День победы сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Victory Day.
In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or the 9th of May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is the holiday of all people.
In all the towns there are decorations, flags, and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there usually is a military parade in all big cities of our country.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks or forests.

Источник: А. П. Старков, Р. Р. Диксон, М. Д. Рыбаков. English. Английский язык. Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.

May 9 - a special, sacred date in the history of Russia. In 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the great Victory of the Soviet people over fascism.
For victory over a ruthless enemy, millions of people gave their lives on the fronts. Every citizen of the vast country did everything they could to achieve Victory.
The duty of each of us to know the history of their country and to honour those who defended their Homeland and many years to restore. Remember everyone who comes and who did not live until today. Low bow to veterans!

1-Victory Day.
In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or the 9th of May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is the holiday of all people.
In all the towns there are decorations, flags, and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there usually is a military parade in all big cities of our country.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks or forests.
2-May 9 - a special, sacred date in the history of Russia. In 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the great Victory of the Soviet people over fascism.
For victory over a ruthless enemy, millions of people gave their lives on the fronts. Every citizen of the vast country did everything they could to achieve Victory.
The duty of each of us to know the history of their country and to honour those who defended their Homeland and many years to restore. Remember everyone who comes and who did not live until today. Low bow to veterans!

On May, 9 is not simply holiday, it - one of great days, reverent not only in Russia but also in many other victims from invaders the world countries. The Victory day is a holiday important for every family and every citizen. It is difficult to find a man, that in no way was touched by terrible war, carrying away lives millions of soldiers and peaceful citizens. This date will be never blotted out from history, she will remain forever in a calendar, and always will remind about those frightful events and great defeat of fascist troops, stopping hell.

9 Мая — это не просто праздник, это — один из великих дней, почитаемый не только в России, но и во многих других пострадавших от захватчиков странах мира. День Победы — это праздник, важный для каждой семьи и каждого гражданина. Сложно найти человека, которого бы никоим образом не коснулась ужасная война, унесшая жизни миллионы солдат и мирных граждан. Эту дату никогда не вычеркнут из истории, она останется навечно в календаре, и всегда будет напоминать о тех страшных событиях и великом разгроме фашистских войск, прекратившем ад.

May 9(9 мая)
Everyone needs a rest after hard work and public holidays are simply perfect for that. There are several holidays in spring and one of them is May 9, known in Russia as Victory Day. Since its appearance this holiday has always been grandiosely celebrated. May 9th has a long history. Almost seventy years ago Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union. On this day the Great Patriotic Was in Russia came to an end. More than twenty-five million people died during four years. It goes without saying that the end of this fighting saved many more other lives. That’s why this day is so important for the nation. It is especially cherished by the war veterans. Some of them are still alive. Although they are rather old nowadays, they still eagerly participate in all celebratory events connected with the Victory Day. On this day adults don’t work and children can skip the school. In many large cities local authorities organize military parades and fireworks. Veterans are highly regarded on this day. Younger generation prepares all sorts of performances for them, gives them flowers, postcards and lots of attention. Sometimes they receive honors and valuable presents from the mayor of the city. One of the symbols of this holiday is the Ribbon of Saint George. You can see people in street wearing it. It’s featured even on the cars. Traditionally, concerts and other events are held in the central square or park. Those, who stay at home, watch old Soviet films about the Great Patriotic Wars. Thus, they commemorate soldiers who lost their lives in that cruel war. Those, who bravely fought but survived, were all given Red Star medals.

Victory Day.
In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or the 9th of May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is the holiday of all people.
In all the towns there are decorations, flags, and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there usually is a military parade in all big cities of our country.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks or forests.

1-Victory Day.
In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or the 9th of May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is the holiday of all people.
In all the towns there are decorations, flags, and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there usually is a military parade in all big cities of our country.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks or forests.
2-May 9 - a special, sacred date in the history of Russia. In 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the great Victory of the Soviet people over fascism.
For victory over a ruthless enemy, millions of people gave their lives on the fronts. Every citizen of the vast country did everything they could to achieve Victory.
The duty of each of us to know the history of their country and to honour those who defended their Homeland and many years to restore. Remember everyone who comes and who did not live until today. Low bow to veterans!

On May, 9 is not simply holiday, it - one of great days, reverent not only in Russia but also in many other victims from invaders the world countries. The Victory day is a holiday important for every family and every citizen. It is difficult to find a man, that in no way was touched by terrible war, carrying away lives millions of soldiers and peaceful citizens. This date will be never blotted out from history, she will remain forever in a calendar, and always will remind about those frightful events and great defeat of fascist troops, stopping hell.

Victory Day.
In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or the 9th of May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is the holiday of all people.
In all the towns there are decorations, flags, and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there usually is a military parade in all big cities of our country.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks or forests.

Victory Day.
In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or the 9th of May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is the holiday of all people.
In all the towns there are decorations, flags, and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there usually is a military parade in all big cities of our country.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks or forests.

