How to be happy сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Nowadays, fast food attracts people more than homemade food. Fast food is any food that is quick, convenient and usually in expensive. Fast food is more common because people are always busy, and in a hurry, so they head towards fast food restaurants to save their time. Fast food is convenient and people can find it in all places. Fast food is inexpensive because it’s usually made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat and added sugar and fats, instead of nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Most fast food restaurants are generally bad for people’s health, because bad quality of ingredients is used. It’s true that fast food is usually high in fat, calories, cholesterol. If you eat too much fast food over a long period of time, it can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. On the other hand homemade food has less attraction than fast food. A reason for this is that homemade food needs lots of time until it gets ready. Homemade food is very nourishing and fat, but you must be sure, that this food made with qualitative produce. Homemade food is much healthier than fast food, and therefore, people will enjoy eating their meals without thinking of health problems.

This question is very important for our people. Some people think that life in the country is more enjoyable. Others say that city life can open up plenty of opportunity. It is no doubt that life in the country is less stress, less traffic and less smog. It’s main reason for older people. But people can’t find a job in the country. It’s widely recognized that it’s easier to find work in large cities. There is no doubt that there are many facilities for young people in the city: nightlife, music, free time facilities, pubs and clubs, cinemas and the chance to meet other young people more like. If young people decide to leave their homes in the country, then they reckon the social side of things. Some may argue that living in the country side is easier for a certain number of advantages. People don’t have to suffer from breathing problems thanks to clean atmosphere, which makes countryside an ideal area in which elderly people can rest and stay away from the hurry of city life. I think that living in a big city is better than living in the countryside. There are more opportunities for continuing education, like going to colleges. People might be thinking about facilities for their families in the future, like being near good schools.

I have always wanted to live in the big city, for example in Barnaul. Everyone always tells me it’s not a good place to live because it’s dirty and anything can happen to you there. It’s as dangerous to live in Barnaul as it’s to live in other big city. You have to be sensible, take the normal precautions: for example don’t walk down a street and stare at somebody, don’t walk home alone and go down unlit alleys, dark alleys at night. But in Barnaul practically all street illuminate and in the whole our city is not a particularly dangerous city. In Barnaul there are many people and tourists. You must get to be really careful in crowd because there are a lot of pickpockets and they can steal something and run away. I think it’s stupid to try and be a hero. I mean you could get very badly hurt and all they want is just money. But in our city there are many police and they watch over the safety of the inhabitants. Tourists are easy targets. They stand out in a crowd, thieves know they’re probably carrying money and documents around and they don’t speak the language, and they’re vulnerable. You must always remember that in every city there are certain areas you don’t go into.

A conversation is communication between two or more people. It is the informal exchange of ideas, information, thoughts and opinions. For a successful conversation, the partners must be able to take an active part. The conversation flows, when both partners are on the same wavelength. I really like it when my partner wants to keep the conversation going and doesn’t hunt around for things to say. And it’s pleasant when my partner shares my joke or my ideas or something like that. I think a good conversation must be animated, riveting, meaningful and hilarious. The conversation is frustrating, when a partner doesn’t like to be able to take an active part. I really hate it when someone drones on and on in a conversation and responds with monosyllabic answers. I really can’t stand it when my partner doesn’t want to work to keep the conversation going, that’s why he hunts around for things to say. It’s really unpleasant when someone butts in when you’re in the middle of a thought. A good conversationalist is a person who doesn’t butt in when you’re in the middle of a thought. He has a sense of humour about things and has got a point that they want to put across during the conversation. A good conversationalist gives you a chance to speak at all.

All people have many wishes and dream that all wishes come true. According to superstition there are lots of occasions when you can make a wish. When you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake, or if you can catch a felling leaf in autumn. But remember, never tell anyone what you wished for. Another tradition associated with wishes is that of the wishing well or fountain, often found in the main square of a small town. If you throw a coin into it you can make a wish. And of course many traditional fairy tales are built around a mystical figure who can grant three wishes, such as the fairy godmother in Cinderella or the Genie in the Lamp.

