Ideal welfare state сочинение

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Идеальное государство, в первую очередь должно обеспечить достойную жизнь, проживающих в нем. У граждан данного государства должна быть полная уверенность в завтрашнем дне, хорошие зарплаты, достойное жилье. Человек, в таком государстве должен Жить, а не существовать и тем более не голодать. В идеальном государстве абсолютно любой человек смог бы обеспечить достойную жизнь себе и своим детям.

Я вижу идеальное государство таким, где любой человек может чувствовать себя в безопасности, так как в стране отсутствует преступная деятельность разного вида. Люди должны чувствовать уверенность в том, что защищены все их права.

Идеальное государство должно обеспечить любого гражданина достойной работой с хорошим заработком. Для того, чтобы устроиться на хорошую должность у человека должно быть образование. Идеальное государство всегда поможет получить бесплатное образование.

В идеальном государстве чиновники честно работают и выполняют все свои обязанности. В таком государстве отсутствует коррупция.

Также я вижу в этом государстве честных трудолюбивых врачей, которые отдаются работе всей своей душой. Также должны быть справедливые карательные органы и выполнять все свои обязанности.

Я вижу идеальное государство таким, где оно помогает больным детям. Обеспечивает их правильным лечением, нужными медикаментами. Оплачивает перелет и преподносит жилье их родителям, если им предстоит долгое лечение в другой стране. Тогда бы и большинство детей были бы живы и здоровы. Ведь дети-это будущее государства.

В идеальном государстве не голодают люди, а также животные. У них тоже должны быть свои права. Должны строго наказывать за жестокое обращение с животными. А во всех городах такого государства построены центры и приюты для бездомных питомцев, где их лечат, кормят, а затем подыскивают достойных хозяев.

Идеальным государством правит адекватный президент. А в городах такого государства, мэры и депутаты представляют интересы граждан, и не свои.

В таком государстве проживают честные, гуманные, справедливые люди. И они любят свою страну и счастливы, что проживаю именно здесь, потому что знают, что каждый последующий день будет только лучше и могут уверенно строить планы на будущее.

Сочинение №2

В науке нет точного определения, что такое государство. Международное право так же не может определить точно.

Но, в 1933 году, была подписана так называемая Конвенция Монтевидео, она определила основные принципы, по которым можно определить государство.

Это: 1. Наличие населения. 2. Наличие территории. 3.Наличие правительства. 4. И международные отношения (с другими государствами). Но, ещё главный фактор, который определяет страну как государство это статус признанности со стороны других государств.

Есть несколько версий происхождения государства. Древние философы и историки полагали что государство возникло по воле Бога. Другие, начиная с эпохи ренессанса (Возрождение культуры в Европе с четырнадцатого по семнадцатый век), придерживались мнения, что государство возникло в результате общественного договора (такой теории придерживался британский философ Томас Гоббс). Перед созданием государство человечество воевало между собой, убивая и грабя, и решило прекратить это, — передав часть своих прав правителю (государю) и признавая его право на власть, что бы обеспечить мир.

Идеальное государство по большей мере не достижимая цель для людей. Её нужно делать достижимой. Максимально приблизится к ней.

По мнению философа Платона, государство это естественная для людей и божественная по форме общежитие, оно нужно для развития и совершенствования человечества. Развитие мировой цивилизации показал, но сколько был прав Платон.

Для того что бы государство было идеальным, оно должно быть правовым, жить по законом. Что бы была устойчивая и стабильная социальная и экономическая политика. Так же необходимо что бы общество обладало политической культурой, было заинтересовано в положительных изменениях и принимало участие в политике (например, с помощью выборов). Самое главное это принцип справедливости, которое должно олицетворять государство.

Другие темы: ← Почему люди жалеют о прошлом?↑ На свободную темуИсторическое сочинение Владимир Мономах →

Ideal State

We live in a huge and wonderful country. Any corner of this country, any city is my home. Maybe because I have traveled a lot or because everyone here speaks Russian.

But if I had a right, I would change here few things. First of all I understand there is no perfect country in the world. And also sometime what is perfect for me can bring discomfort for somebody else. But still I think some changes in the system could make life of many people better.

