Information technologies in the professional sphere реферат

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The purpose of my article is to study the impact of information technology and artificial intelligence on the organization, privacy and control, research and instructional practices and ethics. Evolution of information technology has affected all these practices, and has helped them in improving their performance in some way.

Information technology has opened a new era of information for today s organization (it might be business, non-profit, educational, research etc.) and has enabled it to gather and communicate information and thus function in a more effective way. On the other hand decision-making capability of the computers has changed the pattern of authority and responsibility with in the organization. Although information technology has bombarded the organization with all kind of information, but it has failed to take into account the limited capability of the society to absorb and use all the available information. In order to make information technology more effective, it must have the capability of providing the organization with relevant information and should be able to realize the needs of the users instead of procedures.

Along with providing information, information technology has given rise to various technological problems, like establishing rules to use the available information and protecting it to be accesses by undesirable people. Another thing that the organization needs to be aware about, is the quality of information in order to make quality decisions. Information technology and artificial intelligence has helped the organizations in establishing and improving management controls and have changed the responsibility and authority of managers. Although, all this technological improvement has tremendously impacted the functioning of organization, but still have been unable to change their fundamental structure.

As we know that most of the scientific advancement are dependent upon technological improvements and availability of information. therefore information technology has significantly affected the way in which research is carried out and problems pertaining to it are solved. Computers have enabled the research scientists to solve the problems and address issues that were once impossible, due to its speed and artificial intelligence. Inspite of all this, the human process of thinking and learning should continue, as all this technological development is the function of this process. In field of instructional education computers have not been very significant, and this is due to the heavy costs, changing academic needs and requirements and desire of the humans to get personal attention, which I believe is the true way of teaching and learning.

Information technology has been developed to such a point, where computers are made to think ethically. Computers have helped in standardizing ethical practices, thus reducing the conflict that what is ethical and what is not. Every decision that is made by the computer has an ethical aspect, and helps in the implementing a set of goals and values.

Thus, information technology has significantly impacted functioning of today s organization and all most every sphere of our life.

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ICT INFORMation TECHnologies in the PROFESSIONal sphere. Industrial ICT

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ICT INFORMation TECHnologies in the PROFESSIONal sphere. Industrial ICT

ICT INFORMation TECHnologies in the PROFESSIONal sphere. Industrial ICT

Plan 1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional.

Definitions Managing data – keep track of data about customers, products, dem.

Definitions Managing data – keep track of data about customers, products, demographics and other information important to the business, uses secured mechanisms for storages. Maintain financial status – Keep track of the financial status of the company on an annually, monthly or even day-to-day basis. Communication–Uses e-mails, publishes information on web, keeps in touch with stake holders via social networks, conference meetings avoids the need of physical availability of participants of the meetings. Networking- shares resources, common database of files accessible for authorized members

Definitions Research work – Investigate new products, improve the quality of.

Definitions Research work – Investigate new products, improve the quality of the existing products through effective research. Audio and Video business presentation. Process simulations- The processes allows you to see effect of changes, without having to actually make those changes to your processes, can use to maximize the overall confidence with the proposed changes without implementing. Increase productivity through Industry specific software. Though the typical usage of computers at work has been summarized as above

ICT in Business/Trade and Commerce Nowadays, the business IT specialist appli.

ICT in Business/Trade and Commerce Nowadays, the business IT specialist applies ICT in their organizations to achieve their commercial objectives. It makes them be quick, cheap, and more attractive to the client of their business. One of the major applications of ICT in businesses is the existence of industries where buying and selling of products or services done through internet or other computer networks. This area is called Electronic Commerce or E-commerce. You will learn what e-commerce is deeply in session 25 of this material. However, again for your benefit, a brief description of e-commerce is given below before moving on to the next topic.

ICT in Medicine ICT is used in many ways related to the Medicine sector. E-Me.

ICT in Medicine ICT is used in many ways related to the Medicine sector. E-Medicine is one of such facility. E-Medicine is an online clinical medical knowledge database with a collection of thousands of articles, images, videos which support you to browse and get knowledge in any matter related to the medicine field such as details of diseases, drugs, medications, health news, first-aid guides, etc. Further, you can get the answers for your own health care related question as well.

Work environment It is essential to maintain your best possible work environm.

Work environment It is essential to maintain your best possible work environment to ensure the health and the productivity of all computer users. You may think that you have arranged the furniture and the computer equipment correctly, but still it may give health issues arise if the working environment is poor. Following are the physical aspects that you need to consider with respect to a good working environment.

