Реферат на тему the fastest

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Большой архив рефератов на самые разные темы с возможностью бесплатного просмотра и чтения. Рефераты на различные темы в виде примеров и образцов по разным предметам. Самая большая база бесплатных рефератов для школьников, студентов. Рефераты по истории, экономике, менеджменту, физкультуре, философии, педагогике и другим предметам.

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Реферат — это письменное изложение, которое показывает учителю, что ученик усвоил теоретические вопросы своего предмета. Обычно учитель сам предлагает список тем для рефератов. Если вам придется выбирать тему реферата самостоятельно, выбирайте тему реферата, которая вам более интересна и понятна.

Иногда написание реферата на определенную тему является личной инициативой студента, но в большинстве случаев это обязательное задание, которое дает преподаватель.

Оптимальный объем реферата составляет от 15 до 25 страниц; эссе объемом менее 10 страниц не принимаются. Реферат объемом менее 10 страниц не будет принято, а реферат объемом более 30 страниц также не рекомендуется.


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For starters, who wants a computer with no power? Macintosh sure doesn’t!

Independent tests prove that today’s Power Macintosh computers, based on the

PowerPC processor, outperform comparable machines based on the Intel Pentium

processor. In a benchmark test, conducted in June 1995, using 10 applications

available for both Macintosh, and Windows 3.1 systems, the 120-megahertz Power

Macintosh 9500/120 was, on average, 51 percent faster than a 120-megahertz

Pentium processor based PC. The 132-megahertz Power Macintosh 9500/132 was 80

percent faster when running scientific and engineering applications, and 102

percent faster when running graphics and publishing applications. You can

understand why the education market is almost entirely apple based.

Recent surveys confirm that from kindergarten through college, Apple has

cornered the market in education, and remains number one in this U.S. market.

Apple Macintosh computers account for 60% of the 5.9 million machines in U.S.

schools for the 1995-96 school year. Only 29% of schools use the Microsoft/Intel

platform, and DOS only accounts for a measly 11%. Also it was reported that

18.4% of 4 year college students own the Macintosh. 55% of college students own

a computer, and Apple’s in the lead for that market too! The reason Apple says

for this continued success is the Mac’s ease of use.

There is no doubt that the Macintosh is the easiest computer around. The

scrolling menu bar is the first example. If a Macintosh menu is too long to fit

on the screen, you can scroll down to see all of the items. Windows 95 menus, by

contrast, don’t scroll up or down. So if you put too many items into the Windows

95 Start button, some will remain out of reach, permanently! Windows 95

hierarchical menus can become confusing as they become more crowded. When you

install many applications onto a PC, so they form two columns from the Start

Programs menu, the menus may not be able to flow well together. You’ll have to

jump quickly across from menu list to menu list, which can be difficult to do.

The second example I site is the better integration of hardware and software.

Because Apple makes both the hardware and the operating system, the two work

together easily; when a change is made at the hardware level, the software

automatically recognizes it and acts accordingly. In the PC world, Microsoft

develops Windows 95 and many different manufacturers make the hardware systems.

So, the software and hardware don’t always work well together. Here are a few

areas that the Macintosh is particularly strong in concerning compatability,

floppy disks, memory management, monitor support, mouse support, adding

peripherals, connecting to a network, and internet access and publishing. And

the last example I’ll show, is the ease of adding new resources. When you add

capabilities to your Macintosh, it seems to anticipate what you’re doing, and

even try to help. For example, to add fonts or desk accessories to the Macintosh,

all you have to do is drag them to the System Folder. The Mac OS, or operating

system, places all of the items where they need to go, automatically. Here are

the steps for Windows 95:

1.Double-click on the C: drive in “My Computer.”

2.Open the Windows folder.

3.Open the Fonts folder.

4.Click Install New Font in the File menu.

5.Click the drive and the folder that contain the font you want to add.

6.Double-click the name of the font you want to add.

As anyone can plainly see, the the choice is obvious and the Mac’s the best!

Multimedia is an exploding business throughout movies, advertising, and

graphic design. Most multimedia developers create their applications on a

Macintosh. According to one research company, Apple’s Macintosh is the leading

development platform for multimedia CD-ROM titles by a 72% to a 28% margin. As a

recent article in the San Francisco Examiner puts it, “Walk into any newsroom,

desktop publishing center, design studio, or online service office, and nine

times out of 10 you will see a wall of Macs.” That’s quite a statement! There

are definite reasons for this too.

Installing and using CD-ROM titles is easier with Macintosh computers

than with PCs running Windows 95. Today’s PCs have multiple standards for sound

and graphics, and each standard and each piece of hardware requires a different

software driver. As a result, PC owners have problems matching the hardware and

software in their systems to the hardware and software requirements of different

CD-ROM titles, and different titles can run much differently. In contrast, CD-

ROM titles for Macintosh are easier to install and use. Macintosh computers have

a single, built-in standard for sound and graphics, so no special drivers are

required. And Macintosh was the first home computer to include built-in MPEG

hardware playback for full-screen, full-motion video.