In a perfect country people have to be happy. All children that don’t have families should find mom and dad. I know there are many adults can not have children and some children are left by parents. Only this small thing would make 5 thousand people happy.

All old people need help, but they are single, with no children and other relatives. If we could provide help for these people, we would show good example to younger generation and give a hand of help to old ones.

Kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities I would make free. If you are smart and want to study, if you have passion to education you can attend all these places for free. Sometime young people and their parents don’t have money for education, but it’s not fair. Good knowledge would provide good professionals who love and appreciate the position. Same for hospitals. Every person has right to live and have medical help if they need.

In a perfect state people love and respect each other. We don’t want to kill, violent, steal, fight, insult and so on. Citizens show respect to the law, country, government, but country also has to respect and protect these people. Then I am sure nobody wants to move to another country or complain that life abroad is better.

Популярные сочинения



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We live in a huge and wonderful country. Any corner of this country, any city is my home. Maybe because I have traveled a lot or because everyone here speaks Russian.

But if I had a right, I would change here few things. First of all I understand there is no perfect country in the world. And also sometime what is perfect for me can bring discomfort for somebody else. But still I think some changes in the system could make life of many people better.

In a perfect country people have to be happy. All children that don’t have families should find mom and dad. I know there are many adults can not have children and some children are left by parents. Only this small thing would make 5 thousand people happy.

All old people need help, but they are single, with no children and other relatives. If we could provide help for these people, we would show good example to younger generation and give a hand of help to old ones.

Kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities I would make free. If you are smart and want to study, if you have passion to education you can attend all these places for free. Sometime young people and their parents don’t have money for education, but it’s not fair. Good knowledge would provide good professionals who love and appreciate the position. Same for hospitals. Every person has right to live and have medical help if they need.

In a perfect state people love and respect each other. We don’t want to kill, violent, steal, fight, insult and so on. Citizens show respect to the law, country, government, but country also has to respect and protect these people. Then I am sure nobody wants to move to another country or complain that life abroad is better.

Идеальное государство

Мы живем в огромной и замечательной стране. Каждый уголочек этой страны, каждый город является своим домом. Может, потому что я путешествовала много или потому что все мы говорим на русском языке. Но если бы у меня было право, я бы изменила несколько моментов. Прежде всего я понимаю, что в мире нет идеальной страны. А ещё и то, что порой что-то идеальное мне может принести дискомфорт кому-то другому. Но все-таки я думаю, несколько изменений в системе сделали бы жизнь людей лучше.

В идеальном государстве люди должны быть счастливы. Все детки, у которых нет семей должны найти маму и папу. Я также знаю, что многие взрослые не могут завести детей, а многие дети брошены родителями. Только это небольшое новшество осчастливило бы 5 тысяч человек.

Всем пожилым людям нужна помощь, но они живут одни, без детей и родственников. Если бы мы смогли предложить им помощь, мы бы показали отличный пример молодому поколению и помогло бы старшему поколению.

Сады, школы, колледжи и университеты я бы сделала бесплатными. Если вы умны и хотите продолжать учиться, если есть настоящая тяга к знаниям, можете эти заведения посещать бесплатно. Порой молодежи и их родителям не хватает денег для образования. А это не честно. Хорошие знания обеспечили бы хорошую профессию для тех, кто любит свою работу. Тоже самое и для больниц. У каждого есть право на лечение и медицинскую помощь при необходимости.

В идеальном государстве люди любят и уважают друг друга. Мы не захотим убивать, заниматься насилием, воровством, спорами и оскорблениями. Жители выказывают уважение к закону, стране, государству. Также и страна должна уважать и защищать свой народ. Тогда, я уверена, никто не захочет переезжать в другую страну или жаловаться о том, что жизнь за границей лучше.

I think there is no ideal thing in our world. But I’ll try to describe maximal effective welfare state.

Of course welfare state should pay benefits for its citizens. But only those who really need it should receive benefits. They are pensioners, the disabled, widows with little children and invalids. To my mind unemployed and homeless shouldn’t get money from the state, because they are to be guilty for their being unemployed and homeless and if they want to be rich and happy they can do it themselves.

