Independence day kazakhstan сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Внеклассное мероприятие
Aims :to practice topic about Independence Day
to cause the wish to speak English, Kazakh
to develop group work
to bring up students to be patriots of their motherland, to love their country
and to make great efforts in the development of the country

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Отанды сүю – отбасынан басталады
Любовь к Родине с семейного очага зарождается.
Motherland’s love begin from family.

My homeland is Kazakhstan

Aims : to practice topic about Independence Day

to cause the wish to speak English, Kazakh

to develop group work

to bring up students to be patriots of their motherland, to love their country

and to make great efforts in the development of the country

Material needed: interactive board, computers, pictures, poster

Methods: work in group and work with text

The outline of the lesson


Good afternoon, students! I’m glad to see you! How are you?

Are you ready ?

Let’s begin our lesson.

T:Speak about My homeland is Kazakhstan .
Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 1991. Kazakhstan borders with Russian Federation, China, Kyzgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Astana is the capital and Almaty is the largest city. President of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbayev is highly respected, intelligent, wise statesmen. The official language is Kazakh. Russian is the language of international communication. Our country is rich in mineral recourses.

December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Independence Day is a public holiday in Kazakhstan. On 16 th December, 1991 Kazakhstan adopted the Constitutional Law on the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2013 Kazakhstan celebrated the 22nd anniversary of its independence. 22 years have passed since that memorable date. Our President N. Nazarbaev announced this year as the year of the 22-th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Everyone knows well what events happened in December 1986 in Almaty. Kazakh youth went out to the central square to show their protest against the administrative system. The weather was cold that day. It was snowing. But the authority was against them. Policemen, fireman, soldiers used their power. Some people were killed.

Kazakhstan is a very young independent state. But during this short period, large-scale institutional changes have occurred in the country. The people of Kazakhstan voted for a presidential form of government .

Reciting poem

Т :Our president N. A. Nazarbayev said: “Every person in our country must know three languages: Kazakh as a state language, Russian as a language of international communication and English as a widespread language in the world, as a language of business and new technology”.

T:What poem s do you know about our Motherland, Kazakhstan and Astana?

1. тапсырма .Let’s recite the poem about Kazakhstan.


Your task is: I’ll give you proverbs, continue them in three languages: in English, in Kazakh, in Russian. (Presentations with proverbs).

1. Өзелім , ……… төсегім ( өлең , песня , song)

2. Сағынғанелінаңсайды

Сарыалақаз ………. аңсайды ( көл , озеро , lake)

3. ……… еліндекөгерер

Қоғакөліндекөгерер ( адам , человек , man)

4. Туғанжердіңкүнідеыстық , түніде ……. ( ыстық , жаркий , hot)

5. …….. елдіңанасы

Елердіңанасы ( Отан , Родина , Motherland)

6. Отанды ………. отбасынан басталады (сүю, любовь, love)

7 . Отан – елді ң …(анасы,мама, Mother )
Ел – ерді ң анасы

8. Жері байдың елі ………(бай, богатство,rich)

9. Ел жасымен көрікті

Тау тасымен …….. ( көрікті, красивый, beautiful)

10. ……… іздесең көлге бар

Береке іздесең елге бар (балық, рыба, fish)

3- тапсырма

(Teacher: Students, look at the screen. You’ll see the questions you should answer.

1. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14)

2. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? (on the 16th of December)

3. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (President N. Nazarbayev).

4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh).

5. Where is the situated Kazakhstan? (Central Asia)

6. What kind of national instruments do you know?(dombyra,kobyz)

7. Where were the 7th Asian Olympic Games 2011?(Almaty-Astana)

8. When we celebrate Constitution Day?(on 30 august)

9. What region do you live? (Akmola)

10. What state symbols do you know? (flag, emblem, anthem)

Teacher : The next game “ Who wants to be a millionare ?” All the students will take part in the game. Each question has 4 variants of answers.

