Different ways of living реферат

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Language aims
To develop skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading through doing exercises by the theme “Ways of living’’
Tasks of the lesson:
To use the key words to talk about events
To use indirect questions in speaking, written form and describing the event
Lesson objectives:
All learners will be able to understand main point of the video .
Most learners will be able to understand the details of the video of the lesson
Some learners will be able to filling the gaps correctly.

Up-bringing objective is to teach students to express their own opinions and work in pairs, and in the groups

Form of the lesson: Practical lesson.

Type of the lesson Developing and Mastering Skills Lesson
The result of teaching: Students can use indirect questions in the sentences, can discuss and give their opinions in written, oral forms.The procedure of the lesson Teacher’s activity Students’
I. Introduction

5 min. Org.moment
Good morning dear students.
How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
-What’s the date of today? Who’s absent today?
Revision vocabulary Students sit in the pace where they want

Ss check each other’s home task and answer them

Ss evaluate themselves in the assessment paper
II. Main stage

They ask each others in oral form.
Then do the next ex.on the computer.

(do this test under the music Beethoven)
check the answer ourselves).
Then I give them the sheet of papers with 2 tasks.

Watch video about the house
Answers:1. Utility room, 2. The kitchen 3. The living room 4. Conservatory 5. Bedrooms 6. Bathroom 7. Study
7-6points 5-4points 3-2points
5 4 3

Task2 Answers:
I’m going to talk to you about my house.
My house is in London.
It is a detached house.
We eat in the kitchen.
Upstairs there are two big bedrooms.
5 points 4-3points 2points
5 4 3

Present their project

 1. Students tell me about the colours in their house, outside and inside. Write words the students cannot find but needs on the board.

 2. Another student tells the group about noise, sound and silence in their house. He thinks of noise coming from outside as well as sounds from inside. Again, fill the board with the vocabulary the students needs.

 3. Ask the third student to tell the smell in his house.

 4.The place they like best in their house
The student describes his house.
5. How smell the house
(do this test under the music Beethoven)
check the answer ourselves).
Running dictation
I st group
Our new house is smaller than our old one but it’s really nice. It hasn’t got a garage, but there’s room for Mum’s car in the drive. It is semi-detached, you know, joined to another house. But our neighbours are nice, they don’t make much noise. It’s got a garden at the front with a fence round it.

II group
There are a lot of people who maybe wouldn’t want to live where I do, but for me it’s perfect. Just one floor, and it is quite small inside but I don’t want a big kitchen or anything anyway. And the great thing, the really good thing about it, is that it’s mobile. I’ve been in this place for more than two years now. But I can go somewhere else whenever I want to.
Check each other. They do individual work
Ss evaluate themselves in the assessment paper

They give points themselves

During watching video they do tasks

The give points to their partner because they exchange the answers test.

They draw the pictures and present them

II. Conclusion Check each other, explain the quality of the job and put down the marks in the feedback
Talented and gifted students

III. Assessment Motivation self-assessment Self-assessment and leader’
IV. Reflection Describe their felling and emotion about the lesson and show ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ using the thumb finger. Share with opinions

The American life style has been very much shaped by their economy. Nearly all aspects of American, and for that matter the rest of the world s, life have been changed by their economy s in some way, shape or form. Everything from the beds we sleep on, to the food we eat, to the jobs we aquire to make ends meet is continuously shaped by the different economies each respective country has.

So what is quality of life anyway? There are probably a thousand different answers to that question, but they all point in the same direction. Quality of life means how happy you are with the lifestyle you have. Are you unhappy because you don t have the belongings you want, or are you perfectly happy being without them, and believe in just enjoying life for what it is. Quality of life is a measure of your social, economic and mental well being.

Standard of living is something totally different from quality of life. Although they sound the same and the meanings of the separate words are similar, each phrase has it s own meaning. The standard of your living may affect your standard of life though. Standard of living means the material possessions you have. It is the degree you are able to satisfy your material wants and needs.

First, to understand how the fact that the United States is a market economy affects the quality of life there, it helps for you to know some history on the subject. When the United States first started there was practically no secondary industry, this was because there hadn t been a need for it before then. All the States did was harvest the raw goods from the land and sell them back to the mother country. There wasn t any need to have any secondary industry. This all changed when they became a separate country. Later on when the British industrial revolution was about at it s midriff the American revolution kicked in. this changed the secondary industry from a cottage based industry to a factory based industry with the introduction of machines that could do the work of several men. The farmers started to move out of the country and in to the big cities, where all the work was. Eli Whitney can be credited with the mass production of interchangeable parts.

Unfortunately, this system created a feeling of alienation. The workers in the the factorys were in a totally different social class than the managers. This gap along with the fact that they didn t feel like they were part of the coroporation, a corporation acts as a single fictcios person, the workers didn t feel like they were part of this person. The quality of life of the workers at these factories went down. They felt alienated at work, then they went home to poor housing conditions, malnutrition and virtually no social mobility. Although they weren t nearly as bad as in Britain. The producers were happy though; they were making lots of money and more and better products than ever before.

This leads to the next issue of the relations between the labor force and management. This affects how people get the products, and how some people work, thus affecting the quality of life of many American citizens. Labor and management often have disagreements because the two groups have different views on how things should work. Management wants to keep production costs at a minimum, and therefore giving workers a low wage, while labor workers want high wages and lots of benefits for themselves. When the two groups have a disagreement and go into talks they try to find the answer to one simple question, what should be the terms and conditions of employment? and depending on their respective answers, they agree or disagree. These decisions determine the relationship of these two groups.

There are many risks in business, especially if you are the proprietor behind a proprietorship. This kind of business means you stand to lose or gain the most. If this fact is causing too much stress, your quality of life may go through the floor. But if you are the kind of person who values money very highly, your quality of life may go up when you have the knowledge that you may be able to make that much money. There are always ways to get around the risks of business; there are exemptions to every rule. There is always to lose too though.

