No one really knows how many millions of species кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

A. Read the text and say in what way animals are different from plants.
Animals and Plants
As scientists say, an animal is any living thing (including people) that is not a plant. Nobody knows how many different species of wild plants and animals there are on our planet. People discover hundreds of new kinds every year. In what way are animals different from plants? This question is not always easy to answer. Animals and plants get their food differently: animals eat plants or other animals, while plants get their food from the air and soil with the help of their leaves and roots. But we know that some plants can catch and “eat” insects. Also animals can move about and hide while plants grow in the same place. But there are some plants that can travel and there are some that never leave their place. As you see plants and animals have much in common.
There are more than 300,000 different species of plants on the Earth. Some plants grow very tall and live a very long life. Other plants are so small that you can see them only through a microscope [ˈmaɪkrəskəʊp]. The same is true about animals. You can find plants and animals in the oceans and deserts, in mountains and in cold tundra [ˈtʌndrə] plains. When people first learned to cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] plants and domesticate animals, our civilization [ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] began. We can’t live without them. Plants are able to use sunlight to grow. They “breathe in” carbon dioxide gas and “breathe out” life−giving oxygen. They support life on the planet.
B. Listen, CD ( 65 ), and read the text aloud.
C. Answer the questions on the text “Animals and Plants”.
1 ) What do living things include?
2 ) Can we say that we know all the plants and animals that live on our planet?
3 ) In what way are plants and animals different?
4 ) Why is it not always true?
5 ) The text says that some plants are small and some are very big. Is that true about animals? Can you give examples?
6 ) Why can’t we live without plants and animals? In what ways do we use them?
7 ) Why is oxygen that plants “breathe out” so important for people?


Plants use sunlight to grow. They “breathe in” carbon dioxide gas and “breathe out” life−giving oxygen. Animals breathe with oxygen like human beings.
не требуется
1 ) What do living things include?
Living things include animals (including people) and plants.
2 ) Can we say that we know all the plants and animals that live on our planet?
No, we can’t. People discover hundreds of new kinds of plants and animals every year.
3 ) In what way are plants and animals different?
Animals and plants get their food differently: animals eat plants or other animals, while plants get their food from the air and soil with the help of their leaves and roots. Also animals can move about and hide while plants grow in the same place.
4 ) Why is it not always true?
Because we know that some plants can catch and “eat” insects and there are some plants that can travel.
5 ) The text says that some plants are small and some are very big. Is that true about animals? Can you give examples?
Yes, that’s true. As an example we can look at insects and giraffes. Both of them are animals.
6 ) Why can’t we live without plants and animals? In what ways do we use them?
We can’t live without plants because they “breathe in” carbon dioxide gas and “breathe out” life−giving oxygen. Human beings breathe with oxygen. Also we eat animals and plants.
7 ) Why is oxygen that plants “breathe out” so important for people?
Animals and human beings breathe with oxygen.

Places, where animals live, face problems mostly due to humans activities. Humans pollute ponds, make deforestation, create new buildings for living, factories and fields for planting that destroy animals’ natural habitat.

Места, где живут животные, сталкиваются с проблемами, связанными главным образом с деятельностью человека. Люди загрязняют пруды, вырубают леса, создают новые здания для жизни, фабрики и поля для посадки, которые разрушают природную среду обитания животных.

3. Read the title of the article and the first sentence in each paragraph. What is the article about? Read through and check. — Прочитайте заголовок статьи и первое предложение каждого параграфа. О чем статья? Прочитайте и проверьте.

I think this article is about how human activity affects animals’ natural habitat and what we should do to decrease our harm to the animals’ world. — Я думаю, что эта статья о том, как деятельность человека влияет на естественную среду обитания животных и что мы должны сделать, чтобы уменьшить наш вред миру животных.

4. Read the text. Decide which of the statements 1—8 are T (True), F (False) or NS, meaning that you can’t give a clear answer to them (Not stated). — Прочитайте текст. Решите, какое утверждение 1-8 верное, неверное или о чем в тексте не сказано.

In danger

No one really knows how many millions of species of wildlife exist on Earth, but one thing is for sure, plants and animals are all around us! Some live in the woodlands, rivers, hedgerows and ponds in and around our neighbourhoods. Others live in our school playgrounds, private gardens or even in the tiny spaces between grains of sand!

