Рассказ о мурманске на английском языке с переводом кратко

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The city of Murmansk.

Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Murmansk is located in Northeastern Europe and is the largest city in the polar territory by population. The foundation of the city was in 1916, and until 1917 it was named Romanov-na-Murman. In 2019, the population of the city was 292 thousand people. Unofficial names of Murmansk: the fishing capital, the capital of the Arctic.

The type of climate is subarctic. The average temperature in January is – 10C, April - -1C, July - +13C, October - +1C. The lowest recorded temperature was – 39C, the highest - +33C. Polar Night begins on 02.12 and ends on 11.01. Polar Day from 22.05 to 22.07.

Several religions are represented in Murmansk. There are Catholic, Lutheran and Orthodox churches. And representatives of Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists, Pentecostals, Muslims and Hare Krishnas also live in the city.

Since Soviet times, science has been developing in Murmansk. There are research institutes: marine biology, geophysics and marine fisheries and oceanography. The main universities of Murmansk are technical and Arctic.

The two main museums of the city are local history and art. In 2018, the Museum of Folk Life and Traditional Crafts was founded. Murmansk theaters: drama Theater, Northern Fleet Theater and puppet theater. There is a philharmonic society in Murmansk. There are many libraries, including scientific, children's and youth, central city and even a specialized library for the blind.

Consulates of Norway and Finland operate in Murmansk. Murmansk is a sister city to such cities as Rovaniemi in Finland, Luleå in Sweden, Akureyri in Iceland and some others.

Murmansk - the world's largest city, located north of the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone. The city was extended more than 20 kilometers along the rocky coast of the Kola Bay, 50 kilometers from the open sea.
Maritime climate prevails. The summers are short and cool and the winter is long and soft.
The main sectors of the economy are the Murmansk fishing and fish processing (valid fish processing), shipping, shipbuilding, marine, rail and road transport, metalworking, food processing, marine geology, exploration work on the shelf of the Arctic seas. Other major companies of the city: - "Murmansk Shipping Company", "Union of Fishermen of the North", "Murmansk Shipyard Minmorflot", "NSR", "Arcticmorneftegasrazvedka" Scientific and Production Enterprise "Morgeo" and the largest in the fishing industry "Murmansk Trawl Fleet" . The economy of the city is the Murmansk port - one of the largest ice-free ports in Russia. Murmansk port is a port of registry barque "Sedov", the largest sailing ship in the world. Also assigned to the port all Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers.
The city has two regional museums: The Murmansk Regional Museum, established in 1926, and Murmansk Regional Art Museum, opened in 1989 in one of the oldest stone buildings in Murmansk. Some companies and organizations have their own museum dedicated to the history and activities of organizations, including the Museum of the Northern Fleet, located at Navy Officers Leninsky district. In May 2009, the museum opened its doors to the development of the Arctic, which lies in the uniqueness of the location on board the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin". In Murmansk has three professional theaters. The oldest is the open in 1933 Murmansk Regional Puppet Theatre, who moved in 1946 from Kirovsk. Largest in the city was opened in 1939, Murmansk oblast drama theater. In 1946 he moved from the Polar Drama Theatre of the Northern Fleet, established in 1936.
In Murmansk, located 296 sports facilities, including 2 sports hall, 2 large stadium, 4 swimming pools, 6 ski centers, 3 ski centers, 1 athletics arena and 93 gym. In the city are more than 50 sports. The most famous sports clubs - football team of the city of Murmansk "North", serving in the second division, and the team Super League Bandy "Murman". Every year from March 1934 in Sport "Valley Uyuta" is held major sporting event - the Feast of the North.

Крупнейший из городов планеты, расположенных в Заполярье, отсчитывает свою историю с 1916 года.

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The largest of the cities of the planet located in the Arctic, counts down its history since 1916.

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В 1915 году на берегу Баренцева моря был построен порт, а рядом с ним вырос поселок Семеновский.

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In 1915, on the shore of the Barents Sea, a port was built, and near it grew the village of Semenovskiy.

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Он и послужил основой будущему городу.

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It served as the basis for the future city.

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С самого рождения, ему была предначертана судьба крупного торгового и стратегического центра.

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Since his birth, he was destined for the fate of a major trading and strategic center.

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Ведь вода у Кольского полуострова не замерзает весь год.

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After all, the water near the Kola Peninsula does not freeze all year round.

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В период Великой Отечественной Мурманск, по морю, принимал грузы из стран союзниц, так необходимые СССР.

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During the Great Patriotic War, Murmansk, by sea, took cargo from the allied countries, so necessary for the USSR.

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Противники практически полностью разрушили Мурманск массированными бомбардировками и артобстрелами.

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Opponents almost completely destroyed Murmansk by massive bombardments and artillery bombardments.

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Город перенес колоссальные разрушения, но выстоял и восстал из пепла.

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The city suffered tremendous destruction, but stood and rose from the ashes.

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Сегодня Мурманск является важнейшим транспортно-промышленным центром российского Заполярья, живущим насыщенной культурной жизнью.

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Today Murmansk is the most important transport and industrial center of the Russian Arctic, living a rich cultural life.

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Среди достопримечательностей Мурманска, есть исторические и архитектурные памятники, имеющие для города особое значение.

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Among the sights of Murmansk, there are historical and architectural monuments that have a special significance for the city.

