Карате сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

During his distinguished career, he broke many records in Formula One racing.

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He was twice named the sportsman of the year and is the second richest sportsman of all time and nations, second only to basketball player Michael Jordan.

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But important is not his wealth and not even records, Schumacher has become a symbol of the desire for a goal, a symbol of speed. Focused on his business, he reached the heights of skill. It’s inspiring.

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Looking at Michael, I want to become the best in my business. Schumacher is a good example for teenagers, he shows what can be achieved if you try, work and improve yourself.

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Мой любимый спортсмен – Михаэль Шумахер.

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Во время своей выдающейся карьеры он побил множество рекордов в автогонках Формула 1.

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Он был дважды назван спортсменом года и является вторым богатейшим спортсменом всех времён и народов, уступая лишь баскетболисту Майклу Джордану.

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Но важно не его богатство и даже не рекорды, Шумахер стал символом стремления к цели, символом скорости. Сосредоточенный на своём деле, он достиг вершин мастерства. Это вдохновляет.

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Глядя на Михаэля, хочется и в своём деле стать лучшим. Шумахер хороший пример для подростков, он показывает чего можно достичь, если стараться, работать и самосовершенствоваться.

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Alexander Karelin is my sports idol.

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He was born Siberia, like me, at age 13 began to engage in wrestling. This is a very large and strong man, like Hercules from ancient myths. He is like a rock hanging over the adversaries.

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During his career, he won three Olympic gold medals, won in nine world championships.

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He remained undefeated for more than thirteen years.

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887 victories and only two defeats, for which he took revenge. Such a number of victories is not only evidence of tremendous physical strength, but also the result of intellectual work, the correct evaluation of the enemy, the ability to take advantage of the current situation.

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At Karelin I’m learning to take the most out of the current moment and make the most of my skills.

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Александр Карелин – мой спортивный кумир.

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Он родился Сибири, как и я, в 13 лет начал заниматься борьбой. Это очень большой и сильный человек, словно Геракл из древних мифов. Он как скала нависает над противниками.

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За свою карьеру он выиграл три золотые олимпийские медали, одержал победы в девяти чемпионатах мира.

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Он оставался непобеждённым на протяжении более тринадцати лет.

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887 побед и только два поражения, за которые он взял реванш. Такое количество побед свидетельство не только огромной физической силы, но и результат интеллектуальной работы, правильной оценки противника, умения воспользоваться сложившейся ситуацией.

p, blockquote 24,0,0,0,0 --> p, blockquote 25,0,0,0,1 -->

У Карелина я учусь брать максимум из текущего момента и максимально использовать свои навыки.

Напишите пожалуйста сочинение про карате, точнее мой любимый вид спорта карате, на английском языке на 7 - 10 предложений.

Karate is my favorite sport

My favourite sport is karate, which is one of the Oriental martial arts.

Karate is a popular sport in the world because it improves self - confidence and self - discipline, memory and attention.

Besides, karate teaches us self - defence, respect, self - control and patience.

I started practising karate when I was eight.

Since that time I have been training twice a week in our local sports centre.

The lessons are physically hard but I enjoy them.

Our sensei teaches us patiently and inspires us to become better people.

I have already participated in a few competitions.

I am glad that I chose karate because it gives me so much : I have become more patient and physically stronger.

Сочинение по английскому языку на тему мой любимый вид спорта баскетбол ?

Сочинение по английскому языку на тему мой любимый вид спорта баскетбол .

Напишите на английском языке 10 предложений на тему мой любимый вид спорта?

Напишите на английском языке 10 предложений на тему мой любимый вид спорта.

А мой любимый вид спорта катание на роликах.

Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на англ?

Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на англ.

Языке про любимый вид спорта(фигурное катание) 15 предложений.

Сочинение на английском языке мой любимый вид спорта теннис?

Сочинение на английском языке мой любимый вид спорта теннис.

Помогите написать небольшое сочинение на английском языке на тему "Мой любимый вид спорта"?

