How to bridge the generation gap сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

According to Mead, the older generation is probably used to leaving with their actions, until the modern press appeared. The question of how many of our shortcomings and violations should be revealed to young generations is intriguing. Show too little, and you risk being seen as one of those hypocrites that Mead mentions. Tell too much, and you run the risk of losing the moral authority that you… Читать ещё >

In addition, grandparents from adolescents and teenagers will benefit from participating in the technological winning group.

A savvy grandfather and grandmother can use technology to stay connected. Here are some tips for some popular programs — Facebook, Skype, etc.

Probably, it is better not to try to find out everything that the young generation, technologically speaking, knows. The best strategy is to minimize some things that you would like to learn to do, for example, manage photos online or download music, and get a little technical help.

Children or grandchildren — excellent resources. Nevertheless, grandparents should be teachable and ready to work within the framework of intense schedules of the younger generation.

Another area in which young and old are reportedly different is their taste for music. Although young people like to have their own music, they also often like to share their musical tastes with others. Ask your children and grandchildren to play your favorite music for you and explain why they like it. You may be surprised to find that you like it.

If you do not want to hear a clear language, indicate what’s ahead. You can also discover that your children and grandchildren are big fans of your music. Rock is still a popular genre for all bands under 65 years old. The Beatles, Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix are popular among all age groups. If the new artists cool down, you can still find some areas of agreement in the category oldies.

If your children and grandchildren have friends of different races and groups, ask them to get acquainted with them. The younger generation will appreciate your efforts, and your world can become more interesting.

Elderly people claiming moral superiority can alienate the younger generation, according to an expert on the rupture of one generation.

According to Mead, the older generation is probably used to leaving with their actions, until the modern press appeared. The question of how many of our shortcomings and violations should be revealed to young generations is intriguing. Show too little, and you risk being seen as one of those hypocrites that Mead mentions. Tell too much, and you run the risk of losing the moral authority that you have.

H owever, most often young people do not need to know that their parents and grandparents have legs made of clay. I t’s not so much what they want to hear, how much in what they do not want to hear. T hey do not want to hear that people of the older generation have always respected their elders, obeyed the authorities and were perfect citizens. T.

he younger generation is smart enough to know that this is not true. T o not be considered hypocritical, do not draw the older generation as ideal, and the younger generation as a dog. The truth is always more complicated.

There is no doubt that the problem of parents and children is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Some people think that it is impossible to overcome differences between members of different generations, while others insist that people of different generations can meet each other halfway and even become bosom friends.

It is not uncommon that some parents often disapprove of their children's musical preferences, clothing styles, political views and choice of friends. In my opinion, misunderstandings between parents and children cause many problems and may lead to serious conflicts. One simple solution that can be put forward is frank and open deep conversation. Hence, parents should understand that every child is an individual and that to err is human. Besides, some parents put much pressure on their children to perform well at school. In my view, parents should make children aware of the importance of study in their life, but they should not punish them for bad grades. I am convinced that the main task of every parent is to teach children the difference between right and wrong and to establish trust relationship with them. So, parents must express deep concern, be careful, sincere, loving and heedful of advice. They must also go with the times in order to understand their adolescents better and not be too exacting and adamant.

It should be also noted that nowadays the factors of generation differences are disappearing. Lots of parents listen to the same music, wear the same clothes and spend as much time on social networking as their children do.
On the other hand, there are people who insist that the problem of generation gap cannot be solved. According to their opinion, teenagers today are rude, cruel, lazy and ill-mannered. Most of them are addicted to gambling, computer, alcohol or drugs. Moreover, experts say that the cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise over the past years. In my judgment, one of the reasons for this problem is lack of moral values or attention. Moreover, the contributing factors of juvenile delinquency include poverty, parental divorce, domestic violence and corporal punishment. However, it becomes evident that all of them refer to the family conflicts. In my judgment it is precisely the family environment that constitutes a root problem. Experts say that most delinquents come from problem families. Their parents are often violent, cruel or abuse alcohol and drugs. In turn, their children show rebellious behavior and stop obeying them.

All in all, I think that all parents should better try to protect their adolescents from bad influences and give a helping hand rather than lecture them or decrease their self-esteem. I still strongly believe that people can bridge the generation gap by means of communication and mutual understanding.

Конфликт поколений (2)

The older generation always says that the younger one is weird. Young people don’t behave like they did; don’t do what they did and so on. It has always been and it will always be so. And this is absolutely natural because time passes and so everything becomes different.

Our parents can hardly understand how to use all these devices we have now, how we can listen to such a noisy unpleasant music and watch all those dreadful films. In fact, they used to do and have the same things, except for computers and smartphones, as we do. The reason why they sometimes can’t understand us is because they are older.

They think differently and see everything in a different way. They are not longer adolescents and we are not really adults yet. Even if we feel confident and independent, it is not actually so. The same goes for our attitude to an even younger generation.

