День народного единства сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Цель : развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.


Развивающий аспект:

- развивать языковую догадку, память, внимание;

- повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;

- развивать умение выборочно понимать на слух необходимую информацию;

- развивать умение выбирать нужную информацию из прослушанного текста.

Воспитательный аспект:

- воспитывать культуру общения в разных видах речевой деятельности;

- воспитывать уважение к культурным традициям родной страны и страны изучаемого языка.

Учебный аспект:

- развитие навыка аудирования;

- тренировка лексических и фонетических навыков.


Good morning, friends! We’re glad to see you. How are you? Are you fine today?

That’s nice. If you are ready, let’s start.

Стихи (читают Павлова Е.Г, Литуненко Е. А)

2.Постановка целей и задач.

Today we are going to talk about holidays. Today we will work at different exercises such as: revise the vocabularies, answer questions, listen to the text, watch the video, play the Game. I think you will be active. I wish you good luck. Let’s begin our work.

Слайд 1: Вся многовековая история России свидетельствует:

только сообща, объединяя усилия, мы можем достойно отвечать на вызовы времени, успешно решать важные, по - настоящему судьбоносные задачи

Владимир Владимирович Путин

Слайд 2: Праздник был учрежден в память о событиях 1612 года, когда народное ополчение под предводительством Козьмы Минина и Дмитрия Пожарского освободило Москву от польских интервентов.

С чудотворной иконой Казанской Божией Матери, явленной в 1579 году, Нижегородское земское ополчение сумело 4 ноября 1612 года изгнать поляков из Москвы.

Слайд 3: По указу царя Алексея Михайловича, правившего в 1645-1676 годах, в честь этого великого события был установлен праздник, ставший православно-государственным праздником Московской Руси (отмечался до 1917 года). В церковный календарь этот день вошел как Празднование Казанской иконе Божией Матери в память избавления Москвы и России от поляков в 1612 году.

Слайд 4: On November the fourth Russia marked National Unity Day, one of the recently established public holidays..

Слайд 5: Since 2005(two thousand and five) Russia has celebrated a new holiday - the so-called Day of National Unity, commemorating the anniversary of the Russian people’s victory over the Polish invaders back in 1612.

Слайд 6: Almost four centuries back in early November the Russian headed by merchant Minin and Prince Pozharsky kicked the invaders away from Moscow and put an end to the so-called Time of Troubles.

Слайд 7: The President Vladimir Putin reestablished the holiday in 2005 in order to replace the commemoration of the October Revolution, known as The Day of Great October Socialist Revolution during Soviet period and as The Day of Accord and Conciliation in post-Soviet times, which formally took place on November 7..

Слайд 8: According to a recent poll in 2007,

only 23 percent of Russians know the name of the holiday,

and 22 percent identified the holiday as the Day of Accord and Reconciliation, the November the seventh holiday in the 1990s.

and Only 4 percent knew that the holiday commemorates the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders.

Слайд 9: There is an article about the Day of People’s Unity in Wikipedia. You may have a look

Слайд 10:.And if you're ever in Red Square – again, or for the first time – turn away from the Lenin's Mausoleum to your left. There, in the great colorful shadow of St. Basil's Cathedral, you will see a monument to two men, who dared to take on the responsibility of trying – and succeeding – to get their people together for the sake of saving their country.

Слайд11-15: People all over the country are singing songs, dancing, flying big balloons in the air and have fireworks at night.

Слайд 16 – видео (запускается автоматически с началом слайда)

Переводим слова из видео

Слайд 17- 37: викторина по праздникам России и Британии

Well, we are ready to talk about holidays.

Answer my questions, please.

What holidays, Russian and British, do you know?

Which holiday in our country is celebrated on the 8th of March?

When do Russian people celebrate Christmas? And British?

What is the most important national holiday in Russia?

We begin with Russian holidays.

Every holiday has its own traditions, symbols and songs, different holidays – different songs.

Every holiday has its own tradition. Let’s play association game.

Now we try to make Russian holidays calendar. Take your worksheets and do task

Which holiday is the most important in our country?

It’s high time to talk about British holidays (festivals). What British holidays do you know?

Answer my questions, please.