Помогите написать небольшое сочинение на английском языке на тему "Мой любимый вид спорта".

Напишите пожалуйста сочинение "Мой любимый вид отдыха " на английском языке?

Напишите пожалуйста сочинение "Мой любимый вид отдыха " на английском языке.

Обьявление о секции карате на английском?

Обьявление о секции карате на английском.


Напишите краткое сочинение на тему : мой любимый вид спорта - это хоккей НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ!

Напишите мине сочинение на тему мой любимый вид спорта на английском языке (можно любой спорт)?

Напишите мине сочинение на тему мой любимый вид спорта на английском языке (можно любой спорт).

Как по английски?

Как по английски?

Летом я принял участие на соревнованиях по карате.

karate into one form is represented on a patch presently worn on the gi?s of his followers and their students.

Isshinryu may be the youngest karate to come from Okinawa, but it is as rich with spirit as the earlier

Shinkichi Shimabuku, founder of Isshinryu, was born on the island of Okinawa on September 19,

1908 (Armstrong 7). Upon reaching the age of six, Shimabuku would travel on foot, six miles down an old

farm road to reach his uncle?s house. His uncle, Chioyu, a Shorin-ryu Master, was reluctant to teach young

Shimibuku. Instead, Chioyu made him perform menial chores around the dojo. After two years of chores

and six mile walks, Shimabuku developed the patients and physical condition to begin karate training. His

uncle taught Shimabuku his system and started him off on his martial career. During his years of

adolescence Shimabuku changes his name from Shinkichi to Tatsuo meaning ?Dragon Boy?. It was

common during the 1920?s for a young boy to change his name during his adolescence years. With the

motivation from his uncle, Shimabuku sought out the famous Chotoku Kyan, another Shorin-ryu master.

After developing an excellent kicking ability, his next sensei was Chojin Miyagi!

, known for his vigorous training habits. Miyagi teaches Shimabuku Naha-te, known today as the Goju-ryu

style. His fourth teacher was a man by the name of Motobu, a famous brawler in Okinawa. Motobu

furthers Shimabuku?s in Shorin-ryu and grants him the title of Master (8). Lastly, Yabiku Moden, helps

polish Shimabuku?s training by teaching him the art of the Bo, Sai, and Tee-fa (9). With the teachings of

some of Okinawa?s legendary teachers, Tatsuo Shimabuku sets of to begin a life in the martial arts.

Late one evening at his home in Chun Village, Shimabuku was awakened by his dream of the

?Mizu-gami?, the sea goddess. With this symbol, Tatsuo realizes the unification of his training that the

Mizu-gami represents. It was on that evening that Isshinryu was born (Armstrong 27). Later, his vision

was produced on a patch worn by all students of Isshinryu Karate. The emblem of Isshinryu karate

symbolizes the Mizu-gami. Its oval shape was originally designed to represent the unique vertical fist in

Isshinryu karate. The symbol depicts a woman whose lower half appears to take the form of a sea dragon.

Her left hand is held open in the universal sign of peace while her right hand forms an Isshinryu fist. In

Oriental mythology, the dragon in the sky is a sign of good luck while the gray background and churning

seas is a sign of unknown dangers. Three stars are located at the top of the emblem representing three

virtues. These virtues consist of mind, body, and spirit whic!

h all must be developed to reach total harmony (Tyurin). With this vision and sensei?s knowledge of the

martial arts, he sets off to create the Isshinryu system.