The big problem

Unfortunately, as towns and cities get bigger, humans are destroying these habitats. To build more houses and roads they are cutting down trees in woodlands and forests, which are home to animals such as foxes, otters, red squirrels and hedgehogs and beautiful plants such as bluebells and daffodils. Litter in the streets harms wildlife and poisonous chemicals from farms and factories are getting into rivers, ponds and lakes. When this happens, animals such as frogs, newts and species of birds and fish such as herons and trout can no longer survive. In the same way, many reptiles are dying out around ponds. In fact, three wildlife species become extinct every hour because of habitat destruction … and it’s humans who are causing all this damage!

The solutions

So, what can we do to help protect the habitats around our towns and cities? Well, quite a lot actually! For example, you could find out about the different animal habitats near your home and about any problems that they have. Then you can write letters to the local council or wildlife charities to ask them to do something about the problems.

Also, NEVER throw any rubbish in the street; pick up any litter that you see in woodland, hedgerows, gardens and parks. Lastly, why not create your own little wildlife habitats in gardens or even on balconies? It’s actually quite easy to do!

В опасности

Никто не знает, сколько миллионов видов диких животных существует на Земле, но одно можно сказать наверняка: растения и животные повсюду окружают нас! Некоторые живут в лесах, реках, полезащитных полосах насаждений и водоемах в наших районах и вокруг них. Другие живут на наших школьных игровых площадках, в частных садах или даже в крошечных пространствах между песчинками!

Большая проблема

К сожалению, по мере роста городов и поселков люди разрушают эти среды обитания. Чтобы построить больше домов и дорог, они вырубают деревья в лесах и лесах, которые являются домом для животных, таких как лисы, выдры, красные белки и ежи, а также для красивых растений, таких как голубые колокольчики и нарциссы. Мусор на улицах вредит дикой природе, а ядовитые химикаты с ферм и фабрик попадают в реки, пруды и озера. Когда это происходит, такие животные, как лягушки, тритоны, виды птиц и рыб, такие как цапли и форели, уже не могут выжить. Точно так же, многие рептилии вымирают вокруг водоемов. На самом деле, три вида диких животных вымирают каждый час из-за разрушения их среды обитания … И именно люди причиняют весь этот вред!


Итак, что мы можем сделать, чтобы помочь защитить среду обитания вокруг наших городов? На самом деле, довольно много! Например, вы можете узнать о различных местах обитания животных возле вашего дома и об их проблемах. Затем, вы можете написать письмо в муниципалитет или в благотворительные организации по охране дикой природы, чтобы попросить их сделать что-нибудь, касательно этих проблем.

Кроме того, НИКОГДА не бросайте мусор на улице; подбирайте любой мусор, который вы видите в лесах, полезащитных полосах насаждений, садах и парках. Наконец, почему бы вам не создать свои собственные места обитания диких животных в садах или даже на балконах? Это на самом деле очень легко сделать!

the big problem
unfortunately, as towns and cities get bigger, humans are destroying these habitats. to build more houses and roads they are cutting down trees in woodlands and forests, which are home to animals such as foxes, otters, red squirrels and hedgehogs and beatiful plants such as bluebells and daffodils. litter in the harms wildlife and poisonus chemicals from farms and factories are getting into rivers, ponds and lakes. when this happens, animals such as frogs, newts and species of birds and fish such as herons and trout can no longer survive. in the same way, many reptiles are dying out around it's humans who are causing all this damage!

the solutions
so, what can we do to help protect the habitats around our towns and cities? well, quite a lot actually! for example, you could find out about the different animal habitats near your home and about any problems that they have. then you can write letters to the local council or wildlife charities to ask them to do something about the problems. also, never throw any rubbish in the street and pick up any litter that you see in woodland, hedgerows, gardens and parks. lastly, why not create your own little wildlife habitats in garden or even on balconies? it's actually quite easy to do


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no one really knows how many millions of species of wildlife exist on earth, but one thing is for sure, plants and animals are all around us! unfortunately, as towns and cities get bigger, humans are destroying these habitats.

to build more houses and roads they are cutting down trees in woodlands and forests, which are home to animals such as foxes, otters, red squirrels and hedgehogs and beatiful plants such as bluebells and, what can we do to help protect the habitats around our towns and cities? well, quite a lot actually! for example, you could find out about the different animal habitats near your home and about any problems that they's actually quite easy to do

это не 10 но большие предложения!



