Handsome is as handsome does сочинение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

After he had gone and they were alone in their bedroom Mr. and Mrs. Carter talked him over. ‘He is handsome, you can't deny that,’ she said. ‘Handsome is as handsome does. D'you think he's after her money?’ (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Episode’) — После того, как Фред Мэнсон ушел и мистер и миссис Картер остались одни в спальне, они заговорили о нем. - Красивый молодой человек, ничего не скажешь, - заметила миссис Картер. - Красив-то красив, да что у него на уме? Не охотится ли он за деньгами дочери?

2 handsome is as handsome does

3 handsome is that handsome does

Пословица: судят не по словам, а по делам, где сусло хорошо, там пиво дурно не бывает (дословно: Красив тот, кто красиво поступает. Смысл: судить следует лишь по делам)

4 Handsome is as handsome does.

<01> Красив тот, кто красиво поступает (Не тот хорош, кто лицом пригож, а тот хорош, кто для дела гож). Proverb (Пословица).

5 Handsome is that handsome does.

<03> Красив тот, кто красиво поступает. Смысл: судить следует лишь по делам. Ср. Где сусло хорошо, там пиво дурно не бывает.

6 handsome is that handsome does

7 handsome is as handsome does

8 handsome is that handsome does

9 handsome is as handsome does

10 handsome is as handsome does

11 handsome

12 handsome

13 handsome

handsome значительный; a handsome sum изрядная сумма handsome красивый, статный handsome щедрый; handsome is that handsome does посл. = судят не по словам, a по делам handsome щедрый; handsome is that handsome does посл. = судят не по словам, a по делам handsome значительный; a handsome sum изрядная сумма

14 handsome

as handsome as a young Greek god - прекрасен, как молодой бог

handsome flower [dress] - изящный цветок [-ое платье]

handsome woman - статная /интересная, импозантная/ женщина

to make a handsome fortune - сколотить крупное /изрядное/ состояние

handsome gesture - широкий /красивый/ жест

♢ handsome is that /as/ handsome does - посл. ≅ судят не по словам, а по делам

15 handsome

She was a handsome woman - not a conventional beauty, but her attractiveness had something perceived as masculine. — Она была статной женщиной, но не классической красавицей - в её привлекательности было что-то маскулинное.

handsome manners — вежливость, любезность

handsome profit — большая прибыль, большой доход

They treated him to a handsome drubbing. — Они задали ему хорошую трёпку.

He did some handsome maneuvers on the skating rink. — Катаясь на катке, он сделал несколько искусных манёвров.

Handsome is as handsome does. — Судят по делам, а не по внешности.

16 handsome

handsome man — ви́дный мужчи́на

handsome reward — ще́дрое вознагражде́ние

17 handsome

18 handsome

1) а) красивый, статный (обычно о мужчине) б) любезный 2) а) значительный б) обильный 3) юмор.; разг. суровый

См. также в других словарях:

handsome is as handsome does — Handsome denotes chivalrous or genteel behaviour, though it is often popularly taken to refer to good looks. At its second occurrence in the proverb the word is properly an adverb. For the common US equivalent, see pretty is as pretty does. c… … Proverbs new dictionary

handsome is as handsome does — ► handsome is as handsome does proverb character and behaviour are more important than appearance. Main Entry: ↑handsome … English terms dictionary

handsome is as handsome does — proverb character and behavior are more important than appearance … Useful english dictionary