What would a martial arts system be without Kata? According to the Martial Arts Dictionary, by

Louis Frederic, the word ?kata? is defined as ??Form?, ?Sequence. but there is much more to kata than

form and sequence (104). To really grasp the meaning of kata, the true essence of karate, one must be

involved in one or more forms of the martial arts. In the Isshinryu system there are 16 katas:

1. Seisan 9.Kusan-Ku Sai

2. Seiuchin 10. Tokomen Kun No Dai

3. Nai Hanchi 11. Chatan Yara No Sai

4. Wansu 12. Urishi Bo

5. Chinto 13. Chi-Chi No Kum No Dai

6. Sanchin 14. Tee-faa

7. Kusan-Ku 15. Bo Sai/kumite

8. Sunsu 16. Bo Bo/kumite

These katas will help the karate-ka develop breath control, speed, rapid techniques, balance, rhythm, and

coordination (Tyurin). One of the major aims of the karate-ka is to be able to perform all the katas as

accurately as possible therefore kata exercise is a must. When performing kata, a karate-ka imagines

himself being attacked by enemies from all different sides (Holubecki 42). Katas are also a means of

physical exercise. There are some katas that develop upper body, while others that develop lower body and

even some that work the entire body. Kata can be performed at home, in the dojo, at work, anywhere a

karate-ka feels comfortable practicing. ?Kata is the ideal form of exercise?(42).

In formalized karate schools, most have a belt ranking system. This system is used to help the

instructor of the school keep track of the progression levels of his or her students. The beginners start out in

the kyu ranks. The belt, or Obi, signifies the technical and mental skill obtained by its bearer by its color

(Frederic 173). In the Isshinryu system there are 7 kyu ranks represented by 5 colors: white, yellow, green,

purple, 1st.-2nd-3rd degree brown. Following the Kyu ranks are the Dans, or Black Belts. The Dan ranks

are divided into 10 degrees, 1st being the lowest and 9th being the highest a non-founder can obtain. Tenth

degree is usually reserved for the founder of the system (Holubecki 21). It is not until a karate-ka reaches

black belt that he or she is regarded as truly being established in their form (Frederic 173). Higher belt

ranks are gained by formal promotions in the dojo. The karate-ka will be asked a series of various questions

to show his mental abili!

ty and asked to perform katas and basic skills to show physical ability. Shimabuku created this rank system

to keep a low number of ranks which is easier for the instructor to keep track of.

From his birth in Okinawa, Tatsuo Shimabuku was born a karate-ka. Growing up with the

teaching of some of the most famous martial artist of his time, Shimabuku learned from some of the best.

With his training and knowledge of over four decades, Shimabuku founded the Isshinryu system. He

introduced katas from different forms which was taught to him by some of the originators. He created a

unique ranking system that kept the number of belts low and the amount of knowledge high. With his

vision in his dream, he discovered a way to unite his knowledge and ability. Isshinryu Karate will continue

taught and enjoyed by those karate-ka who have captured the beauty of the vision of master Tatsuo

Armstrong, Steve ISSHINRYU KARATE: The One Heart Method. American Okinawan Karate

Frederic, Louis A Dictionary of the MARTIAL ARTS. Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.,

Holubecki, Chester. KARATE: Isshin-Ryu Karate. Orange City, 1984.

Tyurin, E. Isshinryu Karate Page. On-line. Infoseek. Internet. 28 Oct. 1996.

KARATE. TAEKWONDO. для 11 класса по УМК Тимофеева В.Г. Учитель английского языка

№ слайда 1

KARATE. TAEKWONDO. для 11 класса по УМК Тимофеева В.Г. Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №8 П. Шолоховский Тонкова А.В.


№ слайда 2

HISTORY The origins of karate can be traced back thousands of years. Because wea

№ слайда 3

HISTORY The origins of karate can be traced back thousands of years. Because weapons were banned in Okinawa, they developed karate as a way to defend themselves without using weapons.

Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes an

№ слайда 4

Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes.

Karatekas wear an outfit called “gi”- a white pair of loose-fitting pants and a

№ слайда 5

Karatekas wear an outfit called “gi”- a white pair of loose-fitting pants and a jacket tied tightly with a belt.

The colour of karatekas belt indicates their level of skill called “dan”. There

№ слайда 6

The colour of karatekas belt indicates their level of skill called “dan”. There are white, blue, yellow, green, brown and black belts.

DOJO is the name of the place where martial arts are taught or practised.