100 tenge : When is the Independence day of the R.K.?

a) 30 August b)16 December

c) 25 October d) 22 March

200 tenge : How do we call the national food from fried mare”s heart,kidneys,liver,lunges?

c)kuyrdak d)baursak

300 tenge : Where is the collection of gifts and souvenirs presented to President Nazarbayev ?

a) Central State Museum

b) Geological Museum

d) Nature Museum

400 tenge : What river flows out of China into the lake Balkhash ?

a) the Ertysh b) the Ishim

c) the Syr-Daria d) the Ili

500 tenge : Who was the first director of the Kazakh film studio ?

a) Shaken Aimanov b) Alibek Dnishev

c) Ermek Serkebayev d) Asanaly Ashimov

600 tenge : What is described on the tenge banknotes ?

a) Alatau mountains, Baikonur, the map of Kazakhstan

b) an open hand, Medeu, the map of Kazakhstan

c) an open hand, the map of Kazakhstan, the flag

d) an open hand, the map of Kazakhstan, Baiterek

700tenge : the Kazakhs believe that the essence of food is in its…

a) sugar b) water c) salt d) taste

100 : What is the main party of Kazakhstan ?

a) Asar b) Akzhol c) Nur-Otan d) Azamat

200 : When do we celebrate the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan ?

a) 25 October b) 30 August

c) 16 December d) 22 March

300 : The name of a girl is…

a) Bakhtiyar b) Bakhytzhan c) Bakhyt d) Baurzhan

400 : A horse-race with a young girl rider is called…

a) kokpar b)audaryspak c) asyk d) kyz-kuu

500 : How can you translate from Kazakh into English “ beshparmak” ?

a) 5 toes b) 5 fingers c)5 hands d) 5 arms

600 : Who is the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan?

a) Tasmagambetov b) Masimov c) Shukeyev d) Yesengaliyev

700 : Where is Khan Tengri ?

a) on the border of Kazakhstan and Kirgizstan

b) on the border of Kazakhstan and Russia

c) On the border of Kazakhstan and China

d) on the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenia

100 : Where is Astana situated ?

a) on the river Ertysh

b) on the river Syr Daria

c) on the river Ishim

d) on the river Ural

200 : a sour milk beverage made of mare”s milk is…

a) shubat b) airan c) kymyz d) cream

300 : What wild animal is typical on mountain peaks of Tien Shan ?

a) a brown bear b) a snow leopard

c) a grey wolf d) a ground squirrel

400 : What does the word “Almaty” mean from Kazakh into English?

a) by apple b) the father of apples

c) under the apple-tree d) with apple

500 : Who was the famous artist whose name is given to the National art gallery ?

a) Ismailov b)Khodzhikov

c) Kasteyev d) Bolkoyev

600 : How many oblast centers are there in Kazakhstan ?

a) 14 b) 12 c) 11 d) 15

7000 : Who was the brilliant representative of suffism in Kazakhstan in the Middle Ages ?

a) Balasaguni b) Kazhgari

c) Yassaui d) Zhalairy

100 : What is the money currency in Kazakhstan ?

a) som b) tenge c) rouble d) dollar

200 : How do we call the Kazakh national competition of bard singers ?

a) folk music b) sakpan

c) aitys d) adyrna

300 : What is the name of the world”s famous skating rink ?

a) Charyn b) Shymbulak

c) Koktube d) Medeu

400 : How do you name “ a blue hill” in Kazakh?

a) Aktube b) Koktube

c) Aktau d) Kokshetau

500 : Who is the author of the national anthem of Kazakhstan ?

a) Nazarbayev b) Kurmangazy

c) Serkebayev d) Zhumangaliyev

600 : What is the true decoration of the Alatau mountains ?

a) saxaul b) the blue Tien Shan spruce

c) pine tree d) apple tree

700 : How high is peak Talgar ?

a) about 7000 m. b) about 6000 m.

c) about 4000 m. d) about 5000 m.(4973)

1. Қ аза хқ стан Республикасы қ айда орналас қ ан?

