Современное белорусское кино реферат

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Национальная киностудия "Беларусьфильм" - ведущее предприятие киноиндустрии Республики Беларусь. За годы работы здесь выпущено более 650 художественных, около 2000 документальных и около 300 анимационных фильмов.

Последние годы "Беларусьфильм" активно занимается модернизацией своей материально-технической базы. Проведена колоссальная работа по реконструкции. Новые павильоны, оснащенные современным оборудованием и широкий выбор съемочной техники позволяет киностудии создавать проекты, отвечающие самым высоким требованиям сегодняшнего дня.



Пришла война

Другие времена

Студия анимационных фильмов

За 42 года существования анимационной студии было снято более 200 фильмов в разной технике одушевления: рисованные фильмы, кукольные, перекладка (плоская марионетка, песок).

Пройдя все этапы технического прогресса, от целлулоидного метода, до компьютерных технологий, студия анимационных фильмов имеет всё необходимое компьютерное лицензионное оснащение, для съёмок семи 10-13-минутных картин в год.
На студии работают высокопрофессиональные режиссеры анимационного кино, такие как Игорь Волчек, Александр Ленкин, Михаил Тумеля, Владимир Петкевич, Ирина Кодюкова, Елена Петкевич, Елена Турова, Наталья Хаткевич и др., а также высококвалифицированные художники-постановщики: Татьяна Кублицкая, Алла Матюшевская, Дмитрий Суринович.

В целом, за годы существования независимой Республики Беларусь создано более 570 документальных фильмов. Призами и наградами отмечено более 100 фильмов, общее количество государственных наград и призов кинофестивалей составляет порядка 200.

В суверенной Беларуси активно работали и работают в документальном кино Вадим Сукманов, Ришард Ясинский, Адольф Каневский, Станислав Гайдук, Владимир Цеслюк, Сергей Петровский, Сергей Лукьянчиков, Николай Князев, Юрий Горулев, Михаил Ждановский, Анатолий Алай. Лучшие традиции старейших мастеров продолжают Виктор Аслюк, Галина Адамович, Ольга Дашук, Ирина Волох, Евгений Сетько, Юрий Тимофеев. Активно заявляет о себе и молодое поколение кинодокументалистов – режиссеры Дмитрий Махамет, Дарья Юркевич, Игорь Чищеня, Наталья Жамойдик, Александра Маркова.



220114, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, пр. Независимости, 98

+375 17 267 10 02

The National Film Studio "Belarusfilm" is a leading enterprise of the film industry of the Republic of Belarus. Over the years, it has produced more than 650 feature films, about 2000 documentaries and about 300 animated films.

The films released at the studio were included in the Golden Fund of domestic and world cinema: "The Adventures of Pinocchio" and" About Little Red Riding Hood "by Leonid Nechaev, " I come from childhood", "War under the Roofs", "People in the Swamp" by Viktor Turov, "In August 44. " by Mikhail Ptashuk, "White Dew" by Igor Dobrolyubov and many others.

In recent years, Belarusfilm has been actively engaged in the modernization of its material and technical base. A huge amount of reconstruction work has been carried out. New pavilions equipped with modern equipment and a wide range of shooting equipment allow the studio to create projects that meet the highest requirements of today.


Film production in Belarus began in 1924, when the State Administration for Cinematography and Photography (Belgoskino) was organized. In 1928, a studio of feature films was created in Leningrad under the name "Soviet Belarus", and in 1939 it was transferred to Minsk, and in 1946 it was renamed"Belarusfilm".

The first feature film "Lesnaya Byl" was created in 1926 (directed by Yu.Tarich). The theme of the struggle of the people for national and social liberation was the leading one in the cinematography of 1920-1930. ("Kastus Kalinovsky", directed by V. Gardin; "Born in the Fire", directed by V. Korsh-Sablin; "The Eleventh of July", directed by Yu.Tarich et al.). Since the late 1920s, films on modern themes have appeared: "Twice Born" (directed by E. Orshansky), "Seekers of Happiness" (directed by V. Korsh-Sablin). Films for children began to be made. A significant place in the 1930s was occupied by film adaptations of literary works: the stories of Yu.Tynianov "Lieutenant kije" (Director A. Fajncimmer), the story CBaduli "the Nightingale" (producer E. Orshansky), the story of A. Chekhov "the Mask" (directed by S. Sploshnov), etc.