№ слайда 7

DOJO is the name of the place where martial arts are taught or practised.

It’s a martial art that can help you strengthen yourself physically, mentally an

№ слайда 8

It’s a martial art that can help you strengthen yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

Martial arts are popular in Hollywood films. The latest film about karate is “Th

№ слайда 9

Martial arts are popular in Hollywood films. The latest film about karate is “The Karate Kid” with Jackie Chan.

In Korean, tae means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon means "

№ слайда 10

In Korean, tae means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon means "to strike or break with fist"; and do means "way", "method", or "path". Thus, taekwondo may be loosely translated as "the way of the hand and the foot."

Tae kwon do has been around for over 2000 years. This martial art discipline is

№ слайда 11

Tae kwon do has been around for over 2000 years. This martial art discipline is believed to have been founded in Korea by Hwarang warriors who defended from the invading armies of Japan.

Taekwondo as a martial art is popular with people of both genders and of many ag

№ слайда 12

Taekwondo as a martial art is popular with people of both genders and of many ages. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. There is a special protective gear at sparring match.

Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes i

№ слайда 13

Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which distinguishes it from martial arts such as karate or southern styles of kung fu. The rationale is that the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has, and kicks thus have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes without successful retaliation.

Taekwondo, along with many other martial arts, is traditionally performed in bar

№ слайда 14

Taekwondo, along with many other martial arts, is traditionally performed in bare feet, though there are specialist training shoes that can sometimes be worn.

A taekwondo student typically wears a uniform (dobok), often white but sometimes

№ слайда 15

A taekwondo student typically wears a uniform (dobok), often white but sometimes black (or other colors), with a belt tied around the waist. The colour of belt indicates their level of skill.


№ слайда 16

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Могилевская И.И. Мой вид спорта.

как языка международного общения в области физической культуры

К а р а т э

Discussion club

What kinds of sports are popular in Russia? And what about your family?

Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

Why do you think sport is a part of our everyday life?

What do you know about martial arts?

How many types of Karate or fighting styles exist?

Is Karate considered to be an Olympic sport?

What is the order of the belt system in Karate?

Vocabulary to the text

according to - по, согласно; в соответствии

introduce – ввести, представлять

majority – большинство, большая часть

martial arts – боевые искусства

expose –(зд) представлять

technique –техника, метод, прием

permit – разрешать, позволять

refinement –уточнение, совершенствование

subsequent –последующий, дальнейший

1. Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words

Karate [kəˈrɑːtɪ] Azato

Buddist Monk mʌŋk Kyoto kɪˈəʊtəʊ

Shaolin-si Japanese ˌdʒæpəˈniːz

China, Chinese ˈtʃaɪnə, tʃaɪˈniːz Hirohito ˌhɪroˈhiːˌtəʊ

Zen Buddhism zen ˈbʊdɪzəm Tokyo ˈtəʊkjəʊ

Gichin Funakoshi Okinawan

2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words

legend, century, taught, mind, origins, obscue, synthesis, transform, various,encourage, merchants, island, master, enthusiastic, national, achieved, abroad, unified,

3. Guess the meaning of the words

Legend, evolution, designed, basis, synthesis, modified, transformed, group, secret, demonstration, enthusiastic , style, public, athletic.

4. Look at the beginning of the text . Can you predict what it is about.

5 . Read the text.


A . According to legend, the evolution of Karate began over a thousand years ago, possibly as early as the 5th century B.C. when Bodhidharma, a Buddhist Monk arrived in Shaolin-si, China from India and taught Zen Buddhism. He also introduced a set of exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body. Bodhidharma’s teachings later became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts. In truth, the origins of Karate appear to be somewhat obscure and little is known about the early development of Karate until it appeared in Okinawa. Sometime between the years 1784 and 1903, the term karate replaced that of Te. This new name reflected the synthesis of the native Okinawan martial arts of Te with the influence of the Chinese Martial Arts the Okinawans had been exposed to.

