Реферат на английском языке артур конан дойл

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Топик Конан Дойль расскажет об удивительном писателе всеми любимых детективов о Шерлоке Холмсе. Сэр Артур Конан Дойль, будучи врачом, обрел всемирную известность, благодаря выдуманному им герою и его преданном соратнике – докторе Ватсоне. Этими захватывающими рассказами зачитываются до сих пор многие: и взрослые, и дети. Создаются общества фанатов, музеи известного детектива, а уж экранизаций рассказов Конана Дойля – просто не сосчитать.

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer. The doctor was Conan Doyle and he wrote about Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective meets his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221 В Baker Street in London.

Many discussions take place about where 221 В was. There is no house there now. But a large company has its office near the place. This company answers twenty or so letters which still come every week to Sherlock Holmes, 221 В Baker Street. Most come from the United States and many people ask if Mr. Holmes can help them with some problem.

The company answers saying that "Mr. Sherlock Holmes is no longer working as a detective".

There is a pub in London called Sherlock Holmes. One of the rooms in the pub is Sherlock Holmes* room. It has many things the room in Conan Doyle's stories had - Holmes' hat, some letters written to Sherlock Holmes, chairs and tables like those described in the stories. Besides, there are some pictures of Holmes and Conan Doyle, of actors who played Holmes and Watson in films, on television and radio.

In 1961 lovers of Sherlock Holmes formed the Sherlock Holmes Society. They meet three or four times a year to talk about Sherlock Holmes. The members of the Society know the stories about Sherlock" Holmes very well, and they discuss, these stories at their meetings.

Тема по английскому языку: Артур Конан Дойл


Сэр Артур Игнатиус Конан Дойл был шотландским врачом и писателем, известным более всего своими историями о детективе Шерлоке Холмсе, которые считаются крупнейшим новшеством в области детективной литературы, и приключениями профессора Челленджера. Истории о Шерлоке Холмсе были переведены более, чем на 50 языков. Его другие работы включают научную фантастику, исторические романы, пьесы, романсы, поэзию и документальную литературу. К 1920 году Дойл был одним из самых высокооплачиваемых писателей в мире.

Ранние годы

Конан Дойл родился 22 мая 1859 года в Эдинбурге, Шотландия. В возрасте девяти лет Артура отправили учиться в иезуитскую школу-пансионат. В течение тех трудных лет Артур осознал, что у него есть талант к писательству. Позже он использовал своих друзей и учителей из колледжа Стонихарст в качестве прототипов для его персонажей в историях о Холмсе. Дойл учился в Эдинбургском университете и в 1884 женился на Лиузе Хокинс.

Становление писателя

Другие работы

Было также достаточное количество серьезных исторических романов, поэм и пьес, на основании которых Конан Дойл мог быть признан серьезным писателем. Среди них – Война в Южной Африке, Великая англо-бурская война, Пришествие фей, Тайна Клумбера, Затерянный мир и многие другие.


Артур Конан Дойл умер 7 июля 1930 в окружении своей семьи.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish physician writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages. His other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays, romances, poetry, and non-fiction. By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.

Early years

Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. At the age of nine Arthur was sent to study at Jesuit boarding school. It was during those difficult years that Arthur realized he had a talent for storytelling. Later he used his friends and teachers from Stonyhurst College as models for his characters in the Holmes stories. Doyle studied at Edinburgh University and in 1884 he married Louise Hawkins.

Becoming a writer

Doyle qualified as doctor in 1885. After graduation he practiced medicine as an eye specialist until 1891 when he became a full time writer. In March 1886, Conan Doyle started writing the novel which catapulted him to fame. The novel A Study in Scarlet which introduced us to the immortal Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson was published in 1887. The second Sherlock Holmes story was The Sign of the Four. The Strand Magazine started to publish ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ from July 1891. Holmes’s address at Mrs. Hudson’s house, 221B Baker Street, London, is the most famous London street in literature.

Other works

There were a number of serious historical novels, poems and plays, based upon which Conan Doyle expected to be recognized as a serious author. Among them are The War In South Africa, The Great Boer War, The Coming Of The Fairies, The Mystery Of Cloomber, The Lost World and many others.

Arthur Conan Doyle Biography

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, but he is considered to be an English writer. His date of birth is 22d of May, the year of 1859. His mother, a good story-teller, often told him stories and it was her who got him interested in books. His favourite writer was Walter Scott. As for his father, he died young, and the family had to struggled for their living.