Мне по-английски пока еще писать нельзя - не набрал баллов, поэтому пишу по-русски. Вы просите помочь, я помогаю. Я обычно использую вот этот план, когда пишу что-то не очень большое. Может быть поможет и вам. В скобках я его немного прокомментирую:

1. Определите потребность. (Почему людям нужно быть счастливыми? )
2. Приведите примеры из личной жизни. (Здесь можно описать, что вы понимаете под счастьем)
3. Покажите план действия. (Как человеку прийти к такому счастью, каким вы его понимаете и хотите донести до понимания людей)
4. Дайте надежду. (Напишите о том, что следуя вашему плану/вашим советам из пункта 3, счастливым может стать каждый)
5. Призовите принять решение. (Понять, что такое счастье и захотеть стать счастливым)

Actually all people not such and different. All of us for breath need one - oxygen. And to become happy and to make to all of us happy another it is necessary same.

The importance of friendship and its connection with happiness has always been hot topic for discussion. Some people think that you need great in order to be happy, while others disagree.

In my opinion, having friends is vital for those who want to be happy. Firstly, your friends are the best people have fun with. Together you can do everything that brings joy and enjoy this life fully. Secondly, when you are in friends will always come to the rescue, They will help you comfort you and make you feel safe and worthy. These are essential things for a happy life.

However, there are people who claim that one does not need to make good with anybody in order to become happy, They say that happiness comes in many different forms. It can be traveling, romantic relationships, money, hobbies or

Nevertheless, agree with the above opinion.

The truth is that all good things in life are truly cherished when they are shared. Traveling or films will not seem great if you are not able share your emotions with someone

dear. And even if romantie relationships lack of may result in loss of trust, interest and cause frustration.

In conclusion, althought there are different this problem, believe that for being happy

everybody needs good friends.

Важность дружбы и ее связь со счастьем всегда были горячей темой для обсуждения. Некоторые люди думают, что вам нужно быть великим, чтобы быть счастливым, в то время как другие не согласны.

На мой взгляд, иметь друзей жизненно важно для тех, кто хочет быть счастливым.

Во-первых, ваши друзья-лучшие люди, с которыми вам весело. Вместе вы сможете делать все, что приносит радость, и в полной мере наслаждаться этой жизнью. Во-вторых, когда вы находитесь в друзьях, они всегда придут на помощь, они помогут вам утешить вас и заставят вас чувствовать себя в безопасности и достойно. Это необходимые вещи для счастливой жизни.

Однако есть люди, которые утверждают, что для того, чтобы стать счастливым, не нужно ни с кем ладить, они говорят, что счастье приходит в самых разных формах. Это могут быть путешествия, романтические отношения, деньги, хобби или

Тем не менее, согласитесь с приведенным выше мнением. Истина в том, что все хорошее в жизни по-настоящему ценится, когда им делятся. Путешествия или фильмы не покажутся вам замечательными, если вы не сможете поделиться своими эмоциями с кем-то

дорогим. И даже если романтических отношений не хватает, это может привести к потере доверия, интереса и вызвать разочарование.

В заключение, несмотря на то, что эта проблема существует по-разному, поверьте, что для счастья

всем нужны хорошие друзья.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 1 балл

1) Автор по какой-то причине на протяжении всего сочинения неоднократно пропускает значимые слова, из-за чего смысл эссе затуманивается: a) you need great (friends?) in order to be happy; b) when you are in (trouble?) friends will always come to the rescue; c) one does not need to make good (friends?) with anybody; d) Nevertheless, (I do not?) agree with the above opinion (в данном предложении пропуск слова и вовсе привёл к тому, что получилась повелительная форма); e) there are different (views on?) this problem; f) (I?) believe that for being happy (тоже получается повелительное предложение).

2) В опровержении противоположной точки зрения выпускник высказывает интересную мысль о том, что счастливым человека делает только то, чем можно поделиться. При этом остаётся не вполне ясным, каким образом можно делиться с друзьями, к примеру, упомянутыми самим автором деньгами или образованием. Вероятно, автор имеет в виду возможность делиться именно эмоциями. Тогда следует более тщательно проработать этот фрагмент сочинения во избежание неточностей.