B . Karate-do was modified and transformed into a way of life by Master Gichin Funakoshi in 1905. Before this, it was just a group of techniques that permitted self-defense without weapons. Weapons bans, imposed on the Okinawans at various points thoughout their history, encouraged the refinement of empty-hand techniques and, for this reason, was trained in secret until modern times. Further refinement came with the influence of other martial arts brought by nobles and trade merchants to the island. Born in 1868, Funakoshi began to study karate at the age of 11, and was a student of the two greatest masters of the time, Yasutsune Itosu and Yasutsune Azato.

C. The first public demonstration of karate in Japan was in 1917 by Funakoshi, at the Butoku-den in Kyoto. This, and subsequent demonstrations, greatly impressed many Japanese, including the Crown-Prince Hirohito, who was very enthusiastic about the Okinawan art. In 1922, having mastered two major styles of Karate, Funakoshi, then President of the Okinawa association of the Spirit of Martial Arts, was chosen to demonstrate Karate at the first National Athletic Exhibition in Tokyo. This led to the introduction of the ancient martial art to the rest of Japan..


6. Choose the title to each paragraph. There is one extra title.

1. Transformation of Karate

2. The origin of Karate

3. Introduction of Karate to the public

4. Master Funakoshi’s life.

7. State if it is true (T) or false (F) :

In the 5 th century B.C. a Buddhist Monk, Bodhidharma arrived in India and taught Zen Buddhism.

Bodhidharma’s teachings later became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts.

Master Gichin Funakoshi was born in 1886.

Funakoshi started studying karate when he was 11 years old.

Funakoshi demonstrated karate for the first time in public at the age of 47.

8. Complete the sentences as in the text.

Further refinement came with the influence……

This led to the introduction……

Funakoshi began to study …

9. Answer the questions to the text :

When did the evolution of karate begin?

What was the aim of introduction of special exercises by Bodhidharma?

Haw was karate called in the 18 th century?

Who modified and transformed karate-do into a way of life in 1905 ?

When did the first public demonstration of karate take place in Japan ?

Where were the two major styles of karate demonstrated by Master Gichin Funakoshi in 1922?

How did it influence the further development of martial arts?

10. Find synonyms to the words:

11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

Воинское искусство, которое в наше время известно под названием каратэ-до, пришло к нам более 2000 лет назад из Индии и Китая.

Основателем древней школы стал монах по имени Бодхидхарма.

История доказывает, что Шаолинь явился колыбелью первой необыкновенно эффективной техники борьбы.

Во время тайных ночных тренировок крестьяне закаляли свои руки и ноги, которые становились грозным оружием.

Окинава-те сформировалось к началу XIX века.


12. Find Russian equivalents and discuss in class The Twenty Precepts(заповеди) of Karate, laid out by Master Funakoshi Gichin.

к)Стойка обязательна только для начинающих.

11.Genuine karate is like hot water: it cools down if you if you do not keep on heating it.

л)Постоянно оттачивай свой разум.

12.Do not think of winning; you must think of not losing.

м)Не допускай ошибок в КАТА, пригодится в настоящем бою.

13.Transform yourself according to the opponent.

н)Каратэ воспитывает праведность.

14.The outcome of the fight depends on one’s control.

о)Познай себя, потом других.

15.Imagin one’s arms and legs as swords.

16.Once you leave the shelter of home, there are a million enemies.

р)За порогом твоего дома тебя ожидают тысячи врагов.

17.Postures (позы) are for the beginners; later they are natural positions.

с)Каратэ- кипящая вода, если не поддерживать огонь – она остынет.

18.Do the kata correctly; the real fight is a different matter.

т)Небрежность ведет к поражению.

19.Do not forget control of the dynamics of power, the elasticity of the body and the speed of the technique.

у)Подходи к каждой проблеме в духе каратэ.

20.Always be good at the application of everything that you have learned.

ф)Действуй всегда с учетом трех факторов: сила,рост, технический уровень противника.

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