Ethics at work сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There are many types of jobs in the world. People work for various reasons. Many people enjoy their careers. Some people are dissatisfied with their jobs, but continue to work to support themselves and their family.

My family has various types of jobs; ranging from government jobs to working in the steel mill. My mom is a probation officer. She enjoys her job because she works with people and is able to help some of them. My dad is a property specialist for an insurance company. He also works with people and enjoys his job, because he can help people in need. My grandpa is a retired ironworker he enjoyed his job too; he built things for people. On the other hand, my grandma is a steel mill worker, she tolerates her job, but she only does it to support her family.

I hope to emulate my families work ethics they all help people and are diligent workers.

It is possible to enjoy your job, most of my family does. Most people chose careers on their likes. They prepare for a job begging at the high school level. After high school they go to trade school or college. After graduation they begin working their chosen job. Since it s something they chose to do and enjoy it, it does not seem like work.

My first job was putting away my toys. I had fun doing it too. I made a game out of it; I would drive my trucks into their garages, then I would close down the city, next I would move the city and trucks into the toy box, finally I would close the lid. The city was asleep.

The worst job I ever had was helping my dad clean out his garage. I did not understand why I had to clean up his mess and I did not know where his things belonged.

The best job I ever had was refereeing soccer for children under six years old. I enjoyed helping them out, teaching them what I know, and being able to watch what I like to do most.

I have learned lots of things from working. It can be fun and it is not always about the money. I would referee for free. When you enjoy your job it does not seem like work and the time flies by.

My career goal is to become a surgeon. I enjoy working as a team and helping other people out. I will need several years of higher education after earning my high school diploma. A bachelor s degree from college, medical school, and serving a residency in a hospital will be necessary before I become

1. Are the concepts “corporate culture” and “business ethics” related?

2. \What do you think business ethics deals with?

Ethics is the system of moral principles, rules of conduct, and morality of choices that individuals make. Business ethics is the application of moral standards to business situations. Business ethics has become a matter of public concern. All business people face ethical issues daily, and they stem from a variety of sources. Although some types of issues arise infrequently, others occur regularly. Let’s take a closer look at several ethical issues.

1. Fairness and Honesty. Fairness and honesty in business are two important ethical concerns. Besides obeying all laws and regulations, business people should refrain from deceiving, misrepresenting, or intimidating others.

1. Organizational Relationships. A business person may be temped to place his or her personal welfare above the welfare of the organization. Relationships with customers and coworkers often create ethical problems – since confidential information should be secret and all obligations should be honored. Unethical behavior in these areas includes not meeting one’s obligations in a mutual agreement, and pressing others to behave unethically.

2. Conflict of Interest. Conflict of interest results when a business person takes advantage of a situation for his or her own personal interest rather than for the employer’s or organization’s interest. Such conflict may occur when payments and gifts make their way into business deals. A wise rule to remember is that anything given to a person that might unfairly influence that person’s business decision is a bribe, and all bribes are unethical.

3. Communications. Business communications, especially advertising, can present ethical questions. False and misleading advertising is illegal and unethical, and it can infuriate customers. Sponsors of advertisements aimed at children must especially careful to avoid misleading messages. Advertising of health-related products must also take precautions against deception.

4. Relationships. Business ethics involves relationships between a firm and its investors, customers, employees, creditors, and competitors. Each group has specific concerns, and each exerts some type of pressure on management. Investors want management to make financial decisions that will boost sales, profits, and returns on their investments. Customers expect a firm’s products to be safe, reliable, and reasonably priced. Employees want to be treated fairly in hiring, promotion, and compensation. Creditors require bills to be paid in time and the accounting information furnished by the firm to be accurate. Competitors expect the firm’s marketing activities to portray its products truthfully.

Task 1. Find the English equivalents:

Система моральных принципов; проблема общественной важности; сталкиваться с этическими вопросами; справедливость и честность; законы и постановления; личное благосостояние; деловая этика; конфиденциальная информация; неэтичное поведение; конфликт интересов; воспользоваться ситуацией в личных интересах; взятка; ложное и вводящее в заблуждение рекламирование; принимать меры предосторожности; принимать финансовые решения; относиться честно; правдиво отображать.

Task 2. Translate into English:

1. Деловая этика – это применение моральных стандартов к деловым ситуациям.

2. Справедливость и честность в бизнесе являются двумя важными этическими вопросами.

3. Деловой человек не должен ставить свое личное благосостояние выше благосостояния других.

4. Когда деловой человек пользуется ситуацией для своих собственных личных интересов, это приводит к конфликту интересов.

5. Все, что дается какому-либо лицу и может несправедливо повлиять на деловое решение этого лица, является взяткой.

6. Взятки противозаконны и неэтичны.

7. Ложная и вводящая в заблуждение реклама является противозаконной и неэтичной.

8. Открытость часто создает доверие и помогает строить прочные деловые отношения.

Task 3. Speak about business ethics, its basic principles and its importance in the world of business.

modern world a job plays a great part in our life. Some people think that a profession should be the most important thing to care .work is not only object to think about. Firstly, I am sure than any person can not be really happy without own family based on sincere feelings. Love should be a priority value. A person who is making money but does not have any friends or a lover can not feel a sense of complete happiness. Secondly, any person need some break from work to recover and distract from problems connected with job.

