Театр глобус шекспира кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Today we will leave our 21 st century for some time and go back to the 16 th century.

We will talk about literature. We will speak about very famous person – the great poet William Shakespeare.

A few words about Shakespeare’s life. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

This is the house of his parents. In 1587 Shakespeare left his town and went to London.

Shakespeare loved theatre all his life. He wrote his plays for Globe Theatre in London.

The original Globe Theatre was built in 1596. It was a wooden building and most of the audience stood in the open air to watch the plays. Shakespeare performed his plays in this theatre.

The original Globe Theatre burnt down in 1613. The modern Globe Theatre opened in London in 1997. It is a copy of the original Globe Theatre.

There are a lot of people and noise! The audiences were also noisy in Shakespeare’s time. They threw rotten fruit at the bad actors and they always cheered and clapped the heroes and booed the villains.

Today a lot of the people visit London and come to the Globe Theatre to see Shakespeare’s plays.

Thank you for your attention!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


MY NAUGHTY LITTLE SISTER GOES TO THE THEATREOnce when my little sister was four, our mother took us to the theatre.The theatre was very beautiful. My sister and 1 liked it very much.When we were in th.

Методическая разработка урока по теме "Theatre".

На этом уроке дети знакомятся с историей, внутреннем убранством Большого театра, а также с великими певцами и солистами балета, дети обсуждают оперы и балетные постановки театра, д.

Текст для чтения A glimpse of London theatres

Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at the same time most entertaining and educative. Despite competition from the cinema, wireless and television, the theatre still play.

Школьное образование сегодня должно соответствовать целям опережающего развития. Однако в небольшой сельской школе даже при достаточно квалифицированном преподавателе существует немало проблем в.

British writers. W.Shakespeare and the Globe.

Around the globe - countries, capitals, nationalities. Amusing geography!

Занимательный материал для факультативов и кружков включает в себя информацию о странах мира и весёлые и познавательные задания.

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Презентация Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre - дополнение к уроку английского языка в 9 классе (Spotlight 9, авторы Ю.Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, в, Эванс).

Урок - восьмой в цикле "Литература и искусство" и является уроком промежуточного контроля навыков аудирования и лексических навыков говорения.

William Shakespeare was born in Stradford-on-Avon on April 23. His mother was from a farmer

William Shakespeare was born in Stradford-on-Avon

on April 23.

His mother was from

a farmer's family.

His father was a merchant.

H e graduated

the Grammar school.

In 1582 William got married to Anne Hathaway.

They had three children.

When William was at the age

of 21 he moved to London

and left his family.

In the capital William Shakespeare became an actor and a member of the big acting companies. Soon he started writing his own plays for this company. And only in a few years William was a well-known author. He wrote about 37 plays for his life.

In the capital

William Shakespeare became an actor and a member

of the big acting companies.

Soon he started writing his own plays for this company.

And only in a few years William was a well-known author.

He wrote about 37 plays for his life.

William Shakespeare the greatest English poet and dramatist

William Shakespeare

the greatest English poet and dramatist

During Shakespeare’s time London’s population was 200,000. There was a great gap between the rich and the poor. But no matter how rich or poor they were, they all had one thing in common: their delight in, and attendance at, the entertainment that London offered. The three major attractions were bear baiting, cockfighting, and entertainment that theatre offered – the Globe Theatre.

During Shakespeare’s time London’s population was 200,000.

There was a great gap between the rich and the poor.

But no matter how rich or poor they were, they all had one thing in common:

their delight in, and attendance at, the entertainment that London offered.

The three major attractions were bear baiting, cockfighting,

and entertainment that theatre offered – the Globe Theatre.

Shakespeare frequently refers to bear baiting in his plays, using it as a metaphor for his characters’ situations (e.g. Julius Caesar, Macbeth.


frequently refers to bear baiting in his plays,

using it as a metaphor

for his characters’ situations

(e.g. Julius Caesar, Macbeth.

Globe Theatre Fact 1 The Globe Theatre was built between 1597 and 1599 in Southwark on the south bank of London’s River Thames, funded by Richard Burbage and built by carpenter Peter Smith and his workers . Globe Theatre Fact 2 The timber for The Globe Theatre was actually reused wood from “The Theatre” – an earlier theatre owned by Richard Burbage’s father.

