Methods of teaching english реферат

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

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Theory part:The use of games

Practical part : Grammar games:

Spot the differences

Picture the past

Impersonating members of a set

One question behind

The world of take

A dictionary game

Listening to time

Guess my grammar

Word ordwer dictation

Grammar lessons taking notes:

Context and meaning

Subject matter note taking


This course work presents two teaching methods widely approved in Oxfrord Universities: grammar and vocabulary games and the variations of taking notes during the lesson.

Both of methods are embodied in the theory and practical part. As a theory part I give research works of professional lavguage teachers who studied the methods they considered as useful and effective and put their opinion and reseach works on the press. I’m very grateful to them for sharing their experiences with us. So this part of my work describes the method itself, gives tests proving its effectiveness and touches some problem spots of it. Next I offer practical part containing examples of taking these methods in the classroom.

None of these methods presented here is any brand new discovery for the language teacher. Every teacher used to practice them in his/her work, there’s only a try to add something new to well known and allegedebly usual techiques (like note-taking), to study them deeper and show more interesting and useful side of them. In short words some suggestions to make them work better.

The reason I’ve chosen this theme is the wish to know more about how to make the lesson more interesting and useful at the same time. I’ve benefitted much by collectiong and studing all this material I present here and hope you’ll find this work worth reviewing.

The Use of Games

For Vocabulary Presentation and Revision

by Agnieszka Uberman

Vocabularyacquisition is increasingly viewed as crucial to languageacquisition. However, there is much disagreement as to theeffectiveness of different approaches for presenting vocabularyitems. Moreover, learning vocabulary is often perceived as atedious and laborious process. In this article I would liketo examine some traditional techniques and compare them with theuse of language games for vocabulary presentation and revision,in order to determine whether they are more successful inpresenting and revising vocabulary than other methods.Frommy teaching experience I have noticed how enthusiastic studentsare about practising language by means of games. I believe gamesare not only fun but help students learn without a consciousanalysis or understanding of the learning process while theyacquire communicative competence as second language users.

Vocabulary teaching techniques

There are numerous techniques concerned with vocabulary presentation. However, there are a few things that have to be remembered irrespective of the way new lexical items are presented. If teachers want students to remember new vocabulary, it needs to be learnt in context, practised, and then revised to prevent students from forgetting. We can tell the same about grammar.Teachers must make sure students have understood the new words, which will be remembered better if introduced in a "memorable way". Bearing all this in mind, teachers have to remember to employ a variety of techniques for new vocabulary presentation and revision.

Gairns and Redman (1986) suggest the following types of vocabulary presentation techniques:

Visual techniques. These pertain to visual memory, which is considered especially helpful with vocabulary retention. Learners remember better the material that has been presented by means of visual aids. Visual techniques lend themselves well to presenting concrete items of

Название работы: Methods of teaching English as a science and its relation to other sciences

Предметная область: Иностранные языки, филология и лингвистика

Описание: Pedagogics is the science concerned with general teaching and education. It would be impossible to develop language habits and speech skills without information about the ways of forming them, the influence of formerly acquired habits on the formation of new ones which is supplied by Psychology.

Дата добавления: 2014-10-18

Размер файла: 27 KB

Работу скачали: 102 чел.

Methods of teaching English as a science and its relation to other sciences

1. Methods of teaching English: its content and tasks.

2. The relation of Methods to other sciences.

3. The principles of teaching English.

4. Aims and objectives of teaching English.

5. Motivation in teaching English.

6. The process of scientific investigation in Methods of teaching English

1. Methods of teaching English: its content and tasks.

The word “methods” is used in the following three meanings:

methods as a pedagogical science which combines general features of any other science (theoretical background, experimental base, objects of checking the hypothesis) and specific features connected with peculiarities of a certain subject;
¨ methods as a combination of forms, methods and techniques of the teacher’s job; sometimes – techniques used by a certain group of teachers in their practical work;

¨ methods as a university discipline.

Methods is closely connected with the concept of the learning process which includes three basic components:

Ø teaching activities of the teacher.

Ø learning activities of the students.

Ø learning organization. It includes the following factors: teaching goals (objectives); the content of teaching; teaching methods and techniques.

2. The relation of Methods to other sciences.

Methods of teaching English is closely related to such sciences as Pedagogics, Psychology, Physiology, Linguistics,, and some others.

Pedagogics is the science concerned with general teaching and education.

It would be impossible to develop language habits and speech skills without information about the ways of forming them, the influence of formerly acquired habits on the formation of new ones which is supplied by Psychology.

Methods of foreign language teaching has a definite relation to physiology of their higher nervous system. Pavlov’s theory of “conditioned reflexes” is the example.

