Реферат на тему мій улюблений співак

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Название работы: Музичні захоплення. Мій улюблений співак

Категория: Конспект урока

Предметная область: Иностранные языки, филология и лингвистика

Описание: Обладнання: підручник текст і запис пісні Yesterdy групи Betles НО1 текст цієї пісні з пропускамНO2 текст для аудіювання The Betles НО3 True or Flse HO4 HO5. Предявлення тексту для аудіювання The Betles. Т: Wht do you think Do you know the fmous group The Betles Wht hits of the Betles do you like re the Betles still populr in Englnd Why 2 WhileListening ctivities. Н03: The Betles The Betles becme ntionlly fmous in Englnd in October 1962 when their first single record Love me do entered the Hit Prde t number 27.

Дата добавления: 2015-01-15

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Работу скачали: 4 чел.

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 9 -х класів

Тема: Наука і культура. Дозвілля.

Підтема: Музичні захоплення. Мій улюблений співак.

Мета: Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні текстів з метою отримання загального уявлення та з метою точного й повного розуміння усієї інформації, що в них міститься. Навчати висловлюванню за змістом прочитаного тексту.


Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our lesson is "Passion for music", "Favourite pop group or singer". By the end of the lesson you should be able:

to identify main ideas and details from the text for listening and reading;

to participate in common conversational exchange on the context of the text for listening and reading.

Warm - up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Presentation of a famous song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

1) Listening. Прослуховування пісні кілька разів та виконання лексичних вправ.

Т: Listen to the song for the first time.(HO 1 ):

Yesterday all ray troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they're here to stay.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.

I said something's wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Ye s terday love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

a) T: Listen to the

song for a second time and fill in the blanks in the song.

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so_____________________

Now it looks as though they're____________ to stay.

Oh, I believe in________________.

________________ I'm not half the man I used to be.

There's a_____________ hanging over me.

Oh, I_____________ in yesterday.

Why she had to go I don't ____________ she wouldn't say.

I said___________ wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday___________ was such an easy game to play

Now I need a_____________ to hide away.

Oh, I believe in_____________________.

б) Т: Check your answer on overhead project or using the key on the blackboard.

far away shadow love

here believe place

yesterday know yesterday

2) Comprehension check. Перевірка розуміння змісту пісні. Say which sentence fits best for the summary of the song.

а) Love is an easy game to play;

б) I need you badly. Come back.

в) You will come back to me.
г ) Your variant.


Listening 1. Пред'явлення тексту для аудіювання " The Beatles ".

1) Pre - Listening Activities . Етап підготовки до аудіювання тексту.
Бесіда з учнями.

Т: What do you think?

Do you know the famous group "The Beatles"?

What hits of the Beatles do you like?

Are the Beatles still popular in England? Why?

2) While-Listening Activities. Етап аудіювання тексту та виконання вправ під час слухання.

а) Первинне прослуховування тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення про його зміст. (Н0 3 ):

The Beatles became nationally famous in England in October 1962, when their first single record, Love me do, entered the Hit Parade at number 27. The famous four who recorded that song were, of course, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and drummer Ringo Starr.

The Beatles began with a series of lunchtime concerts at Liverpool's Cavern Club. The lunchtime co n certs were a great success. The road outside the club was always crowded with girls who worked in nearby shops and offices. They came to see the Beatles during their lunch-break. The man who ran the local record shop went to see what all the fuss was about. His name was Brian Epstein, the man who became the Beatles manager.

During the sixties, it seemed that the Beatles were always in the news headlines. They made successful records and interesting films. Lennon caused anti-Beatles demonstrations in America by saying that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ. Beatlemania was the word used to describe the reaction of fans all over the world.

When Epstein died in 1967, things began to be wrong for the Beatles' industry. The relationship b e tween Lennon and McCartney became very difficult; they disagreed about music, they disliked each other's wives, and they disagreed about who should be the new mana g er of their affairs.

During the seventies, the Beatles went off in different directions. Lennon became a solo performer and then property speculator in New York, buying and selling expensive apartments. McCartney formed a pop group called "Wings" with his wife, Linda. George Harrison was rarely seen, but spent time raising money for charity. Ringo Starr began a surprisingly successful career as a film star. John Lennon was murden in New York in Dece m ber, 1980.