( Қ аза қ стан Республикасы орталы? Азиядаорналасан .)

2. -What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan?

(The area of Kazakhstan is 2753000 square kilometers.)

3. Қ аза қ станжерінде қ аншаадамт ұ рады , қ анша ұ лт өк ілдеріт ұ рады ?

( Қ аза қ станжерінде 16 миллионадамт ұ рады , 131 ұ лт ө кілдеріт ұ рады .)

4. -What are the largest cities of Kazakhstan do you know?

(The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Chimkent, Pavlodar and Astana.)

5. -Астанамыз – қ айда орналас қ ан?

(Астанамыз – Астана қ аласы Қ аза қ стан орталы ғ ында орналас қ ан.)

6. -What is the official language of the country?

(Kazakh is the official language of the country, but it is not the only lan­guage which people speak in the country. Russian and other languages are spoken here too.)

7. Қ аза қ станда қ аншаоблыс , қ анша Қ ала , қ аншааудан , қ аншаауылдык , елдермекенібар ?

( Қ аза қ станда 14 облыс , 85 қ ала , 160 аудан , 7719 ауылдык , елдермекенібар .)

8. -What countries border with Kazakhstan?

(Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.)

9. Қ азір қ аза қ стандыбас қ амемлекеттербілеме ?

( қ азір қ аза қ станмемлекетінб ү кіл ә лембіледі .)

10. -What about the government? Who stands at the head Kazakhstan?

(Kazakhstan has a presidential form of government.)

Teacher: Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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My Independent Kazakhstan

The greatest of all blessings, -
at least, then, without
which you cannot use
other, is independence.
U. Godwin

My Home is a beautiful country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is a great country with a rich history, ancient culture and unique nature. The vast Kazakh lands. When the North is still snow at the foot of the mountains in the South are already blooming fruit trees. “Birch chintz” North, mighty pine Borovoye, Golden cornfields of virgin territory, grey feather-grasses of the great Steppe, high mountains Alatau and Tien Shan - all my Kazakhstan. These paintings amaze me with his incredible beauty. I will never cease to admire.

There's blue sky and snow-capped mountains,
Endless fields of Golden expanses.
Sunsets like in a fairy tale and starry nights,
Dawns clear as beauty's eyes.

Mineral resources of Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources: gas, oil, coal, ferrous and nonferrous metals. It's all property of the people of Kazakhstan, which got him a no-brainer.
If you delve into history, Kazakhstan took more than two hundred years to get its independence. Thousands of people fought for the freedom of our country, many died for the future of their homeland. Since ancient times, the ancestors defended our lands from the attacks of the Dzungars. In the period of tsarist people have seen the death and injustice, sorrow and unhappiness, they knew what the loss. Also the people of Kazakhstan took an active part in the great Patriotic war, as part of a single country. Tens of thousands of heroes from Kazakhstan showed the courage and the will to total victory. Thanks to these people we live in the state, free and independent. All this thanks to the unity and cohesion of the people and the shared belief in a bright future. We must remember these people and be proud of true patriots of our country.

The sun is shining from heaven
Golden millet.
His courage we
Proved a long time ago.
Beyond the threshold of the centuries
Moved forward,
Very proud and strong
The people of Kazakhstan.

Every citizen of Kazakhstan remember the momentous day, December 16, 1991, when we gained independence. Since that day it's been twenty years. This is a major event that will celebrate the whole Kazakhstan. As noted by the President of our country, N. A. Nazarbayev: “Two decades: many specific cases, accomplishments, which previously could not accommodate the whole century, the upcoming anniversary of roads to all who are committed to the future of our Motherland”. Indeed, it is not just a holiday, but the result of hard work and friendship of all peoples living in Kazakhstan. I am grateful to my home for family, friends, and peaceful sky over your head.

