Реферат the degrees and the position of word stress

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Institute of foreign philology

English philology department Word- Stress

Report of Theoretical phonetic Lyubchich Ira

405 En group Kiev 2009 Contents Introduction

The nature of English Word StressTypes of English Word StressWord Stress tendenciesWord Stress functionsVariation in word stress English Word Stress - Does It Really Matter?

ReferencesIntroduction Word stress is not used in all languages. Some languages, Japanese or French for example, pronounce each syllable with eq-ual em-pha-sis. Other languages, English for example, use word stress.

Word stress is your magic key to understanding spoken English. Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for them that they don't even know they use it. Non-native speakers who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two problems:

They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast.The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them.

So, in this report we will focus our attention on the accentual patterns of English words. The sequence of syllables in the word is not pronounced identically. The syllable or syllables which are uttered with more prominence than the other syllables of the word are said to be stressed or accented. The correlation of varying prominences of syllables in a word is understood as the accentual structure of the word or its stress pattern. I. The nature of English Word Stress Any word spoken in isolation has at least one prominent syllable. We perceive it as stressed. Stress in the isolated word is termed ws, stress in connected speech is termed sentence stress. Stress indicated by placing a stress mark before the stressed syllable: Stress is defined differently by different authors. B. A. Bogortsky, for instance, defined stress as an increase of energy, accompan by an increase of expiratory and articulatory activity. D. Jones fined stress as the degree of force, which is accompanied by a stress force of exhalation and gives an impression of loudness. H. Sweet stated that stress is connected with the force of breath. Later, however P. Jones wrote, that “stress or prominence is effected by inherent sonority, vowel and consonant length and by intonation.”’ A. C. Gison also admits that a more prominent syllable is accompanied pitch changes in the voice, quality and quantity of the accented sounds.[2;179]

In disyllabic and polysyllabic words different syllables possess different degrees of special prominence in different positions in relation to the beginning, middle and end of words.

Word stress (WS) can be defined as the singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound which is usually a vowel. The analysis of WS can be carried out according to the following parameters:

(i) the nature of English word-stress;

(ii) its degree and syllabic location;

(iii) its functions;

(iv) basic stress patterns of the English words.[3;171]

If we compare stressed and unstressed syllables in the two contract, we may note that in the stressed syllable:

(a) the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;

(b) the pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of the resonance chamber

(c) the quantity of the vowel is greater, a vowel becomes longer;

(d) the quality of the vowel !& in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel in the unstressed position, in why it is more narrow than.

Word stress can be defined as the singling out of one or more s tables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound, which is usually a vowel.

In different languages one of the factors constituting word stress is usually more significant than the others. According to the mo important feature different types of word stress are distinguished different languages.

If special prominence in a stressed syllable or syllables achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation, such type stress is called dynamic, or force stress.[2;179]

Stress can be studied from the point of view of production and of perception. While producing stressed syllables, speakers use more muscular energy than they do for unstressed syllables. From the perceptual point of view, stressed syllables are recognized as stressed because they are more prominent than unstressed syllables. Phoneticians claim that at least four different factors are important in making a syllable prominent:

Note! The table of strong and weak forms is given in the attached file.

Word Stress

One or more syllables of a polysyllabic word have greater prominence than the others. Such syllables are said to be accented or stressed.

The degrees of word stress

In English there are three degrees of word stress: stressed syllables (primary stress), half-stressed syllables (secondary stress) and weak or unstressed syllables. A large group of polysyllabic simple words bear both the primary and the secondary stresses, e.g. ,conver'sation.

