Elderly people who live alone should be taken care of сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Темы эссе: Выражение мнения За и Против Решение проблемы

By (+ing) …, we/ government/etc, can ensure that / prevent …
The … situation could be improved if …/It would be a good idea if …

The effect/consequenceoutcome/result of (+noun/-ing) wouldmight be …

Пример сочинения (Предложение по решению проблемы)

“What could be done to improve the lives of the elderly?”

For many elderly people the latter part of their life is not a time to relax and enjoy retirement, but rather a difficult and unhappy period, owing to financial worries, failing health and loneliness. As life expectancy increases, the average person lives well beyond the age of retirement. As a result, the elderly make up an ever-increasing percentage of society, which makes it more important than ever for a real effort to be made in improving the lives of senior citizens.

One way to deal with the situation would be to ensure that the elderly have enough money on which to live. Obviously, when a person stops working, they still require a source of income to cover their basic needs such as food, accommodation and heating. A clear solution to the problem is for the government to make sure that the state pension is adequate for these needs. Furthermore, free financial advice should be made available to retired people so that the stress of worrying about money could be reduced as far as possible.

Steps should also be taken to overcome problems the elderly face as a result of deteriorating health due to old age, and inadequate health-care provisions. Again, the responsibility should fall to the government to provide access to the best health care available, which may necessitate paying for residential homes where the elderly can have round-the-clock nursing, or, at the very least, providing medication free of charge to all people over a certain age. As a result, old people would enjoy not only better health, but also peace of mind from the knowledge that they need not fear falling ill and being unable to pay for treatment.

The lives of old people could also be improved if attempts were made to address the problem of social isolation which so many of them face. If we organised trips for the elderly to community centers, visits from social workers or free bus passes to allow pensioners greater mobility, the effect would be alleviate the problem of loneliness which marks the lives of so many old people living alone far from their families.

One final suggestion, which would help enormously, is to change the attitude of the community towards its older members, who are all too often seen as a burden on society and dismissed as having little to do with modern life. We need to be taught from an early age to respect the views of old people, and appreciate their broader experience of life. This would help society as a whole, and encourage appreciation of the role that old people can still play today.

To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve the lives of old people. If the government and individuals alike were to help, it would make retirement and old age a time to look forward to, rather than dread.

Ваш университетский английский журнал просит написать эссе по следующему утверждению: о пожилых родственниках лучше заботиться в домах престарелых. Напишите эссе для журнала, изложив свое мнение и приведя аргументы / примеры в его поддержку.

2 Elderly relatives sometimes need special care that cannot be provided at home. The elderly can socialise with people of their own age in a nursing home.

(Пожилые родственники иногда нуждаются в особом уходе, который невозможно обеспечить дома. Пожилые люди могут общаться с людьми своего возраста в доме престарелых.)

(Дома престарелых не будут относиться к своим престарелым жителям так же хорошо, как к членам семьи.)

1 В наши дни во многих странах пожилые люди часто предпочитают жить в домах престарелых, а не со своими семьями. На мой взгляд, это может быть действительно хорошей идеей, поскольку их потребности часто могут быть лучше всего удовлетворены там.

2 Прежде всего, тщательно подобранный дом престарелых может предложить пожилому человеку превосходный уход и условия. Например, у них часто есть отличные удобства - такие как телевизионные комнаты - и специальные мероприятия, где жители могут пообщаться. Кроме того, у них есть профессиональный обслуживающий персонал, например, обученные медсестры.

3 Во-вторых, многие пожилые люди не хотят слишком зависеть от своих семей. Они не хотят обременять занятую жизнь членов своей семьи, заботясь о них 24 часа в сутки.

4 С другой стороны, некоторые люди считают, что забота о пожилых родственниках всегда должна быть обязанностью семьи. Они утверждают, что заботились о вас, когда вы были ребенком, и теперь вы должны дать им любовь и заботу, в которых они нуждаются.

5 В целом, я считаю, что, хотя это выбор каждой семьи, часто пожилому человеку лучше жить в тщательно подобранном доме престарелых. Таким образом, они могут жить более независимой жизнью в среде, которая удовлетворяет все их потребности.

The essay mentions that nursing homes provide professional care staff. It also mentions that the elderly can socialise in a nursing home.

(В эссе упоминается, что в домах престарелых есть профессиональный персонал. Также упоминается, что пожилые люди могут общаться в доме престарелых.)

неверное управление, - нам нужен человек, с которым мы можем делиться проблемами, а не человек, который делится нашими проблемами с нами

Thanks a lot for your last letter. It was great to hear from you so soon. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier because I was busy at school.

In your letter you asked me about my grandparents. Well, they live in Tambov. It is quite far from the place where I live, so I do not see them very often. I usually visit them twice a year. It makes me sad. I think it is better to live with your grandparents. Elderly people often can’t take care of themselves, so children and grandchildren can help them.

By the way, what about you? Was the festival good? What dance did you perform? Did you like the other participants?

I’d better finish now as I have to clean my room.

Write back soon!

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Неточ­ный от­вет на во­прос Why do elderly people in your country sometimes live with their children and grandchildren? Во­про­сы долж­ны бы­ли быть про фе­сти­валь, а не про уча­стие в этом фе­сти­ва­ле.

Friendship is the greatest gift of life

Nowadays, the problem of friendship has aroused strong emotions. Some people believe that having friends is a big value, while others claim that it is better to be alone.

In my opinion, a real friend is a gift of fate. Firstly, we need a person who can share our problems with us. Friends can support us in difficult situations. It is very important. Secondly, we always can rely on a friend. It is necessary to have a reliable person who can keep your secrets. Finally, friends charge us with a good mood. They give us a motivation to achieve the goals.

However, some people claim that friendship is not so valuable. In their view, it is easier to be alone, because you should not worry about somebody. Also, such people think that person without friends do not depend on someone's mind. According to this point of view, friendship is not a gift, but an obstacle to personal independence.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that friendship is a great value because it teaches us to be responsible. When we worry about friends, we get rid of selfishness. Also, I think that lonely life is very boring, but not independent. For example, you cannot to do a lot of activities such as chatting and playing boarding games that require somebody else.

In conclusion, I believe that we cannot buy good relationships with people, so friendship is priceless. It is a real gift of life.

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