When Arthur started his education, he found studies rather boring . In college his favourite occupation was playing sport and reading books. Since childhood his favourite genre of literature was historical novels. Also he tried to write poetry.

After finishing college Conan Doyle entered the medical faculty in the University of Edinburgh. Being a third year student, he sailed to the Arctic as a ship’s doctor. That voyage gave him a lot of practical knowledge. After graduating from the University, he set off for Western Africa also on board the ship.

When Arthur Conan Doyle came back, he started his medical practice in a small English town Southsea. Being a private doctor, he often had nothing to do as the patients were very rare. One day he was very bored. He tried to amuse himself and started reading a detective story, but it didn’t help. The story was too boring. The simple plot and silly detective made him annoyed. What is more, the detective didn’t investigate the murder at all, the crime was solved by chance. He was deep in thought. What can make a detective story interesting? It dawned on him. What if readers knew the clues, they would be able to follow the logic a detective, racking their brains. If you remember, A. Conan Doyle had a lot of practical knowledge. He also had some experience of work with poisons. He dealt with dead people and knew some strange cases. Having a talent of story-telling, which he inherited from his mother, he decided to try writing a detective story.

He was clever enough to create Sherlock Holmes who was the prototype of his favourite college professor. That professor, called Bell, could ….. the patient’s illness by just looking at them. Sherlock Holmes had an assistant, Dr. Watson, who was not so clever. He often asked questions and made guesses, thereby helping readers make their own investigation. Sherlock Holmes used the method of deduction and liked to explain his every step in his pursuit of a criminal. It was a new way of writing a detective story.

Arthur Conan Doyle died on the 7th of July in 1930. But his famous detective Sherlock Holmes together with Dr. Watson continue to live up till now and are among the favourite characters of the English literature. They live at 221B in Baker Street where are waiting for you to join their conversation about one of the cases. If you happen to be in London, don’t forget to visit the museum of Sherlock Holmes. The address is 221B, Baker Street.

You have read the short biography of Arthur Conan Doyle. But watch the interview with Arthur Conan Doyle and listen to your favourite write alive!

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer. The doctor was Conan Doyle and he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.

Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective meets his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221 В Baker Street in London.

Many discussions take place about where 221 В was. There is no house there now. But a large company has its office near the place. This company answers twenty or so letters which still come every week to Sherlock Holmes, 221 В Baker Street Most come from the United States and many people ask if Mr. Holmes can help them with some problem.

The company answers saying that, “Mr. Sherlock Holmes is no longer working as a detective”.

There is a pub in London called Sherlock Holmes. One of the rooms in the pub is Sherlock Holmes’ room. It has many things the room in Conan Doyle’s stories had — Holmes’ hat, some letters written to Sherlock Holmes, chairs and tables like those described in the stories. Besides, there are some pictures of Holmes and Conan Doyle, of actors who played Holmes and Watson in films, on television and radio.

In 1961 lovers of Sherlock Holmes formed the Sherlock Holmes Society. They meet three or four times a year to talk about Sherlock Holmes. The members of the Society know the stories about Sherlock Holmes very well, and they discuss these stories at their meetings.

Конан Дойл (перевод)

Много лет назад молодой врач начал писать рассказы о человеке, который был детективом. Читателям понравились его рассказы, потому что они были очень интересные, и доктор решил стать писателем. Этим врачом был Конан Дойл, а писал он о Шерлоке Холмсе.

Конан Дойл написал свой первый рассказ о Шерлоке Холмсе в 1887 г. В этом рассказе сыщик встречает своего друга доктора Ватсона. Холмс и Ватсон жили в Лондоне на Бейкерстрит, 2216.

Было много дискуссий по поводу того, где находится дом 2216. Сейчас там нет здания. Но недалеко от этого места находится офис большой компании. В компанию приходит около двадцати писем каждую неделю на имя Шерлока Холмса, Бейкерстрит 2216, и она отвечает на них. Большинство писем приходит из Соединенных Штатов. Многие люди просят мистера Шерлока Холмса помочь им в некоторых проблемах.

Компания отвечает, что мистер Шерлок Холмс больше не работает детективом.

В1961 г. поклонники Шерлока Холмса организовали Общество Шерлока Холмса. Они встречаются три или четыре раза в год, чтобы поговорить о Шерлоке Холмсе. Члены общества хорошо знают рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе и обсуждают их на собраниях.

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