Working space You must have enough space to perform your tasks safely and com.

Working space You must have enough space to perform your tasks safely and comfortably. The amount of working space depends on the user, nature of work you do, and the devices and the furniture you need to use. Location It is important to think about the visual environment when locating your computer with other peripherals. Lighting You may use artificial to provide lighting, but it is better to go for a combination of natural and artificial light. Decor Too much of dark colors can create contrasts in brightness so that additional lighting is needed. As a general rule the ceiling should be brighter than walls and walls brighter than the floor.

There are four potential health issues identified as associated with computer.

Questions Using suitable examples, describe how computerization would help an.

Questions Using suitable examples, describe how computerization would help an organization to perform more efficiently and effectively. Briefly describe the following terms. a. E-Commerceb. E-Bankingc. E-Medicine What are the advantages of e-learning with respect to both teaching and learning? Briefly explain the nature of the environment that is preferable for a computer based working area.

1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.

4.Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies.

1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.

Аpplication package- a set of programs designed to meet the challenges of a certain class (functional subsystem, business application)method-oriented.

· the following types of PPP:

· general purpose (universal);

· organization (administration) computing process whole..

IFR general purpose- versatile software designed to automate the development and operation of the user's functional tasks and information systems as a By this RFP class includes:

· text editor (word processor) and graphics,

· database management systems (DBMS);

· the shell of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems changes.

RFP for creating and text documents, graphics, and illustrations, called the editor.

Text editors designed to handle text and perform mainly the following functions:

record the text file;

insert, delete, replace characters, lines, text fragments,

formatted text, different fonts,

preparation tables of contents, splitting the text on the page;

search and replace words and expressions,

the inclusion in the text of simple illustrations;

The most widely used text editor Microsoft word, word Perfect (currently owned by the company Corel), chiWriter, Multi-Edit And other used.

Graphic editors are for processing graphic documents, including diagrams, illustrations, drawings and tables. Allowed to control the size and font of figures, moving figures and letters, the formation of any image. Among the most famous image editors can be called packages Corel DRAW, Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator.

Publishing systems combine the possibilities of text and graphic editors have developed capabilities for formatting strips with graphic materials and then printed. These systems are targeted for use in publishing and typesetting systems are called. Because these systems can be called PageMaker products from Adobe and Ventura Publisher of Corel Corporation.

Spreadsheets.Spreadsheet called RFP for processing tables.

The data in the table is stored in the cells located at the intersection of rows and columns. The cells can be stored numbers, formulas and character data. Formula values are set dependent on the contents of one cell to other cells. Changing the contents of a cell resulting in a change of values in the dependent cells.

The most popular PPP of this class are products such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, and others.

Database ManagementSystems.To create a database inside the machine information support uses special IFR - database management system-.

Database A set of specially data organized sets stored on disk adding,.

database management includes data entry, their correction and manipulation of data, that is, delete, retrieve, update, etc. Developed database applications to ensure the independence, working with them on the specific organization of information in databases. Depending on how these organizations are distinguished: network, hierarchical, distributed, relational database management system

from the available database the most widely used Microsoft Access, Microsoft FoxPro, Paradox (corporation Borland), and the Oracle database company, Informix, Sybase, Modern etc

Computers have long been used in medicine. Many modern diagnostic methods based on computer technology. Such methods are surveys, as ultrasound or computed tomography, generally unthinkable without a computer. But in a more "old" methods of examination and diagnostic computers are invading more and more actively. Cardiogram and blood tests, the study of the fundus and dental health . - It's hard to find an area of medicine in which computers have not been applied to more and more to.

Active, but only diagnostic use of computers in medicine is not limited They are increasingly beginning to be used in the treatment of various diseases -. Starting from the construction of the optimal treatment plan and to manage the various medical facilities during procedures

The information economy has changed many aspects of economic reality, in particular, and the function of money, that of a universal equivalent effort gradually turned into a means of calculation. Virtual banks and payment systems -. The fruit of development of information technologies

in economics and business information technology applied to the processing, sorting and aggregating data for the organization of interaction of actors and computer technology, to meet the information needs for operational communications, etc.

It is understood investment decision in the development of information technologies, as well as other management decisions should take into account economic feasibility. But it turns out that this very convenient to calculate the benefit in using all of the same information technologies. There are models of counting the total economic impact, which allows to take into account, among other things, additional benefits of the introduction of information technologies, scalability and flexibility of the systems, as well as potential risks.