The war has come

During the Great Patriotic War, Belarusian documentary filmmakers were among the first to shoot front-line reports, create a partisan film chronicle of the republic, and in 1945 the film studio "Soviet Belarus" resumed its activities. In the post-war years, documentaries and newsreels continued to be produced for the most part. A great creative success of the post-war period was a feature film about the hero of the last war — "Konstantin Zaslonov" (Vladimir Korsh-Sablin and Alexander Feintsimmer, 1949), another major work on the theme of war: "The clock stopped at midnight" (Nikolai Figurovsky, 1958).

In 1960, a new studio building was built, where three creative associations began to work: feature films, documentaries "Chronicle" and television "Telefilm", a workshop of animated films.

Notable war films of this time: "The Third Rocket" (Richard Viktorov, 1963), "Alpine Ballad" (Boris Stepanov, 1965), "Through the Cemetery" (Viktor Turov, 1965), "I come from childhood" (Viktor Turov, 1966), two films based on the novel "Partisans" by Ales Adamovich — "War under the Roofs" (Viktor Turov, 1967) and "Sons go into battle" (Viktor Turov, 1969), the theme of war in children's cinema — "A Girl is looking for her father" (Lev Golub, 1959), "Ivan Makarovich" (Igor Dobrolyubov, 1968), etc.

Other times

Since the early 1960s, considerable attention has been paid to historical films: "Red Leaves" (Vladimir Korsh-Sablin, 1958), "Moscow-Genoa" (Alexey Speshnev, with the participation of Vladimir Korsh-Sablin and Pavel Armand, 1964), "I, Francis Skorina. " (Boris Stepanov, 1970) , etc., as well as films for children and youth: "The City of Masters" (Vladimir Bychkov, 1965)," Anyutina Doroga "(Lev Golub, 1967)," We are with the Volcano " (Valentin Perov, 1969).

Valentin Vinogradov, a graduate of VGIK and Mikhail Romm's workshop, comes to the Belarusfilm judging panel by distribution. Instead of a diploma short film, he shoots a full meter — "The Day when 30 years are celebrated". This film becomes a box office. In his next film, Letters to the Living, Vinogradov works with Ales Kuchar — a well-known Belarusian writer and screenwriter. The film about the fate of the revolutionary partisan Vera Khoruzhey was based on real events. In the next film "Letters to the Living" Vinogradov already feels his style and his aesthetics - with visual metaphors, with strong contrasting images, sharp angles, which enlists him to the adherents of the modernist direction-expressionism. In 1966, he staged the parable of the war "The Eastern Corridor".

In the 1970s, new directors with fresh views on cinema came to Belarusfilm. There are films, although enclosed in the prescribed ideological framework, but creatively executed at a high level: "The Whole Royal Army" (Naum Ardashnikov and Alexander Gutkovich, 1971), the political pamphlet "Washington Correspondent" (Yuri Dubrovin, 1972), the film adaptation of the works of Jack London "Time-does not wait" (Vitaly Chetverikov,1975) and Vladimir Korotkevich "The Wild Hunt of King Stach" (Valery Rubinchik, 1979) (later the picture will be called "the first Soviet mystical thriller").

Notable films about the war of this period: "Batka" (Boris Stepanov, 1971)," Flame "(Vitaly Chetverikov, 1974)," Wolf Pack "(Boris Stepanov, 1975)," Black Birch " (Vitaly Chetverikov, 1977).

In the Belarusian cinema of this period, films for children and youth stand out extremely vividly: adaptation of the works of Anatoly Rybakov's "Dirk", "Bronze bird" (Nikolai Kalinin, 1973 and 1974) and "the Last summer of childhood" (Valeri Rubinchik, 1974); the musicals on the subjects of fairy tales "adventures of Buratino" and "About little Red riding Hood" (by Leonid Nechaev, 1975 and 1977); based on "Deniskiny stories" of Victor Dragunsky "Po sekretu vsemu svetu" (Igor Dobrolyubov, 1976), "the Amazing adventures of Denis Korableva" (a group of Directors, 1979); about the war "Polonaise of Oginsky" (Lev Golub, 1971) and "Wreath of Sonnets" (Valery Rubinchik, 1976).

In the early 1980s, such comedies as "Cultural Trip to the Theater" (Valery Rubinchik, 1982), "White Dew" (Igor Dobrolyubov, 1983) appeared. In this decade, films made on literary works: duologue on "Polessky Chronicles" by Ivan Melezh "swamp People" and "Breathing the storm" (Victor Turov, 1981, 1982), a film based on the novel by Vasil Bykov's "the Sign of misfortune" (Michael Ptashuk, 1986), a lyrical tale based on the works of Ivan Bunin "Non spring" (Vladimir Tolkachyov, 1989).