Which festival is just British and very noisy one? - Guy Fawkes’ Night

When do people send cards to someone they are in love with? – St Valentine Day

When do children dress up as witches? - Halloween

When do British people have special dinner? - Christmas

When do British people have a big party in Trafalgar Square in London? - New YearWhich holiday is your favourite?

В качестве поощрения за правильные ответы фишки и призу за определенное количество набранных фишек.

National Unity Day celebrated in Russia

Russia is celebrating the Day of National Unity. While the November 4 holiday has created some controversy, most citizens seem unconcerned about the historical significance of yet another day off work.

Uniting Russian people – that was the goal of the State Duma when it added the Day of Unity to the official calendar three years ago.

It reminds Russians of the period in history when in 1612, Russia overcame an unbelievable, catastrophic split in society.

The symbols of the holiday are a merchant named Kuzma Minin and a nobleman Dmitry Pozharsky, who joined their efforts to overthrow Polish-Lithuanian invaders whose seat of power had been the Kremlin for around 50 years.

The holiday marks the end of the Time of Troubles, the era between the death of the last Rurik Tzar and the establishment of the Romanov Dynasty.

Replacing a Soviet holiday

During Soviet times, the main autumn holiday was November 7, which marked the anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution.

Head of Moscow's Russian Research Institute Andrey Fursov says that there is a political reason for another holiday in November.

“Our current administration doesn't like the November 7 date, it reminds people of our Soviet past, that we are systematically rejecting,” Fursov says.

Even if the majority of Russian people do not know the origin of the holiday, for many it is simply a perfect opportunity for a long week-end.

Compared to other holidays in the Russian calendar, this one is still quite young. The Day of Unity is being celebrated only for the 3rd time and so has a way to go before it captures the imagination.

But most Russians are eager to have something common to celebrate.

And even though it has not yet acquired its own traditions, memories and sentiments, the holiday gives Russians a much needed autumn recess.

Слайд 39 – заключительная песня

Упражнения на развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе современного УМК под редакцией В.П. КузовлеваTask 1.

-41148030480000Complete the table with the names of holidays from the box.

New Year, Easter, Victory Day, Christmas, The Day of Knowledge, Russia Day, Women’s Day, Motherland Defender’s Day, Spring and Labour Day, Day of National Unity, Shrovetide

Winter Spring Summer autumn

-21336065405000Listen to the text “Victory Day” and complete it with the words from the box.

finished, passed, lasted, a special day, won and became, thank, started, never come

home, forget, died, did not know, hard

The 9th of May is _________________ for all Russian people. This is Victory Day. This is the day when the Great Patriotic War ____________.

For the Soviet Union, the war ________________ on the 22nd of June 1941. A day before, on the 21st of June, in all schools of the country there was a party - the last school ball. Girls and boys had just finished school. They were dancing, dreaming of the future and __________________ that the following day, they would go to war and _____________________ again.

For the Soviet Union the war _________________ for 4 years. It was a very ______________ time for everyone. In many cities and villages there was starvation. Millions of Soviet soldiers ________________ in this war. But they _______________________ heroes to every Russian person.

Since then more than 65 years have ________________. But Russian people do not _________________ their heroes. In every city concerts are held in honour of the Great Patriotic War. In Moscow in Red Square you can see a big parade. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren ________________ veterans for freedom.

the last school ball - последний школьный бал

Complete the table with missing information

Holiday /festival Date Other info

1. burn a model of Guy Fawkes

2. the 14th of February 3. children dress up as witches

4. Christmas 5. the 1st of January Answers

Winter Spring Summer autumn

Motherland Defender’s Day

Spring and Labour Day Russia Day Day of Knowledge

Day of National Unity

The 9th of May is a special day for all Russian people. This is Victory Day. This is the day when the Great Patriotic War finished.

For the Soviet Union, the war started on the 22nd of June 1941. A day before, on the 21st of June, in all schools of the country there was a party - the last school ball. Girls and boys had just finished school. They were dancing, dreaming of the future and did not know that the following day, they would go to war and never come home again.

For the Soviet Union the war lasted for 4 years. It was a very hard time for everyone. In many cities and villages there was starvation. Millions of Soviet soldiers died in this war. But they won and became heroes to every Russian person.

Since then more than 65 years have passed. But Russian people do not forget their heroes. In every city concerts are held in honour of the Great Patriotic War. In Moscow in Red Square you can see a big parade. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren thank veterans for freedom.