Globe Theatre Fact 1

The Globe Theatre was built between 1597 and 1599 in Southwark on the south bank of London’s River Thames, funded by Richard Burbage and built by carpenter Peter Smith and his workers .

Globe Theatre Fact 2

The timber for The Globe Theatre was actually reused wood from “The Theatre” – an earlier theatre owned by Richard Burbage’s father.

Globe Theatre Fact 3 The Globe was built as a large, round, open air theatre. There was a roof around the circumference which covered the seating area, leaving the theatre looking like a doughnut from above. Globe Theatre Fact 4 The architectural style of The Globe was similar to the Coliseum in Rome, but on a smaller scale – other Elizabethan theatres also followed this style of architecture which were called amphitheatres.

Globe Theatre Fact 3

The Globe was built as a large, round, open air theatre. There was a roof around the circumference which covered the seating area, leaving the theatre looking like a doughnut from above.

Globe Theatre Fact 4

The architectural style of The Globe was similar to the Coliseum in Rome, but on a smaller scale – other Elizabethan theatres also followed this style of architecture which were called amphitheatres.

Globe Theatre Fact 5 The Globe had three stories of seating and was able to hold up to 3,000 spectators. Globe Theatre Fact 6 At the base of the stage was an area called “the pit” which held “the groundlings” – people who paid just a penny to stand and watch a performance.

Globe Theatre Fact 5

The Globe had three stories of seating and was able to hold up to 3,000 spectators.

Globe Theatre Fact 6

At the base of the stage was an area called “the pit” which held “the groundlings” – people who paid just a penny to stand and watch a performance.

Globe Theatre Fact 7 A crest above the main entrance to The Globe Theatre was inscribed with motto “Totus mundus agit histrionem” – Latin for “The whole world is a playhouse”. Globe Theatre Fact 8 At the start of each play after collecting money from the audience the admission collectors took boxes full of money to a room backstage – the box office

Globe Theatre Fact 7

A crest above the main entrance to The Globe Theatre was inscribed with motto “Totus mundus agit histrionem” – Latin for “The whole world is a playhouse”.

Globe Theatre Fact 8

At the start of each play after collecting money from the audience the admission collectors took boxes full of money to a room backstage – the box office

Many phrases of his works became famous and they are known all over the world. Complete the Shakespeare’s quotes. All the world

Many phrases of his works became famous and they are known all over the world.

Complete the Shakespeare’s quotes.

All the world's a stage a. is done

To be, or not to be: b. and all the men and women are merely players.

Love is blind c. and lovers cannot see.

Neither a borrower d. that is the question.

I must be cruel e. nor a lender be.

Men of few word f. only to be kind.

What's done g. are the best men.

Read these sentences and choose the right answers 1.William Shakespeare was born on April 23 (1567, 1564, 1600) 2. He was born at (Liverpool, Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon) 3. Shakespeare visited the theatre when he was (grown-up, schoolboy). 4. He arrived in London when he was (25, 21, 30) years old. 5. He wrote (novels, stories, sonnets, plays). 6. Shakespeare wrote about (fifty, thirty) plays. 7. He died in (London, Coventry, Stratford -upon-Avon). 8. In the (winter, spring, autumn, summer) 1613 the Globe caught fire during the performance of a play and was burnt to the ground. 9. The theatre was built in (1974, 2014, 1546, 1879). 10. The Globe was made of ( concrete, glass, timber, iron)

Read these sentences and choose the right answers

1.William Shakespeare was born on April 23 (1567, 1564, 1600)

2. He was born at (Liverpool, Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon)

3. Shakespeare visited the theatre when he was (grown-up, schoolboy).

4. He arrived in London when he was (25, 21, 30) years old.

5. He wrote (novels, stories, sonnets, plays).

6. Shakespeare wrote about (fifty, thirty) plays.

7. He died in (London, Coventry, Stratford -upon-Avon).

8. In the (winter, spring, autumn, summer) 1613 the Globe caught fire during the performance of a play and was burnt to the ground.

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Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The Globe Theatre Выполнила: учитель английского языка Князева Н. В.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The Globe Theatre Выполнила: учитель английского языка Князева Н. В.

