Администратор гостиницы сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

я учусь на менеджера гостиницы, и мне нужно написать сочинение на английском языке на тему : "Моя профессия менеджер".
помогите пожалуйста.

I see a lot of people who say they want to become managers, which is a good goal to have no doubt. But when I ask them why, most of the answers hover around more money and a better status symbol. Well, honestly, I don’t think we need to be managers for either. M.K.Gandhi was not a manager, but I guess he had both. So did Martin Luther King Jr, and the list can go on.

So for people who really want to be Managers for the above two reasons, here are some of the “harder things” nobody talks about:
o Being a manager is a thankless job. All results you produce, is neither sufficient for the team nor your supervisors, and honestly, you too. Are you open to criticism? (Please note the usage of the word “criticism” over “feedback”).
o The chances of failure are much more than the chances of success in our ventures. Are you prepared to take it in your stride?
o We need to quantify our instincts to sell our point, again both to the team and our supervisors. Are you prepared to sit and work out formulas for the same?
o Honestly, being a manager is hard work and can make one feel lonely. Are you prepared to deal with it?

I can go on, but I don’t want to convey a feeling that being a manager is a bad thing, and not a good goal to have. So, to remove any such impressions, here are the good things about being a manager:
o We honestly have a responsibility over the direction the organization must take and no longer get to do what the boss says. It’s all about how we use it.
o We have the liberty to promote or at least present in a positive light people who have the urge to perform and grow. Again, it’s about how we use it.
o It is definitely more responsibility towards all the stakeholders and hence, increases our personal brand equity.
o We will have the liberty to test our pet projects and ideas. But please see points 2, 3 from the previous list.

So a good question to ask ourselves could be, Why should I become a manager? Is being a manager my goal or my perception of a way to achieve my larger goals? Who knows, the right answers to these questions can even make one think being a manager is not the solution, and also help us arrive at better ways to achieve our goals.

The key then could be, WHAT IS OUR GOAL/AMBITION? More on that in the next post.

PS: I know this is a very sensitive subject and will like some honest feedback on my thoughts. I could pretty well be wrong, and like to know what you feel about this.

Моя будущая профессия – администратор гостиницы \ ресторана.
Вскоре я приближусь к исполнению еще одной мечты. Получу профессию администратора гостиницы \ ресторана. Я с детства мечтала работать с людьми, помогать им, решать вопросы и проблемы, учитывать пожелания, находить оптимальные варианты, устраивать людям праздники. Но еще я бы хотела, чтобы моя работа требовала творческого подхода, так как рутина и однообразие, все же, не по мне. Думаю, профессия администратор удовлетворяет всем моим пожеланиям.
Если честно, мне больше по душе работа администратором именно ресторана. В ходе написания данного эссе я попытаюсь аргументировать свою точку зрения. Во-первых, администратор ресторана постоянно контактирует с людьми: это и посетители, и официанты и обслуживающий персонал. Во-вторых, в нашей стране поводом посещения ресторана не так часто становится желание перекусить. Чаще люди идут в ресторан на свидание, отметить день рождения, юбилей свадьбы, рождение малыша, детские дни рождения. Очень часто в ресторанах проходят свадьбы. Трудно не согласиться с тем, что все эти события очень значимы, и очень важно не упустить никаких мелочей и постараться сделать торжество незабываемым. И даже случайно заглянувший в ресторан посетитель, должен остаться доволен обслуживанием, обстановкой и захотеть вернуться в это место снова, привести близких людей и порекомендовать друзьям. Заинтересовать посетителей – одна из задач администратора. И наконец, в-третьих, я очень люблю готовить, украшать стол, зал.
Моими непосредственными обязанностями будут: встреча посетителей, поддержание комфорта и приятной атмосферы для гостей в зале, организация и проведение банкетов, работа с VIP-клиентами, выполнение служебных поручений руководителя. Также мне предстоит обучать новичков, составлять график работы, контролировать рабочий процесс, вести документацию и учет кассы.
И еще одна моя обязанность – разрешение конфликтных ситуаций. Конечно, я буду стараться не допускать конфликтов, но если такое возникнет, решать их предстоит мне. Мне необходимо научиться находить общий язык с любыми людьми, будь это депутат или слесарь, самоуверенный подросток, или пожилая пара, студенты или преподавательский состав, постоянный клиент или новичок, и конечно же, мне предстоит нередко контактировать с проверяющими органами. Но также мне нужно не допускать конфликтов или моментально их решать (если уж они появились) внутри коллектива.
Моим главным оружием станут: улыбка, коммуникабельность, авторитет и здравый смысл. Мне нужно быть одновременно и психологом и организатором. А еще в свободное время, я хочу учить языки, совершенствовать свои навыки, тренировать произношение. Я считаю, что знание иностранных языков никогда не помешает хорошему администратору.
В заключении хотелось бы отметить, что своими корнями бизнес в сфере общественного питания уходит в далекое прошлое, а сегодня приобретает все новые формы, учитывая технический прогресс, мировой опыт и потребности потребителей. В росс.