Victory Day

День Победы

I think every nation has holidays which are something special and important for it. Such holidays can be connected with some cultural, religious or historical events. I think one of such significant holidays for Russia is Victory Day. It is celebrated on the 9th of May every year. This day is non-labour one. There are many films and works of literature and music dedicated to Victory Day.

Я считаю, что у каждого народа есть праздники, которые являются особенными и важными. Такие праздники могут быть связаны с некоторыми культурными, религиозными или историческими событиями. Я считаю, что одним из таких значимых для России праздников является День Победы. Он празднуется ежегодно 9 мая. Этот день нерабочий. Существует много фильмов и произведений литературы и музыки, посвященных Дню Победы.

The victory of the USSR over Germany in the Great Patriotic War is celebrated on this day. The first celebration of Victory Day which was held on the 9th of May in 1945 was completed by great firework. Then the military parade was held on the 24th of June in 1945. Nowadays the military parade is the important part of the celebration of 9 May.

Этот праздник знаменует победу СССР над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне. Первое празднование Дня Победы, которое состоялось 9 мая 1945 года, завершилось большим фейерверком. Тогда военный парад состоялся 24 июня 1945 года. В настоящее время военный парад является важной частью празднования 9 мая.

Beside the military parade, there is a tradition to lay wreathes to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In 2012 it was the first time when people took part in the Immortal Regiment march. Since that year thousands of people in many cities take part in the Immortal Regiment march. People take part in it with the photos of their relatives who took part in war actions. Besides, there is an opportunity to write a family story connected with veterans on the special website.

Помимо военного парада, существует традиция возложения венков к Могиле Неизвестного Солдата. В 2012 году люди впервые приняли участие в шествии Бессмертного полка. С этого года тысячи людей во многих городах участвуют в шествии Бессмертного полка. Люди несут транспаранты с фотографиями своих родственников, которые воевали. Кроме того, есть возможность написать семейную историю, связанную с ветеранами, на специальном сайте.

Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union and the End of the Second World War in 1945. More than 75 million people died in World War II worldwide, including 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians. It was the deadliest military conflict in history.

In Russia and CIS Countries Victory Day is celebrated on May 9 th. In European countries this holiday is observed on May 8 and is known as a national remembrance or victory day.

In Russia Victory Day is a public holiday and day off for the general population. On this day many people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks at night. The major parade is held on the Red Square in Moscow showcasing Russia’s military force. During the parade the Russian President being a Supreme Commander of the Russian Army gives a speech on the importance of the victory and achievements of the Soviet Union and the Allies in the war. The purpose of the parade is to demonstrate a connection between generations.

Another tradition is to honor veterans and lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. Many organizations host concerts featuring wartime songs and poetry. At home, families get together to remember those who passed away during the war. Many people watch Soviet films about the war that are very patriotic and heroic.

Among the symbols of Victory Day in Russia are the Ribbon of St. George that people wear on their clothes or tie to their cars, red carnations that signify mourning, and a red star medal as a sign of military bravery.

День Победы – это праздник, посвященный капитуляции нацистской Германии Советскому Союзу и окончанию Второй мировой войны в 1945 году. Во Второй мировой войне погибло более 75 миллионов человек, в том числе 20 миллионов военнослужащих и 40 миллионов мирных жителей. Это был самый смертоносный военный конфликт в истории.

В России и странах СНГ День Победы отмечают 9 мая. В странах Европы этот праздник отмечается 8 мая и известен как день национальной памяти или победы.

В России День Победы – государственный праздник и выходной день для населения. В этот день многие люди посещают местный военный парад и наблюдают за ночным салютом. Главный парад проводится на Красной площади в Москве, демонстрируя военную силу России. Во время парада Президент России как Верховный Главнокомандующий Российской Армией произносит речь о важности победы и достижениях Советского Союза и союзных армий в войне. Цель парада – продемонстрировать связь поколений.

Еще одна традиция – чествовать ветеранов и возлагать венки к памятным местам войны. Многие организации проводят концерты с песнями и стихами времен войны. Дома собираются семьи, чтобы почтить память погибших во время войны. Многие смотрят советские фильмы о войне, которые очень патриотичны и героичны.

Среди символов Дня Победы в России – георгиевская лента, которую люди носят на одежде или привязывают к машинам, красные гвоздики, знаменующие траур, и медаль с красной звездой в знак воинской храбрости.

Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union and the End of the Second World War in 1945. More than 75 million people died in World War II worldwide, including 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians. It was the deadliest military conflict in history.

In Russia and CIS Countries Victory Day is celebrated on May 9 th. In European countries this holiday is observed on May 8 and is known as a national remembrance or victory day.

In Russia Victory Day is a public holiday and day off for the general population. On this day many people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks at night. The major parade is held on the Red Square in Moscow showcasing Russia’s military force. During the parade the Russian President being a Supreme Commander of the Russian Army gives a speech on the importance of the victory and achievements of the Soviet Union and the Allies in the war. The purpose of the parade is to demonstrate a connection between generations.