The Globe Theatre Выполнила: учитель английского языка Князева Н. В.

The Globe Theatre The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London associated with W.

The Globe Theatre The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare. It was built in 1599 by Shakespeare's playing company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men, on land owned by Thomas Brend and inherited by his son, Nicholas Brend and grandson Sir Matthew Brend, and was destroyed by fire on 29 June 1613. A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed by an Ordinance issued on 6 September 1642. A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named "Shakespeare's Globe", opened in 1997 approximately 750 feet (230 m) from the site of the original theatre. From 1909, the current Gielgud Theatre was called "Globe Theatre", until it was renamed in 1994.

The Globe Theatre Locations Examination of old property records has identifie.

The Globe Theatre Locations Examination of old property records has identified the plot of land occupied by the Globe as extending from the west side of modern-day Southwark Bridge Road eastwards as far as Porter Street and from Park Street southwards as far as the back of Gatehouse Square. However, the precise location of the building remained unknown until a small part of the foundations, including one original pier base, was discovered in 1989 by the Department of Greater London Archaeology beneath the car park at the rear of Anchor Terrace on Park Street.The shape of the foundations is now replicated on the surface. As the majority of the foundations lies beneath 67–70 Anchor Terrace, a listed building, no further excavations have been permitted.

The Globe Theatre Location among sights of London

The Globe Theatre Location among sights of London

The Globe Theatre History The Globe was owned by actors who were also shareho.

The Globe Theatre History The Globe was owned by actors who were also shareholders in the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Two of the six Globe shareholders, Richard Burbage and his brother Cuthbert Burbage, owned double shares of the whole, or 25% each; the other four men, Shakespeare, John Heminges, Augustine Phillips, and Thomas Pope, owned a single share, or 12.5%. These initial proportions changed over time as new sharers were added. Shakespeare's share diminished from 1/8 to 1/14, or roughly 7%, over the course of his career. William Shakespeare Richard Burbage

The Globe Theatre History The Globe was built in 1599 using timber from an ea.

The Globe Theatre History The Globe was built in 1599 using timber from an earlier theatre, The Theatre, which had been built by Richard Burbage's father, James Burbage, in Shoreditch in 1576. The Burbages originally had a 21-year lease of the site on which the theatre was built but owned the building outright. However, the landlord, Giles Allen, claimed that the building had become his with the expiry of the lease. On 28 December 1598, while Allen was celebrating Christmas at his country home, carpenter Peter Street, supported by the players and their friends, dismantled The Theatre beam by beam and transported it to Street's waterfront warehouse near Bridewell. With the onset of more favourable weather in the following spring, the material was ferried over the Thames to reconstruct it as The Globe on some marshy gardens to the south of Maiden Lane, Southwark. While only a hundred yards from the congested shore of the Thames, the piece of land was situated close by an area of farmland and open fields. It was poorly drained and, notwithstanding its distance from the river, was liable to flooding at times of particularly high tide; a "wharf" (bank) of raised earth with timber revetments had to be created to carry the building above the flood level.

The Globe Theatre History The new theatre was larger than the building it rep.

The Globe Theatre History The new theatre was larger than the building it replaced, with the older timbers being reused as part of the new structure; the Globe was not merely the old Theatre newly set up at Bankside. It was probably completed by the summer of 1599, possibly in time for the opening production of Henry V and its famous reference to the performance crammed within a "wooden O". Dover Wilson, however, defers the opening date until September 1599, taking the "wooden O" reference to be disparaging and thus unlikely to be used in the Globe's inaugural staging. He suggests that a Swiss tourist's account of a performance of Julius Caesar witnessed on 21 September 1599 describes the more likely first production. The first performance for which a firm record remains was Jonson's Every Man out of His Humour – with its first scene welcoming the "gracious and kind spectators"— at the end of the year. On 29 June 1613, the Globe Theatre went up in flames during a performance of Henry VIII. A theatrical cannon, set off during the performance, misfired, igniting the wooden beams and thatching. According to one of the few surviving documents of the event, no one was hurt except a man whose burning breeches were put out with a bottle of ale. It was rebuilt in the following year. Like all the other theatres in London, the Globe was closed down by the Puritans in 1642. It was pulled down in 1644–45; the commonly cited document dating the act to 15 April 1644 has been identified as a probable forgery—to make room for tenements. Second Globe Theatre, detail from Hollar's View of London, 1647

The Globe Theatre History A modern reconstruction of the theatre, named "Shak.