I thank the Earth for its arms,
For stately spacious fields,
Equanimity towards all foreign curses,
Thank you I, my Motherland!

Modern Kazakhstan is an independent, sovereign, democratic state with a stable economy and a win-win plan for the future. Today Kazakhstan boldly declares itself, about their rights and purposes. The President of our nation is truly a wise man, a shrewd politician, strategist and a true patriot, N.A. Nazarbayev. Thanks to him we have achieved stability and prosperity. Since independence began to develop the economy, science, culture. Of course, our country was not easy to begin to build their state, out of the crisis, to overcome unemployment, but we passed these difficulties. We got to his feet, and now our country continues to move forward. During the time of our independence, we have made considerable: built a strong state, has created one of the most dynamic economies, improved the standard of living of the people. Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of our country, always on the first place puts the people. People believe him and love this man.

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the guarantor of the Constitution. The Constitution is the basic law of virtually every state, as well as the guarantor of stability tomorrow. In her first article said that Kazakhstan is a democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest value of which is his people. “As guarantor of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan I'll be hard to require strict compliance with all its provisions,” said the leader of our country. Kazakhstan has its own state symbols: the Flag, Emblem, Anthem. They reflect the independence, freedom, the nationality of the state.

Our multinational country, and this is another advantage, because we all are one, and what unites us is our homeland, friendship, respect, mutual assistance and common culture. In Kazakhstan a single family home to over fifteen million people, representing more than a hundred nationalities. And all this is accompanied by a good attitude and sympathy to each other. In Kazakh, Russian, Uyghur, German, Korean, Tatar languages are published in books and Newspapers, are national theatres, dance ensembles, are transferred to the national program on radio and television. And as said N. A. Nazarbayev: “Friendship, understanding and solidarity is the basis on which we build new Kazakhstan!”

Peace-loving policy of the state, the development of intellectual and economic potential - the key to future prosperity. A symbol of Kazakhstan can be considered our beautiful new capital Astana. She, for a short time became a unique, modern metropolis, symbolizes power and strength of Kazakhstan. Our capital is transformed every day. We do not have time to keep track of new changes that occur in the life of Astana, especially against the background of the construction of the Grand objects of the new century: “Accord”, “Baiterek”, “Duman”, the Palace of peace and accord, the capital circus - you name it. The main attraction and the hallmark of Astana is a magnificent structure on the left Bank of the river Ishim - Baiterek. According to legend Baiterek symbolizes a fabulous tree growing on the mountain Kok-Tobe. Annually in its foliage sacred bird Samruk has laid a Golden egg - the sun. Each year, the dragon ate light that symbolized the change of Day and Night, Summer and Winter. A beautiful legend! Astana is a symbol of prosperity of our country, it is a symbol of hope and confidence of people in their future. This is a beautiful and peaceful city with architectural landscape and unique sculptural characters. I am sure that in the future, our capital will be even better. His mother, the most beautiful for me to Astana sincerely wished the further growth and prosperity.

Astana is the capital of the young
Growing and becoming stronger every day!
Work will be tired of not knowing
For the benefit of the city native.

Now the XXI century - a century of new generation, which will become the backbone of the young state. We should pay great attention to study, to try to acquire maximum knowledge. The state of the new Millennium need educated and active people. From us will depend the future of the state. “Kazakhstan necessary intellectual revolution that will awaken and realize the potential of our nation,” says N. A. Nazarbayev. Personally I will try to learn, to work for the benefit of the state, to contribute to the development of my country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. My Independent Kazakhstan - this is my home, my native land!

Kazakhstan Independence Day marks the independence of Kazakhstan on December 16th 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

When is Kazakhstan Independence Day?

This day is the National Holiday of Kazakhstan and is celebrated annually on December 16th. If December 16th falls on a weekend, the following Monday will be a holiday.