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Их принято называть визитными карточками полиса.

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They are called business cards of the policy.

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Интересные достопримечательности – Interesting attractions

– Алеша. Памятник входит в мемориальную композицию посвященную защитникам Заполярья во время Второй мировой войны. Композиция строится вокруг памятника неизвестному солдату – Алеше. Памятник является одним из самых высоких в России.

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– Alyosha. The monument is part of the memorial composition dedicated to the defenders of the Arctic during the Second World War. The composition is built around a monument to an unknown soldier – Alyosha. The monument is one of the highest in Russia.

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– The nuclear-powered museum “Lenin”. The world’s first icebreaker, working on nuclear energy. Here you can visit the cabins, on the captain’s bridge, to see the real atomic installation and learn many interesting facts from the history of the development of the Arctic.

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– Кольский мост. изображение Кольского моста украшает марку Почты РФ. Отсюда открываются замечательные виды на залив и город.

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– The Kola bridge. the image of the Kola bridge adorns the stamp of the Post of the Russian Federation. It offers wonderful views of the bay and the city.

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– Sculpture “Waiting”. The whole history of the city is connected with the sea. From its port came out both civilian vessels and warships. In conditions of the extreme north, any trip is not an easy task. It is important for every sailor to know that his houses are waiting for him.

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– Страусиная ферма. Необычно встретить южных обитателей на крайнем севере! Крме страусов здесь есть олени. – Ostrich farm. It is unusual to meet the southern inhabitants in the far north! There are deer here.

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Но самым интересным и запоминающимся будет северное сияние! But the most interesting and memorable will be the northern lights!

Murmansk is an administrative, industrial and cultural centre of the Murmansk region .

Nearly all of its territory is situated above the Polar Circle. Murmansk is one of the largest cities beyond the Polar Circle. It is situated on the 69 th parallel.

In the North it is washed by the Barents Sea and in the South by the White Sea.

The climate of the Kola Peninsula is very specific because of the endless battle of the warm Gulf Stream current and the Arctic cold. The long cold winter is suddenly interrupted by thaws , in summer snow sometimes fall.

In winter people get tired of the long polar night without sunshine. During the polar day the tireless sun shines all night long. Another wonderful thing about our town is northern lights.

Our neighbours in the West are Norway and Finland and to the south is the Karelian republic.

The town is born from the shores of Kola Bay in four natural terraces of 5-6 km.

The main street of our town is Lenin Avenue. Here you can see the buildings which were built in 1939 before the Second World War. They were the first brick houses. The street is lined with a special kind of lilac tree . It is called a Hungarian Lilac. It blossoms in our severe climate in July or August.

There are three professional theatres in our town: the Drama theatre, the Theatre of Northern Fleet and the Puppet Theatre.

The symbol of our town is “Alyosha”, a 30-metre-high statue of a soldier. The memorial is dedicated to those who died defending our country in the Second World War.

cultural centre Region the Polar Circle the Kola Peninsula Gulf Stream thaw A line round the world at a certain distance from the most northern point. A current of warm water which flows north eastward in the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe. A place where a lot of cultural activity takes place. An area of land that is almost surrounded by water but is joined to a larger piece of land where Murmansk is situated. A period of warmer weather following one of cold weather, causing snow and ice to melt. Match the words with their definitions

the shores lilac tree blossom(s) Fleet northern lights defend(ing) A bush or small tree with purple or white flowers with a sweet smell that grow closely together in the shape of a cone. Bands of coloured light, mainly green and red, that are sometimes seen in the sky at night in the most northern countries of the world. To protect somebody or something from attack. To produce a flower or a mass of flowers. A group of military ships commanded by the Admiral. The land along the edge of the sea or ocean or another large area of water. Match the words with their definitions

Are the following statements true or false? We have an ordinary hot summer with dark nights. The symbol of our town “Alyosha” is a 10-metre-high statue. The first brick houses were built after the Second World War. Murmansk is situated on the 69 th parallel. Our neighbours in the West are Norway and Sweden. Lilac trees never blossom in our severe climate. There are three professional theatres in our town.

Answer the questions, then using them tell about Murmansk. Where is Murmansk situated? Why is the climate of the Kola Peninsula specific? What countries are our neighbours? What is the main street of our town? How many theatres are there in our town? What is the symbol of our town?

The ceremony of laying the first corner stone of our town took place in 1916. The town was named Romanov-on-Murman in honour of Romanov’s dynasty. The central square of our town is the Square of Five Corners. This particular name was given to it by the first builders most of whom were from St.Petersburg.

The valley “Ouyut” which means “Cosy” in Russian is the place where winter sports festivals take place every year. There is a 30 km ski-track, a ski-jump, shooting ground for biathlon. The first festival took place in 1934. There were about 90 sportsmen. Nowadays more than 2000 people take part in it.

There is a port in our town. Owing to the warm Gulf Stream the Bay never freezes and the port operates all year round. The pride of Russian Northern Fleet is nuclear ice-breakers which lead caravans of ships to the Arctic Polar stations.

The years of the Second World War were very difficult for Murmansk. During 42 long months the enemy tortured our town. They planned to surrender the town in three days. But their plans failed. They were stopped 50 km from our city. The town was almost ruined, but the railway station and the port never stopped working. They worked under non-stopping bombing.

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