She responded.

Snowy white curtains remained airy clouds, rose-pink lipstick had still left its color on her lips. It was dark. There were music and simultaneously the sound of silence. How pleasant it was…to be where you could feel comfortable…where in the shadows of the trees over the river the smell was special and the rainbow was another. The place where your soul could be calm and you got a smile on your face.

She responded but it did not mean that she agreed. She responded to tell what time it was to that handsome young man who gazed upon her and always said: “Lady gentille”. Walk around the town holding hands along the bridge and constant glancing at time. Anxiety? No! They even didn’t guess that later they would be in the same airport. In the same airport, in the same life, in the same kitchen.

Somebody wouldn’t have to respond anymore and ask the time, and to call with himself/ herself…

- He automatically called her with himself.
She responded.
A cosy café, set against the deepest lake in the world. That was the most amazing sight. But his feelings for her were much deeper than that.

Starry sky and a little cold with the windflaw of her emotions. A pretty stranger answered “Yes!” And he didn’t need anything else. He had enough happenings in his life. And it was probably the best Epilogue.

The bright colors of wallpapers, the plenty of flowerpots made the cosy atmosphere.

The warm fireplace and little kittens warmed their hands and feet after walking.

- He automatically called her with himself.
She responded and agreed to have one more appointment.

For long-awaited and perhaps the last appointment which was like a chess board, where figurines should make a step forward or some simultaneously. For both of them the feeling was like a trap, where everybody was beholden to somebody, they were away of it, unless they didn’t meet each other.
- He automatically called her with himself.
She responded to stay with him forever. White lace gloves soaked up all black mascara. Those were the tears of joy and happiness. She was blind… And just responded….

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