All happy families are alike сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Nowadays, the problem of things which make people happy causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that we feel ourselves cheerful because of our relatives. Others have a totally different opinion.

As for me, I am sure that people are happy when they spend their time with their families. Firstly, our family is uplifting us when we are sad. Therefore, when people have a good mood they are able to do their best. Secondly, only our relatives will never give up on us and will always support us in all stressful situations. As a result, we can solve all of our problems because we know that there are people who will always stay on our side.

Nevertheless, other people have a different point of view. They claim that there are many other people who can make us feel happiness.

Thus, when people go to the cinema or parties with their friends or classmates they are delighted and amused.

However, I cannot with this opinion completely. Sometimes we feel lonely in the company of acquaintances, because people who have not blood kinship that unites not always pay attention to our problems.

To conclude, it is important to note that family is more than bonds, it is love, support and care. People can always rely on their relatives who will give the best moments of life and cheer up when it will be necessary.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача решена в полной мере.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Логическая связь в некоторых предложениях вызывает вопросы. Так, во втором абзаце имеется следующий фрагмент:

Firstly, our family is uplifting us when we are sad. Therefore, when people have a good mood they are able to do their best.

Сходная несогласованность есть и во фрагменте

They claim that there are many other people who can make us feel happiness. Thus, when people go to the cinema or parties with their friends or classmates they are delighted and amused.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

blood kinship that unites – blood kinship that unites them with us [Следует уточнить, что имеется в виду именно родственная связь между этими людьми и нами].

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) we feel ourselves cheerful – we feel cheerful [С глаголом feel возвратное местоимение не используется];

2) our family is uplifting us – our family uplifts us [Время Present Continuous следует заменить на Present Simple, поскольку описывается общая закономерность, а не конкретная ситуация];

3) I cannot with this opinion [Пропущено сказуемое – судя по всему, глагол agree];

4) people who have not blood kinship that unites not always pay attention – people who do not have blood kinship that unites them with us do not always pay attention [Логичнее использовать предложенные варианты отрицательных предложений];

5) who will give the best moments of life and cheer up – who will give them the best moments of life and cheer them up [Пропущены дополнения, без которых фрагмент предложения выглядит неточным в смысловом отношении];

6) when it will be necessary – when it is necessary [Будущее время не используется в придаточных предложениях времени].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

family is more than bonds, it is love, support and care – family is more than bonds – it is love, support and care [Рекомендуется использовать вместо запятой тире, которое покажет, что далее следует пояснение].

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Пояснительная записка:
В учебниках по английскому языку всегда есть темы, связанные с семьёй и семейными отношениями. Текст урока рассказывает о том, что нелегко создать семью. В материале предлагаются разные речевые упражнения, которые нацеливают учащихся на пересказ текста с выводами. Учащиеся должны уметь отвечать на вопросы по тексту, объяснять значение пословиц, опираясь на лексический материал урока. Все свои высказывания они должны подтверждать аргументами.
Они должны объяснить: кто же творец семейного счастья и на каких основных правилах держится настоящая семья. Этот материал предназначен для учащихся 9 –х классов.

Цель: формирование учащихся о семейном счастье;
умеют понимать основное содержание текста;
умеют соотносить заданные части речи;
умеют объяснить значение пословиц о семейном счастье;
умеют делать выводы;
умеют аргументировать свои высказывания.
Метапредметные: умеют брать примеры из исторических источников;
умеют опираться на свои собственные знания.

1. Вступительное слово учителя:
Dear students! All people in the world want to be happy. But what is happiness? There are many answers to this question. Happiness is a state when you are loved and you can love somebody as faithfully as you can. Happiness is peace.

As you see, we need very much to be happy. A man has to overcome many difficulties and achieve many aims during his lifetime.
There is such a prover” To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”. (Бороться, искать, найти, не сдаваться)
It was the motto of a lot of heroes, who gave their lives for our Motherland.
But what’s family happiness? A family is a base of our society, children are born, new generations appear. Life goes on every day.
But it’s very difficult to create a good family, when all members of families are happy. So, what is the aim of our lesson?
2. Учащиеся формулируют цель урока.
3. Работа по тексту:

What did Tolstoy write in his famous novel “Anna Karenina?”
Do you agree with Tolstoy? What does happy family mean? What’s the role of a family today? What can you say about relationships in the family? Is it a difficult problem to create a happy family? Who can create a happy family?
c) What examples of good families do you know?
Pupil’s answers, look at the pictures please:

Pupil’s answers:
Happy family denotes:
mutual love, trusting each other, mutual understanding, mutual taking care of each other, respecting each other, helping each other, love each other…
f) Discussion:
“A happy marriage is a science, an art, hard work”.
Pupil’s answers.