On the other hand, for some people career is considered to be the most important thing because a life without work will become boring immediately. Besides, a career helps people to realize themselves learns to achieve goals in any situation.

However, I think that every person is able to develop and improve himself /herself not only with a job. There are a great number of other ways of self-cultivation. Also, the ability to combine work and a private life correctly will make it rich and varied. It is not necessary to put the work in the first place to be a happy human.

To sum up, work plays a great part for us but other aspects of life should not be forgotten either.

в современном мире работа играет большую роль в нашей жизни. Некоторые люди думают, что профессия должна быть самой важной вещью, которой нужно заботиться. Работа - это не только предмет, о котором нужно думать. Во-первых, я уверен, что любой человек не может быть действительно счастлив без собственной семьи, основанной на искренних чувствах. Любовь должна быть приоритетной. Человек, который зарабатывает деньги, но не имеет друзей или любовников, не может чувствовать чувство полного счастья. Во-вторых, любой человек нуждается в перерыве от работы, чтобы восстановить и отвлечься от проблем, связанных с работой.

С другой стороны, для некоторых людей карьера считается самой важной вещью, потому что жизнь без работы сразу станет скучной. Кроме того, карьера помогает людям осознать, что учится достигать целей в любой ситуации.

Однако я считаю, что каждый человек способен развиваться и совершенствоваться не только с работой. Существует множество других способов самосовершенствования. Кроме того, способность совмещать работу и личную жизнь правильно сделает ее богатой и разнообразной. Нет необходимости ставить работу в первую очередь как счастливого человека.

Подводя итог, работа играет большую роль для нас, но нельзя забывать и о других аспектах жизни.

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the way that someone feels about the importance of work, usually the belief that it is important to work hard:

Примеры для work ethic

The guilds upheld with rigidity a work ethic that evaluated members based on their expertise, not on religious affiliation.

These tensions were exacerbated by management's desire to inculcate a regimented work ethic and to increase productivity.

Such a cultural orientation would downplay traditional notions of self-determination and the work ethic.

Their punishment and segregation authenticated the social order and helped to establish the work ethic.

When a farmer has a work ethic, his way of working, and particularly some of the requirements he sets himself, take on a special meaning.

The result is that farmers with a work ethic consider an amount of work that would be deemed intolerable elsewhere to be 'normal'.

As a result, a 'society of consumers' ruled by the aesthetics of consumption has replaced a 'society of producers' guided by the work ethic.

A form of dependency which, because it meets wider economic imperatives, and, simultaneously, reinforces the (paid) work ethic is actively supported by the state.

For instance, people may draw upon broader beliefs about the work ethic and equal opportunity to guide their positions on government provision of social welfare.

For them mobility was part of the business and work ethic, one which was contrasted with attachment to particular areas or localities.

They have also tried to refashion welfare benefits and services to make them more in tune with market principles and the work ethic.

Hettlage (1993) for instance argues that the widespread (protestant) work ethic and a scepticism towards a strong state have restrained the evolution of a highly developed welfare state.

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modern world a job plays a great part in our life. Some people think that a profession should be the most important thing to care .work is not only object to think about. Firstly, I am sure than any person can not be really happy without own family based on sincere feelings. Love should be a priority value. A person who is making money but does not have any friends or a lover can not feel a sense of complete happiness. Secondly, any person need some break from work to recover and distract from problems connected with job.

On the other hand, for some people career is considered to be the most important thing because a life without work will become boring immediately. Besides, a career helps people to realize themselves learns to achieve goals in any situation.

However, I think that every person is able to develop and improve himself /herself not only with a job. There are a great number of other ways of self-cultivation. Also, the ability to combine work and a private life correctly will make it rich and varied. It is not necessary to put the work in the first place to be a happy human.

To sum up, work plays a great part for us but other aspects of life should not be forgotten either.

в современном мире работа играет большую роль в нашей жизни. Некоторые люди думают, что профессия должна быть самой важной вещью, которой нужно заботиться. Работа - это не только предмет, о котором нужно думать. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Во-первых, я уверен, что любой человек не может быть действительно счастлив без собственной семьи, основанной на искренних чувствах. Любовь должна быть приоритетной. Человек, который зарабатывает деньги, но не имеет друзей или любовников, не может чувствовать чувство полного счастья. Во-вторых, любой человек нуждается в перерыве от работы, чтобы восстановить и отвлечься от проблем, связанных с работой.

С другой стороны, для некоторых людей карьера считается самой важной вещью, потому что жизнь без работы сразу станет скучной. Кроме того, карьера помогает людям осознать, что учится достигать целей в любой ситуации.

Однако я считаю, что каждый человек способен развиваться и совершенствоваться не только с работой. Существует множество других способов самосовершенствования. Кроме того, способность совмещать работу и личную жизнь правильно сделает ее богатой и разнообразной. Нет необходимости ставить работу в первую очередь как счастливого человека.

Подводя итог, работа играет большую роль для нас, но нельзя забывать и о других аспектах жизни.

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