The search engine (Eng. engine) -searchit is a computer system designed tofor search information.One of the most well-known applications of search engines - web services to search for text or graphic information in the World WideWeb.There are also systems that can search for files on the FTP-server, goods inonlinestores, information in the Usenetnewsgroups.

To search for information using a search engine user formulates a search request.The search engine's job is to search for the user to find documents that contain any specified keywords, or words, in any way related to the keyword. In this case the search engine generates a search result page. Such a search listing may comprise various types of results, such as web pages, images, audio files. Some search engines also extract information from the appropriate database and web directory.

The search engine is better than more documents that are to relevant the user's request, it will return. Search results may become less relevant due to the nature of algorithms or due to human error. Мost popular search engine in the world is Google.

According to the methods of research and service shared by four types of search Systems using crawlers, systems controlled by a person, the hybrid system and the meta-system. The search system architecture typically includes:

· crawler that collects information from Internet sites or from other documents,

1. Software application for solving problems of specialized professional sphere.

2. Modern IT trends in the professional field: medicine, energy, etc.

3. Using the search engines and electronic resources for professional purposes.

Software application for solving problems of specialized professional sphere.

The explosive growth of computer power in the past two decades has changed the all professional way is done enormously. The computer lets us do calculations and solve problems that were considered permanently unsolvable a generation ago. Yet so far the computer has had surprisingly little impact on the all professional spheres. It isn't hard to see why. Until recently it was too expensive to provide all students with unlimited access to the hardware. But the recent development of cheap but powerful personal computers and workstations has changed all that.

There are a lot of software application helping to solve different problems, in different types of professional spheres. Let’s consider the most common of them:

College Algebra Solved!

“College Algebra Solved!” is a student’s friendly software from Bagatrix. It was used by many college students as a tool for attempting mathshome work and scientific projects.

It can solve extensive algebraic equations, plot graph, mark trigonometric values as well as present several test for improving one’s skill in Mathematics and sciences.

Algebra 2 Solved!

“Algebra 2 Solved!” is an improvement on the “College Algebra Solved!” software. More functions were added to it, more detailed working methods were used to present solutions to problems.

Solving simultaneous equations, polynomials, surd and several algebraic equations is made possible, easy and effortless with the “Algebra 2 Solved!” PC software.


“Mathway” combines the power of “College Algebra Solved!”, “Algebra 2 Solved!” and “Calculus Solved!” to bring an all-efficient web and mobile app to solve complicated mathematics expressions and scientific equations.

“Mathway” can solve problems in Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, Finite Math, Linear Algebra, and Chemistry.

It is a very handy maths tool for teachers, parents, students and engineers.

Math Expert

“Math Expert” is a very useful android app for attempting maths and scientific problems, it is not as robust as the other apps we listed above, but still an efficient for engineering and maths students.

“Math Expert” has vast database for physics, chemistry and maths formulas.

F(x) Mathematics

“f(x) Mathematics” is a free android app to solve mathematics and scientific problems, it can solve problems related to:

· Linearalgebra, vectors, matrices

· Modulo calculation with big integer and fractions

· Curvesketching, limes, minima, maxima

“f(x) Mathematics” calculates any formula you want and show them in a 2d or 3d plot. The natural display shows fractions, roots and exponents as you would expect it from mathematics.

Software Apps to Solve physics and Chemistry Equations

- Physics Numerical Solver

Physics Numerical Solver is an excellent learning and helping tool for Physics. It contains basic and easy information about different Physics formulas and thierdefinations respectively. Simply, select the category and then select desired formula.

- Pocket Physics

Pocket Physics is a physics learning app that offers explanations and formulas for all the basic branches of physics. Everything is covered, linear motion, acceleration, force, power, work, energy and more.

After launching the app, it shows a list of the previously mentioned branches, divided up into 23 lesson categories in total.


Chemistry Cheat Sheets FREE

Cheat Sheet app, it is not about physics, but about an even harder subject: chemistry. The layout of the app is the same as with its physics counterpart. The information is easily accessible, very easy to read and very well structured.

The simple UI makes it very intuitive, and for someone like me who does not possess too much chemistry knowledge, it’s very simple to use and find information without having to search through too many menus. This app can be the perfect tool for students or pupils, because it offers a vast amount of information and it does not require a chemistry degree to understand


Chemistry by WAGmob

That apps gives access to a great amount of information, definitions and examples, and at the end of your learning period, you can take some of the integrated quizzes to test your knowledge. The app is very well designed, its user interface is very easy to navigate and the graphical examples and definitions help you learn quicker and better.

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