Apple’s Power Macintosh 7500/100, and 8500/120 computers include nearly

everything a user needs to quickly and easily begin videoconferencing. QuickTime

Conferencing software, high-speed communications capability, and video/sound

input are all included. Users need only connect a video camera to the Macintosh

video-in connector. With Apple’s QuickTime Conferencing software, users can call

other videoconference participants over their existing local area networks.

Users can see multiple participants at once, take snapshots during sessions,

record sessions, and work together on a shared document. Compare this simplicity

and power with videoconferencing products in the Windows 95 world, where users

must still purchase expensive add-on cards, and software totaling $1,400 or more,

and then deal with the complexities of integrating the hardware and software

Speech integration with computers is the wave of the future, and guess

who’s got the jump in that department. With PlainTalk, you can open any

Macintosh document or application by speaking its name. Just move an alias of

the item into the Speakable Items folder, and the built-in PlainTalk and

Speakable Items technologies take care of the rest. For example, a user who

wants to check her stock portfolio without opening several folders and launching

an application can just say “check stocks,” and the Macintosh will execute the

necessary commands. Speakable items can also be AppleScript files, so users can

execute an almost unlimited series of actions–including copying files, cleaning

up the desktop, and so on, simply by speaking a command.

In conclusion, the Macintosh is the computer that can do it all.

Handling business tasks, creating breath taking multimedia, and lots, lots more,

all at the fastest speed available. It is no wonder Apple has made such a name

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Fast Food Essay, Research Paper

The fast food industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Fast food has been known to be a large area of investment involving food. Restaurants such as McDonald s and Burger King have been known for their popularity mostly from advertisements and are highly rated to be the trademarks for the fast food industry. Although part of the industry s functions is to sell their products, we [the consumers] play a large role in their profits to keep these restaurants in business. The question is is the responsibilities of both the consumer and the industries. Are the consumers or are the industries responsible for the ending means of the product?

Fast food restaurants, such as McDonald s, produce many advertisements to try to sell out their products. Many advertisements are geared toward children and people of all ages. Some advertisements may be false or appear too good to be true. Consumers may find the advertisements appealing, attracting them to the restaurant. A consumer will either be satisfied with the product or dislike the product for whatever personal reason. Fast food industries are out there to obtain money in any way, shapes, or form. This may include genetically altering the food, taking away its natural value. In other words, it is important that the industry takes the responsibility to give the consumer the best possible quality of the product as well as making sure the product is healthy and efficient for the consumer s health, well-being, and is worth the money paid for the product.

Consumers have the responsibility of choice. We each have the choice of deciding things for ourselves. Due to false, appealing advertisements consumers are mislead to the facts of the product. Consumers tend to take the benefit of the doubt and risk the chances of wasting their money or perhaps their health. At the same point, consumers know what is best from us when purchasing a product. We may not understand all the good qualities of the product but tend to purchase them for like popularity or for the way it looks.

As a consumer, I feel that the consumer has the choice of whether the product is worthy of purchasing. Consumers should take the time to study the product in a relevant manner to gain a better understanding of the product of perhaps the business producing it. However, I feel that it is the industry s responsibility to produce a good quality product that won t fail the consumer s expectations according to their advertisements.

Each day the fast food industry becomes more questionable. This controversial topic has become an every day issue. All is all; consumers need to be more aware of their purchases especially when it comes to their daily intake of food. Industries need to continue to feed the needs of the consumers to bring them back to their business in the future.

Claw.ru | Топики по английскому языку | The fastest computers of the world

The fastest computers of the world.

One of sensations presently is the supercomputer. They can look as a small case, or a curbstone near a table.

Business and its requirements for calculations grow, together with it the supercomputer develops also.

It differs from the usual computer in additional processors and hard disks. For increasing of working frequency special processors are used.

They are executed on the logic circuits. The style programming is determined by use of group parallel of processors. We can divide given on a portion between different processors. Each of processor carries out a part of work together with others. During process they exchange the data. Modern supercomputers are expansionly. You can add processors for acceleration of calculation. For the reference to external memory, the processor should use the circuit of transfer of the information.

The new computers help the petroleum companies to estimate possible reserves of petroleum and gas, by data processing. They can simulate outflow of raw material from tanks.

The manufacturers of automobiles can imitate an impact of the prototype about a wall. It allows to let out more reliable and powerful production.

The supercomputers are used at telephone stations. The orders of steel to be processed quickly. Consultator, which serves the buyers, enters the applications for a line. They act on processing or immediately, or periodicaly.

The decisive triumph, can, consists in penetration of multiprocessor architecture into all personal computers.

Скачали данный реферат: Kushnarjov, Nedeljaev, Vasil'ev, Ястржембский, Феона, Alina, Эвелина, Кузубов.
Последние просмотренные рефераты на тему: сочинение 7, реферат обслуживание, реферат сила, инновационный менеджмент.

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