We look at all these children with smartphones, chatting and posting photos and their “wise thoughts” and we get shocked sometimes. It seems that they don’t behave as we did when we were children and we can’t understand why they want to grow up. They don’t even know how difficult it is to be an adult.

Thus, the generation gap is a typical phenomenon we all face and deal with. It is inevitable and it causes a lot of quarrels and arguments. However, they are all useless. We should accept the fact that we are all different but this doesn’t mean any of us does something wrong. It is just the course of nature.


Старшее поколение всегда говорит, что младшее – странное. Молодежь ведет себя не так, как они вели, не занимается тем, чем они занимались и так далее. Так всегда было и будет. И это абсолютно нормально, поскольку время идет и, соответственно, все меняется.

Наши родители едва ли могут понять, как использовать все те устройства, что есть у нас сейчас, как мы можем слушать такую шумную неприятную музыку и смотреть все эти ужасные фильмы. На самом деле, у них было все так же, помимо компьютеров и смартфонов, как есть у нас. Причина, по которой иногда они нас не понимают – возраст. Они старше.

Они думают иначе и видят все по-другому. Они больше не подростки, а мы пока еще не настоящие взрослые. Несмотря на то, что мы чувствуем себя уверенными и независимыми, на самом деле это не так. То же касается и нашего отношения к еще более юному поколению.

Таким образом, проблема поколений – типичное явление, c которым мы все сталкиваемся и имеем дело. Его невозможно избежать и оно провоцирует много ссор и споров. Однако, все они бесполезны. Нам следует принять тот факт, что все мы разные, но это не значит, что кто-то из нас делает что-то не так. Это лишь естественный ход вещей.

Do you know what a generation gap is? Even if you don't know the particular definition, you are aware of this problem, basing on your own experience. Generation gap is a popular term used to describe serious differences between people of two generations.
To realize how to deal with it, you should keep in mind that generation gap includes several aspects: children must know as much as possible about their parents and parents — about the world outlook of their children, about relations between brothers and sisters, and also about the attitude to them of close relatives on both sides — father's and mother's.
Children demand a great deal of attention, time and patience, so, if you are not ready to devote all that to your baby, it is better not to hurry There are many families where both parents keep working after giving birth to their baby It is similar to the situation with a single-parent family, when a father or a mother hardly have enough time and neglect their children's upbringing. In such cases most of the time the child has to spend on his own or with his friends. Due to the fact that he has not got any guidance from his parents he may be involved in some bad companies which commit violence or even crime and become alcohol or drug addicted. When the parents discover that, it's usually too late to change anything.
On the other hand, there is a different situation when the parents treat their children too strict and don't give them any freedom at all. In this case the children may become pariahs among their peers. Constant bans may increase the risk that the child will grow up insolent and defiant. This causes another big problem — lying. The child is forced to lie to the parents because of the fear to be punished. It can be anything from putting on make-up in the girls' room at school to stealing.
Some children rebel against discipline and family values. They listen to a loud music, wear inappropriate, to their parents' mind, clothes, dye their hair in inconceivable colours, have all their bodies pierced and tattooed trying to show their independence and establish their identity. They want to be treated as adults, but they are not ready to take all the necessary responsibilities. It doesn't mean that your child is bad and he will become a criminal. Of course, not! It only means that your child is in his transitional age and he is in need of your understanding and support.
But how to handle such behaviour? Parents should become his close friends. First of all they should learn to respect his interests. Try to speak with him as often as possible, offer some parent-child activities like shopping or going in for sports. It is worth involving the child in discussing some family questions, just to show that he is a full member of the family. Moreover, children in their teens are very vulnerable when they are criticized in public, so try to avoid it. Parents should always be honest and sincere with their child; otherwise it would be unfair to require the same from him.
Too authoritarian parents can't do any good to their children as well as parents who overindulge all the child's caprices. Overindulgence may lead to the same results as negligence. There are parents who are afraid of hurting the child by banning something when it is necessary. Such parents risk becoming powerless in the family and losing control over their children who may become spoiled and capricious.
It demands to make a great effort from both parents and children to reach mutual understanding. There are many different opinions on the question of treating children if they disobey their parents, but every parent should decide for himself what will be best for his child and set him on the right path.

Конфликт поколений

1. Give your explanation of the notion "generation gap".
2. How do you think, which is the tensest period in the relationships between parents and their children?
3. What type of behaviour is usual for adolescents?
4. Have you noticed any changes in your own behaviour during the last years?
5. How would you characterize your relations with your parents?
6. Do you like to spend time with your family?
7. What is, in your opinion, the basis of healthy and peaceful relationship between parents and children?
8. Are you a spoiled child?
9. Do you approve of the way your parents brought you up?

10. What would you like to change in the way your parents brought you up?

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