Word stress Ударение в слове
Word stress is stress in individual words. In isolation, each word has its own stress. Short words usually have one stress, and longer words usually have two stresses: primary stress and secondary stress. Word stress is also called word accent. Словесное ударение – это ударение в отдельных словах. По отдельности, каждое слово имеет свое собственное ударение. Короткие слова обычно имеют одно ударение, а более длинные слова обычно имеют два ударения: главное и второстепенное. Word stress также называется word accent.
Primary and secondary stress Главное и второстепенное ударение
Primary stress is the strongest stress that is given to a syllable in a word. Secondary stress is weaker than primary stress but stronger than absence of stress. Главное ударение – самое сильное ударение, которое дается слогу в слове. Второстепенное ударение слабее, чем главное, но сильнее, чем отсутствие ударения.
Place of stress Место ударения
The majority of English words have primary or secondary stress on the initial syllable. There are certain typical patterns of word stress in English. Большинство английских слов имеют главное или второстепенное ударение на начальном слоге. В английском языке есть определённые типичные модели ударения в слове.
For example, nouns of two or three syllables are usually stressed on the first syllable (CARpet, FAMily, INcident). Two-syllable verbs with a prefix are usually stressed on the second syllable (beCOME, reTURN, conFIRM). Например, существительные из двух или трёх слогов обычно имеют ударение на первом слоге (CARpet, FAMily, INcident). Двусложные глаголы с префиксом обычно имеют ударение на втором слоге (beCOME, reTURN, conFIRM).
Shift of stress Смещение ударения
Stress in derivative words may remain the same as in the words from which they were derived (CUStom, CUStomary; obJECT, obJECtion), or it may shift to another syllable (PERson, perSONify; preFER, PREFerence). Ударение в производных словах может остаться таким же, как в тех словах, от которых они были образованы (CUStom, CUStomary; obJECT, obJECtion), или оно может сместиться на другой слог (PERson, perSONify; preFER, PREFerence).
PREview (noun) – PREview (verb) PREview (сущ.) – PREview (глагол)
HOSpital (noun) – HOSpitalize (verb) HOSpital (сущ.) – HOSpitalize (глагол)
Shift of stress: Смещение ударения:
preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun) preSENT (глагол) – PRESent (существительное)
reFER (verb) – REFerence (noun) reFER (глагол) – REFerence (сущ.)
exTRACT (verb) – EXtract (noun) exTRACT (глагол) – EXtract (сущ.)
inCREASE (verb) – INcrease (noun) inCREASE (глагол) – INcrease (сущ.)
OBject (noun) – obJECT (verb) OBject (сущ.) – obJECT (глагол)
Other parts of speech derived from nouns and verbs have the following typical patterns of stress. Другие части речи, образованные от существительных и глаголов, имеют следующие типичные модели ударения.
Adjectives are usually stressed on the first syllable or repeat the stress of the nouns from which they were derived: fate (noun) – FATal (adj.); COLor (noun) – COLorful (adj.). But stress may change in longer derivative adjectives: METal (noun) – meTALlic (adj.); ATHlete (noun) – athLETic (adj.); geOLogy (noun) – 'geo'LOGical (adj.); ARgument (noun) – 'argu'MENtative (adj.). Прилагательные обычно ударные на первом слоге или повторяют ударение существительных, от которых они были образованы: fate (сущ.) – FATal (прилаг.); COLor (сущ.) – COLorful (прилаг.). Но ударение может меняться в более длинных производных прилагательных: METal (сущ.) – meTALlic (прилаг.); ATHlete (сущ.) – athLETic (прилаг.); geOLogy (сущ.) – 'geo'LOGical (прилаг.); ARgument (сущ.) – 'argu'MENtative (прилаг.).
Adverbs are usually stressed on the first syllable or repeat the stress of the adjectives from which they were derived: ANgry – ANgrily; WONderful – WONderfully; FOOLish – FOOLishly; athLETic – athLETically. Наречия обычно ударные на первом слоге или повторяют ударение прилагательных, от которых они были образованы: ANgry – ANgrily; WONderful – WONderfully; FOOLish – FOOLishly; athLETic – athLETically.
Gerunds and participles repeat the stress of the verbs from which they were formed: forGET – forGETting – forGOTten; CANcel – CANceling – CANceled; 'ORga'nize – 'ORga'nizing – ORganized. Герундий и причастия повторяют ударение глаголов, от которых они были образованы: forGET (забывать) – forGETting – forGOTten; CANcel (отменять) – CANceling – CANceled; 'ORga'nize (организовать) – 'ORga'nizing – ORganized.
Sentence stress Ударение в предложении
Sentence stress makes the utterance understandable to the listener by making the important words in the sentence stressed, clear, and higher in pitch and by shortening and obscuring the unstressed words. Sentence stress is the main means of providing rhythm in connected speech. All words have one or two stresses in isolation, but when they are connected into a sentence, important changes take place: content words are stressed, and function words are not stressed; sense groups are singled out phonetically; the unstressed syllables blend into a stream of less distinct sounds between the stressed syllables; in words with two stresses, one stress may be shifted or weakened to keep the rhythm; emphatic stress may be used in the sentence to single out the most important word; the last stressed word in the sentence gets the strongest stress with the help of the falling or rising tone. Ударение в предложении делает высказывание понятным слушателю, делая важные слова ударными, отчетливыми и выше по тону и укорачивая и делая неотчетливыми неударные слова. Ударение в предложении – основное средство обеспечения ритма в связной речи. Все слова по отдельности имеют одно или два ударения, но когда они соединяются в предложение, происходят важные изменения: значимые слова имеют ударение, а служебные не имеют ударения; смысловые группы выделяются фонетически; неударные слоги сливаются в поток менее отчетливых звуков между ударными слогами; в словах с двумя ударениями одно ударение может быть смещено или ослаблено для сохранения ритма; эмфатическое ударение может применяться в предложении для выделения наиболее важного слова; последний ударный слог в предложении получает самое сильное ударение с помощью тона понижения или повышения.
One-syllable nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are stressed on the vowel sound in the word. Note that a diphthong is one complex vowel sound that forms only one syllable. A diphthong is stressed on its first main component. Односложные существительные, глаголы, прилагательные и наречия имеют ударение на гласном звуке в слове. Обратите внимание, что дифтонг – это один сложный гласный звук, который образует только один слог. Дифтонг имеет ударение на своём первом главном компоненте.
book, cat, rain, boat, crow, chair книга, кот, дождь, лодка, ворона, стул
read, burn, touch, choose, laugh, hear читать, гореть, трогать, выбрать, смеяться, слышать
new, bright, large, short, clear, loud новый, яркий, большой, короткий, ясный, громкий
late, fast, soon, now поздний / поздно, быстрый / быстро, скоро, сейчас

There are three types of sentence stress:

1) Normal stress affects content words which convey the necessary information to the listener. I like oranges.