In October 1982, 20 years after Love Me Do entered the British Hit Parade a Beatles song was again in the Top Ten.

The song was . Love Me Do.

T: Listen to the text for the first time and put the first names and surnames together to make the names of the four Beatles.

Try to understand the meaning of the word "Beatlemania".

б) ГІрослуховування тексту з метою максимально повного та точного розуміння усієї інформації, що в ньому міститься та критичного її осмислення.

Т: Listen to the text again and say if the sentences are true or false.(HO 4 ):

The Beatles became nationally famous in England with their first single record "Love me do".

The Beatles began with a series of night concerts at Liverpool's Cavern Club.

The Beatles manager was Brian Epstein.

"Beatlemania" was the word used to describe the reaction of fans all over the world.

The modern stage is full of all sorts of performers. Unfortunately, good vocals are not an obligatory requirement to become popular today. Various artists take the stage. Some of them have a memorable appearance; others have the right presentation and self-confidence on stage. Today, singers win an audience not only with their voice.

Actually, I'm a music lover. I like songs from different genres. However, most of all I prefer to listen to pop music. Moreover, both Russian and foreign ones. Billie Eilish is my favorite singer at the moment.

The girl broke into the world of show business just a few years ago, but during this time, she managed to win the hearts of thousands of fans around the world. She became known to the world in 2016 after the publication of her debut single "Ocean Eyes". The track hit all the world charts and brought world fame to the performer. But first things first.

Billie Eilish tops the list of the richest celebrities under 30. When her first track was released, she was only 14 years old. As the performer admitted, she recorded her tracks in her room with her brother.

In 2020, the girl took 4 main Grammy nominations. The unprecedented success is confirmed by the fact that Eilish entered the Guinness Book of Records. There, she replaced Avril Lavigne, who had held the record for many years. However, now this record belongs to Billy. Her track was №1 on the UK charts for 114 days. By the time she was 18, she had amassed an impressive collection of music awards and established a solid position in the global music industry.

Why do I love her songs? First of all, for her vocals. She has an unusual voice that makes you immerse yourself in a song. Secondly, I like songs and melodies. Melody, musical transitions, tightening sounds . I love all that stuff. Thirdly, she just appeals to me as a person. I can say that fame did not spoil her. She does not have star fever. For her surrounding, she remains an ordinary teenager. And in interviews, she behaves freely and does not put herself above her interlocutors.

Современная эстрада изобилует количеством исполнителей. К сожалению, сегодня хороший вокал – это необязательное требование, чтобы стать популярным. На сцену выходят артисты всех мастей. У кого-то из них запоминающаяся внешность, у других – правильная подача и уверенность на сцене. Сегодня певцы берут не только голосом.

Вообще, я меломан. Мне нравятся песни разных жанров. Однако, больше всего я предпочитаю слушать попсу. Причем как русскую, так и зарубежную. На данный момент моим любимым певцом является Билли Айлиш.

Билли Айлиш возглавляет список самых богатых селебритис до 30 лет. Когда вышел ее первый трек, ей было всего 14 лет. Как признавалась сама исполнительница, свои песни она записывает у себя в комнате вместе со своим братом.

В 2020 году девушка забрала в свою копилку 4 основные номинации премии Грэмми. Небывалый успех подтверждается тем, что Айлиш вошла в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Там она сместила Аврил Лавин, которая многие годы удерживала рекорд по продолжительности нахождения в хит-парадах. Однако сейчас этот рекорд принадлежит Билли. Ее трек занимал 1 место в британском хит параде в течение 114 дней. К ее 18 годам, она уже собрала внушительную коллекцию музыкальных наград и заняла прочную позицию в мировой музыкальной индустрии.

За что я люблю ее песни? В первую очередь, за вокал. У нее необычный голос, который заставляет погрузиться в трек. Во-вторых, сами песни и мелодии нравятся мне. Мелодичность, музыкальные переходы, затягивание звуков… я люблю такое. В-третьих, она импонирует мне просто как человек. Могу сказать, что слава ее не испортила. Она не болеет звездной болезнью. Для своего окружения она остается таким же простым подростком, как и была. А в интервью она держится свободно и не ставит себя выше собеседников.

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