Holiday /festival Date Other info

1.Guy Fawkes’ Night the 5th of November burn a model of Guy Fawkes

2.St Valentine’s Day the 14th of February send cards to someone they are in love with

3.Halloween the 31st of October children dress up as witches

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Menu: History of the holiday. A few facts about Prince Pozharsky and Kuzma Mi.

Menu: History of the holiday. A few facts about Prince Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin .

Almost 4 centuries ago at the beginning of November 1612, the soldiers of the.

Almost 4 centuries ago at the beginning of November 1612, the soldiers of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed kitai-Gorod, releasing Moscow from Polish invaders and demonstrating a "sample of heroism and unity of all people regardless of origin, religion and social status ".

Kuzma Mininine (late 16th century-May 21, 1616) - Kuzma Minin Zaharovich, nic.

Kuzma Mininine (late 16th century-May 21, 1616) - Kuzma Minin Zaharovich, nicknamed "Suhoruk"-one of the liberators of the Fatherland from the Poles in 1612.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Feat of this people reflected in the work of.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Feat of this people reflected in the work of Ivan Martos. Majestic views of the monument against the backdrop of graceful Cathedral of Basil blessed gives pride and peace of mind . For such creation feel real pride for that you go on the land on which these people were .

Holidays-this is one of the few cases where all people are merged into a sing.


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Обзор главных праздников России на английском языке с переводом на русский.

Праздники России на английском языке

Holidays of Russia in English

Holidays in Russia are numerous. People love them, it's time to spend with family and friends, to pay tribute to the traditions or to glorify the Fatherland. Some are celebrated by the whole world, others only in this country, others – exclusively for a group or family.

Holidays are divided into categories:

  • Religious – such as Easter, Christmas, etc.
  • State – the Independence day for example.
  • Folk – March 8, is the same labor Day.
  • Professional – praise and reward when honored figures of culture, art, fireman Day, the Day of the policeman, etc.
  • Sports, etc.

In recent years more and more holidays are becoming more international, and state special collection days is also updated. But which of them are most important?

New year

For many, he is the most important even of the year. About the children and say nothing. Birthday and New year's favorites that they would not miss. Is a family holiday, with a Christmas tree, the President's speech, a champagne and gifts. Earlier, when the holiday came to Russia, it is celebrated not in winter and spring, thus calculating the beginning of the new year. However, it was later moved to January.

Day Of Russia

One of the most striking political developments of the last decades. And no matter how much time passed before Russia is the twelfth of June for her birthday. It was then in 1990 it became independent. And millions of people who lived in the Soviet Union with trepidation, remember this day.

The unity of the people

It celebrated from 1649 until the beginning of the revolution of the 17th. In 2005, he returned to the ranks of important holidays.

Men's day

When each man can rightly be congratulated – 23 Feb. All adult men who have served in the military or been in the power structures (or working there). It's the day of defenders of the Motherland, ready to stand to the end for peace and unity in the country, for its independence, after all, February 23, back in 1918, the first Red army, which included ordinary working lads, opposed the invaders.

Women's day

It is celebrated worldwide on March 8. The most favorite holiday for all women, from young to old. All mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, loved ones and appreciate beautiful women! Strong half gives gifts, wishes.

The first of may

Victory Day

A great day for many countries. Especially participants in the war 40s. 1418 days of the war, when the huge peoples of the Soviet Union stood together to the end to defend their country, they could not escape or refuse, they understood that behind – their families, loved ones. Behind their homeland. This war was not for them a struggle for power or influence in the world. It was to protect from invaders, Patriotic war. And they, our ancestors were able to win. Even today, the USSR disintegrated into a dozen countries, but they all may 9 is a sacred day. What must not be forgotten.

Перевод на русский:

Праздников в России множество. Люди любят их, это время провести с родными и близкими, отдать должное традициям или славить Отечество. Одни отмечаются всем миром, другие только в этой стране, третьи – исключительно для коллектива или семьи.

Праздники делятся на категории:

  • Религиозные – такие как Пасха, Рождество Христово и т.д.
  • Государственные – день Независимости к примеру.
  • Народные – 8 марта тот же, День труда.
  • Профессиональные – когда славят и награждают заслуженных деятелей культуры, искусства, День пожарника, День милиционера и т.д.
  • Спортивные и т.д.