The event of 1985 was the author's film by Elem Klimov based on the script of Ales Adamovich "Go and See", shot together with the Mosfilm film studio for the 40th anniversary of the Victory. "Go and see" by E. Klimov, according to the magazine timeout, takes the sixth line in the list of "the 50 best war films of all time". British magazine Empire included the film in the list of "500 greatest films of all time". According to the results of a survey conducted in 2012 by the British magazine Sight&Sound among directors, the film took the 30th place in the list of the best films of all time.

Leonid Nechaev in this decade produces several films for children and youth: "Sold Laughter" (1981)," The Tale of the Star Boy "(1983)," Red, Honest, in Love "(1984)," Peter Pan "(1987), other notable films for this audience:" Summer Impressions of Planet Z "(Evgeny Markovsky, 1986)," The Will of the Universe " (Dmitry Mikhleev, 1988).

Perestroika movies: "Our Armored Train" (Mikhail Ptashuk, 1988 - about the peaceful life in civilian life of the guards of Stalin's camps) and "My Name is Harlekino" (Valery Rybarev, 1988 — about the life of provincial youth). The latter is also the highest-grossing Belarusian film, for the first 15 months of the film's demonstration in the USSR cinemas, it was watched by an audience of 41.9 million people.

In 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory over fascism, UNESCO compiled a list of the world's 100 most significant films about World War II. It also includes the Belarusian painting by Viktor Turov "Through the Cemetery".

National Film Studio "Belarusfilm "

In 1997, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the film studio" Belarusfilm " was granted the status of national.

Animation Film Studio

For 42 years of existence of the animation studio, more than 200 films were shot in different animation techniques: hand-drawn films, puppet films, re-laying (flat puppet, sand).
Having passed all the stages of technological progress, from the celluloid method to computer technology, the animation film studio has all the necessary computer-licensed equipment to shoot seven 10-13-minute films a year.
The studio employs highly professional directors of animated films, such as Igor Volchek, Alexander Lenkin, Mikhail Tumelya, Vladimir Petkevich, Irina Kodyukova, Elena Petkevich, Elena Turova, Natalia Khatkevich and others, as well as highly qualified production designers: Tatiana Kublitskaya, Alla Matyushevskaya, Dmitry Surinovich.

The studio "LETAPIS"

The studio "Letapis" is a structural and creative division of the National Film Studio "Belarusfilm". It was created in 1968 on the basis of the Minsk Studio of popular Science and chronicle-documentaries. Over the half-century of its existence, about two and a half thousand units of documentary film production have been created under the brand "Chronicles", reflecting various aspects of the life of Belarusian society over a half-century period and leaving visible evidence of the modern history of Belarus.

Among the achievements of Soviet times, it is worth noting the State Prize of the USSR directed by Viktor Dashuk for the documentary cycles "I am from the fiery village" and "War does not have a woman's face" (1985), the State Awards of the BSSR Joseph Veynerovich (1968), Yuri Lysyatov (1982), Viktor Shatalov (1984), Yuri Tsvetkov (1986). Prizes and awards of All-Union international and international film festivals were awarded to the films of D. Mikhleev, V. Sukmanov, R. Yasinsky, S. Lukyanchikov, V. Tseslyuk, S. Petrovsky, A. Karpov, A. Ruderman, A. Peleshyan, S. Gaiduk, A. Alai, A. Kanevsky, I. Kolovsky, N. Knyazev.

Documentary films of the independent Republic of Belarus have become a continuation of traditions and a vivid phenomenon of imaginative understanding of life in its most diverse manifestations. In 1994, the State prize of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Zhdanov noted for the creation of a cycle of films "the Road to Kurapaty", "Ary Belarus", "Uspan great Malu Ravensara", Zinaida Mozheiko, Nina Sava, Oleg Shklyarevskii for ethnomusicology movies "Polessky kalacc", "Pranas, the Almighty, the cloud". The prize "For spiritual revival" noted Yuri Gorulev (2006), Special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus Anatoly Alai (2006), Galina Adamovich (2013), prize of the Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Belarus marked A. Alay, S. Smirnov (1991), S. Hayduk (1993), R. Jasinski (1995), Yu Lysanov, M. Kiryanova (1999), V. Aslyuka (2001), N.Knyazev (2009), E. Setco, V. Frost (2015). Anatoly Alai was awarded the title of People's Artist of Belarus (2017).

In general, more than 570 documentaries have been created over the years of the existence of the independent Republic of Belarus. Prizes and awards were awarded to more than 100 films, the total number of state awards and prizes of film festivals is about 200.