2) Logical stress. By shifting the position of the last stress we can change the place of the nucleus of the communicative center. My sister hates yellow jeans.

The type of sentence stress which gives special prominence to a new element in a sentence or an intonation group is called logical stress. The word which is singled out by the logical stress is the most important in the sentence.

3) Emphatic stress. Any word in sentence, including form words, personal and possessive pronouns, auxiliary and modal verbs may be logically stressed. Most utterances express not only the speaker's thoughts, but also feelings and attitudes to reality and to the sentence. Both normal and logical stresses can be unemphatic and emphatic. Emphatic stress increases the effort of expression. The High Fall of Rise-Fall are usually used in this case. You are so nice!

The nature of English word stress - the key to excellent pronunciation and understanding of English. English speakers use word stress to communicate rapidly and accurately, even in difficult conditions. Word stress tendencies and functions, variation.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид реферат
Язык английский
Дата добавления 06.02.2010
Размер файла 22,6 K

Подобные документы

General guidelines on word stress: one word has only one stress; stress vowels, not consonants. Origins of the word stress and the notion of accent. English accentuation tendencies. Typical patterns of stress of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

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The syllables in the word are not pronounced identically: some syllables are more prominent than the others. They are called stressed syllables. Stressis a greater degree of prominence of a syllable or syllables as compared to the other syllables of the word. A particular combination of varying prominence of syllables in a word forms its stress pattern.

The effect of prominence of the stressed syllable is achieved by a number of phonetic parametres such as pitch, loudness, length, vowel quality or their combination. As a result there appears a contrast between stressed and unstressed syllables.

There is another term widely used in phonetic literature to describe this phenomenon – accent.

The natureof word stress сan be studied from the point of view of productionand perception.The productionof stressed syllables requires more muscular energy.Greater muscular effort and muscular activity produce higher subglottal pressure and an increase in the amount of air expelled from the lungs. On the acoustic level this extra articulatory activity leads to the increase of intensity, duration and fundamental frequencyof the stressed syllable. On the perceptionlevel it corresponds to the increase of loudness, lengthand pitch.


Production and Perception of the Stressed Syllables

Production and Perception Stressed syllable
Production level Greater muscular effort
Acoustic level Increase of intensity, duration, fundamental frequency
Perception level Increase of loudness, length, pitch

The balance of these components may be different in different languages. There are two main types of word stress in the languages of the world: dynamicand musical (tonic). The dynamic stressis achieved by greater force with which the syllable is prononuced. Greater intensity and duration of the stressed syllable which contains a vowel of full articulation contribute to the effect of prominence. European languages such as English, German, French, Russian, have dynamic word stress. Musical stressis observed in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and other languages. This type of stress is the result of the change of pitch in the stressed syllable.

English word stress is a complex phenomenon formed by interdependent components: loudness, pitch, length and vowel quality.

Degrees and position of word stress

Degrees of word stress

The syllables in a word are characterized by different degrees of prominence. Objectively, there are as many degrees of stress in a word as there are syllables.

In English they generally distinguish three degrees (levels) of stress: primary (strong, main, principal), secondary (half- strong, half-stressed)and weak (unstressed). In the word examination the primary stress is the strongest (marked 1), the secondary stress is second strongest (marked 2), all the other syllables (3,4,5) are weak. So, all the other degrees of stress are termed weak.

American phoneticians (B.Bloch, G.Trager, H.Gleason) distinguish four contrastive degrees of word stress: primary, secondary, tertiaryand weak. Tertiary stress does not show much difference from secondary stress, but it has a different placement in a word. It is generally associated with American English, where it marks the last but one syllable in the words with suffixes –ary,- ory –ony (revolutionary,dictionary, ceremony. It is argued that the secondary stress preceeds the primary stress and the tertiary stress follows it. For example, in the verbs with the suffixes –ate, -ize, - y tertiary stress can be observed (demonstrate, organize, simplify). Some British linguists share this point of view, because there is a tendency to use a tertiary stress in a post-tonic syllable in the words with an unreduced vowel in the last syllable in British English (blackboard, demonstrate, realize).

In terms of teaching English as a foreign language the British conception of three degrees of word stress is more acceptable.

Placement of word stress

According to its placement in a word stress can be fixedandfree. In languages with a fixed stress the position of the word stress is restricted to a particular syllable in a multisyllabic word.

In languages with a freestress its location is not confined to a specific position in the word. Stress can be placed on any syllable of the word.

In English (as well as in Russian) the word stress is not only free, but it is also shifting,which means that it can change its position in different forms of the word and its derivatives: contrast – contrast, music – musician, habit – habitual, воды – вода – водяной, чудная – чудная.

It is difficult to predict the location of English word stress. Some linguists suppose that the speaker has to memorize the stress pattern of each word as it is learned.

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