1.Occupies about. Great Britain, the northern part of. Ireland and some adjacent Islands Orkney, the Hebrides, Shetland, etc.2.Area - 244.1 thousand square meters. km.3.By the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish; separated from continental Europe English Channel and the Pas-de-Calais.4.The average temperature in the UK are higher than in other places at the same latitude. This is due to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. The southern part of the country's warmer and drier than the north. Dominated by north-westerly winds from the northern Atlantic Ocean. Cloudy days a year - more than 50%. Chance of strong winds and floods.5.England occupies two thirds of the island of Great Britain. It has borders with Scotland to the west - with Wales
6.England - Thames (346 km long) Scotland - Tay (188 km long) Northern Ireland - Bunn (122 km long) Wales - Toui (103 km long).7.Britain is the largest river Severn 354 km.8.63,182,178 people.9.English



1. I can not hear you. Speak louder, please.

2. Red is my favourite colour.

3. How much do you train a day?

4. Squirrels are not big animals.

5. He tried to phone, but he might not get through.

6. Have you made up your mind yet?

7. Why did you make such a terrible noise?

8. They have been married for 10 years already.

9. May anyone tell me the truth?

10. .She was so silent that nobody heard her come into the room.

11. Would you like an ice-cream?

12. I’m thinking of what you have just said.

13. I came to tell you the latest news.

14. Can you translate this article from Russian into German?

15. Wait for myself a little, will you?

16. She lives all by her.

17. There can not be no doubt that it’s a Shakespeare’s play.

18. Who painted “Mona Liza”?

19. This is his the most famous work.

20. Suddenly I felt something warm on my knees. This was a cat.

21. I believe you but there are people who don't.

22. Our house was next to the baker’s.

23. What do you want me to do?

24. That is a cooking oil, I always buy it one.

25. You need to have followed the advice I gave you!

26. Natural sugar is of higher quality than sugar produced artificially.

27. I apologize for being so late.

28. She is a brave girl. She was not scared at all.

29. Women are to be loved, not to be understood.

30. He has come often last year.

31. He had sold his café and left for Canada.

32. She was talking to someone when I saw her.

33. Mark finished his work when I phoned him.

34. What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?

35. You can not write a letter without a pen.

36. I can apologize. I didn’t mean it.

37. There was a lot of noise in the street last night, and I couldn't sleep.

38. It was a very hard work, but we should do it.

39. It is still raining, isn't it?

40. I promise that we will meet next year.

41. John has just bought a new car, has not he?

42. Lucy is fond of skating .

43. I will to you when I will there.

44. She is never bored. She hates boredom.

45. It was a fast train. The train went fastly.

46. He went out and came away in an hour.

47. He went away and never came back.

48. That was very strange indeed. Nobody was surprised.

49. His father works on a factory. The factory is large.

50. He was too proud of him.



На самом деле, никто не знает, сколько миллионов видов диких животных и растений существует на Земле, но одно можно сказать наверняка: растения и животные повсюду вокруг нас! Некоторые из них обитают в лесах, реках, живых изгородях и прудах по соседству с нами и не только. Другие живут на наших школьных площадках, в частных садах и даже в крошечных пространствах между песчинками!

К сожалению, по мере роста городов люди разрушают места обитания этих организмов. Чтобы построить больше домов и дорог, они вырубают деревья в лесах, где обитают животные (например, лисы, выдры, красные белки и ежи) и красивые растения, такие как колокольчики и нарциссы. Мусор на улицах вредит природе, а ядовитые химические вещества с ферм и заводов попадают в реки, пруды и озера. Когда это происходит, такие животные, как лягушки, тритоны и разные виды птиц и рыбы, например цапли и форель, уже не могут выжить. Точно так же вокруг прудов исчезают многие рептилии. и виноваты в этом всем люди!