Welfare state should pay for medical service. Hospitals should treat for free only those patients, whose diseases are dangerous for their health. Certainly plastic operations won’t be paid by state.

Child is the future of any country. State should take care about them. Important parts of children’s life are school and university. Every country wants to have good specialists. That’s why education should be free. From my point of view education should be compulsory for all kids.

Most of countries have their own culture. The state should remember about it and support it. Culture can rally nation during bad events like war.

Sport is important part of people’s lives. And it helps citizens to be healthy. Sportsmen are representatives of country at international competitions. Because of it the state should finance sport.

As I already said there is no ideal thing in our world. But sate which helps its citizens, takes care about children, provides medical help, remembers about sport and supports culture is very close to being ideal. That’s my opinion.

"because they are to be guilty for" - такое сочетание to be to be выражает долженствование, и если мне не изменяет память, со значением "по плану". Оно употребляется довольно редко, и, честно говоря, я не уверен, что оно здесь подходит. Предлагаю просто заменить to be guilty на responsible.

"only those patients" - эти слишком по-русски. Указательные местоимения в английском языке не служат для конкретизации. those или patience лучше убрать.

"Child"? Упустили артикль или не дописали слово? И далее устоявшаяся фраза "take care of".

"Sport is important part" - впихните an, а то некрасиво смотрится. Около country тоже артикль нужен.

В остальном - проделана хорошая работа. Видно знание вводных конструкций, есть план, есть заключение. Ну и ошибок грубых нет.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам
  • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
  • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Spidergram Types Of benefits Categories of Citizens entitled to Various benef.

Spidergram Types Of benefits Categories of Citizens entitled to Various benefits Medical care Basic Principles An Ideal Welfare State

Story My Ideal State is a Welfare State, a country that has a system of ensur.

In Ideal Welfare State some categories of people are entitled to financial h.

In Ideal Welfare State some categories of people are entitled to financial help: Retired people/pensioners receive state/retirement pension. Women whose husbands die before they retire if they are aged 45 or over receive widow’s pension. Women who leave work to have a baby receive maternity pay. Every child until he/she leaves school or longer if the child continues education (up to 19) receive child benefit. A person who is out of work for up to a year receive unemployment benefit. Families with children who have very low incomes receive family credit. A person who is unable to work after a sickness period receive invalidity pension. Disabled people receive mobility allowance to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle.

Medical insurance is organized by the Government and is compulsory. The coun.

Medical insurance is organized by the Government and is compulsory. The country doesn’t spend a lot of money per person on health care. Despite the shortage of money, the system of medical care works well. Citizens spend a small proportion of their wealth on health service, because of its simple administration. In spite of being poor, you can get good medical care. Although Welfare State has public health care, it has a private sector, too. There is a little cooperation between public health care service and the private sector. In the Welfare State, most benefits are available to everybody who is entitled to them and it’s very good. In the Welfare State, nobody is allowed to live in poverty. Everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless of their income. The Welfare State helps the disabled. The Welfare State system provides the elderly with an income that allows them to live some degree of dignity. Without financial help, many people would have been reduced to begging.

Literature Working with this project I used student’s book, activity book, ex.

Literature Working with this project I used student’s book, activity book, exercise book and vocabulary.

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Проект выполнен учащимися 10 класса по теме "Общество всеобщего благоденствия" к УМК В.П. Кузовлева"English-10", составлен в соответствии с требованиями к ученической научно-исследовательской работе.

The authors are Jholnerovskaya Anastasiya, 11 B Yagodka Juliya, 11 B

The authors are Jholnerovskaya Anastasiya, 11 B

Yagodka Juliya, 11 B

 To create an ideal welfare state for the citizens of our country. We are too worried about the living condititions of the elderly, of the pensioners and veterans. Their life is considered to be very difficult. We ought to change this situation.

To create an ideal welfare state for the citizens of our country. We are too worried about the living condititions of the elderly, of the pensioners and veterans. Their life is considered to be very difficult. We ought to change this situation.

Are the elderly glad of their life, their conditions of living?

