Описание робин гуда на английском кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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Robin hood, the noble thief, a master at archery, ready at any moment to help, resourceful defender of the downtrodden and disadvantaged.
English boy orphaned, went to Sherwood forest in Nottingham at the archery tournament, to avenge the chief Forester for the death of his father. Once an outlaw, Robin hood found free of the forest brotherhood, which eventually chose him as their leader. The people's Avengers robbed the rich, gave money to the poor, and defended the downtrodden, saved innocent people from prison and the gallows.
Where does the name Robin hood? In one of the stories of the cycle explanation for the origin of the name Robin hood. First, the main character's name was different - Rob of Locksley, or simply Loxley (Loxley is the name of the city in which he was allegedly born) . The name Robin hood has received during the tournament of archers. To take part in it, Rob, at the time, declared "outlaw" , well disguised: dressed as a beggar and covered his head hooded. But all these tricks didn't cheated his girlfriend. Received from the hands of the young man obtained the main prize - a Golden arrow, Marian with a mischievous smile said, "Thank You, Rob in the hood" . In English this appeal was this: "Rob in hood". Since that time, Rob of Loxley became Robin hood.
There is a ballad about how Robin hood died. He was killed by a nun from the convent Circles, where the wounded hero asked for help. She let Robin blood allegedly wanting to save him. Little John was buried comrade under the oak, where fell the last arrow Robin hood, and on the grave was placed a stone with the inscription: Beneath this stone here Resting on heavy century Robin hood. He lived bravely and honestly, He injustice the heart is not loved. With him walked the rock - freestyle Fearless archers, Among whom he was the first Than fame in England received.

В топике Робин Гуд я хочу рассказать о популярном герое средневековых английских народных баллад, благородном предводителе лесных разбойников. По преданию, он действовал со своей шайкой в Шервудском лесу около Ноттингема— грабил богатых, отдавая добытое беднякам. Особенно понравился рассказ о золотой стреле, завоеванной Робин Гудом в состязании лучников, которое устроил хитрый шериф Ноттингема, чтобы заманить Робина в ловушку. Но храбрый разбойник и на этот раз сумел обмануть незадачливого шерифа.

This school-year, at our English outside reading lessons, we had read many interesting stories about Robin Hood. The most interesting story is a story about Golden Arrow. In the 11th century England was conquered by the Normans who had come from the North of France. They began to take away lands and homes from the Saxons, the native population of the British Islands. The Saxons suffered very much from the Normans and hated their new masters. Many of them had to run away into the forests and to become outlaws. There are many legends and songs about one of these outlaws – Robin Hood. Robin Hood with his 300 men, so the legends say, lived in the Sherwood Forest, not far from the town of Nottingham. He often attacked the rich Normans, but he was a friend of the poor and helped them as much, as he could. The Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to catch Robin Hood. He journeyed to London to ask Prince John for help. Prince John said him that it was his task and he had to deal with it quickly. The Sheriff did not argue and went back to Nottingham, angrier than ever. He was worried by what Prince John had said. As he was not a brave man, his thoughts soon turned to trickery. He decided to have a shooting match and hoped that Robin Hood and his men would appear there to try their luck. He decided to make a beautiful gold arrow as the prize for the best archer. He was right: when the news of the golden arrow travelled to Sherwood, Robin decided to enter the competition. But his friend David said him that it was only a trick of the Sheriff. Then Little John, Robin's great friend said that he had a plan. He suggested to dress in different colours, because Sheriff expected to see them in green. Thus, dressed in many colours Robin Hood and his men went to Nottingham. The Sheriff was actually looking for people in green. He thought Robin Hood was a coward and did not come. The archery started and Robin Hood was better than all the rest and won the golden arrow. Some days later the Sheriff was seated at his dinner table and boasting that Robin was afraid to show his face in Nottingham. Suddenly through the window flew in an arrow. It hit the big fat goose. It had a message. The Sheriff read the message and understood that once again Robin Hood had outwitted him.


Robin Hood is a legendary hero of England. He lived in the twelfth century. The legend said Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with his merry men.

Robin Hood and his merry men took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. There are many stories about them. Here is one of them.

One day Robin Hood was walking through the Forest with his men when he saw a young man. The young man was wearing a very fine red coat and singing merrily. The next morning Robin Hood saw the same young man without his fine coat. The young man was looking very sad. Robin Hood sent Little John to bring the young man. When the young man came to Robin Hood the latter asked him, "What is your name?" The young man answered that his name was Allan-a-Dale. Then Robin Hood asked:"Have you any money?" AIlan-a-Dale answered, "I have only five shillings and a ring that I have kept for seven years. I wanted to marry a nice young girl. Yesterday I went to marry her, but her father is against it. He wants to marry her to a rich old man. Now I am unhappy."

Robin Hood asked the young man: "What will you give me and my merry men if we help you to get your girl back again?" Allan-a-Dale had neither money nor gold, but he promised to be Robin Hood's true servant. So Robin Hood decided to help Allan-a-Dale and they all went to the town where the girl lived. When they came to the town they saw the girl Allan loved. She was going into the church with the rich old man. Robin Hood and his men went into the church and asked the priest to marry the girl to Allan-a-Dale.

When the priest refused, Robin Hood pulled off the priest's coat and put it on Little John. So Little John married the young people and they returned together to the merry Greenwood.

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Robin Hood is a legendary hero of England.

He lived in the twelfth century.

The legend said Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with his merry men.

Robin Hood and his merry men took money from the rich and gave it to the poor.

There are many stories about them.

Here is one of them.

One day Robin Hood was walking through the Forest with his men when he saw a young man.

The young man was wearing a very fine red coat and singing merrily.

The next morning Robin Hood saw the same young man without his fine coat.

The young man was looking very sad.

Robin Hood sent Little John to bring the young man.

When the young man came to Robin Hood the latter asked him, "What is your name?

" The young man answered that his name was Allan - a - Dale.

Then Robin Hood asked : "Have you any money?

" AIlan - a - Dale answered, "I have only five shillings and a ring that I have kept for seven years.

I wanted to marry a nice young girl.

Yesterday I went to marry her, but her father is against it.

He wants to marry her to a rich old man.

Now I am unhappy.

"Robin Hood asked the young man : "What will you give me and my merry men if we help you to get your girl back again?

" Allan - a - Dale had neither money nor gold, but he promised to be Robin Hood's true servant.

So Robin Hood decided to help Allan - a - Dale and they all went to the town where the girl lived.

When they came to the town they saw the girl Allan loved.

She was going into the church with the rich old man.

Robin Hood and his men went into the church and asked the priest to marry the girl to Allan - a - Dale.

When the priest refused, Robin Hood pulled off the priest's coat and put it on Little John.

So Little John married the young people and they returned together to the merry Greenwood.

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По английский написать про своего любимого персонажа из анимационных фильмов у меня это вольт из мультфильма вольт) начать надо так!

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История произошедшая с Робин Гудом.

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а кто из мишиных друзей говорит по английски.

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Помогите написать на англ?

Помогите написать на англ.

Яз. Что можно сказать о герои Робин Гуде.

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I have got friends. They're animals. The donkey love sunny. А дальше сам : ).

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