Итак, что мы можем сделать, чтобы защитить места обитания организмов в наших городах? Ну, довольно много! Например, вы можете узнать информацию о местах обитания различных животных рядом с вашим домом и о любых проблемах, с которыми они сталкиваются. Затем вы можете написать письма в местный совет или благотворительные природоохранные организации с решить эти проблемы. Кроме того, НИКОГДА не бросайте мусор на улице и подбирайте мусор, который вы видите в лесах, придорожных посадках, садах и парках. Наконец, почему бы вам не создать небольшие места обитания диких растений и животных в ваших садах или даже на балконах? На самом деле это довольно легко сделать.



Can you see the squirrel in the tree? Видишь ту белку на дереве? Или
Сan you see a squirrel in the tree? Видишь белку на дереве?



Russia is a large country which stretches from the Pacific Ocean in Asia to the Baltic Sea in Europe, and from the Arctic to the Black Sea coast.
Russia, like many other countries, has a system of national parks. The first national park, Losinyi Ostrov (Elk Sle) appeared in 1983.Most of the park's territory is under forests, and the common trees here are pines and firs.
Russia has many kinds of land rocky mountains, dry empty steppes, powerful rivers, wide plains and great forests and lands of endless winter. There are about 300 species of them, mostly birds. They are forest birds and water birds like ducks and geese and even gulls.



Russia is a large country with many wonderful places. It stretches from the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Asia to the Baltic Sea in Europe, and from thecold, snowy Arctic to the sunny Black Sea coast. Russia has nearly every kind of weather. Also it has many kinds of land rocky mountains, dry empty steppes, powerful rivers, wide plains and great forests and lands of endless winter. The first national park, Losinyi Ostrov (Elk Sle) appeared in 1983. It is situated to the northeast of Moscow and a part of it in fact lies on the territory of the city.As for the animals, there are about 300 species of them, mostly birds. They are forest birds and water birds like ducks and geese and even gulls. Here a visitor can see mice, squirrels, foxes, hares, otters, wild boars, deer and elks which gave the name to the park. There are not so many elks living in the park now, only 20 or 30, but the scientists hope to see more of these beautiful and strong animals in the park in the future.





Однажды ночью в декабре 2011 года медведь приехал в Ванкувер в Канаду. Он шел по улицам города, мимо домов, магазинов и офисов. Потом он нашел немного еды в закромах снаружи кондиционером и приступил к еде. Утром кто-то увидел медведя и вызвал полицию. Полиции пришли с ветеринаром в зоопарке. Они посадили медведя в грузовик и отвезли его в сторону горного города. К счастью, медведь был в безопасности. Но что происходит в других странах, когда большие животные приходят в города? В Ванкувере можно увидеть медведя, но в некоторых городах можно увидеть больших животных на городских улицах каждый день.Большие животные обычно приезжают в города, чтобы найти пищу.В Кейптауне в ЮАР бабуины приходят в город, когда они голодны. Они ходят в сады и едят фрукты с деревьев. Они даже заходят в дома и берут еду из шкафов и холодильников! Бабуины сильные животные, и они могут напугать людей. Но город может быть опасным и для бабуинов. Иногда автомобили и автобусы убивают бабуинов в авариях. Человеческая пища очень плоха для зубов бабуинов, потому что в ней много сахара.В Кейптауне работают наблюдатели Бабуинов. Их работа состоит в том, чтобы найти бабуинов в городе Андре превратить их в сторону страны.В Берлине в Германии свиньи иногда приезжают в город, чтобы искать еду. Они едят цветы и растения в парках и садах. Иногда они едят овощи из садов, и они ходят по улице и вызывают несчастные случаи. Некоторые люди любят свиней, и они дают им пищу и воду, чтобы пить.Другие люди не любят свиней, и они хотят, чтобы правительство и полиция остановили их въезд в город.Многие животные живут в городах. В некоторых городах можно увидеть птиц, насекомых, мышей и белок каждый день.Но иногда это опасно, когда большая scome животных в города в поисках пищи. Нам нужно найти остановить животных, приходящих в город, не причиняя им вреда.

Ecological Problems
Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
Every year world industry pollutes the ahmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.
The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986. About 18 percent of the territory of Belarus were also polluted with radioactive substances. A great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests and people's health. The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are tragic for the Ukrainian, Bylarussian and other nations.
Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.
Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organisation Greenpeace is also doing-much to preserve the environment.
But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

1. How did people live for thousands of years?
2. What cities appear all over the world today?
3. What pollutes the air we breathe?
4. What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?

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