Нет нужной работы в каталоге?

Сделайте индивидуальный заказ на нашем сервисе. Там эксперты помогают с учебой без посредников Разместите задание – сайт бесплатно отправит его исполнителя, и они предложат цены.

Цены ниже, чем в агентствах и у конкурентов

Вы работаете с экспертами напрямую. Поэтому стоимость работ приятно вас удивит

Бесплатные доработки и консультации

Исполнитель внесет нужные правки в работу по вашему требованию без доплат. Корректировки в максимально короткие сроки

Если работа вас не устроит – мы вернем 100% суммы заказа

Техподдержка 7 дней в неделю

Наши менеджеры всегда на связи и оперативно решат любую проблему

Строгий отбор экспертов


Требуются доработки?
Они включены в стоимость работы

Работы выполняют эксперты в своём деле. Они ценят свою репутацию, поэтому результат выполненной работы гарантирован

Цель: найти должность менеджера (управляющего) отеля.

Краткая справка о квалификации

Профессиональный опыт

  • Планирую размещение, организацию ресторанного обслуживания наряду с другими услугами отеля.
  • Продвигаю и веду маркетинг бизнеса.
  • Принимаю полномочия по управлению отелем в отсутствие Генерального менеджера, и действую как помощник Генерального менеджера по отношению ко всем операциям в отеле.
  • Обеспечиваю знание руководителем каждого департамента (отдела) операционных целей, и, следовательно, ставлю в известность о необходимых средствах.
  • Управляю бюджетированием, а также финансовым планированием.
  • Поддерживаю (веду) учет статистико-финансовых данных.
  • Нанимаю и контролирую соответствующий штат для конкретных операций.
  • Планирую рабочие графики в соответствии с необходимостью.
  • Занимаюсь запросами и жалобами клиентов.
  • Реагирую и разбираюсь с проблемами клиентов, а также улаживаю конфликты.
  • Обеспечиваю проведение мероприятий и конференций без прерываний.
  • Контролирую поставки снабжения и мебели, оборудования и принадлежностей.
  • Веду дела с подрядчиками и поставщиками.


Степень бакалавра в управлении гостеприимством.
Университет штата Нью-Йорк, г. Буффало, 1998 г.


Sample Hotel ManagerResume

Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

To Seek the Position of Hotel Manager

SUMMARY: Top notch Manager with experience in day-to-day management of hotel and its staff with commercial accountability for planning, organizing and directing all hotel services, including front office (reception, concierge, and reservation), banqueting and housekeeping.

Summary of Qualifications

  • Total eight years experience.
  • Complete knowledge of hotels operations.
  • Outstanding oral, written and training communication skills
  • Unparalleled guest relations skills especially in creating “special touches” and resolving Guest requests and concerns.
  • Strong analytical skills including trend analysis and the ability to develop innovative tactics to resolve problems.
  • Excellent eye for details, can carry out actions to improve the appearance of the property, and employees as well as establish relevant actions that meet guest’s expectations.
  • Positive and upbeat approach to employee relations and guest complaints.
  • Strong computer skills especially word processing, hotel operating systems and spreadsheet creation.
  • Remarkable ability to ensure proper selection, training, motivation and counseling of all employees.

Professional Experience

Excellence Hotels & Towers, Minneapolis, MN 2002 – Present

  • Plan the accommodation, catering along with other hotel services.
  • Promote and market the business.
  • Assume authority for the hotel in the absence of the General Manager and serve as Assistant General Manager for all operations within the hotel.
  • Ensure that every department head is aware of operational goals and hence is made aware of the necessary tools.
  • Manage budgets as well as financial plans.
  • Maintain statistical-financial records.
  • Recruit and monitor relevant staff for their specific operations.
  • Plan work schedules as per requirement.
  • Deal with customer queries and complaints.
  • Address customer problems as well as troubleshoot.
  • Ensure events and conferences run without interruption.
  • Supervise the supplies and furnishings.
  • Deal with the contractors and suppliers.

Excellence Hotels & Towers, Minneapolis, MN 2000 – 2002
Assistant Manager.

  • Completed important aspects of general administration, like weekly and monthly stock and consumption account, guest-list, etc, as required by Management.
  • Prepared household staff rotas and duties.
  • Ensured that Excellence Hotels operates to the highest standards required by management.
  • In liaison with Management, completed the induction of all the newly appointed household staff.
  • Ensured that all household staff and other staff comply with Excellence Hotels policies, e.g. fire, safety precautions etc.

