Иван павлов биография на английском кратко

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Презентация содержит биографическую информацию о жини и деятельности выдающегося русского ученого И.П.Павлова на английском языке.

И.П.Павлов.Презентация на английском языке 2.54 МБ

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I. P. Pavlov – Man and Scientist.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 in Ryazan. When he was still a very little boy he helped his father on his farm. His father taught him to read books. In 1870 Pavlov entered Petersburg University to study natural sciences. Soon he decided to become a physiologist himself. During his work at the Academy Pavlov discovered several new facts about the blood pressure.

In 1881 Pavlov married. His wife was a wonderful helper and companion to him. Their marriage was a very happy one. In 1890 Pavlov began to lecture on physiology in the Military Academy. Many of Pavlov’s ideas were new to the students and he was a very popular lecturer. His lectures were very simple and clear. He did not use notes since his memory was wonderful. He allowed students to interrupt him and gladly answered their questions.

Pavlov studied the work of the digestive system. He made many experiments on dogs. He had to make operations on dogs and as he loved animals he treated his dogs with great kindness and they showed no fear of him. Pavlov never operated unless it was really necessary and he always used anaesthetics . He was a very skilful surgeon and the dogs generally recovered very quickly.

Pavlov made great contribution to medical science. After the Great October Revolution Pavlov was given a splendid new laboratory at the village of Koltushy . Large sums of money were spent on him laboratory. Though he was an old man of seventy four he worked as hard as ever. He rose at 7 o’clock each morning, ate a simple breakfast of tea and bread- and- butter usually to the accompaniment of the gramophone. He worked nine or ten hours a day.

Pavlov, the great Russian scientist, died on February 27, 1936 at the age of eighty-six.

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Ivan Pavlov - one of the most respected scientists of Russia, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904.

Иван Петрович Павлов — один из авторитетнейших учёных России, лауреат Нобелевской премии в области медицины и физиологии 1904 года.

Ivan was born on 14 (26), 1849 in Ryazan.

Father Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov (1823-1899), mother - Varvara Ivanovna (1826-1890).

Иван Петрович родился 14 (26) сентября 1849 года в городе Рязани. Отец Пётр Дмитриевич Павлов (1823—1899), мать — Варвара Ивановна (1826—-1890).

Презентация на английском языке Павлов Иван Петрович

After graduating in 1864 Ryazan religious school, Pavlov entered the Ryazan Theological Seminary. The final year of seminary, he read a little book "Reflexes of the Brain" Sechenov, who turned his entire life.

He entered the Natural Sciences Department of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University in 1870. As a follower of Sechenov, many engaged in the nervous regulation

В 1870 поступил на естественное отделение физико-математического факультета Петербургского университета., как последователь Сеченова, много занимался нервной регуляцией.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, a Russian Nobel Prize WinnerNatalie Levchenkova & Anastas

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Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, a Russian Nobel Prize WinnerNatalie Levchenkova & Anastasia VinokurovaForm 10 BMEE “Monastyrshchinskaya Secondary Comprehensive School named after A.I.Koldunov”Monastyrshchina, Smolensk RegionTutor: Valentina Vasilyevna Sergoushina, the English language teacher2009

Contents1.From I.P.Pavlov’s biography.2. I.P.Pavlov’s scientific work3. Nobel Pr

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Contents1.From I.P.Pavlov’s biography.2. I.P.Pavlov’s scientific work3. Nobel Prize winner.4. The place of his burial.5. Russia greatly honors Pavlov’s work and his memory.

From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography I.P.Pavlov was born in the ancient Mid-Russian town

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From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography I.P.Pavlov was born in the ancient Mid-Russian town of Ryazan on 26th September, 1849 into the family of a clergyman.

From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography He was the eldest son in a large family. Being a cle

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From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography He was the eldest son in a large family. Being a clever and quick-witted boy, he learned reading and writing very early, and in 1860 he was admitted to the Ryazan theological school, right to the second grade.

From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography Following traditions of his family, in 1964, after f

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From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography Following traditions of his family, in 1964, after finishing the theological school he entered the theological seminary, but didn’t graduate from it. In 1870 his passionate interest in natural sciences made him enter the Faculty of Law, and a little later, leave it for the Natural Department of the St.Petersburgh University.

From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography In 1875 the University Council awarded Pavlov with g

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From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography In 1875 the University Council awarded Pavlov with golden medal for his scientific report “About nerves, heading the work of pancreas”.

From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography At the end of 1870s he got acquainted with his futur

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From I.P.Pavlov’s Biography At the end of 1870s he got acquainted with his future wife, S.V.Karchevskaya. Married in May, 1881, in 1884 they went to Germany, where Pavlov practiced in R.Geidengain’s and K.Ludwig’s laboratories.

I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work When in 1879 he graduated from the St.Petersburgh M

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I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work When in 1879 he graduated from the St.Petersburgh Medical-Surgical Academy, he became the Head of Laboratory of Physiology.

I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work I. P. Pavlov was the founder of the greatest and mo

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I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work I. P. Pavlov was the founder of the greatest and most fruitful scientific school of physiologists (more than 300 scientists were his students and collaborators).

I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work He created and ruled the Russian Society of Physiol

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I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work He created and ruled the Russian Society of Physiologists, Department of Physiology of Experimental Medicine Institute (1890),

I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work … the Russian Physiological Journal (1917), Institu

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I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific Work … the Russian Physiological Journal (1917), Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1925), and Biological Station in Koltushi (1926).

I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific WorkFor twenty years (1893-1913) he headed the Russian D

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I.P.Pavlov’s Scientific WorkFor twenty years (1893-1913) he headed the Russian Doctors’ Society in St.Petersburgh.