Thanks to participation in international film festivals, including the most prestigious ones, Belarusian documentary films under the "Chronicle" brand are known throughout the cinematic world. Viktor Aslyuk's film "We Live on the Edge" was awarded by more than 15 prestigious international film forums, and in 2002 received the European Prize in Berlin for the best documentary film. His film "Cola" won awards at 10 film festivals. Film director Viktor Aslyuk is a member of the European Film Academy. Galina Adamovich's film "My God!" won the prize for the best documentary film at the 40th International Film Festival of class "A" in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic, 2006), in total, this film was awarded prizes at 15 film festivals. Awards of 10 film forums were awarded to her film "Zavyadzenka".

In recent years, the prizes of international film forums have repeatedly been awarded to the films "Kroki nad Vadoy" by Yuri Timofeev, "Alien and Own" by Galina Adamovich, "Draylany Narod" by Viktor Aslyuk, "Ne Adzin" by Olga Dashuk, " Chernobyl. Exam for the Nation " by Yevgeny Setko, films of military themes by the oldest documentary filmmaker Anatoly Alai. A great public response was caused by the film of the young director Igor Chishchenya "Pershadruk", dedicated to Frantishka Skaryna and the 500th anniversary of the first Belarusian printed book.

Vadim Sukmanov, Rishard Yasinsky, Adolf Kanevsky, Stanislav Gaiduk, Vladimir Tseslyuk, Sergei Petrovsky, Sergei Lukyanchikov, Nikolai Knyazev, Yuri Gorulev, Mikhail Zhdanovsky, Anatoly Alai have been actively working in documentary films in sovereign Belarus. The best traditions of the oldest masters are continued by Viktor Aslyuk, Galina Adamovich, Olga Dashuk, Irina Volokh, Evgeny Setko, Yuri Timofeev. Actively asserting itself and the younger generation of documentary filmmakers – Directors Dmitry Mahomet, Darya Yurkevich, Igor Cesena, Natalia Zhamoidik, Alexander Markov.

The national film Studio "Belarusfilm" is a continuity in culture, careful attitude to traditions

The national film Studio "Belarusfilm" is one of the leading studios in Eastern Europe. Over the entire history of the studio, about 500 feature films, about 1,900 documentaries, popular science films and more than 200 animated films have been shot. Every year, they produce 6 feature films, 15 documentaries and 5 animated films. More than 140 projects created in co-production with other countries. 20-30 film production companies from the Russian Federation annually use the services of the production base of the film studio.


Если глаза — это зеркало души, то кинематограф — это зеркало нашей жизни. С момента его появления в Беларуси представилась возможность видеть зеркальное отображение нашей истории и культуры. В фондах Белорусского государственного архива кинофотофонодокументов хранятся многие моменты истории, которые передал кинематограф миллионам людей.

В целях упорядочения кинодела в БССР СНК постановляет:

1. Организовать при НКП БССР Управление по делам кино (Белгоскино), действующее на началах хозяйственного расчета с правами юридического лица.

2. Предоставить Управлению по делам кино монопольное право на прокат кинофильмов на всей территории БССР.

С этого дня национальный кинематограф отсчитывает свою историю, а день 17 декабря считает профессиональным праздником — Днем белорусского кино.

1920‑е годы — это период становления языка кино, освоения средств выразительности экранного зрелища.

В нашем архиве есть фото кадра из фильма, где в роли адъютанта польского генерала снялся В.Корш‑Саблин.

1930‑е годы — время серьезных сдвигов в творческой жизни мастеров кинематографии. Авторы стремились раскрыть образ нового человека, строителя нового общества. Все больше и больше получает развитие как игровое, так и документальное кино.

Оглядываясь назад, можно сказать, что белорусское кино­искусство прошло долгий, сложный путь и стало неотъемлемой частью национальной культуры белорусского народа. Наша страна по праву гордится многими поколениями выдающихся режиссеров, актеров, художников и операторов.

Ни сотни опубликованных статей по истории нашего кино, ни диссертации, ни книги еще не исчерпали материалы, находящиеся в Белорусском государственном архиве кинофотофонодокументов. В его запасниках еще много тайн и открытий, которые ждут новых исследователей.

Татьяна Новикова, заместитель заведующего отделом использования документов и информации Белорусского государственного архива кинофотофонодокументов.


1970 г. Режиссер‑оператор В.Цеслюк, сценарист А.Велюгин, режиссер‑оператор И.Вейнерович, оператор Р.Кармен, режиссер С.Сплошнов, оператор Г.Масальский в перерыве между заседаниями Пленума кинематографистов.

Полная перепечатка текста и фотографий запрещена. Частичное цитирование разрешено при наличии гиперссылки.

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