Methods of foreign language teaching is closely related to Linguistics , since Linguistics deals with the problems which are of great importance to Methods: language and speech, grammar and vocabulary, the relationship between grammar and vocabulary, and many others.

3. The principles of teaching English.

Principle is defined as a guide to action, in our case to teaching. Methods of teaching English are based on the fundamental principles of Didactics. They are the following: scientific approach in teaching, accessibility, durability, conscious approach, activity, visualization and individual approach to instruction, systematic practice.

Except for the basic didactic principles Methods of teaching English uses specific principles which are applied in teaching a foreign language.

4. Aims and objectives of teaching English.

The aims are the first and most important consideration in any teaching. The term “aims” is considered to be a long-term goals such as to cover the upper-intermediate course program with beginners. The term “objectives” can be used for short-term goals, which may reasonably be achieved in a classroom lesson.

There are three types of aims (objectives) which should be achieved in foreign language teaching: practical; educational; developmental; cultural.

5. Motivation in teaching English.

Intrinsic motivation is motivation from within the student. An intrinsically motivated student studies because he/she wants to study.

An extrinsically motivated student studies and learns for other reasons. Such a student performs in order to receive a reward, like graduating or passing a test or getting a new shirt from mom, or to avoid a penalty like a failing grade.

Increased parental awareness is also crucial to a child's motivation. To support motivation, parents must participate actively in the student's life.

6. The process of scientific investigation in Methods of teaching English.

Steps in the process of scientific investigation in Methods of teaching English:

Ø first the teacher has to define a problem in teaching English and to set out possible ways and techniques for overcoming them (he formulates a hypothesis);

Ø research in Methods usually begins with observation of what is going on in the classroom;

Ø experimental teaching or teaching which differs in some respect from conventional teaching is the next step in Methods research;

Ø experiment or specially arranged teaching with the purpose of solving the problem is the last step in the investigation process. It is used for testing hypothesis.

The list of used sources:

1. Harmer, J. 1991. Taming the big “I": Teacher performance and student satisfaction. ELT Journal, 49, 4, pp. 337-45.

2. Krashen, S. 1985. The input hypothesis. New York: Longman.

3. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teacing. – London: Oxford University Press, 1986.

4. Pica, T. 1994. Questions from the language classroom: Research perspectives. TESOL Quarterly, 28, pp. 49-79.

5. Prodromou, L. 1991. The good language teacher. English Teaching Forum, 29, 2, pp. 2-7.

6. Rogova G.V. Methods of Teaching English. – M., 1983.

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At the present stage of the development of modern methodical thought, the basic structural unit of the educational process in a foreign language is that the lesson is seen as a complex act of communication, the main purpose and content of which is practice in solving problems of interaction between subjects of the pedagogical process, and the main way to achieve the goal and master the content serve motivated communicative tasks of varying degrees of complexity.

As the experience of teaching a foreign language and the experience of numerous teachers of practice shows, it is not always possible to organize speech interaction in a lesson using traditional methods and forms of work. The basic methodical innovations today are connected with application of interactive methods and receptions of training to a foreign language. Interactive methods are methods that allow you to learn how to interact with each other; and interactive learning, built on the interaction of all students, including the teacher. However, in the latter case the character of interaction changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of the trainees.

The essence of interactive learning is the special organization of the learning process, when all students are involved in the process of cognition. The joint activity of students in the process of mastering the teaching material means that each contributes its own individual contribution; there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of benevolence and mutual support, which allows not only receiving new knowledge, but also translates cognitive activity into higher forms of cooperation and cooperation.

Within the lesson of a foreign language, teachers use the following interactive methods and techniques:

– An aquarium; — brainstorming;

– Receiving a mental (intellectual) card;

– Role-playing / business games;

This list can be replenished. Each teacher is able to come up with and implement in the educational process effective methods and methods of organizing speech interaction of students in a foreign language lesson. Many of these techniques I use in my lessons.

The method of «brainstorming” is an operative method of solving the problem on the basis of stimulating creative activity. The participants of the discussion are offered to express as many possible solutions as possible, of the total number of ideas put forth, the most successful are selected, which can be used in practice. The options for using this method in a foreign language lesson can be the following:

  1. Begin a lesson from brainstorming as a voice charging — Warming Up, asking students questions: What are your associations with. What do you associate with. What immediately comes into your mind when you hear.
  2. Invite the students to relax, tune in to the topic of meditation, take pens and write down the thoughts that come to their mind on that / other topic / problem. Brainstorming as an interactive device for organizing a group discussion at the pre-text stage. Using this technique involves a step-by-step implementation.

Step 2 — the union of students in mini-groups.