Excellence Hotels & Towers, Minneapolis, MN 1998 – 2000
Management Trainee (under supervision)

  • Managed the daily operations of the Hotel including Conference Management, Rooms, Housekeeping, Reservations, Retail, Engineering, Spa, as well as other functions as assigned.
  • Monitored the performance of the Hotel operational teams.
  • Provided assistance to department heads in achieving their short and long-term objectives.
  • Implemented Hotel insurance policies, procedures and the overall operation philosophy.
  • Assigned budgets to ensure that profitable goals for the Hotel were met.

Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management
State University of New York, Bufallo (1998)

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Deluxe rooms – one of the most expensive rooms in the hotel. Deluxe (De luxe) – the word is from the French language, literally can be translated as <>. The luxury in the modern hotel industry has several degrees. Deluxe rooms – are the spectacular examples of that fact.

For rural hotels in Germany, France, Italy or England luxury means adherence to tradition. Punctuality and permanent courtesy in service, cuisine, the quality of ingredients of which was inspected for centuries, taste in furnishing – this is the appearance of classic European deluxe rooms. At the same time, deluxe rooms in huge hotels of Las Vegas reflect the style of this noisy place. Everything in them is charged with energy and has a propensity to exaggerate. In contrast to the hotels of American gambling capital, the hotels in Japan adhere to tradition of Japanese hospitability with their minimalism and moderate colors.

In different hotels the notion <> can mean different degrees of comfort. The common attribute of deluxe rooms is their size. Recommendations of the World Tourism Organization advise to adhere to minimal area of about 35 square meters. Most hotels and hotel chains have adopted these standards.

Deluxe rooms are ranked within the highest category of hotel rooms. This category also includes suites, apartments and studios. In the <> countries the notion <> - is common for all luxury rooms, including so-called president-rooms.

Deluxe rooms consist of several rooms. Typically, these are a bedroom and a living room. There are also suites with separate kitchens. In family hotels deluxe rooms are equipped with a separate nursery. Many hotels foresee the desires of their eccentric customers and place in their deluxe rooms special premises for pets.

Deluxe rooms of most hotel chains offer their client a wide range of various bonuses. In the price of deluxe room alcoholic drinks in room bar, tickets to opera performance, a subscription for the swimming pool or fitness center, desserts, flowers, massage sessions and tours to local sights can be included.
Deluxe rooms often offer a specific view from the window. In the world of hotel business, there are specific standards, which mean one or another view: SV – the room with a sea view, Mountain View – respectively with a view of the mountains, Inside View – a view of the inner hotel courtyard and so on.

Standard or single room – is a classic of hotel business. A single room in any hotel plays a role of its own currency. According to its price, it is possible to estimate the prices for other types of rooms in the hotel. In the hotel guides standard rooms are usually designated with 3 English letters – STD.
The level and range of services that is available in a standard room – is some sort of litmus paper that indicates the service level of the hotel. In 2* hotels after spending 10 days in the room you might not even meet a maid. While at 5 * hotels in addition daily cleaning the room can be served by a few more people: from florists to aromatherapy and sommelier specialists.

All the standard rooms of 3* hotels are supposed to have their own bathroom. In common 3* hotels it is often replaced with a shower room. In 2* hotels a single bathroom or shower room for the block, consisted of 4 rooms can be found. In the rooms of common 4-5* hotels not only separate bathroom is required. The length of the bath itself is also regulated, which cannot be less than 160cm.

There is a minimum size of a standard room. For 2* hotels the minimal area is 6-9 square meters. The room size is gradually increasing by 2 meters depending on the <> rank of the hotel. The minimal size of rooms in 5* hotels is 16 square meters.

In the hotels of Europe and the United States a standard room in a hotel has a double bed. Many hotels allow up to 4-5 people to stay in a single room. Typically, these are 2-3* hotels, which concern about not so much a reputation as obtaining short-term profits.

Suite – is a hotel room with an improved design. Suites are often similar in size to a standard room, but the quality of design remains at a high level. The main purpose of a suite – is to provide a customer with a homely home. And not only for a single person, but for the whole family or company.
Most of the suites are spacious rooms with original design solutions. There are several types of suites: junior suites, standard suite, and super suite.

Junior suite slightly exceeds in size an ordinary single room. Its area is about 20-25 square meters. Typically, the junior suite is just one big room, which is divided into two parts: recreation area and lounge. Thereat, junior suite has many technical options which are available in a usual suite, including satellite TV, stereo, DVD and other equipment. Internet access, mini-kitchen and bar – all of these can be found in this type of suite.

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