The Globe Theatre History A modern reconstruction of the theatre, named "Shakespeare's Globe", opened in 1997 In February 2016, a temporary full-scale replica of the Second Globe Theatre, called the Pop-up Globe and based on scholarly reanalyses of the surviving evidence for the 1614 building, opened in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, and presented a three-month season of Shakespeare's plays performed by a house company and by visiting local production groups. It was reconstructed in a second Auckland location to host a three-month 2017 season.

The Globe Theatre Layout The Globe's actual dimensions are unknown, but its shape and size can be approximated from scholarly inquiry over the last two centuries.The evidence suggests that it was a three-storey, open-air amphitheatre approximately 100 feet (30 m) in diameter that could house up to 3,000 spectators. The Globe is shown as round on Wenceslas Hollar's sketch of the building, later incorporated into his etched Long View of London from Bankside in 1647. However, in 1988–89, the uncovering of a small part of the Globe's foundation suggested that it was a polygon of 20 sides. At the base of the stage, there was an area called the pit (or, harking back to the old inn-yards, yard) where, for a penny, people (the "groundlings") would stand on the rush-strewn earthen floor to watch the performance. Vertically around the yard were three levels of stadium-style seats, which were more expensive than standing room. A rectangular stage platform, also known as an apron stage, thrust out into the middle of the open-air yard. On this stage, there was a trap door for use by performers to enter from the "cellarage" area beneath the stage.

The Globe Theatre Layout The back wall of the stage had two or three doors on.

The Globe Theatre Layout The back wall of the stage had two or three doors on the main level, with a curtained inner stage in the centre (although not all scholars agree about the existence of this supposed "inner below"), and a balcony above it. The doors entered into the "tiring house" (backstage area) where the actors dressed and awaited their entrances. The floors above may have been used as storage for costumes and props and management offices. The balcony housed the musicians and could also be used for scenes requiring an upper space, such as the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. Rush matting covered the stage, although this may only have been used if the setting of the play demanded it. Large columns on either side of the stage supported a roof over the rear portion of the stage. The ceiling under this roof was called the "heavens," and was painted with clouds and the sky. A trap door in the heavens enabled performers to descend using some form of rope and harness. The stage was set in the south-east corner of the building, so as to be in shade during afternoon performances in summer.

The Globe Theatre Name The name of the Globe supposedly alludes to the Latin.

The Globe Theatre The new theatre The new theatre is not a perfect replica of.

The Globe Theatre The new theatre The new theatre is not a perfect replica of the original building. It is made, for example, from new green oak, like the Fortune, not from the 23-year-old timbers of a dismantled building, like the original Globe. Its design is still speculative in key areas, such as its size, the shape of the stage, and the decorations. In addition, certain compromises had to be made to satisfy the constraints of fire-safety regulations. These entailed making the stairways and access doors wider, increasing the number of entrances to the yard, positioning sprinkler valves in the ridging of the thatched gallery roofing, and including conduits for electrical wiring. These provisos—and a restriction on the size of the audience at any performance to a maximum of 1,600, roughly half the number that attended the original Globe—have secured the right for the new Globe to be used once again as a theatre.

Thanks for attention

Thanks for attention

Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация будет полезна ученикам 8 классов и преподавателям, занимающихся по УМК Афанасьевой "Rainbow English".Презентация содержит информацию о истории развития театра "Глобус", его перестройках.Также имеются слайды о внутреннем устройстве театра, театральной жизни и постановках как во времена Шекспира так и на современном этапе.

Постепенное разрастание Лондона способствовало тому, что у него нет единого главного центра . Их несколько, и каждый обладает своим определенным характером. Традиционно территорию Лондона на английском языке делят на 4 основных части: Сити (the City), Вестминстер (Westminster), Вест-Энд (the West-End), Ист-Энд (the East-End). Кратко остановимся на каждом из них.