В последнее время все больше праздников выходит на международный уровень, и коллекция государственных особых дней тоже пополняется. Но какие из них остаются важнейшими?

Новый год

Для многих – он даже важнейший в году. Про детей и говорить нечего. День рождения и Новый год – фавориты, которые они ни за что не пропустят. Считается семейным праздником, с елкой, речью Президента, шампанским и подарками. Раньше, когда праздник пришел на Русь, его отмечали не зимой, а весной, таким образом высчитывая начало нового года. Однако потом его перенесли на январь.

День России

Один из наиболее ярких политических событий последних десятилетий. И сколько бы времени ни прошло, пока Россия есть – двенадцатое июня для нее день рождения. Именно тогда в 1990 году она стала независимой. И миллионы людей, живших при СССР с трепетом, вспоминают этот день.

Единство народа

Его отмечали с 1649 года вплоть до начала революции 17го. В 2005 году он вновь вернулся в ряды важных праздников.

Мужской день

Когда каждого мужчину можно с полным правом поздравить – 23 февраля. Всех взрослых мужчин, отслуживших в армии или бывавших в силовых структурах (или работающих там). Это день защитников Родины, готовых стоять до конца за мир и единство в своей стране, за ее независимость, ведь 23 февраля в далеком 1918 году первая Красная армия, в состав которой входили обычные рабочие парни, выступила против захватчиков.

Женский день

Его отмечают во всем мире, 8 марта. Самый любимый праздник для всех женщин, от мала до велика. Всех матерей, бабушек, жен, сестер, дочерей, внучек, любимых и ценимых прекрасных женщин! Сильная половина дарит подарки, поздравляет.

Первое мая

В СССР этот день был посвящен миллионам трудящимся. Празднику положили начало рабочие в Чикаго, устроившие пикеты и забастовку. Они требовали человеческих условий – 8ми часовой день. Тогда забастовку подавили, несколько человек заплатило жизнями. Теперь первое мая – день единый для всех в мире, это день единства всех трудящихся.

День Победы

Великий день для многих стран. Особенно участников войны 40х годов. 1418 дней войны, когда народы огромного СССР вместе стояли до конца, защищая свою страну, они не могли сбежать или отказаться, они понимали, что за спиной – их семьи, близкие. За спиной их Родина. Эта война не была для них борьбой за власть или влияние в мире. Она стала защитой от захватчиков, Отечественной войной. И они, наши деды и прадеды смогли победить. Пусть сегодня СССР распался на десяток стран, но для них всех 9 мая- святой день. То, что нельзя забыть.

Look at the list of the holidays Russian people celebrate. Say when we celebrate these holidays.
Russian Holidays
New Year
Defender of the Motherland Day
International Women’s Day
Spring and Labour Day
Victory Day
Russia Day
Day of Knowledge
Day of National Unity


Перевод задания
Взгляните на список праздников, которые отмечают россияне. Скажите, когда мы отмечаем эти праздники.
Русские праздники
Новый год
День защитника Отечества
Международный женский день
Праздник весны и труда
День Победы
День России
День знаний
День народного единства

In Russia we celebrate New Year on the 1 st of January.
In Russia we celebrate Christmas on the 7 th of January.
In Russia we celebrate Defender of the Motherland Day on the 23 rd of February.
In Russia we celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8 th of of March.
In Russia we celebrate Easter in March or April.
In Russia we celebrate Spring and Labour Day on the 1 st of May.
In Russia we celebrate Victory Day on the 9 th of May.
In Russia we celebrate Russia Day on the 12 th of June.
In Russia we celebrate Day of Knowledge on the 1 st of September.
In Russia we celebrate Day of National Unity on the 4 th of November.

Перевод ответа
В России мы встречаем Новый год 1 января.
В России мы празднуем Рождество 7 января.
В России мы отмечаем День защитника Отечества 23 февраля.
В России мы отмечаем Международный женский день 8 марта.
В России мы празднуем Пасху в марте или апреле.
В России 1 мая отмечаем День весны и труда.
В России празднуем День Победы 9 мая.
В России мы отмечаем День России 12 июня.
В России мы отмечаем День знаний 1 сентября.
В России мы отмечаем День народного единства 4 ноября.

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