Handsome — Hand some (h[a^]n s[u^]m; 277), a. [Compar. ( [ e]r); superl. .] [Hand + some. It at first meant, dexterous; cf. D. handzaam dexterous, ready, limber, manageable, and E. handy.] 1. Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

handsome — ► ADJECTIVE (handsomer, handsomest) 1) (of a man) good looking. 2) (of a woman) striking and imposing rather than conventionally pretty. 3) (of a thing) well made, imposing, and of obvious quality. 4) (of an amount) substantial; sizeable. ●… … English terms dictionary

handsome — see handsome is as handsome does … Proverbs new dictionary

To do the handsome thing — Handsome Hand some (h[a^]n s[u^]m; 277), a. [Compar. ( [ e]r); superl. .] [Hand + some. It at first meant, dexterous; cf. D. handzaam dexterous, ready, limber, manageable, and E. handy.] 1. Dexterous; skillful; handy;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

pretty is as pretty does — US equivalent to handsome is as handsome does. 1853 T. C. HALIBURTON Sam Slick’s Wise Saws i. 136 Avery smart little boy; and Old Hundreth..tells me you are a very good boy, and that’s better, for pretty is as pretty does. a 1871 A. CARY ‘Pretty… … Proverbs new dictionary

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This means that our personal beauty depends on our behavior, not only our physical appearance. In other words, how we act with other people plays an important role, because crude behaviour can makes us ugly, while gracious behaviour can make us beautiful in a very special way. For example, when the young beautiful girl says rude and crude words we don’t think she is beautiful or polite and we don’t respect her. It is matter (important) how we look like, because first you judge "how nice", then you judge "how wise'" Russian equivalent – по одёжке встречают , по уму провожают , but every one of us has to be treated with kindness and respect. If we hope to receive kindness and respect from other people, we must treat them with the same. There is a proverb: treat others, as you want to be treated.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. When you are around something that is ugly, you feel sad and depressed. On the other hand, when we near something that is beautiful we feel inspired ( вдохновлённым ) and happy.

And I think this is also connecting to the teaching profession, because teacher style must be modern and a little fashionable. Style of each person is different but there are a several advices: clothes should match your appearance, conceal [ kən'siːl ] defect s ( скрывать недостатки ) and I think a teacher can wear any color, but not very bright. In clothes it is possible (you can) make one bright accent , for example to decorate it with bijouterie [ bɪ'ʒuːtərɪ ]. Hair-do should also be fashionable and should match the appearance , the hair should be neat ( опрятный ) and nicely stacked ( красиво уложены ). Teachers make-up should be light ( светлый ) and not very bright.

In conclusion, I want to say that appearance is anyway important. Appearance - it's not just fashion trends ( модные направл ) , but it is also an integral part ( неотъемлемая часть ) of many professions. I believe that the fashionable and beautiful must to be not only the models and actress , but also teachers, managers, and all those people who communicate and meet every day with lots of people, and of course clothes must be clean and tidy ( опрятная ).

How important is it for you to be attractive? Although everyone wants to be goodlooking, do you think beautiful people are always happy?

I don’t think so. For example, it must be a problem to be a very beautiful woman, because some men may be more interested in looking at this woman than talking to her. They think of her like a picture rather than a person. Some people think that very pretty women and handsome men are stupid, as a rule. These people are thought to be only interested in their appearance.

Some people believe that only unattractive people can be clever. But surely no one wants to be really ugly; and no one wants to be plain either — that is to have rather simple face that can be easily forgotten. Being attractive can help you find happiness, but it does not always make you happy. So maybe the best thing is not to worry about your appearance. It is more important to try to be an interesting personality. Because interesting people are always attractive.


Насколько важно для вас быть привлекательным? И хотя каждый хочет быть симпатичным, думаете ли вы, что красивые люди всегда счастливы?

Я так не думаю. Например, это должно быть проблемой, быть очень красивой женщиной, потому что некоторые люди могут быть более заинтересованы любовании ею, чем в разговорах с ней. Они воспринимают её скорее, как картину, а не человека. Некоторые люди думают, что очень красивые женщины и красивые мужчины, как правило, глупы. Этих людей, как считается, интересует только их внешний вид.

Некоторые люди считают, что только непривлекательные люди могут быть умными. Но ведь никто не хочет быть действительно уродливым, и никто не хочет быть простаком - то есть иметь достаточно простое лицо, которое легко забыть. Привлекательность может помочь вам найти счастье, но она не всегда делает вас счастливыми. Поэтому, возможно, лучше всего не беспокоиться о своей внешности. Более важно стараться быть интересной личностью. Потому что интересные люди всегда привлекательны.