Another tradition is to honor veterans and lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. Many organizations host concerts featuring wartime songs and poetry. At home, families get together to remember those who passed away during the war. Many people watch Soviet films about the war that are very patriotic and heroic.

Among the symbols of Victory Day in Russia are the Ribbon of St. George that people wear on their clothes or tie to their cars, red carnations that signify mourning, and a red star medal as a sign of military bravery.

Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union and the End of the Second World War in 1945. More than 75 million people died in World War II worldwide, including 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians. It was the deadliest military conflict in history.

In Russia and CIS Countries Victory Day is celebrated on May 9 th. In European countries this holiday is observed on May 8 and is known as a national remembrance or victory day.

In Russia Victory Day is a public holiday and day off for the general population. On this day many people attend a local military parade and watch the fireworks at night. The major parade is held on the Red Square in Moscow showcasing Russia’s military force. During the parade the Russian President being a Supreme Commander of the Russian Army gives a speech on the importance of the victory and achievements of the Soviet Union and the Allies in the war. The purpose of the parade is to demonstrate a connection between generations.

Another tradition is to honor veterans and lay wreaths at the war memorial sites. Many organizations host concerts featuring wartime songs and poetry. At home, families get together to remember those who passed away during the war. Many people watch Soviet films about the war that are very patriotic and heroic.

Among the symbols of Victory Day in Russia are the Ribbon of St. George that people wear on their clothes or tie to their cars, red carnations that signify mourning, and a red star medal as a sign of military bravery.

День Победы – это праздник, посвященный капитуляции нацистской Германии Советскому Союзу и окончанию Второй мировой войны в 1945 году. Во Второй мировой войне погибло более 75 миллионов человек, в том числе 20 миллионов военнослужащих и 40 миллионов мирных жителей. Это был самый смертоносный военный конфликт в истории.

В России и странах СНГ День Победы отмечают 9 мая. В странах Европы этот праздник отмечается 8 мая и известен как день национальной памяти или победы.

В России День Победы – государственный праздник и выходной день для населения. В этот день многие люди посещают местный военный парад и наблюдают за ночным салютом. Главный парад проводится на Красной площади в Москве, демонстрируя военную силу России. Во время парада Президент России как Верховный Главнокомандующий Российской Армией произносит речь о важности победы и достижениях Советского Союза и союзных армий в войне. Цель парада – продемонстрировать связь поколений.

Еще одна традиция – чествовать ветеранов и возлагать венки к памятным местам войны. Многие организации проводят концерты с песнями и стихами времен войны. Дома собираются семьи, чтобы почтить память погибших во время войны. Многие смотрят советские фильмы о войне, которые очень патриотичны и героичны.

Среди символов Дня Победы в России – георгиевская лента, которую люди носят на одежде или привязывают к машинам, красные гвоздики, знаменующие траур, и медаль с красной звездой в знак воинской храбрости.

Victory Day is a special day to remember war veterans in Russia. It is held on 9th May and dedicates to the end of World War 2. On 9th May every resident of our country remembers terrible, horrible events of this time. What is more, celebratory parades are take place in cities and villages. People there present flowers to veterans, listen to speeches of persons of consequences, give a minute of silence, lay flowers on graves. If someone can’t go to the parade, there are always war movies and broadcast of the main parade in Moscow, which everyone can watch and honor legacy of soldiers, sloggers and all heroes of this tough time.

День победы – особый день памяти ветеранам войны в России. Он проводится девятого мая и посвящён концу Второй Мировой Войны. Девятого мая каждый житель страны вспоминает страшные, ужасные события того времени. Более того, в городах и деревнях проводятся торжественные парады. Люди дарят цветы ветеранам, слушают речи важных лиц, дают минуту молчания, кладут цветы на могилы. Если кто-то не может пойти на парад, всегда есть военные фильмы и трансляция главного парада в Москве, который каждый может посмотреть и почтить память солдатам, трудягам и всем героям того тяжёлого времени.

Victory Day in Russia is a national holiday that is held on 9th May. It officially marks the day when the war ended in 1945 and the main reason for the celebration is to remember the people who died or took part in the war in another way. For example, some citizens who did not fight had to work in the factories making guns.

On 9th May, people lay flowers on graves, veterans march in parades wearing their medals and the President of Russia sends out letters to congratulate the veterans for their bravery. In homes all over Russia families enjoy eating huge feasts and giving presents to one another.

День Победы в России – это национальный праздник, который проводится 9 мая. Он официально отмечает день, когда закончилась война в 1945 году и основная причина для празднования - помнить людей, которые умерли или принимали участие в войне. Например, некоторым гражданам, которые не были в боях пришлось работать на заводах, производящих оружие.

9 мая люди возлагают цветы на могилы, ветераны маршируют в парадах, одевая все свои медали и Президент России отправляет письма, чтобы поздравить ветеранов за их отвагу. В домах по всей России семьи любят устраивать огромные банкеты и дарят подарки друг другу.

b Project: Is there a special day to remember war veterans in your country? Collect information about it, then tell the class all about it.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

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