 We have asked our classmates about the problems, which were connected with the elderly. There is a list of the questons : 1). Where do your grandparents live? /Results/ 2). How do your grandparents estimate their living conditions? /Results/ 3). How can you help to your grandparents and other elderly people? /Results/ 4). Do you think that our state needs a new system of social help? /Results/

We have asked our classmates about the problems, which were connected with the elderly.

There is a list of the questons :

1). Where do your grandparents live? /Results/

2). How do your grandparents estimate their living conditions? /Results/

3). How can you help to your grandparents and other elderly people? /Results/

4). Do you think that our state needs a new system of social help? /Results/


 - We can take care about our grandparents, help them to clean up the house, to cook the dinner or to go shopping instead of them. This is very important for us, because we ought to take care about our grandparents. This is our duty to save them from bad mood and to create all possible, what will be able to make their life better. BACK

- We can take care about our grandparents, help them to clean up the house, to cook the dinner or to go shopping instead of them. This is very important for us, because we ought to take care about our grandparents. This is our duty to save them from bad mood and to create all possible, what will be able to make their life better.

 -We really think that our state needs a new system of social help to the elderly. We notice the awful situalion , that is why we want to improve it and to do everything to make the life of our grandparents and other elderly people happy and quiet. We are not a children, that is why we can appreciate the present situation in our country. It is so terrible, so we would like to change it. Of course, it will be very difficult. But, to our mind, there is not a purpose without its solution and realization. BACK

-We really think that our state needs a new system of social help to the elderly. We notice the awful situalion , that is why we want to improve it and to do everything to make the life of our grandparents and other elderly people happy and quiet. We are not a children, that is why we can appreciate the present situation in our country. It is so terrible, so we would like to change it. Of course, it will be very difficult. But, to our mind, there is not a purpose without its solution and realization.

The situation in modern Russia is extremely difficult! Today we live in the modern society, which has a lot of problems, such as economic, politic regress. The most dangerous problems are connected with the world economic crisic, which has taken all of the aspects of people’s live. Millions of people left without job, without money and other ways of living. It is awful. We are too worried about the living condifions of the elderly, of the pensions and veterans. We have noticed a lot of cases, which were connected with the conditions of live in the houses of the elderly, we are also very surprised at the children, who can refuse of their parents and leave them in such houses.

The situation in modern Russia is extremely difficult!

Today we live in the modern society, which has a lot of problems, such as economic, politic regress. The most dangerous problems are connected with the world economic crisic, which has taken all of the aspects of people’s live. Millions of people left without job, without money and other ways of living. It is awful.

We are too worried about the living condifions of the elderly, of the pensions and veterans. We have noticed a lot of cases, which were connected with the conditions of live in the houses of the elderly, we are also very surprised at the children, who can refuse of their parents and leave them in such houses.

The situation in modern Russia is extremely difficult! There are a lot of elderly people in our country. The part of the elderly in Russia amounts to 30%. And this number hasn’t stopped. Besides, the biggest part of our elderly people needs in material, social and psychological help. The pensioners have a material income, but it is so little, so they haven’t any opportunity to buy sometimes important, such as medicines and meal. Of course, the conditions of living, the position at the society makes the elderly feel theirself vulnerable in all aspects of their life. The social protection for the elderly at the modern level is realized by three ways: the privileges and benefits for the pensioners and the elderly; the social service; the organization of providing the elderly with pensioners.

The situation in modern Russia is extremely difficult!

There are a lot of elderly people in our country. The part of the elderly in Russia amounts to 30%. And this number hasn’t stopped. Besides, the biggest part of our elderly people needs in material, social and psychological help. The pensioners have a material income, but it is so little, so they haven’t any opportunity to buy sometimes important, such as medicines and meal. Of course, the conditions of living, the position at the society makes the elderly feel theirself vulnerable in all aspects of their life.

The social protection for the elderly at the modern level is realized by three ways:

The situation in modern Russia is extremely difficult!

In the conditions of our country, when the middle duration of women’ life is more that of men’, that is why the elderly family can often finish by women’ loneliness.

Moreover the chronic illnesses make worst the life of the elderly. There are a lot of problems, which are connected with their children. The character of the elderly becomes very annoying, they find the last ideas of life, and sometimes they can spend their last years in the houses for elderly people .

