Юрий никулин биография кратко на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

I like to go to the cinema. There is a cinema theatre not far from my house. Usually I go to the cinema with my friends on Sundays. We do not like to attend evening film shows and usually buy tickets for morning or daytime film shows. I prefer to see American, English and other foreign films, but I like our films too.

My favourite cinema actor is Yuriy Nikulin. He is known in all parts of the former Soviet Union and is loved by many people. As a young man Yuriy Nikulin took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the war he entered the All-Union Institute of the Cinematography and became an actor.

Yuriy Nikulin played parts in many films, but most of all he is known as a comedy actor. Some of these comedies became favourites with many spectators: who does not know such comedies as "The Caucasian Prisoner” or "The Diamond Arm”? These films are liked by people of all ages and we watch them with pleasure many times.

But it is also necessary to say that Yuriy Nikulin had a great drama talent. For example his part in the film "Chuchelo", where he plays the grandfather of the main character. His acting is full of tragedy and empathy.

Yuriy Nikulin was not only a film actor, but a famous circus clown too. Nikulin was a director of Moscow Circus.

Я люблю ходить в кино. Недалеко от моего дома есть кинотеатр. Обычно я хожу в кино с друзьями по воскресеньям. Мы любим посещать вечерние фильмы и обычно покупаем билеты на шоу утром или днем. Я предпочитаю смотреть американские, английские и другие иностранные фильмы, но я люблю наши фильмы тоже.

Мой любимый киноактер - Юрий Никулин. Он известен во всех частях бывшего Советского Союза и его любят многие люди. Юношей Юрий Никулин принял участие в Великой Отечественной войне. После войны он поступил во Всесоюзный институт кинематографии и стал актером.

Юрий Никулин сыграл роли во многих фильмах, но больше всего он известен как актер комедии. Некоторые из этих комедий стали фаворитами многих зрителей: кто не знает таких комедий, как "Кавказская пленница" и "Бриллиантовая рука"? Эти фильмы нравятся людям всех возрастов и мы смотрим их с удовольствием много раз.

Но необходимо также сказать, что у Юрия Никулина был большой драматический талант. Например его роль в фильме "Чучело", где он играет дедушку главной героини. Его актерская работа полна трагизма и сочувствия.

Юрий Никулин был не только актером, но известным цирковым клоуном. Никулин был директором Московского цирка.

Биографии на английском

Юрий Никулин биография на английском языке поможет у знать о жизни известного актера.

Юрий Никулин биография на английском

Yuri Nikulin was a Russian film actor, comedian, mime, and circus clown who was also Artistic Director of Moscow Circus and popular TV show host.

He was born Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin on December 18, 1921, in the town of Demidov, Smolensk province, Central Russia. His father was a writer and director who worked for theater and circus. Yuri Nikulin had a dream of becoming an actor. The Second World War changed his plans as he was drafted in the Soviet Army in 1939 and served in a tank unit until 1946. After the war he came out a changed man. He could not get in any Soviet acting school for a few years, until he went to the Moscow Circus. There he was admitted after presenting a pantomime as a clown. He graduated from the Circus School in 1950, and started his acting career as a clown at the Moscow State Circus.

Nikulin’s effortless style and precise delivery, as well as his mastery of timing and his hilarious masks made him an outstanding comedian, arguably the best Russian comedian ever.

During the 1990s Nikulin hosted ‘Bely Popugai’ (aka.. White Parrot), a hilarious TV show where he gathered the crème de la crème of Russian comedians.

The Moscow State Circus on Tsvetnoi Bulevard was the main workplace for Yuri Nikulin, where he had a career spanning about 50 years. He was awarded the honorable title of the National Artist and received numerous decorations for his achievements as an actor. Yuri Nikulin died after an open heart surgery, on August 21, 1997, in Moscow

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin Igor Maltsev 8 " b " class

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin Igor Maltsev 8 " b " class

Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin Igor Maltsev 8 " b " class

Yuri Nikulin-Soviet Russian circus artist (clown), circus Director, actor, TV.

Yuri Nikulin-Soviet Russian circus artist (clown), circus Director, actor, TV presenter. Born on December 18, 1921 in Demidov (now Smolensk region). Normal childhood. Studied under Yuri well, but constantly routinely received remarks from teachers for inattention. The boy developed his Comedy talent in the school drama club.

Hero in battle. On November 8, 1939, after graduating from high school, he wa.