This is a two-day celebration with December 17th also a holiday. The holiday period may also be extended in some years with a third day depending on which days of the week December 16th falls.

The holiday marks the independence of Kazakhstan on December 16th 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

History of Kazakhstan Independence Day

Historically the Kazak region had been an area populated by nomadic tribes. In the 18th century, the Russian Empire made advances into the region, controlling the whole of Kazakhstan by the middle of the 19th century.

After the Russian revolution in 1917 and the creation of the Soviet Union, civil war erupted in the region with various attempts to bring the people in the region together. Finally, in 1936, the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was formed.

Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan adopted the constitutional law “On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on December 16th 1991. Kazakhstan was the last of the Soviet republics to declare independence, four days after Russia, meaning that for a short period of time, Kazakhstan was the entire Soviet Union.

Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected the First President of Kazakhstan.

Did you know?

Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country by land area

The day is also a time to remember the victims of the events of December 1986.

Resentment against the replacement of the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR Dinmukhamed Konayev with Gennady Kolbin from the Russian SFSR erupted into mass demonstrations by young ethnic Kazakhs in December 1986. Government troops suppressed the unrest, resulting in the deaths of several people and the incarceration of many demonstrators.

How is Kazakhstan Independence Day celebrated?

In a nation that is home to over 130 ethnic groups, Independence Day is an opportunity for the people of Kazakhstan to celebrate their multicultural history and culture.

Kazakhstan Independence Day is marked by festivities in the presidential palace and many Kazakhs will dress up in traditional clothes. Kurts (traditional tents) will be set up in many villages where local delicacies will be served.

"The Independence Day is an epoch-making and the most important holiday for all Kazakhstanis," the Head of State said in his congratulatory speech on the eve of the national holiday in 2018.

"27 years ago we have made a fateful decision, we have embarked on the way of sovereign development and building the independent country," the President said.

"The era of independence unveiled boundless perspectives and unique opportunities for development and growth. We have created an efficient system of state administration meeting modern global challenges. We have earned respect and confidence of the entire international community thanks to our shrewd and open policy," the Head of State stressed.

On the eve of Independence Day, it is tradition for the government to honor outstanding Kazakh figures in the fields of culture, sports, education, and health for their contributions to the country.

Independence is the basis of freedom. This year is the 30th anniversary of independence. During this time there were many sorrows and joys, successes and failures, development and crises. Independence, which has become a golden symbol of history, did not come to us easily. Many young people have become victims of independence in order to improve the future of the next generation. Every independence is a moment to evaluate our past and future, to weigh our thoughts and make new plans for the future.

For Kazakhstan, the first decade was a century of development. The number of educational institutions increased and the wings of Kazakhs began to spread. We began to recover, the number of people who have a bright future began to increase. Our potential has grown and we are able to reach the world level. Our prosperous capital has become the beauty of the country. Our friendship with foreign countries has grown and we have started to invest.

In the third decade, the 2050 strategy began to take shape. Large-scale projects such as 100 concrete steps, a bright path, a new name have been launched. It was the tenth anniversary of the spiritual revival. If we preserve the immortal heritage and traditions of the country and look to the future with a love of freedom, we will become a stable, eternal country with a perfect future. We have experienced a lot in the course of history. We did not give our country easily to the fox who wanted to take it and to the gray horse who wanted to humble it. Our support and desire is independence. No one can separate us if we work together. Independence is an eternal state, a bright future, an opportunity for a conscious generation. Independence is a sacred day for us. It was a day when the dream of freedom-loving young men came true. The next task of the younger generation is to glorify our country. Ability to bring up a conscious generation and be competitive. Entrusting the status of the state to the next generation. To hand over the freedom, which has become an eternal value of our people, as a duty to the future. May the pedestal of our independence be high. Let there be no clouds in the sky, and let the sun shine in the sky.