 Who takes care about the elderly? The providing with the pensions and privileges of the elderly is the main task of our government. They control the system of social service. Besides, they realize that the elderly become ill and disabled, they suffer the fear of death, have difficult financial problems, become incapable of living independently, need regular care and nursing, lose friends and spouses.

Who takes care about the elderly?

The providing with the pensions and privileges of the elderly is the main task of our government. They control the system of social service. Besides, they realize that the elderly become ill and disabled, they suffer the fear of death, have difficult financial problems, become incapable of living independently, need regular care and nursing, lose friends and spouses.

 Who takes care about the elderly? That is why they ought to create all the conditions for a good life for the elderly. Of course, this is a tast of our state, but now we cannot say that our social system for the elderly is good. Of course, there are a lot of plans, but now our Government has not an opportunity to realize them in a conditions of economic crisis. That is why we are going to creat on ideal Welfare State.

Who takes care about the elderly?

That is why they ought to create all the conditions for a good life for the elderly. Of course, this is a tast of our state, but now we cannot say that our social system for the elderly is good.

Of course, there are a lot of plans, but now our Government has not an opportunity to realize them in a conditions of economic crisis. That is why we are going to creat on ideal Welfare State.

 Who takes care about the elderly? We are also too worried about the veterans’ conditions of life. They saved our planet from the catastrouph, created all possible conditions of our present and future life. This is our duty to take care about their lives, because they cannot do it by theirself. The Government of Russia can only find out different ways of solution this problem, but it is not enought to improve the situation. We live in modern world, that is why we have an opportunity of using of Mass Media. We would like to show off the personal histories of poor veterans, which have made us be shocked.

Who takes care about the elderly?

We are also too worried about the veterans’ conditions of life. They saved our planet from the catastrouph, created all possible conditions of our present and future life. This is our duty to take care about their lives, because they cannot do it by theirself. The Government of Russia can only find out different ways of solution this problem, but it is not enought to improve the situation.

We live in modern world, that is why we have an opportunity of using of Mass Media. We would like to show off the personal histories of poor veterans, which have made us be shocked.

The social service for the elderly. The emblem

The social service for the elderly.

Our suggestion of solution to the problem. Basic prirciples: To provide the elderly with deserved pension and positive conditions of living. The sources of income. The money for the social service would be received through the straight taxation from the citizens of our country.

Our suggestion of solution to the problem.

To provide the elderly with deserved pension and positive conditions of living.

The sources of income.

The money for the social service would be received through the straight taxation from the citizens of our country.

Our suggestion of solution to the problem. The categories of citizens Pensioners Veterans Women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men at 65. World War II Invalids Organs of responsibility The Goverment and the ministes of social service

Our suggestion of solution to the problem.

The categories of citizens

Women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men at 65.

World War II Invalids

Organs of responsibility

The Goverment and the ministes of social service

Our suggestion of solution to the problem. The kinds of social help To raise the size of pension; To bring down the prices on medicines; Free medical care; Free tickets in transport ; The trips sanarotiums; Immediate medical service .

Our suggestion of solution to the problem.

The kinds of social help

To raise the size of pension;

To bring down the prices on medicines;

Free medical care;

Free tickets in transport ;

The trips sanarotiums;

Immediate medical service .

Our suggestion of solution to the problem. What the pensioners think about the rising of the size of pension? It can really help them to improve their life They are afraid of the Governmental decisions They do not think that it is possible to create something in social sphere An ideal Welfare State would be able to provide the elderly with all kinds of benefits and dotations.

Our suggestion of solution to the problem.

What the pensioners think about the rising of the size of pension?

It can really help them to improve their life

They are afraid of the Governmental decisions

They do not think that it is possible to create something in social sphere

An ideal Welfare State would be able to provide the elderly with all kinds of benefits and dotations.

 At the condition of the world economic crisis our Government have not a possibility to improve the situation, which is connected with the elderly, that is why this is only our task to change it.

At the condition of the world economic crisis our Government have not a possibility to improve the situation, which is connected with the elderly, that is why this is only our task to change it.

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