Лондонский Сити является также и историческим ядром столицы. Среди первых исторических памятников (historic buildings) выделяется крепость – Лондонский Тауэр (the Tower of London), сооруженная в 1087 году. Тауэр в свое время был не только крепостью (fortress), но и королевской резиденцией (royal palace), тюрьмой (prison), королевской казной (king’s treasury). Сейчас это музей (museum of armour), в котором хранятся королевские регалии (Crown jewels). Еще одной достопримечательностью Лондона на английском языке является Собор святого Павла (St. Paul’s Cathedral), построенный известным архитектором Кристофером Реном (Christopher Wren) в 1675-1708 гг.

К западу от Сити расположен Westminster. Этот исторический и очень важный район Лондона содержит на своей территории такие выдающиеся постройки, как Вестминстерское аббатство (Westminster Abbey) и Вестминстерский дворец (The Palace of Westminster), известный как Дом Парламента Великобритании (the Houses of Parliament). Этот дворцовый комплекс со знаменитой часовой башней Big Ben является визитной карточкой Лондона на английском языке. Вестминстерское Аббатство представляет собой уникальную готическую церковь (church), в которой короновались почти все короли и королевы Англии (to crown a king or queen). Также в аббатстве захоронены многие выдающиеся деятели страны, писатели, художники, поэты (среди них Dickens, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Byron и др.).

The West End – часть Лондона , пышущая благополучием и роскошью (part of wealth and luxury). Здесь вы найдете театры и концертные залы (theatres and concert halls), музеи и галереи (museums and galleries), университеты и элитные магазины (universities and fashionable shopping centres). Трафальгарская площадь (Trafalgar Square), Букингемский дворец (Buckingham Palace) тоже находятся в Вэст Энде.

Противоположностью предыдущей части Лондона на английском языке является The East End, которая является промышленной зоной Лондона , наполненной фабриками (factories) ,заводами (plants), рынками (markets), мастерскими (workshops).

Gradual growth of London promoted that it(he) does not have uniform main centre. Them a little, and everyone possesses the certain character. Traditionally territory of London is divided in English into 4 basic by(with) parts: City (the City), Westminster (Westminster), Vest-End (the West-End), East End (the East-End). We will short stop on each of them.

The City is "heart" of London in English, its(his) trading and business centre. In this part of capital banks (for example, Bank of England), offices (offices), firms (firms), трастовые the companies (trusts) are placed, the London stock exchange (the Stock Exchange), that is everything that is connected with business life of a city. In territory of City the residence of the Lord Mayor in London (the Mansion of London) is located; Flit-strit (Fleet Street) - the street representing the centre of the English newspaper industry.

The London City is as well a historical kernel of capital. Among the first historical monuments (historic buildings) the fortress - the London Tower (the Tower of London), built in 1087 is allocated. The Tower was in due time not only a fortress (fortress), but also royal residence (royal palace), prison (prison), royal treasury (king’s treasury). Now it is a museum (museum of armour) in which royal regalia (Crown jewels are stored(kept)). One more sight of London in English is sacred Pavel's Cathedral (St. Paul’s Cathedral), constructed by known architect Christopher Ren (Christopher Wren) in 1675-1708

To the West from City it is located Westminster. This historical and very important area of London contains in the territory such outstanding constructions, as Westminster abbey (Westminster Abbey) and the Westminster palace (The Palace of Westminster), known as the House of Parliament of Great Britain (the Houses of Parliament). This palace complex with the well-known hour tower Big Ben is the card of London in English. The Westminster Abbey represents unique Gothic church (church) in which all kings and queens of England (to crown a king or queen were crowned almost). Also in abbey many outstanding figures of the country, writers, artists, poets (among them Dickens, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Byron, etc.) are buried.

The West End - the part of London radiating with well-being and luxury (part of wealth and luxury). Here you will find theatres and concert halls (theatres and concert halls), museums and galleries (museums and galleries), universities and elite shops (universities and fashionable shopping centres). The Trafalgar area (Trafalgar Square), the Buckingham palace (Buckingham Palace) too are in Vest Ende.

Contrast of the previous part of London in English is The East End which is the industrial zone of London filled with factories (factories), factories (plants), the markets (markets), workshops (workshops).

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