One of the most important victories of our independent country was the closure of the Nevada-Semei test site. However, despite the fact that this movement began earlier, the First President issued an official decree in 1991.

Kazakhstan has achieved a lot during the 30 years of independence. During this period, Kazakhstan has become a leader in economic development in Central Asia. The bulk of investment in the region came to Kazakhstan.

Education and science are indicators of development and prosperity of any state. Therefore, from the first days of independence, the goal was to improve the quality of education and science in accordance with the requirements of world civilization. Today, this requirement is reflected in the heights, and the country’s education and science are on the path of special development.

In accordance with the effective reforms in the field of education, we have achieved a number of changes. The competence of educational institutions has expanded; state guarantees of free vocational education in general secondary education and public schools; a trilingual education system was introduced; foreign citizens were allowed to study in the Republic of Kazakhstan; credit system and educational grants were allocated; Higher education institutions and research institutes have the opportunity to train competitive professionals through vocational education and academic freedom.

Raising the level of higher education to the international level directly contributes to Kazakhstan’s becoming a competitive state in the international arena. To implement it, a system of multilingual education has been introduced in Kazakhstan since 2012. In the 2012-2013 academic year, a system of multilingual education was introduced in 35 schools of Kazakhstan, as well as a project to teach English from the 1st grade. As a result of Kazakhstan’s rapid entry into the Bologna process, the country has entered a three-tier model: bachelor’s and master’s degrees — PhD

Qualified teachers, who for many years worked at the basic university and brought up students, formed their own scientific school. In one of his speeches, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said: «This university, named after our great ancestor Al-Farabi, is a leader in the country’s universities. Thousands of qualified specialists have graduated from the university, where several generations of excellent teachers have worked over the years.

Today, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the only university in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which is among the top 200 universities in the world. It has significant potential in addressing strategic national and international challenges. Recently, the university ranked 175th in the QS global rankings. The contribution of this university to the Independence Day and all future achievements are dedicated to this great holiday. More than 500 educational programs are being implemented, including those developed jointly with leading universities in the near and far abroad.

KazNU has more than 650 educational programs. This year, more than 100 new curricula have been launched in the most relevant and promising areas. These include natural and technological risks in neurology, cyberphysics, biological engineering, robotic systems, natural sciences and engineering. There are specialties in the social and humanitarian areas: public administration and public security, digital economy, creative industries, media communications, smart urban economy. This year, 7 educational buildings have been cosmetically repaired, 3 educational buildings are being overhauled. 14 dormitories were repaired and modern conditions were created for students. The campus is being landscaped.

When you hear the word KAZNU, you immediately think of quality, rank, competition, speed, first, leader, honor, competence. According to the results of a study by the QS rating agency, which evaluates the quality of developed universities, the world group is among the top 200 universities.

The leading university of the country is actively advancing in the world rankings. This important achievement is achieved by the staff of KazNU through a comprehensive structural modernization, development of faculties on a cluster basis, consolidation of departments, introduction of system management, results-oriented.

maximizes performance. The university has moved to an educational program that fully meets international standards. Scientists of the university are actively conducting research. Innovative projects are being implemented at the international level, new technologies are being developed.

Publications of KazNU scientists in high impact factor journals are growing every year. The university is a leader in expanding international partnerships, increasing academic mobility, developing social partnership. The university is widely known among employers. During the rating of the QS agency, the reputation of the KazNU in the academic community was highly valued.

In general, by modernizing the education system of Kazakhstan, we have the opportunity to introduce educational programs in the country based on international best practices. Currently, the education system is moving towards globalization. Therefore, the education system is becoming one of the main directions of social policy, and today the economic achievements of the state are determined by the education system, the education of citizens, the competitiveness of professionals and created an ever-changing environment based on creativity. The only way to develop human capital is to instill these qualities in citizens through quality education in a rapidly changing space. Only quality education can be a guarantee of a prosperous state, a strong economic and prosperous society.

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