Since the great depression, government has had much more to do with the economy than it used to. The government has much more to do with the American citizen s life since the great depression. This bothers some people, but others like the security of being under the government s protective wing. The government has decided to exert more controll because they want to limit the fluctuations of the business cycle. The government now makes laws and regulations to restrain the country. There are also many more social programs now, which some people couldn t live without. These were developed because people were losing money and jobs over things which they didn t have control over, like market fluctuations.

The consumer has a very important role in the economy, and so in there own standard of living, and even in there own quality of life. Some people are only happy when they have the material possessions, while others have no need of material things to make them happy. The people who need the possessions put a high regard to what the role of an American consumer is. Things like complaining when something is unsatisfactory, and becoming informed about which products to buy.

Every country has an economic system, and economic systems affect lifestyles, quality of lives, and standards of living. An economy can affect life much the way a climate can. In fact, an economy is actually a kind of climate. An economy can change, fluctuate and cause harm much the same way a weather climate can. The united states has used all levels of government and private enterprise to ensure an adequate quality of life for all of it s citizens. The market economy is allowed to function by the government as long as it supports the common good, or quality of life.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Unit 8. Ways of living School:” O.Zhamalov Grade: 9 Teacher: Nurziya Beiseba.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Unit 8. Ways of living School:” O.Zhamalov Grade: 9 Teacher: Nurziya Beiseba.

Unit 8. Ways of living School:” O.Zhamalov Grade: 9 Teacher: Nurziya Beisebay 18.01.2016

Learning objectives: Objectives: They read a holiday brochure They study exp.

Learning objectives: Objectives: They read a holiday brochure They study expressions : too much, too many ,not enough . They make a group project Learning outcomes: Students can read and talk about a holiday brochure. They can communicate with each other. They can assess themselves and each other. Material needed: Power Point presentation of the lesson, pictures and photos posters for group work, cassette

Procedure of the lesson 1.Warm up.5 minutes A)Greeting and wishing good luck.

4.PRESENTATION PART 6.Presentation of the slide.Grammar.5 minutes. Exercise 8.

4.PRESENTATION PART 6.Presentation of the slide.Grammar.5 minutes. Exercise 8a. 7.Group presentation.5 minutes. Exercise 8 c,d. 8) Criterial assessment of leaders. b) Self evaluation

1.Warm up.5 minutes A)Greeting and wishing good luck each -Good afternoon, de.

1.Warm up.5 minutes A)Greeting and wishing good luck each -Good afternoon, dear students and guests! Welcome to our presentation lesson .Let ’s begin our lesson with the song. B)Singing a song :” Don’t worry.”

3.Checking up the homework. 10 minutes. Exercise 8c.-Match the words with the.



Grammar exercises.-too much/too many/ not enouch. Students make and present t.

Grammar exercises.-too much/too many/ not enouch. Students make and present their work. I ate too much ice-cream. Too many tourists not enough beds! Exercises 2 d,e. Homework: Exercise 2 f,g.

Self assessment. Reflextion. Pictures to describe your feelings and emotion.

Self assessment. Reflextion. Pictures to describe your feelings and emotions — I liked everything very much —I’m Very happy — I enjoyed myself during the lesson -I want more lessons like this. — Everything is OK —I I’m very unhappy I ’m sick and tired I’m very angry

EVALUATION CARD Names of students Speaking-Hometask A POEM Answers Grammarex.

EVALUATION CARD Names of students Speaking-Hometask A POEM Answers Grammarexercises. Total

 Faces to describe your feelings and emotions- Self assessment

Faces to describe your feelings and emotions- Self assessment

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Урок предназначен для учителей старших классов. Я использовала элементы 7 модулей.

Subject: English

Date: 22.01.2018

The aims of the lesson: to enrich the students’ vocabulary, talking about country and home. To develop the students’ skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Results: talking about houses

Planned activities

Report of the duty

Proverbs about houses.

Children have to continue the proverbs:

East or west …..(home is best)

There is no place ….(like home)

Home, ….. (sweet home)

T: what are these proverbs about?

Ss: they are about home.

Phonetic drill. Vocabulary.

Look at the power point and match the words in the box with pictures.

A detached house –дербес үй

A block of flats – көп пәтерлі үй

A housing estate – тұрғын аймақ

A cottage – коттедж

A caravan – қозғалмалы үй

A semi-detached house –екі пәтерлі дербес үй

A bungalow – бір қабатты үй

A chimney – мұржа

A garage – гараж

A TV aerial – антенна

A fence – қоршау

T: Answer to my questions:

Where can you probably find stairs?

S1: A block of stairs, a cottage.

Where do you think you find a lift?

S2: A block of stairs.

Where do the families live on one floor?

After video teacher distribute texts. Students have to listen to video again and complete texts with words in the box.

Hello! Do you live in a house or 1___________? Have you got 2_________ or a balcony? Have you got 3__________?
In this programme we look at some typical 4___________ homes.
Some people live in 5___________. But most British people live in houses. And houses are all different 6________ and _________. 7______________, 8____________ a semi-detached house and a detached house and old house, a new house, a large house and a small house.
Of course, not all British people live in homes like this. About 9_________ percent of British people live in flats. And some people live in different homes. Like 10_________, or a mansion. Some people even live in 11__________ or on boats.

A pet, a garden, a flat, British, flats, caravans, 18, shapes and sizes, a cottage, a castle, a bungalow

Now change your papers, please and check answers. Value each other, please.

Teacher explains The Future Simple.

Let’s do ex. 17 p.63 put will, won’t and to be going to…

Teacher shows pictures and students write the words in the correct places.

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