Meetings of experts from different groups are held, and then each one reports in his group about the work done. The students are interested in ensuring that their comrades conscientiously fulfill their task, this may affect the overall final evaluation. Reports on the whole topic are given to each student individually and the entire team as a whole. At the final stage, the teacher can ask any student in the group a question about the topic. Questions can be asked not only by the teacher, but also by members of other groups. Students of one group have the right to supplement the answer of their comrade. At the end of the cycle, all students can undergo an individual control in the form of a control slice. In this case, the results are summarized. The team with the highest score is rewarded. Such work in the lessons of a foreign language is organized at the stage of creative use of language material. Schematically, it is possible to present work on this method in the following way:

1) Home groups: A — B — C — D; A-B-C-D; A — B — C — D

2) Expert groups: AAA; BBB; CCC; DDD

3) Home groups: A — B — C — D; A-B-C-D; A — B — C — D

At the final stage, students can be asked to complete the test. The results are summed up, and the score is given to the whole group, or the best group is called. The use of this technique is also possible when working with vocabulary or with educational text.

In conclusion, it should be noted that all interactive methods and techniques develop communicative skills, help establish emotional contacts between students, teach them to work in a team, listen to their comrades' opinion, and establish more close contact between students and the teacher. Practice shows that the use of interactive methods and techniques in a foreign language lesson relieves nervous tension among schoolchildren, makes it possible to change the forms of activity, to switch attention to the core issues of the topic of employment. Ultimately, the quality of the material supply and the effectiveness of its assimilation significantly increases, and consequently, the motivation to learn a foreign language from schoolchildren.

Whereas positions of English language in the world as in the lead means of the international dialogue more and more amplify, and is not observed any powerful tendencies to a stop or delay of the given process, the problem of creation of an effective technique of teaching of English language is represented to the extremely important. As it is known, the human brain most actively perceives and… Читать ещё >

Methods of teaching speech ( реферат , курсовая , диплом , контрольная )


  • Content
  • I. ntroduction
  • Part 1. Identify the basic principles of teaching and apply to the subject area
  • Part 2. Methods of teaching foreign languages
  • Part 3. Development of dialogue speech skills
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Whereas positions of English language in the world as in the lead means of the international dialogue more and more amplify, and is not observed any powerful tendencies to a stop or delay of the given process, the problem of creation of an effective technique of teaching of English language is represented to the extremely important. As it is known, the human brain most actively perceives and remembers the information and productively works during first half of life; thus, in a case with English language, no less than with huge set of other disciplines, the extremely important is granting of possibility of development of language at rather early stage of development of the human person. The given work is devoted the review of a so-called communicative technique of training to English language in high school which is represented to the author of the most effective and perspective of all existing and applied now. It is necessary to notice that efficiency of this technique proves to be true results of its application in the European countries throughout last 15−20 years. That last years already powerful experiences of integration of a communicative technique in system of language formation in Russia are observed let and not universal, but is pleasant also.

Whereas positions of English language in the world as in the lead means of the international dialogue more and more amplify, and is not observed any powerful tendencies to a stop or delay of the given process, the problem of creation of an effective technique of teaching of English language is represented to the extremely important. As it is known, the human brain most actively perceives and remembers the information and productively works during first half of life; thus, in a case with English language, no less than with huge set of other disciplines, the extremely important is granting of possibility of development of language at rather early stage of development of the human person. The given work is devoted the review of a so-called communicative technique of training to English language in high school which is represented to the author of the most effective and perspective of all existing and applied now. It is necessary to notice that efficiency of this technique proves to be true results of its application in the European countries throughout last 15−20 years. That last years already powerful experiences of integration of a communicative technique in system of language formation in Russia are observed let and not universal, but is pleasant also .

Today the majority of language schools and courses of foreign languages name the system of communicative educational methods the leading one. Our project is no exception, but for minor reservations. We use a complex system in which we combine classical grammar and communicative methods, as each of them has its pros and cons [21, ""].

Following the system of communicative methods, one acquires oral speech practices and speaks any foreign language fluently. The first stage of studying is dedicated to memorising words and word collocations, and only after a time some grammar rules are explained and drilled. The mother tongue is never used as a facilitator language with this educational system. New grammar rules and patterns are introduced in role-plays and in-class games. Audio-visual aids are also frequently used.

No doubt, these methods differ from classical drilling of grammar; they are more dynamic and attractive. However, there are the cases when some lexical or grammar phenomena can hardly be explained or interpreted in a foreign language, so many adult pupils need comments in their mother tongue. And, the time comes for the classical methods that help one improve grammar and written speech competence.

So, the symbiosis of these two systems and the rational use of their advantages are fruitful — one acquires a high-level of foreign language competence.

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