(Пословицы о семейном счастье)
“Love is the matter of love”;
“Love is the true price of love”;
“There is a great force hidden in a sweet command”;
(слово – великая сила)
“The voice of one man is the voice of no one”
(один в поле не воин)
What do these provers denote? How do you understand them?

h) Установите соответствия между заголовками 1-6 и текстами A-F. Используйте свои ответы. В задании один заголовок лишний.

people do not trust each other;
people respect and love each other;
people suspect each other.
2. A happy marriage denotes:
parents quarrel every day;
parents support each other;
parents do not understand each other.
3. It’s a great problem to create a good and happy family because:
parents have difficult jobs, so they can’t pay attention to each other;
our life may reveal something new in people’s characters;
everything depends on ourselves.

I recently called one of my girlfriends. She cried. In response to the question - what happened? - She began to tell.
A family I know them very well for many years and could not even think that their family there are such conflicts and jealousy.
"I decided to drop everything and get a divorce, since he is so . " The cause of quarrel was her dancing with someone at a party and a lot of compliments from partner to dance.
"Divorce? When the house has two children. When lived together for sixteen years? Divorce, just something went wrong when? ..should I? "- all these questions, I asked my friend.
- A long time ago if you told her husband about his love? How long have only spent time with him? From the beautiful and intelligent men thought that he did not like and change.
- I do not remember. I tried to tell him. And what do we do now? - Tears flowed a stream.
- What should I do? To begin with the most likely to calm down and give him a rest. And then choose the time and talk. Calmly and seriously. Convince him of his feelings. Ask about what worries him, and that is not satisfied in your relationship. And it may cost to build a conversation on the claims, but based on how you love him? After all, you love him?
A few days later. The recipe I found effective. I looked at it and rejoice, and think to myself: why is it that loving people cease to understand each other. And maybe there is some way to keep in touch and keep love.
They say that our attitude toward our loved ones - is a mirror reflection of our attitude toward them. Do you want love - give that same love for herself. Try to listen to those around, and then hear you.
It seems to me that only the rare evil villains are able to respond to kindness and caring. And if the answer, then is it worth to stay with them next?
And you, what do you think about this? Maybe you're ready to share his secrets with some preservation of love and family relationships.

надо написать сочинение на тему 9 класса, юнит 1 упр.7 all happy families are alike 22 предложения


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There are many reasons to learn English, but because it is one of the most difficult languages to learn it is important to focus on exactly why it is you want to learn English. If you know English well, an incredible amount of resources becomes accessible: books, courses, videos and of course, a great part of the Internet. Many positions require dealing with clients, service providers or colleagues from other countries. In those cases, your knowledge of English is a critical advantage. It can help you advance further in your career. You can speak with confidence and get your message across clearly, instead of hesitating and stammering. Well, it's a GLOBAL LANGUAGE. As an example, a German person and a Mexican person can communicate using English. They usually wouldn't communicate using Bulgarian.



нас покоряет человеческое обаяние чацкого: искренность, душевная открытость, доверчивость, способность полностью отдаваться своим чувствам. и рядом с этим человеком — зло, будничное и живучее, которое встретило его по возвращении в москву. он увидел, что ничего не изменилось в жизни дворянского общества, нашел ту же пошлость и пустоту, которые присутствовали и в прежние годы, тот же дух нравственного угнетения и подавления личности. поэтому столкновение чацкого с фамусовским обществом было неизбежно. и это столкновение постепенно принимает все более характер, кроме того, оно осложняется еще и личной драмой чацкого — рушатся его надежды наличное счастье. софья, которую чацкий любит искренне и серьезно, видя в ней будущую жену, не может ответить на его чувства. она, обладая несомненными достоинствами, всей душой принадлежит фа- мусовскому миру, а чацкий вступает с этим миром и его устоями в конфликт.

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