Nobel Prize Winner Academician I.P.Pavlov devoted all his life to the studies of

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Nobel Prize Winner Academician I.P.Pavlov devoted all his life to the studies of blood circulation and digestion. He was the first to discover the scientific method of conditioned reflexes, which made his name immortal. Speaking to the point, he has recreated the modern physiology of digestion.

Nobel Prize Winner In 1903 54-year old scientist made a report at the XIV Intern

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Nobel Prize Winner In 1903 54-year old scientist made a report at the XIV International Medical Congress in Madrid, and the next year, in 1904, the Nobel Prize Committee awarded him with the Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine.

Nobel Prize Winner So, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov became the first Russian Nobel Priz

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Nobel Prize Winner So, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov became the first Russian Nobel Prize Winner and the fourth in this nomination after Emil Bering (1901), Ronald Ross (1902), and Nils Finsen (1903).

The Place of His Burial Ivan Petrovich Pavlov died on 27th February, 1936 in Len

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The Place of His Burial Ivan Petrovich Pavlov died on 27th February, 1936 in Leningrad, and was buried at the Volkov Cemetery. On his gravestone one can see his words: “Remember, Science demands from a human all his life. If only you had two, that won’t be enough.”

Russia greatly honors Pavlov

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Russia greatly honors Pavlov's work and memoryMany towns and streets in different places were named after I.P.Pavlov; various memorial things have been issued, among them stamps, books, medals, coins, etc.

Russia greatly honors Pavlov

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Russia greatly honors Pavlov's work and memory Both sides of Pavlov’s Memorial Medal

Russia greatly honors Pavlov

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Russia greatly honors Pavlov's work and memoryPostal stamp issued in 1991

Russia greatly honors Pavlov

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Russia greatly honors Pavlov's work and memoryA Jubilee Coin

Russia greatly honors Pavlov

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Russia greatly honors Pavlov's work and memoryMonument to I.P.Pavlov in Svetlogorsk

Sourceshttp://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/krugosvet/2) www.ronl.ru3) www.BestReferat.

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Проектная работа по английскому языку "Нобелевские лауреаты - Павлов Иван Петрович". Проект выполнила ученица 11 класса Азизова Сабина.

Ivan Petrovich PAVLOV Prepared By Azizova Sabina

Ivan Petrovich PAVLOV

Prepared By Azizova Sabina

Born on September 26, 1849 in Ryazan. He died on February 27, 1936 in Leningrad. Scientific field: physiology and medicin Known as the Creator of the science of higher nervous activity and ideas about the processes of regulation of digestion; founder of the largest Russian physiological school Awards and prizes: Nobel prize in physiology or medicine (1904)

Born on September 26, 1849 in Ryazan.

He died on February 27, 1936 in Leningrad.

Scientific field: physiology and medicin

Known as the Creator of the science of higher nervous activity and ideas about the processes of regulation of digestion; founder of the largest Russian physiological school

Awards and prizes: Nobel prize in physiology or medicine (1904)


Pavlov's parents were Ministers of the Church. After graduating from the Ryazan theological school in 1864, Pavlov entered the Ryazan theological Seminary.

 Pavlov conducted experiments with imaginary feeding (cutting the esophagus so that food does not get into the stomach), thus making a number of discoveries in the field of reflexes of gastric juice. For 10 years, Pavlov, in essence, re-created the modern physiology of digestion

Pavlov conducted experiments with imaginary feeding (cutting the esophagus so that food does not get into the stomach), thus making a number of discoveries in the field of reflexes of gastric juice. For 10 years, Pavlov, in essence, re-created the modern physiology of digestion

 In 1903, 54-year-old Pavlov made a report at the XIV International medical Congress in Madrid. And the next year, in 1904, the Nobel prize for the study of the functions of the main digestive glands was awarded to Pavlov — he became the first Russian Nobel laureate The medal, awarded to the winner Nobel prize Diplom and gold medal Nobel prize winner 1904

In 1903, 54-year-old Pavlov made a report at the XIV International medical Congress in Madrid. And the next year, in 1904, the Nobel prize for the study of the functions of the main digestive glands was awarded to Pavlov — he became the first Russian Nobel laureate

The medal, awarded to the winner Nobel prize

Diplom and gold medal Nobel prize winner 1904

 In the Madrid report, made in Russian, Pavlov first formulated the principles of physiology of higher nervous activity. Such concepts as reinforcement, unconditional and conditioned reflexes have become the basic concepts of the science of behavior Pavlov

In the Madrid report, made in Russian, Pavlov first formulated the principles of physiology of higher nervous activity. Such concepts as reinforcement, unconditional and conditioned reflexes have become the basic concepts of the science of behavior

Pavlov's dog, Pavlov Museum, 2005

 In 1919-1920, during the period of devastation, Pavlov received an invitation to move to Sweden, where he was promised to build such an institution, what he wants. Pavlov said that he will not leave Russia. This was followed by a corresponding resolution of the Soviet government, and the Pavlov built a magnificent Institute in Koltushi near Leningrad, where he worked until 1936

In 1919-1920, during the period of devastation, Pavlov received an invitation to move to Sweden, where he was promised to build such an institution, what he wants. Pavlov said that he will not leave Russia. This was followed by a corresponding resolution of the Soviet government, and the Pavlov built a magnificent Institute in Koltushi near Leningrad, where he worked until 1936

 February 27, 1936 Pavlov dies of pneumonia. He was buried on the

February 27, 1936 Pavlov dies of pneumonia. He was buried on the "literary bridges" Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg

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