3) Из-за пропуска слов и/или грамматических ошибок остался непонятным фрагмент о романтических взаимоотношениях.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Автор неправомерно увеличивает количество абзацев до восьми, вынося на красную строку даже словосочетания и отдельные слова. Необходимо поэтому убрать абзацные отступы между следующими словами: a) or education; b) someone dear; c) happy everybody.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

Существенных ошибок не отмечено.

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) has always bee n h ot topic – has always been a hot topic [Нужен артикль];

2) the best peopl e h ave fun with – the best people to have fun with [Перед глаголом нужна частица to];

3) They will help you comfort you – They will comfort you [Во избежание путаницы с использованием возвратного местоимения следует убрать фрагмент help you];

4) not abl e s hare – not able to share [Пропущена частица to];

5) if romantic relationships lack of may result in [Грамматически некорректно построенная и поэтому непонятная фраза].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) come to the rescue , They – come to the rescue. They [На границе предложений должна стоять точка];

2) to become happy , They say – to become happy. They say [На границе предложений должна стоять точка];

3) romanti e – romantic [Допущена опечатка];

4) althou ght – although [Допущена опечатка].

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Сочинение по английскому на тему : "How to be happy".

It's necessary to gift happiness other people to be happy.

Everything come back in our word by the law of boomerang.

So if you want to get something it's necessary to give it to other people.

If you want to be happy wish happiness other people.

Happinness is not what we need to aim to.

There are 2 kinds of peple.

Those who want to get everything from life and these who want to serve other people.

PEople who want own happinness suffer in this world as aim to enjoyment is a sin.

Disinterested doings make person happy.

To be happy need to become a guide of energy of happiness, that is forget about yourself and always and all round serve other.

Those people who really happy don't look for happiness, they look for serving of happiness.

It's a serving God, who is situated in heart.

It means to live according conscience AS NOBODY HURT, NOBODY distress, don't requre too much attention to own person.

Г. Торсунов "Как быть счастливым" (ведические знания).

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Помогите написать небольшое сочинение по английскому на тему : "How much I love".

Очень срочно(завтра сдавать).

Прошу помогите?

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Вы открыли страницу вопроса Сочинение по английскому на тему : "How to be happy"?. Он относится к категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 - 9 классов. Удобный и простой интерфейс сайта поможет найти максимально исчерпывающие ответы по интересующей теме. Чтобы получить наиболее развернутый ответ, можно просмотреть другие, похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, воспользовавшись поисковой системой, или ознакомиться с ответами других пользователей. Для расширения границ поиска создайте новый вопрос, используя ключевые слова. Введите его в строку, нажав кнопку вверху.

Вчера я с друзьями играл в футбол. Три дня назад я смотрел лигу чемпионов. Сегодня утром я помог маме прибраться дома.

Dad is doing repairs in our apartment asked me to prop the door open.

Me and my friends have decided to go to the beach. We took out our surfing boards, put them all in the car and went to catch the waves. As we arrived at the beach it seemed a bit too windy for us. Water started to splash our car and turned over th..

Держи, думаю поможет.

I go to school because I need for it.

It is always fun to visit a zoo. Both children and grown - ups like to watch different animals : mammals, reptiles and others. The problem is that not every city and every town has a zoo. In my opinion, we do not have to build a zoo on every place..

1) He said that he had seen a film about the war. 2)He said that he was not sure he knew the truth. 3)He asked me if I could tell him the way to the museum. 4)My mother told me to stay in bed , I was ill.

3. At present, farmers (are given) a set quota of sheep to produce in return for a subsidy under the common agricultural policy.

Tolerant - d) patient To succed in c) to win Threat - e) warning To be ashamed - b) to be shy Mad - a) crazy.

11 K 12 H 13 B 14 I 15 C 16 L 17 D 18 A 19 F 20 G.

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