I would like to share my ideas with you in this essay which covers an interesting topic. By the way, it is a tricky question. First of all, answering this question, we should find out what this expression means. I should say that the dictionary gives the following explanation: "Handsome is that handsome does" is a proverb that means "it is more important to treat people well than to be good-looking; just because you are good-looking does not mean you are a good person."

I would like to quote one of the Russian writers A. P.Chekhov who wrote: "Everything should be perfect in any person: face and clothes, soul and thoughts." Actually the meaning in the Russian language is the same as in English. Although we have almost the same expressions in two

Languages, the illustrations to them can be different according to the mentality of two countries! Let`s consider political situation which is presented differently in the Russian Federation and in the USA.

The situation in America is the following. People of different nationalities, multinational citizens from every corner of our world live here, in America. The fact is that all of them live in peace, there is no war - battle between them. It characterizes this country from the democratic viewpoint. Democracy and pluralism of the opinions are only in the beginning in our country. In America the presidents fulfill their ideas and thoughts into reality and they don`t cheat their citizens. In America there is an economical progress, for example, and there is almost nothing like this in

Well, let`s describe the situation in Russia. Democracy in our country is presentedpurely theoretically. While politicians make their speeches from the rostrums, in fact they don`t even try to do at least something in order to improve the level of our lives, lives of ordinary people. So, their words only sound beautifully but practically the words don`t mean anything and our politicians, better to say politicos, only get their salary just for doing nothing! They are handsome, well, certainly, I am not against it, but … outwardly: they wear some expensive suits and ties and so on. I would like to highlight the phrase that I have already mentioned in my essay but to change it a little bit, certainly if you let me do this "politicians should be perfect in

Everything", not only in their suits and in their wishes to choose some expensive perfume but in their acts and behavior as well as in their manner to wear clothes.

So, this proverb is better to apply to the American culture and their politics in our modern and changing world rather than to Russia, don`t you agree with me?!

I would like to share my ideas with you in this essay which covers an interesting topic. By the way, it is a tricky question. First of all, answering this question, we should find out what this expression means. I should say that the dictionary gives the following explanation: "Handsome is that handsome does" is a proverb that means "it is more important to treat people well than to be good-looking; just because you are good-looking does not mean you are a good person."

I would like to quote one of the Russian writers A. P.Chekhov who wrote: "Everything should be perfect in any person: face and clothes, soul and thoughts." Actually the meaning in the Russian language is the same as in English. Although we have almost the same expressions in two

Languages, the illustrations to them can be different according to the mentality of two countries! Let`s consider political situation which is presented differently in the Russian Federation and in the USA.

The situation in America is the following. People of different nationalities, multinational citizens from every corner of our world live here, in America. The fact is that all of them live in peace, there is no war – battle between them. It characterizes this country from the democratic viewpoint. Democracy and pluralism of the opinions are only in the beginning in our country. In America the presidents fulfill their ideas and thoughts into reality and they don`t cheat their citizens. In America there is an economical progress, for example, and there is almost nothing like this in

Well, let`s describe the situation in Russia. Democracy in our country is presentedpurely theoretically. While politicians make their speeches from the rostrums, in fact they don`t even try to do at least something in order to improve the level of our lives, lives of ordinary people. So, their words only sound beautifully but practically the words don`t mean anything and our politicians, better to say politicos, only get their salary just for doing nothing! They are handsome, well, certainly, I am not against it, but … outwardly: they wear some expensive suits and ties and so on. I would like to highlight the phrase that I have already mentioned in my essay but to change it a little bit, certainly if you let me do this "politicians should be perfect in

Everything", not only in their suits and in their wishes to choose some expensive perfume but in their acts and behavior as well as in their manner to wear clothes.

So, this proverb is better to apply to the American culture and their politics in our modern and changing world rather than to Russia, don`t you agree with me?!

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