Сказка три поросенка на английском языке кратко

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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The Three Little Pigs is a fable about three pigs who build three houses of different materials. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs’ houses, made of straw and sticks respectively, but is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of bricks. Printed versions date back to the 1840s, but the story itself is thought to be much older. The phrases used in the story, and the various morals drawn from it, have become embedded in Western culture. Many versions of The Three Little Pigs have been recreated or have been modified over the years, sometimes making the wolf a kind character. It is a type B124 folktale in the Aarne–Thompson classification system.

Три поросенка – это сказка о трех поросятах, которые строят три дома из разных материалов. Большой Злой Волк сносит первые два поросячьих домика, сделанные из соломы и палок соответственно, но не может разрушить третий поросячий домик, сделанный из кирпича. Печатные версии датируются 1840-ми годами, но сама история считается гораздо более старой. Фразы, использованные в этой истории, и различные моральные принципы, взятые из нее, стали неотъемлемой частью западной культуры. Существует много версии Трех Маленьких поросят, они воссоздавались и изменялись на протяжении многих лет, иногда делая волка добрым персонажем. Эта сказка относится к типу В124 в системе классификации Аарне–Томпсона.


Главная мысль сказки Три поросенка предостерегает читателей: привычка жить одним днем может привести к плохим последствиям. Ответственность, трудолюбие, рассудительность, прилежание в любом деле – вот качества, которые нужно в себе воспитывать, чтобы не попасть в критическую ситуацию подобно персонажам сказки.

The main idea of the fairy tale Three Little Pigs warns readers: the habit of living one day can lead to bad consequences. Responsibility, hard work, prudence, diligence in any business – these are the qualities that you need to cultivate in yourself in order not to get into a critical situation like the characters in a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They lived happily with their mum in a big house. One day their mum told them, “Now you have grown up. You must make a house for yourself!”.

The first pig was very lazy. He made his house out of straw, so he could play all day.

The second pig was lazy too. He made his house out of sticks, so he could play with his brother.

The third pig was very hardworking. He built his house out of bricks, and had no time to play.

The next day the wolf came down the road.

He huffed and he puffed… and he blew the house down!

The first little pig ran down the road to his brother’s house.

The next day the wolf walked further down the road.

He saw the house made of sticks and knocked on the door.

The wolf huffed and he puffed… and he blew the house down!

The little pigs ran down the road to their brother’s house.

The next day the wolf walked further down the road.

He saw the house made of bricks and knocked on the door.

He huffed and he puffed… but this house didn’t fall down.

The wolf got angry and said:

Hearing this, the three little pigs put a big pot of water on the fire.

The wolf climbed onto the roof.

Then he started to climb down the chimney.

But “splash” – he fell into the pot.

And that was the end of the hungry angry wolf.

Straw: / strɔ/ Солома

Stick: / stɪk / Ветка

Bricks: / brɪk / Кирпичи

Huff / hʌf / Вдыхать

Puff: / pʌf / Дунуть

Chimney: / ‘tʃɪmni/ Труба

He made his house out of straw, so he could play all day.

Он сделал свой дом из соломы и мог играть весь день.

He made his house out of sticks, so he could play with his brother.

Он сделал свой дом из веток и мог играть вместе со своим братом.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They lived happily with their mum in a big house. One day their mum told them, “Now you have grown up. You must make a house for yourself!”.

The first pig was very lazy. He made his house out of straw, so he could play all day.

The second pig was lazy too. He made his house out of sticks, so he could play with his brother.

The third pig was very hardworking. He built his house out of bricks, and had no time to play.

The next day the wolf came down the road.

He huffed and he puffed… and he blew the house down!

The first little pig ran down the road to his brother’s house.

The next day the wolf walked further down the road.

He saw the house made of sticks and knocked on the door.

The wolf huffed and he puffed… and he blew the house down!

The little pigs ran down the road to their brother’s house.

The next day the wolf walked further down the road.

He saw the house made of bricks and knocked on the door.

He huffed and he puffed… but this house didn’t fall down.

The wolf got angry and said:

The Three Little Pigs — Три поросенка

The three little pigs are jolly and happy. They like to play football. But soon it is cold autumn. They need houses.

The first little pig builds a house of straw. The big bad wolf comes and says:
— Little pig, little pig, let me come in!
— No, you are bad. You want to eat me!

The wolf is angry. He huffs and puffs, and blows the house down. The little pig runs to his brother.

The second little pig builds a house of sticks. The big bad wolf comes and says:
— Little pig, little pig, let me come in!
— No, you are bad. You want to eat us!

The wolf is angry. He huffs and puffs, and huffs, and puffs, and blows the house down. The two little pigs run to their brother.

The third little pig builds a house of bricks. The big bad wolf comes and says:
— Little pig, little pig, let me come in!
— No, you are bad. You want to eat us!

The wolf is angry. He huffs and puffs, and huffs, and puffs, but cannot blow the house down.

The wolf is very angry. He wants to eat. He climbs on the roof and falls down the chimney. The bad wolf falls into the fire and burns his tail. And he runs away. And the three little pigs live happily.

Три поросёнка, Three Little Pigs — одна из самых популярных детских сказок на английском языке.

Три поросенка слушать и смотреть на английском

Ниже представлена аудиокнига три поросенка на английском языке с иллюстрациями.
Приятного просмотра!


The Three Little Pigs is a fable about three pigs who build three houses of different materials. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs’ houses, made of straw and sticks respectively, but is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of bricks. Printed versions date back to the 1840s, but the story itself is thought to be much older. The phrases used in the story, and the various morals drawn from it, have become embedded in Western culture. Many versions of The Three Little Pigs have been recreated or have been modified over the years, sometimes making the wolf a kind character. It is a type B124 folktale in the Aarne–Thompson classification system.

Три поросенка – это сказка о трех поросятах, которые строят три дома из разных материалов. Большой Злой Волк сносит первые два поросячьих домика, сделанные из соломы и палок соответственно, но не может разрушить третий поросячий домик, сделанный из кирпича. Печатные версии датируются 1840-ми годами, но сама история считается гораздо более старой. Фразы, использованные в этой истории, и различные моральные принципы, взятые из нее, стали неотъемлемой частью западной культуры. Существует много версии Трех Маленьких поросят, они воссоздавались и изменялись на протяжении многих лет, иногда делая волка добрым персонажем. Эта сказка относится к типу В124 в системе классификации Аарне–Томпсона.


Главная мысль сказки Три поросенка предостерегает читателей: привычка жить одним днем может привести к плохим последствиям. Ответственность, трудолюбие, рассудительность, прилежание в любом деле – вот качества, которые нужно в себе воспитывать, чтобы не попасть в критическую ситуацию подобно персонажам сказки.

The main idea of the fairy tale Three Little Pigs warns readers: the habit of living one day can lead to bad consequences. Responsibility, hard work, prudence, diligence in any business – these are the qualities that you need to cultivate in yourself in order not to get into a critical situation like the characters in a fairy tale.

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