Hero in battle. On November 8, 1939, after graduating from high school, he was drafted into the Red army. Member of the Soviet-Finnish and great Patriotic war. During the war he was awarded medals. In 1946 he returned home from the war.

In the arena. After the war he entered the actors. Not admitted. He entered t.

In the arena. After the war he entered the actors. Not admitted. He entered the school-Studio of conversational genres. The first performance at the arena took place on October 25, 1948. Then he began to work as an assistant with a popular clown Pencil. Ceased to act in the circus at age 60. He moved to the position of chief Director of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Сreativity. In 1958, the artist was invited to the cinema. Debut was the pain.

Сreativity. In 1958, the artist was invited to the cinema. Debut was the painting " girl with a guitar." There Yuri played the role of a pyrotechnic. He played in many the people's favorite films. The most famous are the Comedy with his participation - "diamond hand", "12 chairs", "old robbers". The actor played not only comic roles, but also dramatic - "when the trees were large." In recent years led a humorous program "white parrot".

Мemory. Yuri Nikulin died on August 21, 1997, at the age of 76. In honor of Y.

Мemory. Yuri Nikulin died on August 21, 1997, at the age of 76. In honor of Yuri Nikulin named a minor planet. Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is named after Nikulin. Monuments have been erected. the image of Nikulin is immortalized in the sculptural composition "they fought for the Motherland". Filmed a documentary about Yuri Nikulin "Nikulin. Great funny". The street was named after Nikulin near the metro station "Dinamo".

Thank you for listening!

Thank you for listening!

Internet resources: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/=Никулин Юрий Владимирович.

Краткое описание документа:

Проектная работа является активным методом обучения на уроках английского языка в среднем звене.

Проект – это обучение через выполнение работы.

Цель: учиться работать в группе, учиться оформлять и презентовать результаты своей работы, развивать навыки самооценки, учиться делать выводы, опираясь на факты, развивать творческие способности.

Презентация к творческому мини-проекту по английскому языку о творчестве Юрия Владимировича Никулина выполнена в программе Microsoft PowerPoint.

I like to go to the cinema. There is a cinema theatre not far from my house. Usually I go to the cinema with my friends on Sundays. We do not like to attend evening film shows and usually buy tickets for morning or daytime film shows. I prefer to watch American, English and other foreign films, but I like our films too.

My favourite cinema actor is Yuriy Nikulin. He is known in all parts of the former Soviet Union and is loved by many people. As a young man Yuriy Nikulin took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the war he entered the All-Union Institute of the Cinematography and became an actor.

Yuriy Nikulin played parts in many films, but most of all he is known as a comedy actor. Some of these comedies became favourites with many spectators: who does not know such comedies as “The Caucasian Prisoner” or “The Diamond Arm”? These films are liked by people of all ages and we watch them with pleasure many times.

But it is also necessary to say that Yuriy Nikulin had a great drama talent. For example his part in the film "Chuchelo", where he plays the grandfather of the main character. His acting is full of tragedy and empathy.

Yuriy Nikulin was not only a film actor, but a famous circus clown too. Nikulin was a director of Moscow Circus.

Мой любимый актер (Юрий Никулин)

Я люблю ходить в кино. Недалеко от моего дома есть кинотеатр. Обычно я хожу в кино с друзьями по воскресеньям. Мы не любим посещать вечерние сеансы и обычно покупаем билеты на шоу утром или днем. Я предпочитаю смотреть американские, английские и другие иностранные фильмы, но я люблю наши фильмы тоже.

Мой любимый киноактер - Юрий Никулин. Он известен во всех частях бывшего Советского Союза и его любят многие люди. Юношей Юрий Никулин принял участие в Великой Отечественной войне. После войны он поступил во Всесоюзный институт кинематографии и стал актером.

Юрий Никулин сыграл роли во многих фильмах, но больше всего он известен как актер комедии. Некоторые из этих комедий стали фаворитами многих зрителей: кто не знает таких комедий, как "Кавказская пленница" и "Бриллиантовая рука"? Эти фильмы нравятся людям всех возрастов и мы смотрим их с удовольствием много раз.

Но необходимо также сказать, что у Юрия Никулина был большой драматический талант. Например его роль в фильме "Чучело", где он играет дедушку главной героини. Его актерская работа полна трагизма и сочувствия.

Юрий Никулин был не только актером, но известным цирковым клоуном. Никулин был директором Московского цирка.

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